-Caveat Lector-

So one big step towards taking back our country and defending its shores
as the Constitution demands.

So while the rest of the world gets a few laughs watching Gary Condit
squirm Bush goes about his job doing what he was paid to do - let the
Democrats take their Barney Franks, Gary Condits and Bill Clintons,  and
we will sit and laugh and watch their "performances" for you note, this
is what the news media - the big boys at the top of the hill call it - a
mere performance.

Now when Condit and all these people start coming down with AIDS and
more sexually transmitted diseases, maybe we will all learn to tune
tthem out, for after all - their are children watching TV and we do not
want them contaminated by the likes of this lot.

So on with the Show - but keep an eye on Bush for we finally have a
President of the United State, not a would be President of the World who
on all fours sent out his agent, Madeline Albright, to beg the butcher
Putin for mercy, mercy, mercy Mr. Putin - we want to beef up our
defenses, etc etc etc.

Putin can continue to invade Israel now without our support and
hopefully the Russians will now pay for the beg a thons and pick up a
few tabs?


Joint Chiefs chair has skyward focus
Air Force Gen. Myers
will face major overhaul
of military technologiesPresident Bush announces the appointment of Air
Force Gen. Richard Myers to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
CRAWFORD, Texas, Aug. 24 —  President Bush on Friday named Air Force
Gen. Richard Myers as his new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Myers is the first Air Force officer to hold the post since 1982, and
his prior work running the military's interests in space will be key to
the administration's goal of building a strategic missile shield and
technologically streamlining the armed forces.

       BUSH ANNOUNCED Myers' appointment at a news conference in
a community center near his ranch in Crawford, highlighting Myers'
understanding of the need to overhaul the military's technical
       Myers said he looked forward to the task. "I'm ready to
roll up my sleeves and build the kind of military that President Bush
envisions — one that is poised to meet current obligations and
emerging threats," Myers said.
       Bush called Myers "the right man to preserve the
strengths and traditions of our armed forces while challenging them to
innovate to meet the threats of the future."
       "His is a skilled and steady hand," the president said.
"He understands that the strength of our armed forces are our people and
our technological superiority."
       Bush said Thursday that he had found "someone who's
willing to think differently about the missions of our military."
       Myers' career appears perfectly molded to the military
priorities of the Bush administration. He currently is vice chairman of
the Joint Chiefs, but previously ran U.S. Space Command as well as
NORAD, the joint U.S.-Canadian command located inside Colorado's
Cheyenne Mountain that has monitored the skies over North America for
over four decades. Among NORAD's responsibilities has been to monitor
missile launches around the globe and to patrol the various satellites
in Earth orbit, even to help watch for drug smugglers.
       In addition, as head of the Air Force's Space Command,
Myers has been in charge of maintaining the nation's stockpile of
long-range nuclear missiles.


       That eye on the skies parallels Bush's hard-fought
attempts to begin building a strategic missile defense shield. As the
top military officer in the nation and the top military adviser to the
president and the defense secretary, Myers would be in a key position to
recraft U.S. forces with a focus on strategic defense rather than troop
       His appointment comes as the administration, led by
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, hopes to complete a major overhaul of
the military.
       Bush reiterated Friday his request to Congress for an
extra $39 billion in the Pentagon budget to help pay for the overhaul.
       "This is our money our military needs, and money our
budget allows," Bush said.
       Despite a rapidly shrinking budget surplus, Bush insisted
his budget plan will meet the nation's needs if Congress "adjusts its
spending attitudes."
       Prior to taking charge of the military's space efforts,
Myers commanded the Pacific Air Forces from Hickam Air Force Base in
       A native of Kansas City, Mo., Myers entered the Air Force
in 1965 and was trained as a fighter pilot, logging thousands of hours
in jets both old and new, including the F-4 and the F-16. He spent over
400 combat hours in the F-4.

 Pentagon's plans for the cosmos

       Myers' post in Hawaii, and his time as commander of U.S.
forces in Japan, also provide a good background for an area the
administration considers key. During Army Gen. John Shalikashvili's
tenure as Joint Chiefs chairman, Myers was his principal assistant.
       He would be the first Air Force officer to serve as Joint
Chiefs chairman since Gen. David Jones, who held the post from 1978 to
       Defense officials said Myers was a finalist, along with
Adm. Vernon Clark, the chief of naval operations.
       Also Friday, Bush named Marine Gen. Peter Pace as vice
chairman of the Joint Chiefs, replacing Myers' old position. Pace has
served as a member of the Joint Chiefs in charge of operations, and
currently is in charge of the U.S. Southern Command.
       By law, the only candidates are the top generals and
admirals who lead each of the services, as well as the commanders of the
military's war-fighting and supporting commands — 13 four-star
officers in all.
       Bush's pick, if confirmed by the Senate, will replace
Army Gen. Henry Shelton, who steps down Sept. 30.
       Shelton, the man Myers is slated to replace, said in a
statement that Myers has "the heart of a warrior and vision of a leader
to his position."

       NBC's Jim Miklaszewski, MSNBC's Jon Bonné and The
Associated Press contributed to this report.

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