-Caveat Lector-


tm">BBC News | Monitoring | Nato promised 'hell' in

Sunday, May 30, 1999
Published at 23:17 GMT 00:17 UK

Nato promised 'hell' in Kosovo

Serbian media have reported fresh defiance by the military in Kosovo
while Nato steps up psychological pressure on the troops on the ground.

Serbian TV reported an interview with the head of the Yugoslav Army in
Kosovo, Col-Gen Nebojsa Pavkovic, promising Nato ground forces "real
hell" in the event of an invasion.

"Should Nato decide to carry out a ground invasion, its soldiers will go
through real hell every step of the way," Col-Gen Pavkovic told the
defence magazine `Vojska'.

Despite two months of bombardment, Serbian troops were still a force to
be reckoned with, having preserved men and equipment and a "favourable
operational deployment of ground units" using "various tactical moves
and actions".

"We would soon stand face to face on the terrain which we know extremely
well and which we have prepared well to defend.

"The enemy's technological and technical advantage would start to
diminish in the first days of any invasion."

Col-Gen Pavkovic added, while the troops were ready for battle they were
also prepared to implement any "peace and other initiatives" from
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.

'B-52s will be after you'

The Serbian news agency Beta reported Nato aircraft had dropped leaflets
over the Kosovo capital Pristina urging Serbian troops to desert their
units and leave or face bombardment by B-52 bombers.

Nato says its leaflets are designed to domoralise Yugoslav troopsTwo
B-52s flew over the city at high altitude as the leaflets were dropped.

"The Yugoslav Army forces are warned to leave Kosovo, because Nato is
now using B-52 bombers to cast MK-82 bombs, weighing 225 kilograms
each," one of the leaflets read.

"Every B-52 bomber can carry more than 50 such bombs. These aircraft
will be after you until they drive you out of Kosovo... and prevent you
from committing atrocities.

"If you want to survive and see your families again, you should abandon
your units and firearms."

The leaflets warned that "thousands" of bombs would be dropped on
Serbian forces.

The Bilderberg conspiracy

An article in Vojska reports that Western politicians ranging from the
queen of Spain to Margaret Thatcher produced a blueprint for a "Balkan
Vietnam" at a meeting in Scotland in 1996.

Spain's Queen Sofia (left): Key member of the Bilderburg Group?The
"Bilderberg Group" decided to push for the arrest of "war criminals from
among the Serbs" using the Hague war crimes tribunal as its tool, in
order to provoke a war with Russia, the article, quoted by the Yugoslav
state news agency Tanjug, said.

"The Bilderberg Group is obviously a self-styled world supra-government
which is earning billions of dollars thanks to crises and wars it,
itself, is provoking."

The article named as group members Queen Sofia of Spain, Margaret
Thatcher, Helmut Kohl, Valery Giscard D'Estaing, Lord Peter Carrington,
Lord Owen, Henry Kissinger, Giovanni Agnelli, David Rockefeller and
Baron Rothschild.

Vojska quoted as its source of information "a thorough investigation
conducted by independent US journalists".

Yugoslav lawyers eye damages claim

Tanjug has reported that the country's top law organizations have
demanded compensation from Nato for the damage caused by its campaign.

"The persons who destroyed Yugoslavia are obliged under international
law to compensate for all forms of damage incurred," a two-day seminar
by the Serbian Bar Association and the Yugoslav Association for Criminal
Law and Criminology concluded.

Russian and Greek lawyers also attended the seminar in Belgrade's Hall
of Justice.

Tourist season opens in Montenegro

Montenegrin TV has reported the arrival of its first tourists this

A couple of hundred holiday-makers from the Serbian part of Sarajevo
have checked into the Dolphin Hotel in the resort town of Bijela and the
TV showed the youngsters splashing in the sea and tanning on the beach.

With Montenegrin radio reporting NATO air raids on the coastal towns of
Tivat and Herceg-Novi this weekend, one of the Sarajevo teachers was
asked if his group was not concerned.

"It's nothing new," he told the TV.

BBC Monitoring (http://www.monitor.bbc.co.uk), based in Caversham in
southern England, selects and translates information from radio,
television, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150 countries in
more than 70 languages.

©The BBC

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