-Caveat Lector-

Governor asks poet laureate to resign
Saturday, September 28, 2002

Staff Writers

Governor McGreevey called for the resignation Friday of New Jersey's
poet laureate, Amiri Baraka of Newark, after several prominent Jewish
groups took offense at a poem he read at a festival.

The poem, which Baraka read Sept. 19 at the 2002 Geraldine R. Dodge
Poetry Festival at Waterloo Village in Stanhope, is titled "Somebody Blew
Up America." In it, he asks who is responsible for a wide variety of
and historical atrocities, including the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the
World Trade Center.

In one part of the poem, Baraka says:

"Who knew the World Trade Center was gonna get bombed

"Who told 4000 Israeli workers at the Twin Towers

"To stay home that day

"Why did Sharon stay away."

In another section, he writes:

"Who know why Five Israelis was filming the explosion

"And cracking they sides at the notion."

In a prepared statement, McGreevey said he condemns any racist or
anti-Semitic remarks.

"The language used in Mr. Baraka's recent poem could be interpreted
as stating that Israelis were forewarned of the Sept. 11 attacks,"
McGreevey said. "Mr. Baraka should clarify the intent of his language
and apologize for any misinterpretation of that language and resign."

Baraka, 67, who has run afoul of Jewish groups in the past for his remarks,
aid Friday that the poem meant what it said and maintained that Israel knew
of and had a role in planning the attacks on the World Trade Center.

He brushed aside calls for his resignation.

"I think it's absurd," Baraka said of the governor's request. He said he
won't change his mind despite pressure from Jewish groups and doesn't
consider his remarks anti-Semitic.

"Every time you want to criticize Israel you are called an anti-Semite,"
Baraka said. "If these people want to persist and make me willingly
withdraw, I'm not going to do it."

The poem, which was written last fall, takes aim at many others. Over the
course of its six pages, Baraka lashes out at everyone from President Bush
and his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, to former Mayors Rudy
Giuliani of New York and Bret Schundler of Jersey City.

Baraka was appointed in September 2001 by a five-member committee -
four distinguished poets and the previous poet laureate. The committee is
selected by the New Jersey Council for the Humanities and the New
Jersey State Council on the Arts.

Because he is selected by the committee, Baraka cannot be fired by
McGreevey, an administration source said.

Baraka is only the state's second formal poet laureate under legislation
signed by former Gov. Christie Whitman in 2000, authorizing the creation
 of the New Jersey William Carlos Williams Citation of Merit for a
distinguished New Jersey poet. The term is two years and the
recipient receives $10,000.

The poet laureate is required to give at least two public readings a year
and promote poetry throughout the state. Baraka's predecessor was
Gerald Stern of Lambertville.

Jewish leaders sharply criticized Baraka on Friday, calling him a
anti-Semite and racist who is the wrong person to be the state's poet

"We applaud Governor McGreevey's request to have Baraka resign," said
Shai Goldstein, New Jersey director of the Anti-Defamation League. "What
he did is insulting to the residents of New Jersey. He has insulted the
memory of everyone who died 9/11 by making the outrageous claim that
it was not al-Qaeda but Israel [who attacked the United States]. The best
way for him to apologize is to resign."

Goldstein called on the poets who selected Baraka and political and
leaders to call for Baraka's ouster as well.

"Anybody who had anything to do with making him poet laureate, they have
to condemn him. If not, they have repeated the mistake of the Holocaust,"
Goldstein said.

He added that the myth that Israel destroyed the World Trade Center is
one that has spread throughout the Arab world.

"Unfortunately, this lie, like so many others, has been reported on '60
Minutes' as being viewed as the truth in much of the Arab world. [Baraka's]
statement goes to reinforce that lie and I'm sure it will be published out
there," Goldstein said.

Attempts to identify and reach members of the committee were unsuccessful

Baraka said he would welcome a debate on his ideas.

"It's all over the Internet,'' Baraka said of his poem, which can be found
under his title. "I don't feel any kind of threat to my integrity."

A Newark native, Baraka was born Everett Leroy Jones and originally
went by the name LeRoi Jones. He first burst onto the literary stage in
the 1950s as part of a multiracial bohemian poetry scene called the
New American movement and was a member of the Beat generation
of poets.

But as the 1960s wore on, Baraka distanced himself from his multiracial
past and became one of the founding voices of the Black Arts poetry
movement, which took its literary inspiration from the growing Black Power
crusade of the period that promoted black nationalism and rejected
integration. It was during that time he changed his name to Amiri Baraka.

In 1990, the English Department at Rutgers University denied Baraka
tenure and the poet lashed out at the decision, calling the professors
who voted against him "klansmen." His son Ras Baraka recently ran
unsuccessfully for the Newark City Council.

Paul H. Johnson's e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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