-Caveat Lector-


Bush and Putin Tie Antimissile Talks to Big Arms Cuts


GENOA, Italy, July 22 — President Bush and President Vladimir V.
Putin of Russia agreed today to link discussions of American plans to
deploy a missile defense system with the prospect of large cuts in both
nuclear arsenals. If an accord was reached quickly, it might take the place
of the 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty.

Mr. Putin's willingness to enter into simultaneous talks on both offensive
and defensive weapons, which American officials said was a surprise, was
greeted enthusiastically by Mr. Bush. He had proposed both the offensive
and defensive changes during his presidential campaign.

"I believe that we will come up with an accord," Mr. Bush, looking almost
ebullient, said at a news conference this afternoon, after the two leaders
met for two hours in a 15th- century palace and after the Group of 8 summit
meeting closed.

When Mr. Putin was asked what would happen if the United States went ahead
with tests that violated the ABM treaty, his answer seemed starkly
different from the stand he took last month in Moscow, when he had warned
that any violation could touch off a renewed arms race.

"If, as we understood from each other today, we are ready to look at the
issue of offensive and defensive systems together as a set, we might not
ever need to look at that option," Mr. Putin said.

For all the smiles and warm embraces today between Mr. Bush and Mr. Putin,
who met for the first time last month in Slovenia, all that was agreed upon
today was to start a series of intensive "consultations." Condoleezza Rice,
Mr. Bush's national security adviser and a Russia expert, said tonight that
the consultations — which she carefully did not refer to as
negotiations — would take place on "an aggressive schedule," which
she would work out on a visit to Moscow this week.

But in the past, Ms. Rice has expressed considerable skepticism about the
arms control process that dragged on through the cold war, and she has made
clear in recent days that she is not looking to replace the ABM treaty with
another formal treaty, subject to Senate approval. "What we are not
interested in doing is replicating the old arms control process where it
takes 15 years to come to an agreement," she said tonight.

Speaking to a small group of reporters, she also sounded more cautious than
did her boss. Whether the talks succeed or fail, she said, at some point
Mr. Bush will "need to move forward at an appropriate time" on missile
defense tests that violate the ABM treaty's restrictions. The deputy
secretary of defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, told Congress recently that such
time should be measured in months, not years.

For Mr. Putin, the politics of the talks are complex, and one of the
outstanding questions is whether he is really willing to give up the ABM
treaty or whether he is simply testing Mr. Bush's bottom line. But he does
stand to gain from a cut in offensive weapons.

The United States now has about 7,000 strategic weapons; under Start II,
the treaty to reduce strategic arms, the figure is supposed to fall to
between 3,000 and 3,500. In 1997, Presidents Clinton and Boris N. Yeltsin
agreed in principle that those numbers could fall to 2,500 or below. Mr.
Putin talks of 1,500; Mr. Bush has never specified a number.

In a brief statement, the two presidents did not state their intentions for
the ABM treaty, nor did they address how or in what order the two issues
would be taken up.

The upbeat meeting with Mr. Putin today redeemed for Mr. Bush a summit
meeting in this ancient port city that, until late today, had the makings
of a fiasco.

The three-day session was so overshadowed by violent anti-globalization
demonstrations in the streets, which left one protester dead and more than
100 badly wounded, that Canada announced that next year's meeting of the
seven largest industrial nations and Russia would be held in a small
resort, Kananaskis, an hour from Calgary, Alberta. Canada's prime minister,
Jean Chrétien, clearly hopes that the site will prove remote enough
to discourage demonstrators, who poured into Genoa by bus, rail and plane.

And to restore the summit meetings to the kind of intimate gathering they
were conceived as a quarter century ago, he insisted that each nation would
be limited to 30 to 35 members at the central site. Mr. Bush's Secret
Service detail is sometimes that size; here in Genoa, he was accompanied by
somewhere between 800 and 1,000 staff members.

Mr. Bush insisted today that the summit meeting was "a success," and he
stressed the discussions that took place with leaders of a handful of
developing nations as evidence that the group was refocusing its attention
on helping the world's poorest. But other leaders seemed relieved to be
leaving town, and used considerable restraint in describing the meeting's

"Everyone feels the G-8 has to continue," insisted Italy's prime minister,
Silvio Berlusconi, who now faces what could be a politically damaging
inquiry into abuses here by the Italian police, including a raid on
Saturday night on the headquarters of one of the main protest groups. The
police went in swinging clubs, and today there were signs of blood in the

A communiqué issued by the eight leaders — from the United
States, Britain, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Canada and Russia —
made no progress on their most contentious issue: global warming. The
European nations, Japan and Russia succeeded in isolating Mr. Bush in his
opposition to the treaty, and after hours of negotiation the
communiqué demonstrated that Mr. Bush had not budged from his
insistence that the emissions restrictions that are part of the Kyoto
Protocol would prove costly to the United States.

"We all firmly agree on the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions," the
communiqué said. "While there is currently disagreement on the Kyoto
Protocol and its ratification, we are committed to working intensively
together to meet our common objective."

Mr. Bush pointed instead to an agreement to set up a $1.3 billion United
Nations fund to help people with AIDS and other communicable diseases, but
that was negotiated before anyone arrived in Genoa.

He also called for restarting the global trade talks that collapsed in
Seattle in 1999, saying free trade is the way out of poverty. But at least
in public, he never explicated the argument with much detail.

While the annual meetings are rarely a hotbed of decisiveness, veterans of
many such sessions said this one would be remembered more for the violence
than for the accords.

But Mr. Bush clearly hopes that it will be remembered, eventually, for
something else: as the meeting that took the bite out of the opposition to
his missile defense plan, and to the broader strategic rethinking behind
it. And within hours of the announcement with Mr. Putin, it seemed to be
having some of that effect.

Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., the Delaware Democrat who is chairman of the
Foreign Relations Committee and a critic of Mr. Bush's plans to break out
of the ABM treaty, said on CNN today, "This is very good news to me." The
president's decision to open talks with the Russians, he added, "implies at
least to me" that Mr. Bush "will not break out of the ABM treaty in the

He concluded, "You don't walk away from a treaty without a new system being
in place."

Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic leader, said he wanted to look at the
development more closely, but added on NBC's "Meet the Press," that it was
good for both sides "to try to find ways to put forth constructive dialogue
and ultimately come to some agreement here."

Daryl G. Kimball, directer of the Coalition to Reduce Nuclear Dangers,
said, "This acknowledges the reality of the U.S.-Russian strategic dialogue
for years, that the United States' interest in missile defenses has stymied
the achievement of reductions in offensive arsenals."

Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, the Democratic vice
presidential candidate last year, called it "another indication of what
those of us who support the development of a missile defense have been
saying, which is that it's a new world."

The talks with Mr. Putin have also taken some pressure off Mr. Bush here in
Europe. The Europeans had used Mr. Bush's determination to go ahead with
missile defense as a symbol of American unilateralism, and warned that he
risked alienating the Russians. But as a senior British official said when
Mr. Bush was in London on Wednesday, "if the Russians aren't complaining,
we're certainly going to give the president some room."

Several months ago, Mr. Bush's top aides said they were prepared to offer
Mr. Putin several incentives to abandon the ABM treaty and cooperate on a
missile shield meant to repel such things as terrorist attacks, blackmail
threats by rogue states, and accidental missile launchings.

Mr. Putin traveled through Europe earlier this year drumming up opposition
to an American missile defense system, claiming that it would prompt an
arms race Russia could not afford but that it would pursue, if necessary.
But then, after the Slovenia meeting, he took another tack, telling
reporters that he believed that the missile defense system, if deployed,
would not effectively counter Russia's huge nuclear arsenal for at least 25

"He's right," a senior Bush adviser said here. "Actually, it's probably
longer than that." If so, Mr. Putin may conclude that the coming talks are
the only way of determining if the United States is truly willing to cut
its nuclear arsenal dramatically.

And there is a more subtle advantage for Mr. Putin: By haggling as an equal
with Mr. Bush, he may help restore Russia's sense that it remains a major
power in the world, despite its economic decline, its territorial shrinkage
and its declining diplomatic influence.

If an agreement is reached, the biggest effects may be on China, which will
not be a party to the new talks. While Russia would retain a nuclear force
able to overwhelm the kind of defense system that Mr. Bush has described,
China's small nuclear force could well be countered.

Only last week Mr. Putin and President Jiang Zemin of China signed a
friendship treaty, but it is unclear how Mr. Putin plans to juggle the
superpowers on his east and west flanks.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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