-Caveat Lector-

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Saddam, the U.S. Agent

October 15, 2002

KUWAIT - Terrorists once more fired at American troops here
in Kuwait on Monday, although no one was injured this time.
As with last week's attack, in which two Kuwaiti men shot
one American marine to death and wounded another, we don't
know whether the shooting was sponsored by Al Qaeda or was
a purely home-grown affair.

But there's no doubt that even in Kuwait, where Yankees
have the best possible claim on Arab gratitude, a
significant minority of men and women regard us as worms.
Some Kuwaitis are even hailing the terrorists who killed
the American soldier as martyrs.

This gulf of mutual suspicion and anger between Americans
and overseas Muslims seems to have widened dangerously
since 9/11, and it will yawn even more explosively in a war
and occupation of Iraq. This gulf reminds me of my very
first conversation in Arabic, just after I'd moved to Cairo
in 1983 to study the language.

"Ismak eh?" asked a friendly-looking neighbor in my
building, and I was thrilled that I recognized that he was
asking my name.

"Ismi Nick," I said, beaming. He flinched, turned pallid
and stepped back. In a barely audible voice, he croaked out
his question again: "Ismak eh?"

Unsure what had gone wrong, I stepped forward and
thundered, "Ismi Nick."

The man fled. My bewilderment and distress in that moment
seem familiar this year, for once again Americans and
foreign Muslims are unwittingly outraging each other.
Sometimes the difference in our assumptions and world views
yawns so wide that it's difficult even to have a meaningful

On Monday evening I attended a lecture at Kuwait University
about the prospective American invasion of Iraq. In the
question-answer session, one earnest young man began: "I'm
totally convinced that Saddam Hussein is an agent of the

Yup, that's actually a common view in the Arab world. The
idea is that the U.S. asked its pawn Saddam to invade
Kuwait, so that Washington could respond by establishing
military bases in the region and steal Arab oil.

I should add that there are also plenty of grateful
Kuwaitis who see no conspiracies. One woman at the lecture
came up to me to apologize for the shootings at the
marines, saying: "We breathe today only because of God and
the U.S. Those marines who were injured were like our

Unfortunately, there are many others who applaud Osama bin
Laden for having the guts to take on the infidels. The
suspicion and hostility we face in the Islamic world will
be one of our central challenges in the coming years,
particularly after any invasion of Iraq. Look at Pakistan,
our supposed ally in the war on terrorism. The most common
name given to Pakistani boys born after 9/11 in Pakistan's
Northwest Frontier Province reportedly was Osama - that's
right, Osama.

Last week's elections in Pakistan resulted in huge gains
for fundamentalists who are vehemently anti-American. The
fundamentalist parties, which used to be a fringe element
in Pakistani politics, now will control two of the
country's four provinces. If we gain friendly governments
in Afghanistan and Iraq but see the rise of an Islamist
nuclear power in Pakistan, that will have been an appalling

A poll published this month by Zogby International found
that across eight countries, Arabs have warm feelings about
some Western countries but a wretched view of the U.S.
While Kuwaitis were the most pro-American, even they
regarded the U.S. unfavorably more than favorably, by a 48
percent to 40 percent margin. In most other Arab countries,
fewer than one person in six viewed the U.S. favorably.

Americans often dismiss the significance of the Arab
"street," and they have a point: pundits always have it
about to explode, and it rarely does. But the explosion of
the Iranian street in 1979 still haunts the region, and a
similar eruption on the Saudi street or Pakistani street
would be catastrophic for the world. One of the reasons to
be wary of an invasion of Iraq is that the downside risk is
not just in Baghdad, but also around the oil wells of Saudi
Arabia and the nuclear missiles of Pakistan.

Oh, and the meaning of "Nick" in Arabic? It is a verb
meaning to have sex, but it's even more vulgar than its
English four-letter equivalent. And "Nick" is the worst
possible conjugation, the command form.


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