-Caveat Lector-

So the new "stink bombs" are meant to be funny??    Really?

New Stink Bomb oh so funny  - Will induce "panic" state against
protesters of Globilization?
Think this country of ours has not taken on the attributes of Nazi
Germany for the Nazis once had a pest control experiment buit about the
story of Legion in the bible - and these people who introduce this new
gas warfare are using these Nazi Experiments against Americans and
protesters worldwide now?

Would have expected this out of Nazi Germany and out of those who caused
holocaut at Waco?

Well that is just the beginning - remember the Legionaires Disease?
Timed to my bible code where a demonic who claimed his name was Legion
for he was many (and no doubt foreign legion etc., took their name from
here) - this demoniac was exorcised and his disease went into the swine
who panicked and ran into the ocean and drowned - now this old Nazi
experiment was repeated on July 21 when the Legionaires died - some
maybe had weaker lungs and could not withstand the poison but at that
time too well we had remember the poisoned Swine Flu (love that Swine
flu) vaccine that was bad and killed and crippled how many people.

Wonder, did the sick Legionaires panic when attacked by this dly disease
caused by something it was alleged emitted from the air conditioning

So in this wonderful book - Speer of Destiny in a chapter called
"Asrological Pest Control, Rabbits, Rats, and Sub Humans"

When I got this book I remembred this FBI agent on a elevator - two had
followed me downtown to - jumping on the elevator and saying softly into
my ear "we are exterminators and we are out to eliminate a pest"...and I
got the message.

Vaccine companies, drugs, pest control - all are under the same umbrella
today; but this book Speer of Destiny tells of this "chemical" warfare -
the type our government now will use on protesters?   Ony they just
added the stench and remembr the protestors no doubt who were government
agents who threw lion's dung at mounted police - on horses and the
horses panicked like the swine in Mark and Luke - and ran into the sea
and drowned?   Think just kids threw the lions dung or imal rights
people and activists - think they would stab policeman's horses as they

So an example from this book:   in part:  A key Nazi experiment to
induce  panic in rabbits designed for people :

 From Spear of Destiny.........

 "When the dawn broke the following morning (after the experiment)
thousands f rabbits were to be seen in a huge cluster around an old ash
tree in the paddock. The appeared to bei n a state of intense
excitement, rrstless, quivering, running up an down an snifling the air
with obvious perturbation......

>From all directions they were joined by more and more rabbits that came
dashing across the fields, running across farm yards and stables, and
even scampering down garden paths, apparently  oblivious of the dangers
of human contact.

Reports came in from all parts of the vast estate and neighbouring farm
lands....rabbits were quitting their burrows and warrens as though their
natural habitat was not a threat to their very survival, forming other
huge clusters in a condition of frantic agitation.
[or state of panic]

By late afternoon the separate clusters had joined together in a single
mass in a far corner of the estate. Shortly before dusk the entire
rabbit population disappeared in one enormous panic stricken swarm
heading in a north-easterly direction towrds the distant wastelands an

no rabbits would be seen nor rabbit spoor disovered on the Keyserlingsk
lands for many years to come".

Now read the story of Legion in the bible - where the swine panicked and
ran to the sea and drowned - and keep in mind the Legionaires that
horrible day and the Swine Flu serum which was found to be poison and
this, was an experiment no doubt you will think it was CIA - no way, for
the same conspirators who murdered JFK and RFK and sabotaged the Apollo,
did this - and I do not care if anyone believes me or not, for I know.
It is keyed to my bible calendar code which I call The Master Plan for
Death keyed to the Stars (Astrology) and the Testaments.....

So now to the real essense of this experiment - German Doctors and a few
of them were also jewish but worked right along with the Nazis?
This is the gist of how this experiment affected the rabbits:

"There was to be a sinister sequel to this astonishing demonstration of
pest control at Koberwitz.

The Nazis repeated the experiment with potentised ashes of the
testicles, spleens and portions of the skin of virile young Jews in an
attempt to drive the remnant of the Jewish population out of Germany

It was the last horrific act in the final solution when the Third Reich
was colapsing before the onslaught of the Allied Armies. The order to
carry out this diabolical plan came from Hitler himself, but the evil
genius who conceived it, was Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler........

Himmler also learned all the details of homeopathic techniques of pest
control but was too involved at this time (1929) in building up the SS
to undertake experiments in this direction ......

The possible applications of such pest control in the human sphere did
not arise in Himmler's mind until 1943 when the Final Solution was fully
under way, and he was involved in an attempt to liquidate some thirty
million people including the total destruction of European Jewry, the
Polish intelligensia, and a large slice of the Slavonic
.......after the allied invasion in 1944 and further disasteous revrsals
on the Eastern front Himmler was confronted with yet another problem -
how to ensure that the remnant of European Jewry wold quit the otinent
for all time after the final defeat of the Third Reich and it was at
that time he conceived the idea of the application of pest control to
at this time how to liquidae rats with poisons which did not infect his
own fowls.....as a result of this experience he ordered that the first
experiments in pest control should be carried out with the potentised
ashes of rats........

Himmler appears to have believed that a successful potentisation in this
respect depended on discovering the PYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF THE RACIAL
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE ......von Sievers decided to make a
special collection of Jewish skulls and corpses so that researches ould
be made on the blood and bone marrow and the organs of
mmediately following the defeat of the Third Reich there was an exodus
of a high proportion of the remnant of the Jewish race from the

Was it the result of this diabolical form of pest control...or was it
because the Jews believed that man's inumaniy to man would always be the
rule rather than the exception on this blood soaked continent".

SABA Notes - So now you see why I do not think the story of the Stink
Bombs is very funny and I reproduce Bill's very informing item which he
forwarded to list and I thank him for same - for it it to me, the story
of the century for you can see who and what these bastards are......
Jonestown - there were former Nazi doctors there  - so did the  people
at Jonestown did not panic or did they - for they all took poison and
lie down - chldren too - while the Rabbi Washington wanted for a murder
charge in USA who lived right beside him, got away to safety?   Was of
the House of Israel, another experiment - anyway this Rabbi of the Black
House of Israel, was no jew - and was wanted for murder in the USA which
was ignored at the time of the investigation.

All at Jonestown died but a small remnant, a US Congressman died but
Mark Lane, survived to write the book - he is a bad omen anywhere.

Are the people in this country gong to sit back and do nothing any let
these barbarians, these vicious killers continue to murder our children
and Wacoize this country?

Is this EU behind this stuff - Fascists and Nazis in disguise -

Oh  how hilarious, Stink Bombs?   Made to order, one type for Jews,
one type for the Irish, one type for Moslems - tell me they got any made
yet for the FBI and BATF and crooked politicians or Admiral Crowe ...hey
now one type fits all like a big swine flu vaccine or a new AIDS vaccine
soon to be thrust upon the children who are too little to fight back,
but we have a right to PROTECT OUR CHILDREN..

Wonder why Pesticides Companies are geared to go into chemical warfare
at drop of hat and they also manufacture drugs and All kinds of nice

So you see that day in 1969 when the FBI followed me downtown in an
Exterminators Car, smiling and nodding all the way on the freeway to
tell me  they were "Exterminators out to eliminate a pest", you see why
I did not laugh or even pretend to hear them...
This book Spear of Destiny was first published in 1973 - in Great
Britain - the man who was to write this book was fund dead in his room
and it was presumed he had been murdered.

Today do you see that our government has taken on the attributes of the
enemy - do you believe that was our FBI and BATF at Waco - NATO Tank was
it, flame throwers and they cinerated chidren - there little tricycles
still visible after the holocaust.

See why UN wants to disarm the USA working with the NWO Gangsters?

For the ones who win the war, are the best armed.....first thing Hitler
did was disarm Germany.

Hitler once held the Spear of Longinus in his hands, the spear that
pierced the side of Christ as prophesied - he felt the power and saw the
future - this spear was was held by Charlemagne and Longinus used this
spear where he pierced the side of Christ - General George Patton
returned this spear to the museum where it belonged and I doubt he gave
much thought to the gold or stolen paintings ......for he knew he held
the destiny of the world in his hands.  Shortly thereafter Patton
fighting windmills, was killed or was he murdered?

If you note this EU was set up like the UN for you see they have set
themselves up and over legitimate governments duly elected to office -
these people are nothing and the Irish showed them that......thought
would take over and nary a shot would be fired - but that does not work,
so now the Globalists have "invened" the Stink Bomb - oh how
humorous.......this is chemical warfare and old Nazi experiment and her
is the proof written in 1973 in Spear of Destiny and the author who had
the information was murdered before he could put into book form but the
torch was passed on.

Now read Bill's story here and see the connection?   Keep in mind that
Nazi Scientists went to Russia - and when you find murder in the plans -
the master plans - look to our KGB and Walker spies for there is no
difference between these Nazis and Communists - AIDS is just another
form of Nazi experiments - for they don't fool me, for I have their
Master Plan for Murder.


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> From:    William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:    [CTRL] Pentagon's Newest Weapon- Stinkbomb To:

Pentagon reveals next superweapon: the stinkbomb

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Thursday July 5, 2001
The Guardian

It is, as 10-year-old boys have known for decades, one of the most
weapons known to humanity. Now the world's most sophisticated and
centre of defence and armaments has finally made the same discovery.

The Pentagon is developing a stinkbomb powerful enough to drive away
crowds in a move towards what will almost certainly be classified as

No longer will demonstrators be able to say that they smell a rat when
spot the police or army gathering to halt their progress - they will be
smelling something altogether more subtle.

The new stinkbomb will be part of the police and army's arsenal for
with the increasing number of violent protests against globalisation
have been taking place wherever world leaders and financial institutions
gather around the globe, from Seattle in 1999 to Gothenburg last month.

"It would give us an offensive capability against large and unruly
groups of
people, if they are unwilling to move or are openly hostile," a Pentagon
spokesman told the New Scientist magazine, which this week published
of the invention. "And it would minimise the risk to our people and to

The researchers who have been working on the project said there was a
link between a particular kind of smell and fear, and that a particular
can activate tissue deep within the brain.

The aim would be to use such a smell to send a panic through the ranks

Pam Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses
Centre in
Philadelphia who is leading the search for a more sensitive stinkbomb,
tested smells on volunteers of different ethnic origins to try to find a
formula that affects everyone.

She is reported to have found two odours that appear to transcend
culture; a
mixture of the two could form the basis of the new weapon.

This could also be seen as the authorities getting their own back for
the use
of odour warfare by protesters. A favourite ploy has been to lob lion
taken from zoos and safari parks at police horses, who panic at the
scent and throw their riders.

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