-Caveat Lector-


> USA: The Nature of Fascism
> Originally posted in IGC member conference: peoplestrib
> Date: August 12, 1999
> Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> /* Written 6:17 PM  Aug 12, 1999 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in peoplestrib
> */ /* ---------- "08-99 What is the nature of fascism" ----------
> */
> *****************************************************************
> *
>         People's Tribune/Tribuno del Pueblo (Online Edition)
>                       Vol. 26 No. 8/ August, 1999
>                  P.O. Box 3524, Chicago, IL  60654
>                        http://www.lrna.org
> *****************************************************************
> *
> By Bob Lee
> [Editor's note: The following article on the nature of fascism
> today is based on a section of a recent report to the National
> Committee of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. The
> report was adopted by the committee in Chicago in April.]
> Fascism today is the political expression of the concentration of
> wealth and the spread of poverty based on [the replacement of
> labor by] electronics. It is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
> unrestricted by trappings of bourgeois democracy. There are
> objective and subjective sides to the development of fascism.
> The objective side
> The unprecedented concentration of wealth and power in the hands
> of a few "megacorporations" and billionaires is the objective
> foundation for the drive toward fascism and a fascist state.
> Under the conditions of widespread ownership of property,
> bourgeois democracy provides the best state form for capitalism
> to flourish and grow. Under today's conditions, the capitalists
> cannot allow decisions about their wealth and property to be
> placed in the hands of a growing class of people with no tie to
> private property or the capitalist system.
> A new kind of state and society is needed that will allow the
> capitalists to expand markets and maximize profits under the
> conditions of globalization. An expanded apparatus of repression
> and particularly the increasing role of the military combine with
> the growing power of the corporations to lay the objective basis
> for fascism.
> The dilemma that the U.S. faces in the world today forms part of
> the objective basis for the drive toward fascism. We can see that
> the developing world economy and the beginnings of the formation
> of a world bourgeoisie are coming into conflict with and
> undermining the dominance of the U.S. in the world. Any solution
> the U.S. pursues will force it to crack down at home and
> aggressively impose its will on the world stage.
> There is no doubt that the U.S. dominates world finance capital,
> that it controls the array of multinational organizations pushing
> "free trade" in all corners of the globe, and that it has the
> military and economic power to impose an economic Pax Americana
> over the rest of the world. For the U.S. government, implementing
> national policy means economic globalization under the hegemony
> of the U.S.
> At the same time, globalization is undermining that hegemony.
> While this challenge to U.S. dominance is in its beginning stages
> and the U.S. is still obviously and extremely powerful, a
> profound shift is taking place, if still underground, in the
> world's power relations. One of the many, if more significant
> signposts in this process is the introduction of the Euro and the
> economic unification of Europe. Politically, the U.S. cannot
> simply impose its will as it could in the past, and is
> increasingly driven to war to do so.
> Objectively, the U.S. has no way out. Neither militarization and
> war, nor freer markets and continued expansion of neo-liberal
> policies, nor protectionism and economic  nationalism can solve
> the dilemma posed by globalization. Every path leads to greater
> polarization, massive discontent and alienation, and the further
> development of the proletariat.
> Of course, the U.S. will not simply give up and get out of the
> game. Simply because the objective basis is set for the global
> economy and a world bourgeoisie does not mean that the subjective
> forces will stop fighting for their interests or what they
> perceive their interests to be. It will mean, however, that
> fascism will grow out of the process to implement whatever
> solution or combination of solutions the U.S. pursues to protect
> and maintain its position in the world.
> The subjective side
> The objective conditions set the parameters, but it's people who
> make history. To accomplish what they need, the capitalists and
> the forces they command must rely on the subjective side of the
> process. The capitalists are not trying to win the American
> people to fascism per se. Rather, they are cultivating a morality
> and an ideology among the American people that will tolerate the
> form of rule the capitalists need.
> What is the subjective side of the motion toward fascism today?
> There are the hard-core, openly fascist elements such as the neo-
> Nazis and the Klan. They are in many ways ideological holdovers
> from the past period, their roots firmly in the rabid nationalism
> and race hatred that characterized the fascist movements of
> previous times. There is also the ideological right -- a complex
> and heterogeneous grouping -- which has played, and continues to
> play, an indispensable role in helping to cultivate the
> ideological environment that has made the rightward shift in
> politics and society possible. More difficult to conceptualize,
> perhaps, is the role of the diverse array of propagandists for
> globalization and the policies that are being used to advance it,
> such as free-trade neo-liberalism.
> Profound disagreements among these various subjective elements
> should not obscure the foundation for fascism that their
> propaganda is helping to build. The propaganda for globalization,
> for example, has included the elimination of a government's
> responsibility to society, the elevation of the rights of private
> property above everything else, and the expansion of the
> apparatus of incarceration and extermination.
> Underlying this has been the relentless efforts to dehumanize all
> those who "can't make it" and to demonize all those who resist
> their fate. The propaganda of the ideological right also
> dehumanizes the poor, fights for "law and order" solutions and
> advocates replacing government with the reliance on family,
> church and the individual. Similarly, the overtly fascist
> groupings echo many of these sentiments, their open
> anti-government stance feeding suspicion of government and other
> social institutions.
> Race and racism historically have been crucial elements of
> fascist ideology. However, as the material foundation for racism
> is being eroded by the qualitatively new technology, the
> connection between race and fascism is breaking down. Of course,
> color still remains a key tool to manipulate the masses for
> fascism, and some openly fascist groupings and their
> "mainstreamed" leaders, such as David Duke, continue to rely upon
> color as the centerpiece of their propaganda.
> Other elements do not emphasize color (although of course they
> might use it in subtle ways). Similarly, we have seen that the
> promotion of a global economy accompanies no racial distinctions
> as to who should starve and who should eat. Downplaying color
> distinctions allows these elements to broaden their message, not
> only to a certain section of blacks, but to the broad section of
> whites that do not respond overtly to racist appeals.
> From different directions and in different forms, the various
> aspects of the subjective are reaching the huge, diffuse and
> discontented American masses and sweeping them up into support
> for fascism, without the American people even realizing it. Left
> unchallenged, it will be this vision of America that shapes the
> coming struggles.
> *****************************************************************
> * This article originated in the PEOPLE'S TRIBUNE/TRIBUNO DEL
> PUEBLO (Online Edition), Vol. 26 No. 8/ August, 1999; P.O. Box
> 3524, Chicago, IL 60654; Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> http://www.mcs.com/~league Feel free to reproduce and use unless
> marked as copyrighted. The PEOPLE'S TRIBUNE/TRIBUNO DEL PUEBLO
> depends on donations from its readers.
> *****************************************************************
> *
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