July 9, 2000

        Barak's Coalition Disintegrates As
        Partners Quit Over Summit


           JERUSALEM, July 9 -- Prime Minister
           Ehud Barak's government disintegrated
        today, as one right-leaning party after
        another quit in protest of anticipated
        concessions to the Palestinians, leaving him
        on unsteady ground on the eve of his
        departure to the Camp David summit

        Ignoring Mr. Barak's pleas for unity, three
        parties, including the ultra-Orthodox Shas,
        defected to the previously weak opposition,
        upsetting the political balance of power in a
        single afternoon. Mr. Barak lost his
        parliamentary majority, and his broad
        coalition, which was constructed precisely
        to build a stable foundation of support for difficult
        peace moves, shriveled into a weak center-left government.

        In an address to the nation, Mr. Barak defiantly said that the collapse of
        his coalition would not affect his trip to Maryland, which he said was
        backed by a mandate from the Israelis who elected him by an
        overwhelming majority on a peacemaking platform. Mr. Barak asserted
        that, as a life-long soldier and fledgling politician, he had a direct bond
        with the voters that existed in a kind of extra-political space.

        "Citizens of Israel, approximately one year ago I was elected by you to
        be the prime minister of Israel in order to lead the state of Israel to a
        safer reality and in order to create a better future for our children," Mr.
        Barak said. "I did not receive my mandate from the politicians or from
        the parties. I received my mandate from each one of you."

        Experts say that by adding new small parties to his government and
        relying on the support of Arab parties, Mr. Barak could still win a
        parliamentary majority for any deal that might be reached at the summit
        meeting. But it would not be the "Jewish majority" that he originally
        sought in hopes of moving toward peace without deepening divisions that
        could destabilize not just his government but also the country.

        Mr. Barak repeated that he would rely on a popular vote, in the form of
        a referendum on an agreement, to try and salve those rifts. And his office
        predicted tonight that any agreement he achieved at Camp David would
        be ratified by a significant popular majority.

        It is hard to imagine that the new Israeli political
        reality will not alter the
        dynamic of the three-way, retreat-style summit meeting, where the goal
        will be to end a 52-year conflict and resolve the most divisive issues
        between the Israelis and Palestinians.

        But precisely how is uncertain. Palestinian negotiators could now
        perceive Mr. Barak as a weakened leader unable to deliver on his

        While Mr. Barak could face a strengthened opposition, he may also feel
        free to make concessions without worrying which political partner he
        might lose.

        In any case, Palestinian officials said tonight that they would try and shut
        out the Israeli political convolutions and, although they were skeptical
        even before today's events, focus on trying to achieve an agreement.

        Some Palestinian officials also said that they were suspicious that Mr.
        Barak was engineering his own political difficulties so that he could hide
        behind them at the bargaining table.

        "It's not the first time that we have witnessed such a show on the stage of
        Ehud Barak," said Abdul Ahmed Rahman, the secretary general of the
        Palestinian Cabinet. "This is not credible. If Barak thinks that he can
        manufacture the impression that he is restricted, well, such maneuvers will
        be transparent to the Americans as well as to us."

        Kicking off the snowballing dynamic of the day, Foreign Minister David
        Levy told Mr. Barak this morning that in protest at what he labeled the
        Palestinians' hard-line positions and threats of violence, he would not join
        the delegation traveling to Camp David. He did not speak publicly about
        his decision, but associates said that he was pessimistic that anything
        would come of the high-level talks, which are supposed to start on

        Political analyst Yaron Dekel said he saw this as "a slap in the face" to
        Mr. Barak and a no-confidence vote in Mr. Barak's policy.

        Then Interior Minister Natan Sharansky, leader of a small Russian
        immigrant party, resigned, saying that Mr. Barak had obstinately refused
        to divulge his positions in advance and to build the internal support
        needed for what could be difficult concessions ahead. Mr. Sharansky
        had been pushing Mr. Barak to form a unity government with the rightist
        Likud Party.

        "You are arriving at the summit in the United States weakened, without
        red lines, without the support of the government and without the support
        of most of the people," Mr. Sharansky wrote in his resignation letter to
        Mr. Barak.

        "Under these conditions," he continued, "the agreement that you will be
        able to reach is dangerous from a diplomatic point of view and has the
        potential to cause a split in the people, a split from which, God forbid,
        there will be no turning back."

        Several hours later, the Shas party, whose balkiness has unsettled the
        government since it took office last July, finally walked out for good.

        Shas is a religious party that doubles as an ethnic pride movement for
        working class Jews of Middle Eastern origin. In its routine threats to quit,
        it was perceived to be maneuvering for its party's interests, particularly
        the financial health and independence of its religious school system. If
        Shas was satisfied, the common wisdom said, Shas would support
        peacemaking based on its spiritual leader's religious ruling that territory
        could be conceded if lives would be saved as a result.

        But analysts repeatedly predicted that Shas, whose constituency leans to
        the right, would get the jitters when a crucial moment arrived. Indeed, by
        day's end, when it became clear that it would be the only right-leaning
        party left in the government, Shas made the decision to quit.

        "Shas entered the coalition because the peace process is very important
        to us and we would have expected to have been genuine partners," said
        Eli Yishai, Shas's political leader. "But to be partners on the road taken
        one needs to know the road. And we don't. We don't know Barak's red
        lines. The red lines that he demarcated and presented to the people are
        obscure and unclear."

        Mr. Barak's office, in a statement, countered that his red lines -- which
        the Palestinians regularly and glumly cite as evidence that an agreement
        will be difficult to achieve -- have been well-known since his campaign.
        The statement said that revealing them in greater detail would weaken
        Israel's negotiating position.

        The statement reiterated Mr. Barak's absolutes: no return to 1967
        borders; "a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty; no foreign army
        west of the Jordan River; a majority of the Jewish settlers to remain in
        settlement blocs; and no Israeli recognition of legal or moral responsibility

        for creating the Palestinian refugee problem."

        Officials of the leftist Meretz Party, who recently resigned their Cabinet
        positions so that Shas would stay in the government, were furious. "All
        through the years we heard of the moderate stand taken by Shas because
        Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, their leader, he puts foremost the saving of lives --
        that saving lives is more important than territories," said Ran Cohen, the
        former Trade Minister.

        "Now Barak comes along and with tweezers goes over every detail,
        every settlement, every road, every section, measures exactly as possible
        in order to save lives, to prevent returning to the killing of Jews and
        Arabs in a continuation of 100 years of war, and the Shas people, the
        moment they stand before the most important diplomatic, ideological, test
        of principle, they say they are about to quit? For what? Do they want to
        return to the intifada?"

        After Shas's resignation, the National Religious Party, which represents
        religious Zionists and the settlers, said that its central committee had
        voted unanimously to pull out of the government.

        All three parties that quit were part of the rightist government of former
        Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which fell after Mr. Netanyahu
        concluded an interim peace agreement with the Palestinians.

        Mr. Barak faces a no-confidence motion in his government on Monday,
        which was submitted by the Likud party on the basis of his supposed
        "capitulation" to Mr. Arafat. Analysts predict that Mr. Barak will survive
        it, but his office said tonight that he had changed his travel plans to
        to Israel from a trip to Egypt on Monday so that he could be present in
        the Parliament later in the day. Then he will proceed to the United States.

        The parties' resignations will reduce Mr. Barak to a 42-member
        government in a 120-member Parliament. He could bulk up to a heftier
        minority government of 58 members by pulling in three other small
        parties: a small, liberal Russian immigrant faction, a secularist party and a

        trade unionists' party.

        But it would be an unstable political base for running the government, and
        it remains to be seen how Mr. Barak will handle either a success or
        failure at Camp David. Political analysts consider new elections likely.

        As a leader routinely accused of haughtiness and autocratic behavior,
        Mr. Barak's bid to ignore the political system and appeal directly to the
        people is a risky one. "Had I been forced to listen to all the prophets of
        doom -- the very same prophets who are now speaking at large -- I
        suppose that our children would still be in the Lebanese mud," he said,
        referring to those who predicted that the Israeli troop withdrawal from
        southern Lebanon in May would lead to war. "No one will teach me
        what security is."

        He continued: "I have to rise above all of the political disputes and above
        all party considerations and exhaust all of the possibilities on the way to a

        peace agreement that will put an end to the bloody conflict between us
        and our neighbors. Put an end to it at the negotiation table and not in the
        battlefields and in terror stricken streets."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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