-Caveat Lector-


Clinton Dines With Bizman In Fraud Case

Daily News Staff Writer

Former President Bill Clinton rubbed elbows with a man wanted on fraud
charges in India during a posh fund-raiser held at a ritzy Wall St. hotel
last night.

Clinton denied knowing anything about the charges against Sant Singh
Chatwal, a naturalized U.S. citizen who was born in India, where
have charged him with bilking a state-run bank out of $9 million he
in 1994.

"I don't know anything about that," the former President told the Daily
while surrounded by adoring supporters at the American Indian Foundation's
fashion show fund-raiser in the Regent Hotel. The event raised money for
victims of a deadly Gujarat, India, earthquake.

Chatwal accompanied Clinton on an earthquake relief tour of India in April,
during which Indian newspapers reported that authorities were seeking him.
He also escorted Clinton and daughter Chelsea on a state visit to India in
March 2000.

Until last night, Clinton and his wife had consistently declined to comment
on Chatwal.

Chatwal, operator of the Bombay Palace restaurants and the Hampshire Hotels
chain, was one of the biggest soft-money contributors to Sen. Hillary
Clinton's campaign last fall. He has been linked to at least $210,000 in

He declined to comment on the charges made against him in December by
India's Central Bureau of Investigation, its equivalent of the FBI. He also
did not want to discuss his financial dealings with the Clintons.

Bill Clinton and Chatwal sat at different tables during the fund-raiser,
which raked in almost $2 million to help in relief for quake victims.

However, the former President was seated with Chatwal's son, Vikram, a
foundation trustee. The organization is mostly made up of Indian-American

The elder Chatwal was accused of fleeing to Vienna in April after Bill
Clinton's tour. Authorities said they tried but failed to detain him at
Bombay's Sahar International Airport.

Chatwal later returned to New York, wanting to set the record straight, a
spokesman said at the time. But the restaurateur has yet to address the
allegations against him.

He is saddled with titanic debts that include back taxes and loans owed to
failed banks in the U.S., along with a forced bankruptcy in 1995.

Clinton, warmly received by about 750 people attending $1,000-a-plate
joked he was not running for office, but he thanked those who supported his
wife's Senate campaign.

"A lot of you helped my wife become a New York senator," he said to a
thunderous roar from the audience. "I'm grateful for that."

                      Kadosh, Kadosh,, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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