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Impeachment Watch

Impeachment Trial More Likely after Evasive Clinton
Angers House

The White House sweats

PRESIDENT CLINTON'S evasive answers last week to 81 questions about the
Monica Lewinsky sex scandal may have cost him the sympathy of members of
the House of Representatives.
Fears were voiced that Mr Clinton's refusal to admit that he had lied to
a grand jury might mean that the House will narrowly favour his
impeachment for perjury. This could come within a fortnight after what
seems a certain House Judiciary Committee vote to oust the President.

Orrin Hatch, the Senate judiciary committee chairman, is a Utah Mormon
Republican and once offered to go easy on Mr Clinton if he told the full
truth. But he is now lobbying Republican leaders to prepare for a trial.
For the first time Trent Lott, the Senate Republican leader, is
mentioning the possibility of a trial. He has been silent on the issue
for most of the year.

Senate rules state that William H Rehnquist, the Chief Justice, would
preside over a trial beginning at 1pm the day after senators receive the
article, and would continue in session until a judgment was reached.

The general feeling is that, as happened in 1868 when Andrew Jackson
escaped impeachment, the Senate would eventually bury the idea. However,
in swiftly moving developments yesterday it became clear that there is
singular alarm at the White House, where aides warned wavering Democrats
to hold the line, saying that a trial could paralyse the country.

More alarm was expressed by the New York Democratic congressman Charles
Schumer, who has just won a Senate seat and sits on the crucial House
Judiciary Committee. He said a full House vote might be inevitable.

Republicans say that if necessary Mr Clinton could field witnesses for
his defence at next Tuesday's hearing. A debate would ensue, with the
party's line being to hand the impeachment issue to the full House. Just
what would happen in a full House debate is a nail-biter. Republican
head-counters have identified only five of their House members dead set
against impeachment. But with at least three Democrats inclined to vote
for impeachment, the President would need a minimum of 14 of the 228
House Republicans to rescue him.

The London Telegraph, Dec. 5, 1998

Technology to China

Dept. of Justice Investigates CIA in Satellite Case

Hughes Electronics in the line of fire

The Justice Department has initiated a criminal probe of the CIA to
determine whether the agency obstructed justice when it provided
information to Hughes Electronics Corp. about the scope of an ongoing
congressional investigation into the transfer of sensitive U.S. space
technology to China, according to senior federal government officials.
High-ranking CIA officials, including the agency's general counsel, have
agreed to testify next week before a federal grand jury in Washington
about information provided earlier this year to Hughes, which has
supplied the CIA with satellites and sophisticated communications
equipment for decades.

Government sources say the CIA provided information to Hughes about the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's technology transfer
investigation that might have enabled the firm to anticipate the moves
of congressional investigators.

The Justice Department initiated the obstruction probe at the request of
the Senate committee, sources said. The committee became alarmed after
learning that the CIA had informed Hughes of names of company officials
that the agency had previously supplied to the committee to assist in
its investigation, sources said.

A CIA spokesman said the agency is fully cooperating in the obstruction
probe. Another CIA official, speaking on background, acknowledged that
the agency may have erred in providing certain information to Hughes.
But the information was turned over in the normal course of business
between the agency and one of its major classified contractors with no
intention of interfering with the investigation, the official said.

The CIA official also stressed that agency employees who shared
information to Hughes did so in their official capacities with approval
of their superiors, not as individuals acting on their own. The official
said that some of what the CIA gave Hughes pertained to the
investigations precisely because there was no intent to hide anything,
and that agency officials informed the committee of their communications
with Hughes.

Hughes spokesman Richard Dore said, "Hughes has not been provided
information by the CIA regarding the details of federal criminal
investigations involving Hughes."

Much of the information provided by the CIA to Hughes is contained in
CIA documents subpoenaed by the Senate and by federal investigators
conducting a parallel probe into the transfer of U.S. technology to
China, sources said. Hughes and Loral Space & Communications Ltd. are
under investigation by the Justice Department and two congressional
committees for their role in transferring technology to the Chinese
after Hughes and Loral satellites were destroyed in two Chinese rocket

Government sources said it is highly unusual for the Justice Department
to investigate a fellow federal agency -- particularly one as sensitive
and secretive as the CIA -- for possible obstruction of justice.

Sources said the matter began this fall when a CIA analyst specializing
in Chinese technology, Ronald Pandolfi, was called to the Senate
committee and told staff members that he had concluded in 1995 that
Hughes had been too aggressive in marketing high-technology equipment in

At the time, according to an account from several sources, Pandolfi
conducted interviews with Hughes executives about their work in China,
causing Hughes to complain angrily to the CIA that he was operating
outside of customary channels. The CIA office that regularly deals with
Hughes reprimanded Pandolfi, who, after being summoned by the committee,
in September laid out a set of accusations against the firm, sources

Aware of Pandolfi's views, the CIA gave Hughes a heads-up about his
discussion with the committee and offered to supply the panel with the
names of Hughes executives who might explain the disagreement, sources

Meanwhile, in a related development of concern to federal investigators,
the House select committee looking into the transfer of sensitive U.S.
space technology to China has indicated that it wants to grant immunity
to certain Hughes employees from future prosecution based on information
they would provide to Congress. One federal government source said that
some of those employees are subjects of the Justice Department probe.

Federal investigators are concerned by the prospect because
congressional immunization can complicate any attempt to prosecute those
individuals on any future charges. In one celebrated instance, former
White House aide Oliver North had his federal conviction in the
Iran-contra scandal overturned after arguing that witnesses who
testified against him may have relied on some of the immunized testimony
he supplied Congress.

The controversy involving Hughes is rooted in its practice, shared by
other aerospace firms, of launching commercial communications satellites
atop Chinese rockets because they are much less expensive than Western
launchers, particularly the market-leading French Ariane launcher.

Hughes also works closely with the CIA and the National Reconnaissance
Office designing and manufacturing truck-sized satellites that eavesdrop
on earth from 22,000 miles in space. The firm, in the elite of trusted
contractors for the U.S. intelligence community, has had intimate ties
with the CIA for decades, since the time the company was run by
swashbuckling aviation pioneer Howard Hughes.

It's not known whether U.S. government officials believe Hughes's
communications with Chinese authorities in 1995 about space technology
harmed U.S. security in any way. But Air Force intelligence officials
have concluded that Loral's transfer of data in 1996 may have hurt U.S.
national security by helping the Chinese to improve their ballistic

In both cases, the companies' disclosure of technical data followed
failed launches of China's balky Long March rockets carrying the firms'
satellites into space.

In January 1996 a Long March rocket lifting off from a remote
mountainous site in southwestern China exploded, destroying the Hughes
satellite aboard and raining down fiery metal that killed dozens of
villagers. Chinese space officials, traditionally defensive and
close-mouthed, blamed the Hughes satellite, saying it had caused the
explosion. Western space executives scoffed at the accusation.

The Chinese stance presented a quandary for Hughes, since the firm
wanted to remain in favor with China's space program as a cheap launch
alternative. But Hughes officials privately explained to some in the
U.S. space community that the Long March rocket was responsible for the
accident. The Chinese "became unglued" at what it viewed as Hughes's
audacity, an industry official said.

Amid the recriminations, Hughes sought and received Commerce Department
approval to review with the Chinese some of its findings about the
explosion's cause. Pentagon officials are supposed to monitor such
contacts to ensure U.S. engineers don't disclose information that could
help China design more capable ballistic missiles. But in this case,
military monitors kept tabs only peripherally on Hughes's talks with the
Chinese, sources said.

The Justice Department probe focuses on whether Hughes misled Commerce
about how much data it planned to give the Chinese, and whether Hughes
disclosed more than Commerce had approved. The company has insisted it
provided the Chinese only vague information that could not possibly have
harmed U.S. security.

Loral is under investigation for its activities following the
destruction of one of its satellites in the February 1996 explosion of a
Long March rocket. U.S. officials say the explosion killed more than 200
villagers in a torrent of burning rocket fuel.

Because of China's record of misstatements following past Long March
failures, insurance industry executives who had insured the $85 million
Loral satellite demanded that Western space officials investigate the
cause of the mishap. Loral headed the panel, and its members included
Hughes representatives.

In May 1996, a Loral staff member on the panel faxed the Chinese a copy
of its after-accident report. Loral superiors informed the State
Department immediately about the disclosure, saying it was the result of
a subordinate's inattention to security rules. Loral, too, insists the
data couldn't have helped China build better missiles.

The Washington Post, Dec. 5, 1998

US vs. Europe

Rubin vs. Lafontaine

WASHINGTON - Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, heading into talks Friday
with the new leftist German finance minister, Oskar Lafontaine, praised
Europe's help in spurring global economic growth.
But few other signs of agreement emerged from the talks. Mr. Rubin
rejected Mr. Lafontaine's proposals for shifting the political balance
within the International Monetary Fund and fended off the view that
Europe should be given a stronger voice within the Group of Seven
leading industrial nations.

''The Europeans have contributed very constructively in what has been a
very complicated set of issues over the last year,'' Mr. Rubin said,
''most recently with their bilateral contribution to the support package
for Brazil.''

Twenty industrial countries, including the United States, Germany,
Britain and France, will provide $14.5 billion to a $41.5 billion rescue
package for Brazil pulled together by the International Monetary Fund
last month.

Mr. Lafontaine indicated that Mr. Rubin rejected the new German
government's view, shared by some other governments in Europe, that the
IMF's policy-making Interim Committee should be granted more power.

Mr. Lafontaine said he believed it was ''well worth considering'' the
idea of giving more power to the committee, a group of ministers that
meets twice a year, as proposed by the IMF managing director, Michel

Mr. Lafontaine also said Mr. Rubin had urged him to consult other Group
of Seven members on European nations' demands to bolster their voice in
the group. ''Mr. Rubin said we should do some more coordination on this
with the Canadians and the Japanese,'' Mr. Lafontaine said after a
closed-door meeting with the U.S. Treasury secretary.

There is some concern about increasing the number of participants at G-7
meetings, he added.

The 11 countries preparing for the introduction next month of a single
European currency proposed a plan this week to give the currency bloc
its own voice at G-7 meetings - in addition to the seats occupied by
individual countries in the European Union.

The Group of Seven comprises the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain,
France, Italy and Canada. Of those, Germany, France and Italy are set to
take part in the single currency.

Washington has indicated its resistance to such proposals, insisting
that any change would have to be agreed upon unanimously.

Mr. Lafontaine said there had been no discussion of interest rates in
his meeting with Mr. Rubin on Friday, the day after coordinated rate
cuts across Europe.

For months, the Clinton administration had been urging Europe to do more
to propel global growth. On Thursday, the central banks of Germany and
France cut the rates at which they do most of their lending to banks to
3 percent from 3.30 percent. Minutes later, the other 11 countries
participating in the single currency also reduced benchmark rates.

Mr. Lafontaine also was scheduled to meet with Mr. Camdessus, the IMF
managing director, and the president of the World Bank, James
Wolfensohn, on Friday.

Also on Friday, Hans Tietmeyer, the president of the Bundesbank, said
that U.S. and European economies remained robust. But he said new risks
and uncertainties posed by global developments were beginning to slow
growth in industrialized economies.

''In recent weeks the financial markets have at least calmed down a
little,'' Mr. Tietmeyer said in the text of a speech to be delivered at
a conference in Luxembourg. ''The world financial crisis, which many
people predicted, looks unlikely to occur at the moment.''

Referring to the round of coordinated interest rate cuts, Mr. Tietmeyer
said the move was a response to both the monetary situation and overall
economic conditions.

He also reiterated that Europe had largely managed to achieve price

Internatonal Herald Tribune, Dec. 5, 1998

Land of Mochtar Riady

Suharto Faces Arrest and Probe into Financial Dealings

The perils of being an ex-President

Indonesia's former President Suharto could be put under house arrest
while he is questioned about his wealth and that of his family and
associates, the president's spokesman said yesterday.

The attorney-general, Andi Ghalib, said the former president, who has
been a recluse in his house in central Jakarta for much of the past six
months, might be interrogated next week.

President B.J. Habibie told Mr Ghalib on Thursday to speed up his
investigation, echoing a request by parliament and going some way to
meet student protesters' demands for an immediate trial.

Diplomats said Mr Habibie and General Wiranto, commander of the armed
forces, appeared ready to break a secret agreement reached earlier with
Mr Suharto that he would not be prosecuted if he stepped down from the
presidency. But they doubted Mr Habibie was willing to go far in this
investigation, which could spread to his own business interests. Some
suggested he might instead be using the investigation to warn Mr Suharto
against trying to undermine his government.

There are suggestions from diplomats and Indonesian analysts that Mr
Suharto or some of his associates may have paid groups of demonstrators
to run riot in recent weeks, a traditional practice in Indonesian power
struggles, either to block the elections planned for next year or just
to warn Mr Habibie of the havoc they could create if corruption probes
go too far.

Recent clashes with the military have only roused students to a new wave
of protests, however, and emboldened Mr Habibie to tighten the screws on
Mr Suharto and his family.

Newspapers reported yesterday that Martiono Hadianto, the
director-general for customs at the finance ministry, had demanded $452m
in unpaid import duties and sales taxes from Timor Putra Nasional, the
car company owned by Mr Suharto's youngest son.

Yesterday Mr Martiono was appointed president of the state oil company
Pertamina, long a source of cash for Mr Suharto and his associates. Mr
Martiono, a Habibie protégé, is the first outsider to head Pertamina. He
is expected to step up efforts to clean up the company.

Mr Martiono takes over from Soegianto, who had been slow to cancel
contracts with the Suharto family and introduce tenders for new
contractors. When Mr Soegianto did cancel crude import contracts with
two companies of the Suharto family earlier this autumn, employees of
these companies won new contracts.

Newspapers also reported that a state-owned coal company had ended two
coal-mining contracts with Mr Suharto's eldest daughter, Siti Hardianti
Rukmana, and one close associate. The ministry for public works
yesterday told a toll road company owned by Ms Hardianti that it wanted
a higher share of toll revenues.

The Financial Times, Dec. 5, 1998
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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