-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Clinton Countdown

Today is February 17, 2000.  There are only 338 days remaining in the Clinton

Losing His Head

“What began as a coronation is starting to look like a decapitation.”

- Boston Herald columnist Don Feder on the troubles the George W. Bush
campaign has experienced over the past several weeks, 2/14/00

Does GOP Want Democrats or Not?

For the past two weeks since John McCain stunned the political world by
thrashing George W. Bush in the New Hampshire primary, a number of
Republicans have been absolutely apoplectic about the number of Democrats and
Independents who are supporting McCain.  Yet it was the so-called “Reagan
Democrats” who gave the GOP the votes needed to advance the Gipper’s
conservative agenda in the early and mid-eighties.  Do we no longer want such
conservative Democrats and Independents to support Republican candidates?

And what about Democrats who switch parties?  We received notification from
the Republican National Committee on Wednesday proudly announcing that yet
another elected Democrat (New York Supervisor Marilynn Calhoun) had switched
parties and joined the GOP - the 469th elected Democrat to make the switch
since Clinton/Gore were first elected.  Are these Democrat party-switchers
not welcome in the Republican Party fold?

But I guess what bothers me most about the hysteria being fueled by the Bush
campaign over Democrats and Independents crossing over and supporting McCain
is their hypocrisy on the issue.  Part of the George W. Bush bill-of-goods
sold to the GOP huddled masses a year ago in order to “anoint” him as the
one, true inevitable Republican nominee was his alleged ability to attract
cross-over voters.  But the tables got turned.  Yes, cross-over voters are
flocking to a Republican candidate this year - it’s just not Bush.  So now,
attracting cross-over voters is suddenly a bad thing?  Not.

Look, I am 100% opposed to non-Republicans having a vote in who our
Republican candidates are going to be.  But you gotta play the cards you’ve
been dealt - and McCain has been playing a better hand in this regard than
Bush.  Don’t blame McCain - blame the idiots who have been pushing for these
open primaries all these years.

The fact is, Republicans can’t win next fall without those “Reagan
and Independents.  If McCain can get them, fine.  If Bush can get them, fine.
 But if we, as a party, are stupid enough to tell these conservative
Democrats and Independents who are willing to vote for our candidates that
there’s “no room at the inn,” we’ll deserve the horror of swearing in
President Gore and Speaker Gephardt less than a year from now.

The Gipper:  How To Win 101

“The Republican Party I envision will not, and cannot, be one limited to the
country club big business image that, for reasons, both fair and unfair, it
is burdened with today.  The New Republican party I am speaking about is
going to have room for the man and woman in the factories, for the farmer,
for the cop on the beat, and the millions of Americans who may never have
thought of joining our party before but whose interest coincide with those
represented by principled Republicanism.  If we are to attract more working
men and women of this country, we will do so not simply by ‘making room’ for
them, but by making certain that they have a say in what goes on in the

- Ronald Reagan speech to the American Conservative Union in February 1977,
quoted by former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer in announcing his
endorsement of John McCain yesterday

It Takes a Village to Tip a Waitress

A grassroots effort is underway that further embarrasses HILLARY! for
stiffing that waitress in New York last week.  Folks all across the country
are rallying to send Trish Trupo one dollar to cover the tip that HILLARY!
failed to leave after wolfing down her two free breakfasts at the Village
House restaurant in Albion, NY.

The Washington Times reported yesterday that HILLARY! called Ms. Trupo to
apologize - but still didn’t arrange for a tip.  “She didn’t offer and I
didn’t ask,” Trupo said.  The Times reports that “Americans from as far away
as California and Florida have sent cards and letters with money enclosed —
mainly $1 bills.”  Trupo - a single-mom with an 11-year-old son and no
insurance who makes $2.90 an hour plus tips - already knows what she’s going
to do with the money that’s coming in.  "I'm going to use it for education
for my son. Because I'm a single mom and I don't receive child support, this
really helps."

Send your dollar bill to:  Trish Trupo, c/o Village House Restaurant, 16 East
Avenue, Albion, NY 14411-1613.  The Vast-Right-Wing-Conspiracy may not be
able to help every woman who has been treated like dirt by a Clinton, but we
can certainly help this one!

Risk the $100 and Tell Census to “Pound Dirt”

“If you’re not surprised, puzzled, and even down-right offended by the 2000
Census form, it’s probably because you haven’t seen it yet.  The questions
range from strange to invasive to down-right un-American.  The Census Bureau
says it’s your patriotic duty to answer these snooping questions.  In
reality, it’s your patriotic duty to refuse to answer them.  You can strike a
blow for privacy, equality and liberty by declining to answer every question
on the Census form except the one required by the Constitution:  How many
people live in your home? ... Unfortunately, the government has ways of
making you talk.  Title 13, Chapter 7 of the U.S. Code mandates a $100 fine
for those who decline to answer Census questions...  (I)t’s time for some
polite, patriotic civil disobedience.  If you care about privacy, genuine
equality, and old-fashioned American liberty, the arrival of the census form
is your chance to literally stand up and be counted.  Tell them how many
people live in your home, and that’s all.  Maybe $100 is a small price to pay
for making a principled stand for privacy and freedom.”

- Chris Azzaro, executive director for the Libertarian Party of Nevada, Las
Vegas Review Journal, 2/13/00

Help Spread the Word

If you know someone who does not receive our FREE News & Views briefings,
send their e-mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (NOTE:  Under Bill s.1618
TITLE III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress, political e-newsletters such as
this cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact
information and a method of removal - which we do.   To be removed from
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-  John McCain:  www.mccain2000.com
-  Alan Keyes:  www.keyes2000.org
-  George W. Bush:  www.georgewbush.com

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Published by:  Nevada Liberty Caucus
“The Conscience of the Republican Party”
Chuck Muth, Chairman

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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