NEWSMAX: Controlled Opposition Media


First look at the board of News Max...

Good ole' Arnaud de Borchgrave sits on it. Arnaud is a member of the CFR, and was an '80s member of the CNP Council on National Policy)CNP Database, and I would guess still a secretive member of the CNP.

Remember too, Arnaud was editor of the Washington Times (Sun Myung Moon's newspaper run by his top boy, Bo Hi Pak).

When Arnaud left the Times, his trained CNP boy took over for him. Arnaud went on to head UPI for Moon after Moon bought it. There is the short version of the background of a board member of NEWSMAX. This is only one board member.

Chris Ruddy was in the whole crowd doing the Mena Connection/Clinton Chronicles/Vince Foster stuff that Jeremiah Films (owner of Jeremiah Films another CNP man) was circulating, and Jerry Falwell (who has taken over $ 3 1/2 million from cultist Moon) was shilling for.

Terry Reed, who did the definitive story on Mena, was in the deep freeze with the conservative establishment because he really put the whole thing in perspective and tied CNP-member Oliver North and George Bush directly to Clinton and Mena.

I really admired Reed for that! Remember he also did that fantastic video about NAFTA.

It was supposed to be the first of a series but they ran into financial difficulties. There's a ton more, but this should suffice to give thought to the credibility of Ruddy and NewsMax... all connected to the rightwing cabal of CNP who is all connected to the leftwing cabal through Rockefeller/Scaife and countless other players. It's a big joke on the American fools who think there's any difference between the goals of the left and right.

Just take a look at their columnists.

I could write a book just about them and their horrid connections... everything from Skull and Bonesmen to Moon!

Geez, hasn't anyone any discernment anymore?

For heaven's sake...anyone who has listened to talk radio knows the backgrounds of these people.

Col. Stanislav Lunev is a shill and one to be very wary of... he's a commie hack of Gorbachev's. This is not to say all of them are bad, but a damn big number of them are!

The following excerpt of Ruddy's article should be a clue, Carol. It furthers the "terrorist threat" being propagated by the controlled media, which in turn has uninformed Americans in a state of constant fear and in a fever pitch for revenge on an unknown enemy.

At this point the mass collective mind is hell bent on: WAR -- if it lasts forever, who cares just get those bastard terrorists and so what if, in defense of the World Order, U.S. Soldiers will have to kill and die; BLOOD-SHED -- to hell with the death of innocents, that's just 'collateral damage, can't be helped; ORWELLIAN 'SECURITY MEASURES' -- the more military personnel in the airports, on our street corners, in our schools the merrier and we need a national I.D., to hell with individual rights to privacy, property, and self-defense; and most dangerous... the "IF YOU AREN'T WITH US, YOU'RE AGAINST US" mentality -- which will have those clueless, thoughtless masses ready to tear us apart for our outspoken opposition to the war.

Excerpt from Chris Ruddy article on the AA Flight 587 crash in Queens:

An investigation first needs to be conducted, and only then a conclusion drawn. But the government is so anxious to calm an already panicked public, it is trying, at every opportunity, to hold back any possibility of bad news. We saw how federal officials downplayed the anthrax attacks. Some officials are holding back the truth, perhaps to protect the economy.

Yes, the economy is shaky and another terrorist act against a civilian jet will only hurt. But in the long run, fairy tales dont help. We ignore the truth and bad news at our peril. I don't believe in holding back bad news. Failing to tell the public "bad news" doesn't lead to better news, just more trouble.

The reason we Americans are in this terrorist predicament is because of the increasing deceit coming from our government.

The government is anxious to calm the public? Have you watched or listened to the news? Hundreds of 'government' officials and military brass have been promulgating the fear since 911... even before 911.

The U.S. Government has never been OUR government. I would be shocked if you could find one -- just one -- ACT/Resolution/Bill ever passed by the U.S. Government (Congress) that was in the interest of the American people.

Back to ---

This June 5th, 2001 headline reads:

General Haig Joins NewsMax Advisory Board.

"General Alexander M. Haig Jr. (USA Ret.), former U.S. Secretary of State, NATO Commander and White House Chief of Staff, has joined the international advisory board of, the company announced today.

"We are pleased that such a distinguished American statesman and business leader has joined us.", Lord Rees-Mogg, Chairman of said.

"General Haig will join NewsMax's distinguished advisory board, which includes Robert Lohman, a former IBM executive; Nigel Evans, vice-chair of Britain's Conservative Party; Yonghao Pu, former chief economist of the Bank of China, now Senior Economist at Nomura Securities; former U.S. congressmen John LeBoutillier and Dan Frisa, and several others. The company's Board of Directors, includes journalist Arnaud deBorchgrave; Dallas businessman Michael Ruff, publisher James Dale Davidson and Adm. Thomas Moorer.

Quite a line-up of 'dignitaries' isn't it?

Mr. James Dale Davidson: Co-author of a book, or books with Lord Rees-Mogg; London-Washington Publications; Founder & Chairman Emeritus of the NTU (National Taxpayers Union) which has - since its inception - lobbied heavily for a Constitutional Convention by state resolution. Alexander Haig: is a long-time member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations); and among other things (according to Canadian, Alan Watt) sits on the board of COSCO (China Overseas Shipping Co.) with Ted Heath -- Prime Minister of Britain, before Harold Wilson-- who is also a spokesman for Sun Myung Moon.

Among their line-up of writers is Phyllis Schlafly, founder of Eagle Forum who has received grants from the federal government (I believe the Department of Justice); featured Jeane Kirkpatrick in her video on Global Governance; and is a Dame of the Knights of Malta (Sovereign Military Order of Malta). Kirkpatrick is a long-time CFR member, and served as Vice-chairman of the Board of the CFR 1993-94.

Can you possibly imagine why a real conservative / alternative news service would intentionally sleep with the enemy? If any further information is necessary here I fear it would be a useless and time-wasting effort.

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