-Caveat Lector-


March 17, 2001

Mandate of Heaven?


A president who lost the popular vote, and needed the Supreme
Court's help to win the electoral vote, is acting as if he had a
popular mandate for radical change. That is the striking thing,
so far, about George W. Bush's presidency.

Mr. Bush has turned government policy sharply to the right on one
issue after another. Canceling safety rules against repetitive
stress injury, preparing to sign a bankruptcy bill that President
Clinton vetoed, abandoning his own pledge to control emissions of
carbon dioxide: on all these he has heeded the cry of corporate

Now the administration is preparing to deliver on what is the
core interest of many ideological conservatives: judicial
appointments. A report by Neil A. Lewis in The New York Times the
other day said that more than 50 candidates for federal
judgeships have already been interviewed.

A screening committee of 15 White House and Justice Department
officials is headed by the White House counsel, Alberto R.
Gonzales. Its members are interviewing prospective appointees in
the evening: an indication of the exceptional push to get
appointments made soon.

There are about 100 vacancies on the federal courts among the 862
authorized judgeships. President Clinton made nominations for
many of them, but the Republican-controlled Senate did not act on

Conservatives are especially eager to fill seats on the 12 United
States Courts of Appeals. Because the Supreme Court can handle
only a limited number of cases, these intermediate appellate
courts do the largest part of legal interpretation in the federal
system. Most of them already have a majority of judges appointed
by Republican presidents.

The screening committee has a strongly conservative cast. It
includes members of the conservative Federalist Society and
several who worked for Kenneth Starr, who as an independent
counsel pursued President Clinton fruitlessly in the Whitewater
investigation and then sought his impeachment over the Monica
Lewinsky episode.

Moreover, the Bush people have decided to end the role of an
American Bar Association committee in rating the qualifications
of prospective judicial nominees. The far right has objected to
the A.B.A. role.

The whole idea of ideology as a touchstone of judicial
appointments makes me uncomfortable. I think longingly of the
days when judges like Learned Hand and Benjamin N. Cardozo were
appointed because of their stature, without regard to politics.

I do not think that the Bush appointment process will inevitably
focus on ideology exclusively. The officials involved care about
the federal courts and will want judges who can do the job.

But it is a fact that conservatives have lately made ideology a
much more significant factor in federal judicial appointments.
Forces of the far right held up Clinton nominations in the Senate
Judiciary Committee for years in some cases, without even giving
the nominees a hearing.

Given that reality, and the evident determination of the Bush
administration to put its people on the bench fast, what should
Democratic senators do? Some people, angered by the Supreme
Court's election of Mr. Bush, have urged the Democrats to try to
keep him from filling any judicial vacancies. But that seems to
me a foolish notion, especially if you want to depoliticize the

The right answer, I think, is to subject every nomination to real
scrutiny on the merits. That means the Democrats have to get
serious. Their members on the Judiciary Committee, and their
staffs, have to do hard work on every nominee.

If it appears that right-wing ideology is the real basis of a
nomination, Democratic senators should be as determined to block
it as conservative Republicans were in their harsh treatment of
moderate Clinton nominees. They should be prepared to stall such
nominations in committee and, if necessary, filibuster them on
the floor.

The hurried interviews by the Bush scrutineers are what raise
concern. It is as if they want to get controversial nominees on
the bench before any vacancy occurs in the Senate that could give
the Democrats control. It is what President John Adams's
opponents accused him of doing 200 years ago. In his last months
in office, after being defeated for re-election by Thomas
Jefferson in 1800, he appointed what the Jeffersonians called
midnight judges.

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

                     *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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