-Caveat Lector-



NESARA is at: http://www.nesara.com

Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:36 PM
Hello Dear Friends,

As time passes, I notice people have a tendency to FORGET important details.
Therefore, I remind you: We have EXTENSIVE and VERY sophisticated HIGH TECH
U.S. defense systems AGAINST ANY PLANES going off course and flying into
restricted air spaces such as over New York City, the White House, and the
Pentagon. Maybe you are ignorant of these RESTRICTED air spaces, but all
civilian FAA and military radar monitoring staff are VERY aware that ZERO
planes are ever allowed into these restricted air spaces precisely so that
attacks like 9/11 are prevented.

The 9/11 attacks took HUNDREDS of U.S. CIA and other intelligence agents to
coordinate and had the cooperation of some officials of the FAA, airport
security, the US Air Force, and insiders at the Pentagon! It took the
COOPERATION of the US Air Force which had received orders JUST TWO DAYS
before 9/11 to CHANGE standard operating procedure and to consult the White
House before intercepting ANY planes! After YEARS of scrambling jets to
intercept suspicious planes flying off course, SUDDENLY two days prior to
9/11 these standard orders were changed by White House dictate!

On 9/11 the Air Force was ordered to STAND DOWN from scrambling jets to
intercept the attack planes CONTRARY to normal past orders of IMMEDIATE
interception without consulting the White House. The Pentagon has THREE
MASSIVE DEFENSE systems which were SHUT DOWN from the INSIDE -- the
rag-heads of Taliban have ZERO access to the well-guarded and secret
controls of these PENTAGON HIGH TECH defense systems. The Pentagon has a
CONSTANT Air Defense system of planes flying overhead and monitoring all air
traffic in the skies near and above the Pentagon 24 hours a day 7 days a
week. This air defense system was ordered SHUT DOWN by Pentagon insiders.
There are TWO kinds of EXTREMELY SOPHISTICATED radar systems which
constantly scan for attacks on the Pentagon and are built to AUTOMATICALLY
LAUNCH missiles to intercept any planes or other attack threats and bring
these attacking forces down before they get within 500 yards of the
Pentagon. These defense systems were SHUT DOWN by Pentagon insiders.

So when you hear and read the TOTAL GARBAGE that anyone but the U.S.
government is behind 9/11, remember: WE HAVE TOTAL PROOF that the ONLY
organization capable of the 9/11 attacks were INSIDERS in the U.S.

Regarding the time it is taking to get NESARA announced and our remaining
prosperity deliveries done, some of you seem to be missing the point: White
Knights are fighting and DYING to KEEP MILLIONS of people in the U.S. ALIVE!
Bush gang began trying to use nuclear ATTACKS on OUR OWN U.S. CITIES in
early January!!! MILLIONS of U.S. people in 15 U.S. cities NEARLY lost their
lives! The White Knights have to STOP these things from happening because IF
the Bush gang were successful with just one of these attacks, they would go
on national television and use it as their justification to declare their
Nazi Dictatorship.

The FIFTEEN cities which the Bush gang terrorists were trying to hit with
nuclear weapons were: Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, San Diego, Boise,
Phoenix, Atlanta, Salt Lake City, Sioux Falls, Kansas City, Chicago, Mobile,
New Orleans, Tulsa, and (just to throw off suspicion that the Bush gang was
behind it) Houston. Do you or any of your loved ones live near any of these
15 cities? Think about it.

YOU and your loved ones are ALIVE TODAY because the White Knights and Forces
are going around the clock on missions shutting down the Bush gang's
terrorist attack attempts on our country. In the last month, the White
Knights and Forces SUCCESSFULLY STOPPED all these nuclear attack attempts as
well as biowarfare bombs attempts and MANY other attacks the Bush gang
terrorist groups were trying to do against our U.S. people.

I HOPE this brings home to everyone the seriousness of the threats the White
Knights and the Forces are taking action to SHUT DOWN and stop! PLEASE get
this clear in your heads and then do lots of prayers and meditations
supporting our White Knights. There is ZERO ZERO ZERO "waiting" - there are
LIFE SAVING ACTIONS everyday in this country as the White Knights and Forces

The White Knights want to get NESARA announced as soon as they possibly can
because, frankly, they are all fed up with having to fight this secret war
where the masses are brain-dead about what is really going on. The White
Knights CARE MORE about getting NESARA announced than any of the rest of us.
They have "personal lives" which have been totally disrupted and put on hold
for YEARS while they have dedicated themselves to working night and day
against enormous odds to get NESARA and our prosperity deliveries to us.
They DO have a limit to how long they will go before they "push this
through" but they are pledged to PROTECT the LIVES of Americans and they are
on FULL MARCH to get all the threats of harm to Americans totally SHUT DOWN
so they can bring us NESARA and Americans can CELEBRATE their blessings of
NESARA in happiness.

I checked today just to be sure: the Bush Senior (who is still running the
Bush gang show with Bush Junior as a public puppet) and Senior's cohorts are
still committed to trying to bring forth their new world order regime.
Thanks to the White Knights and the Forces, the heinous new world order
plots and plans are being totally destroyed. In addition, the Forces
intelligence agents tell me that the dark agenda opposition had some
contingency plans to TRY to use new puppets to run for office after NESARA
is announced. Today, all the dark agenda PLANS, RECORDS, lists of people
they were going to use to run for office in the new elections, ALL their
files and resources information were TOTALLY DESTROYED by the Forces. The
Forces will CONTINUE to DESTROY all the dark agenda's attempts to pollute
our new NESARA sovereignty and elections with their dark agenda puppets.

I notice there's more ignorance being spread around the Internet so let me
CLEAR UP the wrong info about our prosperity programs' funds. It is FACT
that the FIRST phase of HUGE PHYSICAL money transfer from the Deutsche Bank
to the U.S. has been in the U.S. since last JUNE, 2001. A very secret
operation by the White Knights U.S. Military had troops go to Germany and
they brought back the PHYSICAL bearer bonds and currency to back up the
electronic funds of the FIRST phase of these prosperity programs. The trip
of bringing these funds to the U.S. was "harrowing" and the guarding of
these funds has been a tremendous challenge BUT the White Knights STILL HAVE
TOTAL CONTROL of these physical funds. These funds are TOTALLY SAFE under
White Knight Military guard in secret locations in the U.S. The ELECTRONIC
funds for Phase One of the prosperity programs are also in our U.S. banks
already and are LOCKED in ways that prevent anyone except prosperity program
members from being able to move, freeze, or confiscate these funds.

The rest of the electronic and physical money for these prosperity programs
is set to come over to the U.S. in PHASES. There are White Knight U.S.
Military Guards in the Deutsche Bank branches GUARDING the PHYSICAL money
and the electronic records There are also extremely advanced technologies
which have LOCKED the bank accounts holding our money from the Deutsche
Bank, the U.S. banks, and anyone else being able to confiscate or steal the
money out of the prosperity programs' accounts. ZERO ZERO ZERO person can
steal these funds now and the CIA's attempts to try to hack in and grab the
electronic funds are pitiful and useless. The CIA is about 5,000 years
behind in the technology needed.

Our prosperity programs' funds are TOTALLY SAFE and will continue to be
SAFE. As I wrote a few days ago, there MANY protections around our money
which totally STOP the dark agenda opposition from being able to grab it in
any way whatsoever.

The article below is from another source of TRUTH on the Internet and
includes links where you can LISTEN to an archived interview with an INSIDER
who was FORCED to issue visas to Arabs who came to the U.S. to get U.S.
government-sponsored CIA training in "terrorism". Does anyone need MORE
PROOF to connect the dots for 9/11 back to the U.S. government?

Let's continue our prayers, meditations, and energy work supporting our
White Knights and all who are bringing us NESARA and our prosperity. I will
meet you for our group energizing at 10-10:30 p.m. EST and let's continue
our unified focus: "NESARA NOW!!!! NESARA NOW!!!! NESARA NOW!!!! NESARA

The letter below is to G.W. Bush Jr. from Michael Moore who is probably
best-known for his documentary-type film, "ROGER & ME", showing Michael
trying to get an interview with General Motors Chairman Roger Smith after
the shut down of GM facilities in Flint, MI, which caused Flint citizens
major economic problems. Below the letter to Bush Jr. is also Michael
Moore's story of trying to get his recent book telling TRUTH about the Bushs
published and distributed after 9/11.

Another eye-opening article below discusses an ADMISSION in USA Today that
private spy companies do dirty work for the federal government on the
Internet. The Forces intelligence agents tell me that there are at least TWO
FULL-TIME CIA agents who attack Dove messages on Rumor Mill News. I'm told
there are a total of three full-time CIA agents, one FBI agent, and one
military intelligence agent who attack Dove and other people's reports which
are contrary to the dark agenda federal government's brainwashing efforts.
These five people have been identified and their names and locations are
being given to the White Knights who will make sure they are REMOVED. These
agents had their chance to STOP supporting the current government which is
attacking our country, but now it's too late.

My sincere thanks to all of you who sent the interesting information below
and many other articles which I'm keeping for future reference.

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness

The Dove egroup currently has 6,439 members.

"We have learned that a firm called Decision Strategies has a bill due for
$230,000. Decision Strategies is a high-end corporate security and
'intelligence' firm, which touts its use of 'multijurisdictional' online and
onsite searches with the involvement of overt and covert field operatives" -
USA Today.

The firm hires "ex-FBI, CIA, IRS, DEA, and Secret Service agents; former
police, prosecutors, customs agents, federal marshals and military
intelligence experts; veterans of Britain's MI6, Europe's Interpol or the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police; and lawyers, forensic accountants, database
specialists and journalists." See the firm's site at
http://decision-strategies.com; as the Pacifica Campaign who revealed this
tidbit commented: "the 'beauty' of these 'private' . . . groups is that the
'Bill of Rights' and any other civil or human rights do not 'legally' apply
. . ."

CIA complicit on September 11?
An interview with Michael Springman exposes the CIA's links with the
terrorist attacks on September 11
Dateline: Saturday, January 19, 2002
Straight Goods reader Ken MacAllister of Vancouver, BC writes:
Michael Springmann worked for the US government for 20 years with the
foreign service and consulate. He just went public with the story of his
involvement in a large scale CIA operation that brought hundreds of people
from the middle east to the US, issued them passports and trained them to be
terrorists. Springmann says that the CIA is working closely with Bin Laden
and his operatives in Jeddah and has been since 1987. The most haunting
implication from this interview is that all of the terrorist acts of late
were planned and paid for by the CIA with US taxpayers money so that the US
could legitimately bomb the hell out of Afghanistan -- not to "get the
Taliban" as the official party line states, but to erase all of the evidence
of the US's secret operations in Afghanistan left over from its 10 year war
with the Soviet Union in that country. Based on the new information from Mr.
Springmann, it is likely that most of those 600+ people who were "rounded
up" within days of the September 11 attacks were actually in the US because
the CIA brought them there. It lends credence to the idea that the CIA was
also behind the anthrax letters and that is why there was weapons -grade
anthrax and why the perpetrator will never be caught. The interview is
riveting, and I urge you to give it a listen. Hear the interview here.

Springman also appears in a nine minute documentary for BBC's premier
current affairs program, Newsnight: Greg Palast's "The CIA and Saudi Arabia:
The Bushes and the Bin Ladens". Go here
to view the documentary on RealPlayer. Or here
to see the transcript.

George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane

An Open Letter to George W. Bush from Michael Moore
Michael Moore
National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act (Not affiliated with the
Dove egroup)

The Dove egroup is private and you may join the Dove egroup to receive Dove
reports about the TRUTH of what is happening in our world by sending an
email to:
And REPLY to Yahoo's request for confirmation

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-- John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies

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