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Beating Them to the Prewar

September 28, 2002

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 - Daniel Webster's ideas haven't held
this much sway in the White House for a century and a half.

But last week, when the White House was defending President
Bush's new strategy of "pre-emption," the great orator's
thinking about self-defense - or at least a carefully
selected slice of it - was suddenly being thrown around the
White House press room.

"Anticipatory self-defense is not a new concept,"
Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, told
reporters the other day as she was explaining why
pre-emption was replacing containment and deterrence as the
foundation of American defense policy and serving as the
justification for striking Iraq before Iraq strikes. "You
know, Daniel Webster actually wrote a very famous defense
of anticipatory self-defense," she said.

He did, but under circumstances Ms. Rice, a former Stanford
University provost, might not want to delve into too
deeply. President Bush, of course, employs the term to gin
up support for a strike against Iraq before it could put
weapons of mass destruction to use. Secretary of State
Webster, in contrast, was attempting to calm down Americans
demanding another war with Britain - while chastising the
British for not exhausting diplomatic alternatives before
burning a civilian American steamboat on the Niagara River.

It was only the latest example of how history, definitions
and defense doctrines are being twisted to fit the Iraq
debate. In its rush to convince Congress and the United
Nations of the need to act quickly, the Bush administration
has bandied about some very different concepts -
pre-emption, preventive war and Ms. Rice's "anticipatory
self-defense" (a phrase Webster never used) - as if they
were the same thing. Experts in the field say they are not.

"There's a standard distinction here, and a very important
one," said Michael Walzer, whose 1977 work "Just and Unjust
Wars" has remained a staple of undergraduate courses on
international conflicts. "Condoleezza Rice says we don't
have to wait to be attacked; that's true," said Professor
Walzer, now at the Institute for Advanced Study in
Princeton, N.J. "But you do have to wait until you are
about to be attacked."

As the debate has matured in recent days, Vice President
Dick Cheney has crumpled the concepts together with the
ringing phrase that the cost of inaction may be greater
than the cost of action. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
has insisted there is nothing new here: American history,
he suggests, is full of both pre-emptive and preventive
military action. But his critics and purists about language
offer another explanation: the fuzziness is deliberate.
After all, it is hard to argue that Iraq is going to strike
us in hours or days when Saddam Hussein has possessed
chemical and biological weapons for years, and the British
said this week that he is two to five years from having a
nuclear device. Thus, attacking Iraq doesn't quite fit
under the classic definition of pre-emptive self-defense.

Yet taking out his weapons, to say nothing of knocking off
Mr. Hussein himself to make sure they are not rebuilt, more
closely resembles preventive war. And that is a problem for
the administration, because history and international law
have frowned upon preventive war. It has often been used as
an excuse for naked aggression.

Daniel Webster gave his own definition of a justifiable
pre-emptive action. In 1837 a group of insurgents from
Canada who wanted to overthrow British rule teamed up with
some Americans eager to repeat the American Revolution on
Canadian soil. In what can only be described as a
half-baked scheme, they fired some cannonballs across the
Niagara River, supplied by a steamboat called the Caroline.
The Royal Navy burned it - an act of pre-emption - when it
was docked on the American side of the river. One man died,
but dramatic tales of far greater casualties (including
victims swept over Niagara Falls) appeared in American

It was five years and a new presidential administration
before Webster and his British counterpart tamped it all
down, settling the northern border of Maine along the way.
In the series of diplomatic exchanges, Webster wrote that
striking first against an enemy was acceptable only when
the necessity of that self-defense is instant,
overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means, and no moment
for deliberation."

That is the definition Ms. Rice was alluding to, and the
White House insists that the Webster definition applies to
this day. But is the Iraqi threat instant? Is it
overwhelming? And one question being asked at the United
Nations this week: Is there really no moment for

A legal adviser in the White House insists Webster's
elements are present in the Iraq confrontation. The threat
is overwhelming, because his weapons could be used against
American allies, including Israel, or slipped to a
terrorist for delivery here.

"The only area where we take a slightly more expansive view
is in the definition of `instant,' " the official said.
"It's a growing threat, and by the time it becomes an
instant threat it's too late."

To other scholars, though, Iraq looks less like a
pre-emptive strike and more like a preventive war. And
there the classic example is one the White House is
unlikely to cite with approval: Dec. 7, 1941. Every
schoolchild in Japan is taught that the United States-led
embargo on Japan was slowly killing the country's economy
and undermining its ability to defend itself. That's why
Japan has kept a museum celebrating the heroes of Pearl

The logic goes something like this, says Graham Allison of
Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. "I may some day
have a war with you, and right now I'm strong, and you're
not. So I'm going to have the war now. That, of course, was
Japan's thinking, and in candid moments some Japanese
scholars say - off the record - that the country's big
mistake was waiting too long." But Mr. Allison notes that
historically, preventive war has been regarded as
illegitimate, because if countries act simply because
rivals are getting relatively stronger, you end up having a
lot of wars.

The other logic for preventive war, he notes, is reducing
casualties. "The Israelis figured that in 1967, if they
went first, they could blunt the consequences," he said.
That mirrors Mr. Cheney's logic.

Distinctions between preventive and pre-emption are not
likely to slow down President Bush as he heads toward a
confrontation with Baghdad. Time and again, he and his
aides have argued that the old definitions of war don't
apply. Terrorists don't send off the kind of classic
warning signals - massing troops on the border, for example
- that made it so much easier to detect an imminent attack
in the past.

What the White House seems to desire is a a new category,
something halfway between pre-emptive action and preventive
war. With one caveat: In Iraq's case they want to blend in
a touch of regime change - Washington's polite phrase for
overthrowing a government - so that they only have to do
this once. As Professor Walzer notes, "That's what makes
this neither pre-emptive nor preventive."

Unfortunately, Daniel Webster didn't go


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