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Subject: Network America
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 6:57 PM

This message is forwarded FYI.

To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "Jim Condit Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                [NA] What is the Hayfield Research? YouXd Better
Find Out
Date sent:              Tue, 11 Apr 2000 05:22:40 -0700
Send reply to:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the
votes decide everything." Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course"
radio show over the internet at www.sightings.com in the archives,
April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 9, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

What is the Hayfield Research? You’d Better Find out.

"Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year to control the
public mind". Naom Chomsky, Professor at MIT.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to
worry about the answers."----Thomas Pynchon, “Gravity’s Rainbow”

This e-wire changes gears back to the MOTIVE behind the current
computer-votefraud establishment.  . . . You might ask, “Isn’t
‘votefraud establishment’ too strong a term? I mean, don’t we only
have a few examples of proven votefraud?” . . . The answer is, “Yes,
we only have a few proven instances of votefraud, such as Dubuque
in 1996 and the Bernecker case in 1995, -- and it’s a miracle we
have even those, since the whole essence of the current systems
are to make it impossible to verify anything -- but, no, the term
‘votefraud establishment’ is not too strong.”

The reason ‘votefraud establishment’ is not too strong is because the
basic and pervasive FRAUD perpetrated by the establishment (major
media and RNC, and DNC, and all the satellites of these) on the
public is the constant and unceasing propaganda (by implication)
that we, as US citizens, enjoy a secure, above-board, verifiable
election system. Nothing could be further from the truth, yet this is
the powerful impression conveyed every time another election is
covered by the Big TV Networks and Big Media, as if everything is
A-OK, and with both major parties not objecting to the computerized
and mechanized vote counting process used almost everywhere
today in the USA.

Anyway, this ‘votefraud establishment is held together by the
financial motive of global monopoly capitalism, which is the other
side of Fabian Socialism/Trotskyite Communism. Again, too strong?
Not at all. Thanks to Terry Hayfield, researcher and writer from
Findlay, Ohio, the “code” has been cracked as to how the Ruling
Elite is operating, and why, by logical deduction, they aren’t about to
let a little matter like majority rule get in their way.

As explained in our earlier e-wire, “Motive, Opportunity, Votefraud”,
Terry Hayfield was a Vietnam Vet, one time union organizer, and
one time collaborator with Congressman Lawrence McDonald, right
before the Congressman was downed in KAL 007.

Here is a portion of the Hayfield research, which brilliantly shows that
the “Reagan Revolution” was all about laying the groundwork for
Fabian Socialism, i.e. NAFTA, GATT, WTO, “Free Trade” and
selective deregulation of a few mega-corporations, while maintaining
heavy regulations on small and medium sized businesses.

It must be remembered that Reagan, while not stupid, was primarily
an actor. I had known from former LAPD detective Gary Wean that
Reagan was heavily under the influence of Lew Wasserman, the
arrogant Hollywood mogul who, among other things, was hell-bent on
going ahead with “The Last Temptation of Christ” in spite of the
prognosis that the blasphemous movie was going to lose money.
And while it is true that in the case of the Harley Davidson
motorcycle, and in a few other cases, Reagan did invoke protective
measures to protect American industry. But, as you are about to
see, the whole thrust of the Reagan administration was to lay the
groundwork for the triumph of Fabian Socialist Monopoly Capitalism
in the USA. To properly understand the following, it is necessary to
grasp that an Enterprise Zone was the forerunner of today’s “free
trade”zones, which create little pieces of territory within a nation
which are free of local, state, and national taxes --- and are only
subject to the World Trade Organization. This, according to Karl
Marx’s prescription, is the beginning of the World Government. I
understand there are already today over 4000 of these “free trade
zones” in the United States today. (It must be borne in mind that Karl
Marx, the 1917 Communist Revolution in Russia, the Fabian
Socialist Society in England, and the implementation of the
Federal Reserve Act in the United States – were all funded by of the
same Ruling Elite, the Ruling Elite of the Permanent Revolution.)

In The Trilateral Observer, issue 5, No. 2, Terry Hayfield and another
researcher lifted the copyright to help facilitate the widest distribution
possible. They had pieced together the following:

1) “The original introduction of the Enterprise Zone idea into the US
was made by Stuart Butler, policy analyst with the Heritage
Foundation in Washington D.C. Heritage first proposed the idea to
the Reagan campaign as early as 1980, and it became a more than
minor campaign plank.”

2) “. . . Butler ws not the originator of the Enterprise Zone idea. On
page 21 of Butler’s pamphlet he explains: “The first significant
elements of a plan were first suggested in 1977 by Professor Peter
Hall, an urban planning expert at Reading University in England.”
Butler explained this on page 21 of his 1979 pamphlet published by
the Heritage Foundation, “A Solution to the Urban crisis?”

3) Who is this Professor Peter Hall? Hayfield goes on
to explain, “While Butler earlier referred to Hall as a ‘British planning
expert and leading Socialist academic,” he failed to do Hall justice.
According to the 1981 international Who’s Who, Hall has been on
the executive committee of the avidly Socialist Fabian Society since
1964, and was chairman in 1971-72. This is obviously no idle

4) What is the Fabian Society? “According to a major encyclopedia
it is a British socialist society taking its name from the Roman
general Quintus Fabius Maximus, known as the “Slow-goer” for his
tactics against the Carthaginian general Hannibal. It was founded in
1884. The society’s first object was the gradual reconstruction of
society on socialist lines. It spurned revolutionary methods and
placed its thrust in propaganda, discussion, and permeation of other
bodies. . . . Fabian Socialism holds the same basic tenets as Soviet
Communism sans armed revolution. Only the means to the end are
different. The Fabian [Society] . . . curiously, have never had a
split since its founding in 1884.”

5) “Conservatives should  take a long, hard look at the self-
professed conservative Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.
Heritage has been one of the prime sources of policy material for
the Reagan forces from the inception of this campaign through
today. On 11-22-81 the Toledo Blade wrote: ‘The Administration’s
action were sized up against the more than 2,200 recommendations
the Heritage Foundation recommended a year ago to make the
Government more conservative. The Administration has started or
implemented about 60% of the 1,270 suggestions that could be
made in a short time,” foundation vice-president  Richard N. Holwill
told reporters.’ (end quote from the Toledo Blade)

6) “Heritage President John E. Feulner, Jr. . . . in naivete
or not, . . .  took a year of post graduate study in 1965 at the London
School of Economics (LSE). LSE was founded in 1884 by Sidney
and Beatrice Webb; not by coincidence, they also founded the
Fabian Society and were its guiding lights until their death. LSE has
ever since been an oracle of Fabian Socialism and has drawn many
students there by its promise of ‘open thought’ with hope to infiltrate
their thinking with Fabian thought.” (End of quotes from Hayfield and
the Trilateral Observer of February 1982.)

Network America returns to comment about the above:

a) Having heard the Fabian Society and ‘Fabian Socialism’ referred
to hundreds of times in the last 20 years, I never had seen anyone
either explain the name or demonstrate its importance until I met
Terry Hayfield and saw this research in late 1999. It is obvious from
the above that the Fabian Society is held together by big, big money
and the highest circles of the Ruling Elite. That’s why there has been
no splits or schisms in the Fabian Society since 1884.

b) It is further clear that the Fabian Society is the “gentleman” side
of Communism, working in the West for financial domination while
Communism was being used as a battering ram to break up
the old orders in Russia, China, and eastern Europe. Now, with
Communism’s job successfully done in those areas, the Financial
Wirepullers of Fabianism and Communism are trying to integrate the
entire world under their usurious and ‘high tax’ financial domination.
That’s what NAFTA, GATT, “free trade”, and the World Trade
Organization are all about.

c) The Heritage Foundation, like the Fabian Society, has unlimited –
and I mean unlimited – money. I think I’ve heard that their
endowment is like $100 million dollars and they subsist on the
interest. In contrast, the real patriots and conservative are always in
virtual starvation mode, and barely able to keep operations afloat in
comparison with such New World Order operations as the Heritage
Foundation. This is why “conservatives” like Bill Bennett, Ariana
Huffington, Jack Kemp, Linda Chavez, etc. etc. etc. push the
Heritage Foundation line, and/or the same line pushed by
other big money operations. This is where these mouthpieces can
get paid. This is where they can be made into national “media
stars.” Now you can understand why these individuals come down
like a ton of bricks on Pat Buchanan and ignore Howard Phillips.
Their paycheck is on the line. It’s not very edifying, but that’s the

d) It costs those behind the Heritage Foundation little to advocate a
few good programs while they are helping to herd conservatives into
the support for Fabian Socialism for the masses and Monopoly
Capitalism for the Ruling Elite (two sides of the same coin, or, to
borrow a phrase, two wings on the same bird of prey). When the
financial domination of the nation is sufficiently in place, the
good programs advocated by Heritage will be quietly dropped – or
Heritage will just disappear altogether.

e) So what’s the shocking conclusion of this little e-wire?

The shocking conclusion is that Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh
and G. Gordon Liddy – are the foremost latter day apostles of “Free
Trade”, NAFTA, GATT, Fabian Socialism, and Monopoly Capitalism.
I personally would believe that Reagan did not see the full
consequences of the policies he was handed. My judgement would
be that Limbaugh and Liddy started out many years ago with
patriotic fervor, but are in way too deep to examine these things too
closely – if they want to continue to enjoy their prominence and
lavish lifestye. f) While one may respond that Clinton and Gore
deserve the foremost place as  the latter day salesmen of
Fabian Socialism and Monopoly Capitalism, that conclusion misses
an important point: while Clinton and Gore are more rabid, it was
and is Reagan, Limbaugh, Trent Lott, the Republican Party, and G.
Gordon Liddy who mislead keep the blindfold on the Americans who
are most likely see through the scam if shown it – the well
intentioned grassroots conservatives -- and that’s by far the more
valuable job to the Ruling Elite.

Jim Condit Jr.,
Director Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

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newsmedia know -- that we will not accept the 2000 Election results
unless paper ballots with citizen checks and balances are restored
to the process at the local precinct level.

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