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Bush Declares U.S. Is Using Diplomacy to Disarm Hussein

October 22, 2002

WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 - President Bush said today that the
United States was trying diplomacy "one more time" to
disarm Saddam Hussein "peacefully" and suggested that if
the Iraqi leader complied with every United Nations mandate
it would "signal the regime has changed."

The White House immediately said that Mr. Bush was not
backing away from his past insistence that Mr. Hussein must
leave office. His spokesman said he could not imagine a
situation in which the Iraqi leader, after 11 years of
defiance, would suddenly comply with the United Nations.
The president himself said today, in an appearance with
Lord Robertson, the secretary general of NATO, that "the
stated policy of the United States is regime change."

Some administration officials said privately that they
suspected that Mr. Bush was toning down his talk of
removing the Iraqi leader, by force if necessary, to
mollify nervous allies on the day that the United States
and Britain began circulating a revised resolution in the
Security Council demanding Iraq's disarmament.

Nonetheless, the president's comments raised the question
of exactly how the president defines "regime change," and
whether a radical change in the Iraqi government's behavior
would accomplish the same goal as ousting Mr. Hussein.

The United States presented a slightly revised draft
resolution to the Security Council today that moderated
some requirements for weapons inspections in Iraq but still
threatened unspecified consequences if Mr. Hussein refuses
to disarm.

One of Mr. Hussein's top advisers said in an interview with
The New York Times that secret weapons programs were not
the Bush administration's real objective in threatening
war, but rather "oil and Israel," citing the United States'
failure to threaten tough action against North Korea since
it admitted last week to restarting its nuclear arms

Mr. Bush's spokesman, Ari Fleischer, told reporters that
the new United Nations resolution was now "moving forward
nicely," and that, if passed, it would give Mr. Bush all
the authority he believes he needs to act militarily if Mr.
Hussein fails to comply.

Mr. Fleischer also dismissed the release of Iraqi prisoners
over the weekend as providing any indication that Mr.
Hussein was moderating his rule, saying it was unclear how
many prisoners there were, and how many remain imprisoned.

For the first time today Mr. Bush talked publicly about
the difference between the challenge posed by Iraq and by
North Korea, which told American officials two weeks ago
that it had restarted a clandestine nuclear weapons program
using highly enriched uranium.

Mr. Bush said he saw no contradiction in threatening
military action against Iraq, while relying on diplomacy to
solve the new crisis in the Korean Peninsula. "Saddam
Hussein is unique in this sense," Mr. Bush said. "He has
thumbed his nose at the world for 11 years," he said,
adding later, "and for 11 years he said, `No, I refuse to
disarm.' "

The remarks seemed to leave open the possibility of
negotiations with North Korea, a path that Mr. Bush has
rejected outright in the case of Iraq and that some
hard-liners in the administration argue would be a big
mistake with Pyongyang as well.

Mr. Bush's comments today about Mr. Hussein were sparked in
part by statements that Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
made on Sunday during television appearances in which he
discussed the two weapons crises. Mr. Powell is keenly
aware that any talk of "regime change" makes Security
Council members deeply uneasy, and he has noted repeatedly
that while Mr. Saddam's ouster is an American policy, it is
not the policy of the United Nations.

"We've tried diplomacy," Mr. Bush said when asked about the
issue today. "We're trying it one more time. I believe the
free world, if we make up our mind to, can disarm this man

At the same time he said, "The stated policy of our
government, the previous administration and this
administration, is regime change - because we don't believe
he is going to change."

Then, he added a cryptic caveat.

"However, if he were to meet all the conditions of the
United Nations, the conditions that I've described very
clearly in terms that everybody can understand, that in
itself will signal the regime has changed."

Those were the last words of the brief Oval Office
appearance, and aides shooed reporters out before they
could ask follow-up questions.

This evening, Mr. Fleischer, asked about the president's
comments, said Mr. Bush "reiterated today what he said in
Cincinnati, which was a reiteration of what he said in the
United Nations: that Iraq needs to comply with the U.N.
resolutions, and if they do their regime will have indeed
have changed, because under Saddam Hussein they have shown
no inclination to comply."

Pressed on the question of whether Mr. Hussein could stay
in power if he fully complied, Mr. Fleischer chuckled a bit
and said: "I can't imagine a situation in which Iraq would
do these things. When these steps are taken to observe the
peace and honor the U.N. resolutions, at Saddam Hussein's
direction and under his leadership, give me a call to
discuss it."

A review of Mr. Bush's past statements on the question of
how Mr. Hussein must change - and what the result would be
- shows incremental but real differences.

On Sept. 12, speaking at the United Nations, Mr. Bush made
six demands that Mr. Hussein must meet "if the Iraqi regime
wishes peace." They included disclosing and removing all
weapons of mass destruction, ending support for terrorism,
ceasing the persecution of its own population, accounting
for all those missing in action from the Persian Gulf war,
and ending "all illicit trade" outside the oil-for-food

The president suggested that, even then, a new government
would have to be put in place by the United Nations. "If
all these steps are taken, it will signal a new openness
and accountability in Iraq," he said.

In Cincinnati on Oct. 7, describing his rationale for
pressing the Iraq issue, Mr. Bush repeated those demands
and added one more: Mr. Hussein must allow his weapons
experts to be interviewed outside Iraq - with their
families - so Mr. Hussein could not intimidate them.

At that time, Mr. Bush seemed to suggest that if Mr.
Hussein complied, he would in effect be running a very
different country. "By taking these steps, and by only
taking these steps, the Iraqi regime has an opportunity to
avoid conflict," the president said. "Taking these steps
would also change the nature of the Iraqi regime itself.
America hopes the regime will make that choice.
Unfortunately, at least so far, we have little reason to
expect it." He added that that is why he and President Bill
Clinton concluded that "regime change in Iraq is the only
certain means of removing a great danger to our nation."

According to several officials, the administration has
concluded internally that there is no way Mr. Hussein could
comply with all of the demands: as soon as he was caught
dissembling in his declarations about weapons of mass
destruction, or blocking inspectors, or intimidating
witnesses, the United States would have reason to act

An official who sits in many of the Iraq policy discussions
said tonight: "I don't think the president is backing down
one iota from his conclusion that Saddam's got to go. But
he's learned that talking about it doesn't help his cause."

Mr. Fleischer, speaking a few hours before the president,
put it more succinctly: "If anybody really thinks that Iraq
is going to do all these things with the same despot in
charge, with Saddam Hussein in charge, where on earth could
anybody be getting that idea, based on Saddam Hussein's
history and his current practices?

"I think it's a rather unrealistic


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