-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

For the story behind the story...

Wednesday March 14, 2001; 9:22 a.m.  EST

New Pardongate Heat on Roger and Hillary

Former first brother Roger Clinton and his sister-in-law Sen.
Hillary Clinton woke up to some bad news Wednesday morning.

The Pardongate probe is heating up, with investigators zeroing in
on witnesses that could implicate the duo in serious criminality.

For the first time Roger has been tied directly to CLM LLC, an
Arkansas company accused of selling pardons in his name.

Last week the first sibling said through a spokeswoman that he
had nothing to do with CLM, though witnesses said they were told
the acronym stands for Clinton, Locke and Morton.

Now CLM partner Dickey Morton tells the New York Daily News that
Roger was not only involved in the business -- he has documents
that prove the first brother was a full fledged partner.

Guy Lincecum, who says he purchased a pardon for his brother
Garland on the promise that Roger could make it happen, produced
$200,000 in cancelled checks last week.  One was a $100,000
cashiers check.  But on the other the payee is listed as CLM.

Morton acknowledges the payment, but told the News that what
Lincecum bought was advice on a scheme to use a Christian
foundation to sell tax exempt bonds in Las Vegas.

Whether Morton's alibi holds up is one question.  But there's no
question that Roger's has already begun to unravel.

The first sibling has also refused to answer a set of written
questions sent by House Pardongate probers, which could trigger a
new public hearing with Roger as the star witness, committee
spokesman Mark Corallo told the New York Post.

Pardongate probers may be closing in on Hillary as well as they
seek to question former New York Democratic Party leader Paul
Adler, who headed up her Jewish outreach committee during her
senate campaign last year.

Adler is expected to tell the FBI whether there was a quid pro
quo arrangement between Hillary and four Hasidic rabbis in the
village of New Square, New York, which voted 1400 to 12 in her

The New Square rabbis had been jailed on charges of bilking the
government out of millions of dollars federal aid.  But their
jail sentences were commuted when ex-President Clinton granted
them clemency on Jan.  19.

Mrs.  Clinton acknowledges attending a December White House
meeting with her husband and New Square emmisaries, who were
there to plead for the commutations.  But Hillary has claimed she
took no position whatsoever on their appeal.

Adler has more than a little incentive to cooperate.  Last month
he pleaded guilty to tax fraud charges and will be looking to
limit a possible five year jail term.  He's scheduled to be
sentenced in May.

In more bad news for Hillary, chief Pardongate prober U.S.
Attorney Mary Jo White has added Michael Chertoff to her staff.

As lead counsel to the Senate's 1996-96 Whitewater investigation,
Chertoff argued that Mrs.  Clinton obstructed the Vincent Foster
death probe and knew more than she was saying about the
mysterious reappearance of her Rose Law billing records in the
White House book room.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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