-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mumia & Role of Justice
Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 4:00 PM

  This site makes the cause against Mumia Abu-
  Jamal: http://danielfaulkner.com/splash.htm
  I have to say that the case presented there
  is supported by better documentation than
  the other side, which tends to rely on
  claims that one must take on faith. It
  seems that they show that Mumia's lawyer
  has made public claims that are badly out
  of context to the extent that the opposite
  may in fact be the truth. Claims made by the
  lawyer appear to be the backbone of most of
  the essays on Mumia's case. This is the main
  document that presents the case found there:

  It is nevertheless an outrage that witness
  Veronica Jones was arrested on the stand on
  charges unrelated to this issue when she said
  things that judge did not want to her to say.
  Such is the use of force to coerce a witness.

  The people who are outraged at Mumia and want
  this "COP KILLER" murdered as soon as possible
  do not demand retribution against the police
  that murdered 12 men, women, and children in
  their attack on MOVE. Police Commissioner
  Gregore Sambor testified that the first shots
  came from an automatic weapon, which MOVE
  members did not have. Police unloaded 10,000
  rounds of ammunition into the city apartment
  from Uzis, shotguns, M-16s, .50-caliber machine
  guns, Browning semiautomatic rifles, and M-60
  machineguns. [*] They finished off the job
  by dropping a bomb on the roof that ended up
  burning down an entire city block. How many
  cops are sitting on death row for that crime?

  So, if we assume that Mumia, a MOVE member,
  did kill Officer Faulkner, a member of the
  group that killed MOVE members, it could be
  argued that Mumia's worst crime is roughly
  comparable to the desire of people who want
  a revenge murder of Mumia. A cycle of revenge.

  Whatever the truth may be in this case, I hold
  to the concept that we do not teach people that
  killing people is wrong by killing people. The
  legal effort to kill Mumia has been an effort
  to effect a revenge killing and is not an
  effort to curtail social violence. In fact,
  that revenge killing will most assuredly lead
  to more social violence, to more revenge. The
  legal system needs to be the place where the
  cycle of violence and aggression ENDS, not
  the means of giving one side the upper hand.

  The side given the upper hand in the case
  of MOVE, Waco, and many others is the State
  and the murderous Storm Troopers of the State.
  [*] The Waco Before Waco, by Richard Poe:

GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm

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