
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Neil Baird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Undisclosed-Recipient: ;@smaug.dragon.net.au>
Cc: Federal MP, Anthony Albanese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Lawrence 
Anthony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Phil Barresi 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, R Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, 
R Sawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Robert McClelland 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Ross Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Federal MP, S Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, S Stone 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Simon Crean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, 
Stephen Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Steve Gibbons 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Stewart McArthur 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Stuart St. Clair 
Federal MP, T Gambaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, T Worth 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Tanya Plibersek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Federal MP, Tim Fischer !
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Tony Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Federal MP, Tony Lawler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, W Truss 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Warren Entsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Federal MP, Wayne Swan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Federal MP, Wilson Tuckey 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator J Woodley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator SM 
Senator Amanda Vanstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JM Troeth 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JW Tierney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator 
JW Tambling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator K Synon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator Natasha J Stott Despoja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator Nick J 
Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator Chris Schacht 
Senator ME Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sen!
ator RF Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JA Quirke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator MA Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator KCL Patterson 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator WR Parer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator 
Bill O'Chee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator KWK O'Brien 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator Jocelyn Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator AJM Murray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator SM Murphy 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator Nick Minchin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator J McKiernan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JJJ McGauran 
Senator SM Mackay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator DJ MacGibbon 
Senator JAL Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator KA Lundy 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator PR Lightfoot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senat!
or Meg Lees <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator SC Knowles 
Hutchins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JJ Hogg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator RM Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JJ Herron 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator Brian Harradine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator MG Forshaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator JM Ferris 
Senator CV Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator CM Ellison 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator A. Eggleston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator A. Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator Andrew Bartlett 
Senator B. Gibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator B. Gibson 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator B. Heffernan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator Bob Brown <sena!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator D. Brownhill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator 
Len Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator E Abetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator LF Allison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator R Alston 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator TM Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator N 
Bolkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator RLD Boswell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator VW Bourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator PH Calvert 
Senator K Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator HGP Chapman 
Senator SM Conroy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator PFS Cook 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator H Coonan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator AW 
Crane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator PM Crossin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Senator RA Crowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Senator KJ Denman!
Subject: News Report Issue 73 Saturday April 1 2000
Date: Saturday, April 01, 2000 11:18 AM

News Report Issue 73
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act." George Orwell


1. Thought for the day - Shondra Britten
2. Request:
3. Opinion:  The UN's Millennium Assembly - Antonia Feitz
4. Opinion:  The Immorality of the US Advertising Industry - Lucie Christensen
5. Opinion:  More Dodgy deals in Iraq - Antonia Feitz
6. Opinion:  Free Trade v. National Economics - Antonia Feitz
7. Opinion:  Economic Rationalism is bunkum - Antonia Feitz
8. Article:  Gun Runner (Part 1) - Terry Shulze
9. Opinion: Corporate Money can be the "tail that wags the dog" - John Massey
10. Opinion: Australia's vulnerability - Antonia Feitz
11. Life Sciences: USDA betrays public trust with 2 new terminator patents, Veronica 
12. Feedback: Census and Privacy - Bill Nixon
13. Feedback: Asianisation of Australia - Kerry Spencer Salt
14. Feedback: Disarmament - Jewish Opposition - Omega
15. Feedback: Representative & Accountable Government - Peter Cunningham
16. Feedback Contacts:
17. Editorial Policy:


1. Thought for the day:

"In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled." (Paul Eldridge)

Forwarded by Shon

2. Request:
For this online news report to be ultimately effective it must grow to such a size 
that it and the ideas it espouses can't be ignored. So do your bit and help circulate 
it far and wide. If we are to challenge the elites (the Packers and the Murdochs) view 
of history, politics, economics, the environment, the structure of society etc., then 
we are going to have to do more than wait. We are going to have to be very active and 
vigilant. We have given you only one of the tools (information & a medium for comment) 
you will need. Help us to help you. Lets fan the flames of knowledge. Spread the word. 

3. Opinion:
The UN's Millennium Assembly

OK boys and girls, how many of you have been consulted about your views on the role of 
the UN in the new millennium (which actually starts next year despite the premature 
party). You haven't? Well too bad, because in September this year, a report is to be 
presented to the Millennium Assembly, which is just a fancy name they've given to the 
55th session of the UN General Assembly.

To elicit the views of civil society, there have supposedly been five informal 
regional hearings. These were held in Beirut for Western Asia; in Addis Ababa for 
Africa; in Geneva for Europe; in Santiago for Latin America and the Caribbean; and in 
Tokyo for Asia and the Pacific.

It's going to be a real doozey. All the heads of states and / or governments of the 
member states of the UN have been invited to participate in the Millennium Summit, 
starting on 6 September 2000.  At this Summit, the world's leaders will agree on a 
process for a review of the role of the UN. Sounds dodgy to me, and what a joke 
anyway. As if the people of the world haven't woken up to the fact that UN assemblies 
are as stage-managed as any old-fashioned USSR show-trial or Chinese parliament.

That's why Seattle was such a shocking defeat for the WTO: nobody factored in a revolt 
- not by the protesters; that was  expected - but by the various nations' trade 
ministers and bureaucrats. Prodded enough, da woim eventually toins. The globalist mob 
haven't woken up yet that people are smarting. They obviously believe the propaganda 
about the "average weekly wage".

Apparently the UN organisers thought the turn of the century / millennium was "a 
unique and symbolically compelling moment for the membership of the United Nations to 
articulate and affirm an animating vision for the United Nations in the new era." (UN 

Select pleb groups - oops, civil society organisations -  are organising their own 
gabfest: a Millennium Forum  on 22-26 May 2000 at the UN headquarters in New York. 
Who's paying for these junkets? Wouldn't the money be better spent in concreting the 
lips of wells or building roads in the third world?

And they thought Seattle was a tough security job. Heavens to Murgatroyd, there were 
only common garden trade ministers and bureaucrats at Seattle! Come September, Noo 
York will host actual government leaders such as Blair, Putin and Howard.  Noo York 
will be a police state. Perhaps it's fitting: on paper it looks like the world's 
population have been extensively consulted about whatever pronouncement the UN makes 
in September. In reality nobody has a clue about what's going on.


4. Feedback:
Immorality of the Advertising Industry.

Just received this news letter,  what is happening to our beautiful world, to many of 
us are turning away from good and allowing evil to enter. God help us if these are the 
morals that the advertisers who pass this rubbish have, (print the enclosed news 
letter from Dr Laura if you are allowed)  I think it is disgusting to demoralise the 
unity of two people in the unity of one, with such utter trash.  Its like the Mardi 
Gras. If its so right, why do they have to force it on us....

Lucie Christensen
>From the USA
Dr. Laura's Newsletter

Sometimes I surprise even myself. Listeners to my radio show will remember that last 
year I was ranting about a study published in a reputable American Psychological 
Association journal which concluded that child molestation was not always harmful to 
children and, in some cases, might even be beneficial. Well, a lot of professionals 
and politicians jumped on that one, and that so-called research has earned the 
ignominy it deserved.

However, in the course of my on-air musings about the state we are in as a country, 
where morality is the butt of jokes and credible professional journals publish studies 
that advance the cause of paedophiles, I laughingly said, "What's next? Bestiality as 
innocent fun?"

Brace yourselves. Showing up in two leading fashion magazines this winter is a 
multi-page advertising spread for a couturier that pairs the obligatorily skinny woman 
in provocative poses with an enormous dog in a studded leather collar. Lest the 
not-so-subliminal message in this advertising campaign be lost, there are pages of 
"playful" encounters between them.

The first shows the model, clad in a dress slit up to her posterior, bending over the 
dog and putting a leather mask over his head -- the mask and the spiked collar being 
well-recognised accoutrements of sadomasochism. Turning the page, we find this girl 
and her dog in a rather compromising position -- she, on her haunches; the dog on its 
hind legs, draped over her back. She is clutching the dog's fore legs, which are 
wrapped around her shoulders -- one paw tucked inside her open jacket, under which she 
is nude. The model's eyes are closed, and she has a blissful look on face.

It's harder to read the dog's face, even though he has changed his leather hood for a 
spiked muzzle.

The last photo shows the woman seated, bent double over her knees and holding onto her 
ankles. Since very little dress is showing, I guess this ad is selling her shoes, 
which are definitely suitable for kinky sex, complete with spike heels, ankle straps 
and rhinestones. The dog obviously likes them, too, as he is licking her feet. The 
model's expression is ecstatic, if not downright orgiastic.

So, here we are. The leading women's fashion magazines have accepted these ads that 
sell clothes by not-so-subtly depicting bestiality and sadomasochism. Do they really 
believe their readers would find this appealing? How many women do you know that long 
to have sex with their dogs?

As a nation, we have become so desensitised to the immoral and the reprehensible that 
ads like these can run in not one, but at least two (that I know of) national women's 
magazines  (in the USA). And run without any public commentary by other media. No 
published criticism of these ads or the magazines that ran them has reached my eyes 
and ears.

But I did get a letter from a woman in Minnesota, along with a copy of a letter she 
sent to one of the magazines, calling the editors to task.

She wrote: "I do not expect your company to be responsible for all that is wrong in 
the world, but it is not beyond your power to exclude immoral advertisements in order 
to take a stand against this horrible kind of behaviour. Your magazine reaches 
millions of people, and to print this ad was to condone the behaviour. You should be 

And isn't that just the point? What has happened to shame? It seems to have gone away 
along with other honourable concepts such as right and wrong, moral and immoral, 
acceptable and unacceptable. And our society has literally lost itself without these 
guiding principles.

But if society is going to be "found," it's going to be by people like Jennifer, who 
wrote to the magazine and cancelled her subscription. I hope she rallied others to do 
so, as well. Remember that free speech cuts both ways. The First Amendment protects us 
all, so you can exercise your right of free speech by speaking up, by fighting for 

Forwarded by
Lucie Christensen
To all News Report Readers

If any reader find articles / advertisements like this in an Australian publications 
(or a foreign publication on sale here), please bring it to the attention of the News 
Report and we will organise, to the extent we can, a boycott of the offending 
retailer, importer, distributor, advertiser, magazine or newspaper proprietor etc.

And for those of the elite who get to read this message, you should be aware that in 
the sordid days of Emperor Nero (a type of society we are rapidly approaching once 
again), the once proud elite senators and knights were reduced to sterile impotence 
while their wives and daughters were taken and used and abused in whore houses set up 
along side the Tiber. What goes around, comes around.

If you condone the debasement of all morals in public (as you have done so far), there 
will come a time, not many years hence, when anything once again will go, and you to 
will be impotent to stop it or the effect on your loved ones. The time for action is 
NOW! before we go much further down this globalisation / debasement of morality route.

And make no bones about it, globalisation requires the debasement of morality among 
many other features to be able to subjugate the world's people to a new morality, a 
new economic reality, a new religion, a new class structure etc. They are all 
interlinked. Those who are after the economic benefits of globalisation and think they 
can enjoy such benefits unfettered are blinkered and miss the point .

Even if from a selfish point of view you think you will get ahead economically, you 
will lose, and so will we all, in all the other areas that once made life and society 
tolerable, if not enjoyable, that necessarily will have to be sacrificed to achieve 
the globalists goal. Only perverts need apply for membership, for they shall find 
their nirvana on earth.

"No man is an island, entire of himself ..... any mans death diminishes me, because I 
am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it 
tolls for thee" (John Donne, Devotions)


5. Opinion:
More dodgy deals

Iraq recently held parliamentary elections that resulted in Iraqi President Saddam 
Hussein's eldest son, Udai, winning a seat with 99.99 per cent of the vote. This is 
decidedly dodgy. Even Ted Mack never got 99.99 per cent of the vote.


6. Opinion:
Free trade versus national economies

I must commend Lex Stewart on his informative contribution on the Aldi threat. Well 
done. It needs wider distribution. Perhaps people might cut and paste a shorter 
version of it into a word document and post it up on supermarket noticeboards.

According to a survey published in the Australian 27/6/99, only 27% of Australians 
living in capital cities approve of free trade if it means job losses. Apparently this 
figure puts us at the bottom end of the international free trade approval scale. This 
proves that  even if our politicians are totally brainwashed by the free trade 
ideology, most people aren't. They still maintain a sense of community and nationhood. 
They do care about the welfare of their fellow Australians. They don't want a five 
cent reduction in their phone calls if it means the loss of their neighbours' jobs. 
They don't want imported third world groceries for the same reason. They expect - 
futilely as long as the major parties run the country - their politicians to govern 
for the good of ALL Australians, not just the winners.

Instead of being reviled as luddites, Australian opponents of unfettered free trade 
should be congratulated for having such a highly developed moral conscience. 
Politicians seem to be blissfully unaware that once our trade minister and his team 
leave the negotiating room, international free trade delegates must fall about 
helpless with mirth that Aussies actually believe in free trade.

Nobody is kind enough to whisper in their ear that Japan will NEVER stop growing rice 
and that France will NEVER stop subsidising family farms. Why? Because in those two 
countries, agriculture is tied to culture. Genuine culture doesn't have a price, which 
says a lot for the moral calibre of our politicians. People are willing to die for 
their country. Nobody is willing to die for free trade.

Equally nobody would be prepared to die for such a worthless bunch of has-been 
politicians running Canberra. Though many hundreds of thousands might one day, not too 
long hence, be prepared.....


7. Opinion:
Economic rationalism is bunkum

This is where the theory of economic rationalism fails: it reduces man to 'homo 
economicus', a creature who selfishly looks after his own interests. It's not only 
absurd, it's immoral: we would never have emerged from the caves if this theory were 
true. The contemporary French and Japanese responses to free trade prove it: there is 
more to life than economics. For most people the bottom line is NOT efficiency,  
competition, nor even the dollar. The bottom line is human decency as expressed in a 

Even the hypocritical US proves over and over the stupidity of our politicians'  
belief in free trade. While lecturing the rest of the world on the benefits of free 
trade, the US fiercely protects its own domestic industries in everything from steel 
to agriculture, and to hell with economic theory. Despite all the globalist 
propaganda, nationalism is the way to go, if the welfare of people is paramount. Only 
in burgeoning national economies will all the people have a chance to enjoy 
prosperity. There is a choice, but politicians are too brainwashed and cowardly to 
stand up to the economic rationalist bullies.


GUN RUNNER ( Part 1) By Terry Shulze
"The United Nations has played no role in Australia's new gun laws" - Lisa Gates, 
Policy Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister, April 1997. "The specific answer to your 
question (of whether the UN influenced Australia's gun laws) is no" - John Olsen, 
Premier of SA, April 1997. "This is not an external matter, it is a matter for 
Australians only, I must assure you of that." - Alan Cadman, Federal Member for 
Mitchell, Chief Government Whip, March 1997.

The statement of Alan Cadman's is comical in the extreme, he is either badly informed 
or a willing participant in a misinformation campaign - he should at the very least 
read his own mail. I have in my possession a letter that was forwarded to one of his 
constituents on 17 May 1996. Note that date, that is just one week after the infamous 
10th of May 1996 Australian Police Ministers Council (APMC) meeting that gave rise to 
the "tough new gun laws". The aforementioned letter was in response to an inquiry 
dated 15 January 1996, requesting certain information about the Australian Institute 
of Criminology (AIC) and the United Nations (UN). The letter from the Commonwealth 
Attorney General's Department (A-G) was dated just four days after the APMC 

Now remember this is a letter from the Commonwealth Attorney General's office, that 
is, Daryl Williams's office - the person in charge of implementing the new gun laws. 
As wont by all slick lawyers, the constituent's questions were redefined by the A-G's 
office (why answer a question you don't like) and the answers cleverly composed with 
omissions. After reading the correspondence, I now know why he got the job as 

For example, the first question asked about the relationship between the AIC and the 
UN. In the answer to the inquiry the A-G's office referred to the Memorandum of 
Understanding (MoU) signed on 7 July 1988 between the AIC and the UN. The A-G's letter 
states "Under this MoU, the institute provides advice on division programs". That 
statement in itself seems innocent enough, but wait there's more! Go to the actual MoU 
between the AIC and the UN and look what the A-G omitted.

  1.. provide advice on the implementation of the substantive program of the 
Substantive things are things of substance, "expressing existence", you know - real 
things. Implementation means to implement, that is, "carry (contract, promise, etc.) 
Into effect". In a nutshell, this subsection means that the AIC is to provide advice 
on carrying into effect the real programs of the UN. And yes, firearm regulation is 
one of those real programs.

The best obfuscation in the A-G's letter was left for the last question. In that 
question it was asked "What is in it for Australia, that is, what benefit is supposed 
to flow to the people, or the government for the compliance with those terms?" Again 
the A-G rewrote the question, but the rewriting gave the game away. The A-G rewrote 
the question as-

"To what extent will they benefit Australia or world peace?"

World peace? Where did that come from? What does an Australian farmer's 22 rifle have 
to do with World Peace? Further, the actual answer to that question did not list any 
benefit to Australia or the Australian people, but what it did say should have woke 
Mr. Cadman up from his afternoon nap with a bolt. It stated, "There has been 
increasing interest in the UN system in recent years in the disarmament of the 
people.Increasing UN interest in Microdisarmament (controlling and eliminating small 
arms etc.) is reflected by the number of resolutions passed by the General Assembly in 
this area."

The AIC/NCV relationship

As already stated, the AIC signed a MoU with the UN division (UNICRI) that is foremost 
involved with implementing gun control regulations world wide. The person who signed 
that MoU was Duncan Chappell, the Director of the AIC. The signing of that MoU took 
place just three months before the convening of the National Committee on Violence 
(NCV) in October 1988. The NCV is the origin of the "tough new gun laws" in Australia. 
Duncan Chappell was not only the Director of the AIC; he was also the Chairman of the 
NCV. Later, after leaving the AIC, he went overseas and worked with his friends at 
UNICRI. (There are lots of dots to connect, getting them in the right order to see the 
hidden shape is the objective!)

The NCV did not support any of the gun control measures with any research; it simply 
stated them as objectives. The same objectives that, just by coincidence of course, 
the international gun control community was advocating. As will be shown, the NCV 
couldn't justify any of the gun control measures.

Public Health issues

A Freedom of Information request for the internal documents from the NCV was 
informative, it stated that gun control was "to be marketed as a public health issue, 
rather than a crime issue". That connection still exits, just click on The Australian 
Coalition of Gun Control homepage on the Internet, it states "Gun Control: A public 
health issue". The homepage is maintained by the Department of Public Health and 
Community Medicine and is associated with Simon Chapman at Sydney University. The 
public health system approach to gun control coincides with the public health system 
approach in America. The "globalisation" mirror image of this relationship is found 
with the John Hopkins University School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland.

John Hopkins School of Public Health has a "Center for Gun Policy and Research". 
Three-quarters of the faculty of the Center is legally trained, the Director has nine 
years experience as a trial lawyer. This is the organisation that is in the forefront 
of promoting gun control through litigation. If your' wondering how law degrees are 
related to public health, then consider the disarmament agenda within the American 
context. The problem in America for the global elites is that since both Federal and 
State Constitutions have Bills of Rights protecting the individual right to arms, a 
way had to be found to bypass both the Legislatures and the Constitutions. It now 
appears that civil litigation (along with judicious propaganda) was the chosen method.

I mentioned "global elites", well, you may have heard of the recent Brooklyn, New York 
case of Hamilton -v- Accu-Tek wherein various gun manufacturers were absurdly held 
legally responsible for the illegal activities of someone who had illegally obtained 
firearms. This in a case where there was no firearm recovered to show a nexus to any 
of the manufacturers. As you might expect the litigation was very expensive, the 
Plaintiff's representative stated that the matter would not have proceeded without the 
funding of the Soros Foundation. Soros? - That is right, George Soros, the 
international financier. (The MAI isn't the only pie he has a finger in!) The use of 
tax-free foundations by the financial elite to manipulate a society has been going on 
for years, but the disarmament of the people has not been a serious objective, until 

There was also someone who is familiar to Australians that attended the Brooklyn court 
case every day. You may remember her; short hair, got lots of media coverage, showed 
up in Australia about the time gun control became an issue - then left when the new 
laws were in place? If you guessed Rebecca Peters, your' right! Peters was awarded a 
Senior Fellowship in March 1997 by the Soros Foundation (stipend and all) and 
completed her postdoctoral fellowship with the Center for Gun Policy and Research at 
John Hopkins School of Public Health. Peters is still being bankrolled by the Soros 
foundation as she continues to work out of New York on international firearm issues. 
(perhaps it is because the pomo-left are offended by concepts of logic and linear 
thinking, that they will never be able to connect-the-dots).

Although there are many, one of the reasons in Australian that there has never been an 
in depth analysis of the gun control issue has been the squandering of health funds on 
gun control. (You didn't think the levy on Medicare for the gun buyback was a 
coincidence did you?) I remember the Coalition for Gun Control had a rally in the 
Domain in Sydney, it must have cost a lot of money with the billboards around Sydney, 
the advertisements on the TV and radio, the bands, balloons, sound stage, miles of 
port-a-loos - too bad about the lousy turn out.

Health system resources were used for that rally, even proudly proclaimed on some of 
the flyers that were handed out. In a bizarre twist, the Friday before, the medical 
profession had a rally in Macquarie Street (just the other side of the Domain) 
protesting the closing of two wings at Westmead Hospital. I wonder if these educated 
fools understand the concept of robbing from Peter to pay Paul - here's a reality 
check for the medical profession - if you take money out of the health system for gun 
control, there will be less money for the health system. Think about it Doc.


Back in 1988, when the NCV started to rev up to their figures to support the push for 
gun control, they quickly ran into a brick wall - bam! You see, their terms of 
reference stated that "It was agreed that it would be necessary to exclude some types 
of behaviour from the ambit of its enquiry's. These include self-inflicted violence, 
motor vehicle deaths and negligence generally."

After all, they were supposed to be a committee concerned with violence in the 
community, not self-inflicted violence like tattooing, body piercing, or suicide. 
Well, firearm homicide amounted to only approximately 80 people a year. Nobody in the 
NCV was going to be able to justify spending millions of dollars for a policy that 
affected so few persons, but more importantly, even if firearms were totally 
eliminated, the homicides would have probably been committed by other means. As it 
was, the highest form of homicide was assault - beating, kicking, stomping someone to 
death, and the next highest was homicide with a knife. Take away the gun and you were 
still faced with the same intent to kill.

The NCV got around the problem by padding the figures with suicides with a firearm 
(also accidents, see negligence in terms of reference). If you, the reader, have noted 
that the inclusion of suicides was completely contrary to the NCV terms of reference, 
congratulations, you have just connected-another-dot. Whereas, there were only about 
80 homicides with a firearm every year, around 450 people chose to end their life with 
a firearm every year. Easy enough mathematics for the NCV, just adds the two and says 
that 500 people die every year from firearms. Actually, the NCV didn't say 500 - they 
said 700, but what the hell, as long as your' padding statistics why not add a few 

To be fraudulently consistent, the NCV omitted the fact that suicides and homicides 
involving a firearm had been on the decline for years; however, suicides in total had 
and still are increasing. Whether the person next door hangs, shoots, gases, or 
poisons himself is a tragedy, but it doesn't affect a person's fear in the community. 
Violence does, and that is what the NCV lost sight of - if it ever had it in its 
sights at all. Of course, suicides are still included by the anti-gun crowd, even the 
Australian Democrats (keep the bastards honest?) still refer to them.

To be continued

Terry Shulze

9. Opinion:
"Corporate money can be the tail that wags the dog."

A startling revelation on the prostitution of science:

We are dismayed that "our University" and it's joint venture partner, the venerable 
CSIRO, have been reduced to what appears, from the following article, to be rampant in 
the US.

Where have we gone wrong, that our fair suburb could fall under the wrecker's hammer 
with the development of the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, (and its "spin-off 
companies"), in residential St Lucia? Are our sons and daughters to be reduced to 
harlotry by this depraved example?

John Massey
Biohazard Action Alliance

 [from 'Mother Jones' - US investigative journalism]
A Growing Concern'   http://motherjones.com/mother_jones/JF97/biotech_jump2.html

This investigation into the GE cotton crop failures back in 1997 focuses (in part 3) 
on  the relationship between US university scientists and the biotech industry

Here are some excerpts:

[Texas entomologist John] Benedict blames the system. "The universities are cheering 
us on, telling us to get closer to industry, encouraging us to consult with big 
business. The bottom line is to improve the corporate bottom line. It's the way we 
move up, get strokes.... We can't help but be influenced from time to time by our 
desire to see certain results happen in the lab."

Private industry contributes 10 percent of Texas A&M's whopping $41 million annual 
agricultural research budget, and Benedict says he knew Monsanto was contributing 
money to his research. "All of these companies have a piece of me," Benedict says. 
"I'm getting checks waved at me from Monsanto and American Cyanamid and Dow, and it's 
hard to balance the public interest with the private interest. It's a very difficult 
juggling act, and sometimes I don't know how to juggle it all."

Science for Sale?

Congress has helped pave the way for corporate biotech programs, passing a series of 
laws in the 1980s that pushed federally funded research at universities into the eager 
hands of agrochemical companies. Congressional speciality grants, which are designed 
to let Congress respond to pressing agricultural concerns, are generally awarded to 
researchers who already have industry sponsors in place...

Under a banner of global competitiveness, this new relationship between academia, 
business, and government encourages universities to waste no time converting their 
science into patent rights. Previously, such research had been considered public 
property. Any patents that emerged typically were held by government. Indeed, so 
ingrained was this public ethos that when Jonas Salk was asked who owned the patent to 
his polio vaccine, he responded incredulously, "The people, I would say. Could you 
patent the sun?"

Today, however, universities are quick to license patent rights to companies for 
profit-making. These same companies, meanwhile, award grants to university 
entomologists and geneticists to conduct research on future products.

Often, critics say, it doesn't take a great deal of money to entice a university 
department or scientist over to the corporate side, particularly in this time of state 
and federal funding cuts. "Universities are more than ever hunting for corporate 
money, and while that money may be a small percentage of the overall budget, it's 
often enough to influence the direction of public science,'' explains Kathleen 
Merrigan of the Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture, a non-profit 
research and education Organization based in Washington, D.C. "Corporate money can be 
the tail that wags the dog."

For example:
In 1985, Cornell University agreed to do research on bovine growth hormone (BGH) for 
Monsanto. Tess Hooks, a sociologist at the University of Western Ontario whose 
graduate work at Cornell dealt with scientific ethics, reviewed the agreement between 
Cornell and Monsanto.

According to Hooks, the university would test BGH on dairy cows and report the 
findings to Monsanto, which would present its case to the FDA. The government agency 
would then decide if the hormone -- which increases a cow's milk production -- created 
any health risks to cows or milk consumers. But before Cornell received the $557,000 
grant from Monsanto, Hooks says, it essentially had to agree to hand over control of 
its research to the biotech company.

... At North Carolina State University, a miniscandal erupted three years ago when 
several professors were found to be moonlighting as paid consultants to Rhone-Poulenc, 
Monsanto, and American Cyanamid -- at the same time the professors were evaluating the 
companies' biotech products for the university. One distinguished weed science 
professor, Harold Coble, appeared in a Rhone-Poulenc marketing brochure singing the 
virtues of the company's genetically engineered cotton plant and its companion 
herbicide, bromoxynil. "There isn't a downside to the BXN," he says in the brochure...

...in some cases it is difficult to tell where public research ends and the company's 
marketing begins.

Take, for example, the August 25, 1996, letter from Ron H. Smith, an entomologist at 
Auburn University, that Monsanto faxed to Mother Jones in support of its Bt cotton. 
"Weeks from now," Smith wrote, "when the last bale of the 1996 cotton crop is 
harvested...producers finally will have time to pause and reflect on the revolution 
that has gripped their profession. The results, so far, have been astonishing.... The 
proof, as they say, is in the pudding -- or, in this case, the [farmer's] pocketbook."

Although the letter bore Smith's signature, an Auburn public relations official 
actually wrote it for him. When asked if he received any funding from Monsanto for his 
research, Smith replied, "No, not directly." However, Mother Jones found university 
records indicating that Monsanto gave $500,000 to Auburn University between 1991 and 
1996; $26,000 was earmarked for projects listing Smith's name. When asked again, Smith 
confirmed the information, saying he had misunderstood the original question.

Forwarded by
John Massey

10. Opinion:
Australia's vulnerability

The destruction of such essential industries as textiles, clothing and footwear, and 
now even more of what's left of our manufacturing industry in food and steel 
production, with the attendant loss of skills, has surely left Australia dangerously 
vulnerable. A Janes' strategic analysis thinks so. It said that with its wealth of 
resources and small population, Australia was a "glittering prize" in the region. Yet 
if there was a threat, we'd be sitting ducks.

Politicians, the media, academics and bureaucrats brush such concerns away claiming 
the world is different now, and that regional alliances have made us 
'inter-dependent'. Clearly they've forgotten that those who ignore history's lessons 
are condemned to repeat its mistakes. Unexpected events can rapidly change the 
political landscape. Who predicted the Indonesia-wide fallout from the East Timor 
vote? A bad harvest worldwide, or a major war in China or India would very quickly 
make 'inter-dependence' meaningless. Whenever times get tough, people coalesce into 
tribal and ethnic groups.

The elites blather endlessly about the demise of the nation state. It's wishful 
thinking, and more dangerously, self delusion. The reality is quite the reverse: all 
over the world people are struggling to establish self determination. How people can 
seriously proclaim the demise of the nation state is one of life's mysteries. Are they 
unaware of the re-emergence of ancient nations we'd never heard of after the break-up 
of the USSR and Yugoslavia?  It's still happening:  The Chechens and the Kurds are 
fighting for independence, as are the Basques. Sadly for Aceh, West Irian and all the 
others who desire freedom, President Clinton and other world leaders have told 
President Wahid he has their backing that Indonesia must remain one nation.

So much for article 1.2 of the charter of the UN which states its purpose is, "To 
develop friendly relations among nations based on the respect for the principle of 
equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures 
to strengthen universal peace." Like bombing the tripe out of any nation on the 
grounds of protecting human rights. Or oil supplies.


11. Life Sciences:
USDA Betrays Public Trust with Two New Terminator Patents

News Release, Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:15:55 -0600 (CST)
RAFI - Rural Advancement Foundation International    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.rafi.org

Will USDA's Biotech Advisory Board Demand Accountability?
The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI), an international civil society 
organisation based in Canada, announced today that the US Department of Agriculture 
(USDA) holds two new patents on the controversial Terminator technology, the genetic 
engineering of plants to render their seeds sterile. If commercialised, Terminator 
would make it impossible for farmers to save seeds from their harvest, forcing them to 
return to the commercial seed market every year.

"The US government is advancing research and squandering taxpayer dollars on a 
technology that has been universally condemned because it is bad for farmers, food 
security, and biodiversity," says Pat Mooney, Executive Director of RAFI. "It's an 
egregious misallocation of public resources for the sole purpose of maximising seed 
industry profits," adds Mooney.


RAFI COMMUNIQUÉ February/March 2000
Terminator 2 Years Later: Suicide Seeds on the Fast Track 'We've continued right on 
with work on the Technology Protection System [Terminator]. We never really slowed 
down. We're on target, moving ahead to commercialise it. We never really backed off.' 
- Harry Collins, Delta & Pine Land Seed Co., January, 2000

Despite mounting opposition from national governments and United Nations agencies, 
work on Terminator and Traitor (genetic trait control) moves full speed ahead. After 
Monsanto and AstraZeneca publicly vowed not to commercialise suicide seeds in 1999, 
governments and civil society organisations were lulled into thinking that the crisis 
had passed. Nothing could be further from the truth. Last year AstraZeneca conducted 
its first field trial on genetic trait control technology in the UK. According to 
industry sources, it is not the first company to conduct field tests. Can 
commercialisation be far behind?


Delta & Pine Land, the world's largest cotton seed company, proudly asserts that it is 
'moving ahead to commercialise Terminator. Monsanto and AstraZeneca have each merged 
with other companies since they pledged not to commercialise suicide seeds. The Gene 
Giants collectively hold over 30 Terminator-type patents. Corporate commitments to 
disavow Terminator are short-lived and virtually meaningless in light of the 
eye-popping pace of corporate take-overs and makeovers.

Articles Forwarded by
Veronica Griffin Ph.D..
Kerawa Qld.

12. Feedback:
Census and Privacy

Re the report published in your News Report issue 60, regarding the USA Census and the 
level of intrusive personal questions included, I would point out many of the same 
intrusive questions appear in the Australian Census form. The penalties in Australia 
for non compliance are more severe than the $100 fine posted in the USA.

However, there is one break for those who do not want to submit to Big Brother and 
answer the census. If you claim you filed the Census form at another location, because 
you were away from your usual address during the night of the census, you can return a 
blank form to the collector. Alternatively, you could take a trip to an overseas 
destination for the night of the census, and legally do not have to fill in the form.

It is clear the census is being used for much more than gathering raw economic data to 
create National Economic Statistics. The implications are that it is used for sinister 
motives we could only guess at.

Bill Nixon

13. Feedback:
Asianisation of Australia

My recent emails have concentrated on the Asianisation of Australia. This was prompted 
by the admission of the Sydney Morning Herald that it is now part of the official 
discussion of Australia's future. The Sydney Morning Herald's Spectrum (Saturday  
March 18 2000) article  ALL OUR TOMORROW's, by Richard Tanter, reviewed the possible 
future political integration of Australian and Indonesia followed by integration into 
an Asian union.

It is interesting to note the similarities of these projections to those of Paul 
Keating. In the Sydney Morning Herald (March 30 2000) the article of the former Prime 
Minister was entitled "Future's there, if we dare". Note the similarity of these words 
with those in Richard Tanter's article : "there is a possibility of a shared future, 
if we can find it and face it".The theme has been put in place by the New World Order 
planners and the paid puppets will dance upon the stage.

Let us remember that it was Tanter's prediction that Indonesia will invade Australia; 
the logical solution (for a disarmed Australia) is to coalesce now and avoid the 
bloodshed. Naturally enough Paul Keating is arguing (from the same script??) that we 
should develop our relationship with Asia by reducing our own military capacity.

Defence, for Paul Keating, is not to be found in a proficient military force or "the 
size and effectiveness of our defence forces, or the vigour of military alliance with 
the U.S. Much more important will be an active, imaginative effort to construct our 
own security with our neighbours in the form of strong bilateral relationships and 
effective multilateral institution". Paul Keating also wants ECONOMIC INTEGRATION to 
forestall the military might of Indonesia.

In the Tanter article we find that we must cement our relationship with Indonesia to 
secure our successful entry into the Asian Economic Region. Likewise Paul Keating sees 
that "Indonesia will be central to this process..(and) It is central to our security". 
Thus after killing one third of the East Timorese population we are urged to come to 
terms with "relationship with Indonesia". (Do you want to come to terms with 
Indonesian butchery?? and have Indonesian guest  workers compete with your job? ) 
Nevertheless Paul Keating argues that Australia's Asianisation program should include,

o Australians learning the Asian language

o Linking our military forces into Asia's (remember the 40 Asian general's touring all 
our air force bases)

o Appointing an Australian Head of State by removing the Monarchy.

The subheading of Keating's argument summarised his attitude. "Australians should 
ditch stale attitudes and get excited about Asia". Don't let it be said that Paul is a 
recalcitrant; Paul's excitement hides the danger to all Australians. But that is how 
is always has been in a "beer and circus's" republic and this is where they want to 
take us. Like the rest of the world we will get 'tittytainment' and Asianisation to 

Kerry Spencer-Salt B.E., LL.B (Hons)
Phone   : (02) 9360 0610
Website : www.rockroll.com.au/watchman

14. Feedback:
Disarmament - Jewish Opposition

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization March 25, 2000

Beretta Sub Machine Guns -- Only $320! (We Told You So)

When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will sell guns.

Exactly one year ago this column headlined "The $200 Machine Gun." We predicted that 
when guns become illegal to own and sell, then the criminal element  would rush in to 
fill the demand. Thieves, smugglers and black market gun makers could supply machine 
guns for about $200 apiece.

About three years ago, the British government all but outlawed private firearms 
ownership in Britain. Because one vicious killer used a firearm to commit multiple 
murders in 1996, victim-disarming politicians rushed to ban nearly all private gun 
ownership and possession nation-wide.

The result? According to the January 16, 2000 edition of the Sunday Times of London, 
"up to 3 million illegal guns are in circulation in Britain, leading to a rise in 
drive-by shootings and gangland-style executions."

What are the prices of illegal guns? According to the Sunday Times, "a third of young 
criminals, [ages 15 to 25 with prior convictions], own or have access to guns ranging 
from Beretta sub-machineguns to Luger pistols, which can be bought from underworld 
dealers for as little as £200." ($320 U.S.)

How do the guns get into the "gun free" island nation? The Sunday Times reported: 
"Criminals have  maintained a steady flow of smuggled guns from eastern Europe, 
exhibition weapons reactivated in illegal "factories" run by underworld dealers, and 
guns stolen from private collections."

As predicted, when ownership of all guns becomes illegal, the buyers will shift toward 
the higher power weapons. "There is a move from the pistol and the shotgun to 
automatic weapons," British Detective Superintendent Keith Hudson told the Sunday 

British criminals have all the guns they want. The Sunday Times thus reported: 
"Detectives say modern weapons are fast becoming fashion accessories among young drug 
dealers protecting themselves and their territory."

Are British people safer? Crime rates are soaring in Britain. The British Home Office, 
according to the Sunday Times, released figures showing that "overall, armed crime 
rose 10% in 1998" -- the year after national handgun prohibition began. Usually, when 
the government passes a law that causes problems for people, the citizens can petition 
the government to change the law. Gun prohibition, however, does more than just 
endanger citizens by preventing them from protecting their lives and loved ones.

Gun prohibition damages the whole society by creating a huge opportunity for organised 
crime to prosper. Even if the prohibition law is later repealed, the organised crime 
elements might be entrenched with enough money and power to get into other legal or 
illegal businesses. Political corruption, started during the prohibition, likewise 
will not just disappear when the laws are changed again.

The British example shows how the ultimate "gun control" will likely work in America. 
Criminals will get rich selling illegal weapons to other criminals, and ordinary 
citizens will suffer a violent crime wave. The national "instant check" system and the 
"Brady Bill" won't even matter.

Americans must not give up their right to personal self-defense. We must not turn over 
the firearms industry to thieves and thugs. And we must not let Americans be so 
gullible as to believe the "dial 911" false promise of police protection, when 
actually we are legally responsible for protecting ourselves. (Get the facts for all 
50 states from "Dial 911 and Die" -- available from JPFO and Amazon.com.)

The facts are here. Do your part by copying this article and sending it to newspapers, 
public officials, candidates for office, and as many other folks that you can. 
Download this article from the JPFO website and e-mail it everywhere. Contact JPFO to 
join or order  materials at www.jpfo.org, or
call (800) 869-1884. (Annual membership dues: $20 U.S.)

News Flash: The Bill of Rights, with basic explanation, is now available in Spanish on 
the website. Copy and pass it on to all Spanish-speakers!

(c) 2000 Permission to reprint for non-commercial purposes granted

This Alert archived at http://www.jpfo.org/alert20000325.htm
and at http://www.jpfo.org/commonsense12.htm
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143, Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 262-673-9745, Orders only: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 262-673-9746, Web: http://www.jpfo.org/

By Richard W. Stevens, Esq.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Forwarded by

15. Feedback:
Representative & Accountable Government

The only way to get accountable and representative government in this country is to 
continue deserting the major parties. If we want a fair go, we have to vote for minor 
parties and independents. And if we don't, we deserve to be slaves. It's as simple as 

YES - it is simple. You do realise that sheep never eat wolves!! "Only in Academia" - 
Government and bureaucracy 'pigeonholes' the vast array of social 'things' - akin to a 
single fibre optic fibre in a huge cable - and each fibre of 'management' myopically 
pursues path. To become a fibre, each requires identification and separate attention. 
Collectively the whole cable in theory should function, but as we all know - it does 
not, for people do not think and act consistently.

It is why common-sense is meaningless unless proved by academics, and why mere mortals 
such as we fools are ignored, for without recognised academic qualifications and 
research, our opinions are worthless. Meanwhile, we suffer continuous stupidity in all 
it's forms - 'we' deserve it!!

Re: England - Spies in Restaurants:
Shades of the Gestapo and SS - The New Age English Version of what they resisted some 
50 years ago. If a person chooses to be a racist - then that in a free society is his 
prerogative. Should his racism affect others - that is then socially unacceptable, but 
a free man in a free society should be able to choose his thinking, and imposition of 
thought control reflects real tyranny - not the democracy - in which at least the 
English have allowed be prostituted, and therefore now suffer. It does reflect that 
Police are indeed puppets of and active in tyranny, so is it prudent to trust or 
believe these spineless prostitutes?

More interesting times.
Peter Cunningham

Let us know what you think. Feedback is important. Comments on articles read would be 
of value. Do you agree / disagree? Can you add more or a different perspective. Your 
contributions are greatly appreciated.

Send this email on to as many as you can. The more that read it the merrier. In time 
email communication will make government censorship impractical and the newspapers 
will have to start reporting it as it really is, rather than the smoke and mirrors 
tricks they currently indulge in, or loose readership, and therefore advertising 
monies. While we have a long way to go before that happens, each epic journey must 
start with a single step.

Lets go to it.

Neil Baird [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Tel 0414 380 471


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