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Today's Lesson From The Collapse of Barings

by Stephen Fay

The difficulty was that Leeson knew no way of becoming an elite trader
himself without exploiting his secret 88888 account. He was using it in
a canny way to build his reputation among Barings' traders in Tokyo.
They would ask Leeson to execute, on their behalf, a sell order at the
prevailing price, say $99.20. Lesson would report the sale to Tokyo at
$99.50, giving Tokyo an unexpected profit of 30 cents. Leeson had sold
at the prevailing price ($99.20), and the subsequent 30-cent loss was
absorbed by the 88888 account. Naturally, Leeson's 'skill' at executing
Tokyo's orders was admired by established traders . . . As a mark of
their confidence, Leeson was permitted to start trading options for
clients in October 1993.

That was a boon to him. By October 1993, the loss on the 88888 account
was up again-- to 5.7 million British pounds . . . and by the end of the
year they were 24.39 million British pounds . . .

But the loss never showed up in the accounts because Leeson had written
options which had sold for 30 million British pounds. This was the most
hazardous transaction he had entered into so far because, if the market
had moved against him, the potential loss was unlimited. But, if his
deception was to continue, Leeson had no choice. Although he never
received the option premiums in cash--the premium is automatically
remitted to the exchange as margin for the deal--the 30 million British
pounds appeared as a credit to Leeson's profit-and-loss account,
balancing his real loss on the 88888 account, and hiding his trail.

Killer Shoes

54 Dead, 100 Injured in Minsk Stampede

42 Dead Teen Girls Blamed on High Heels

MINSK, May 31, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) Fifty-four people died and
more than 100 others were injured in a stampede in a passageway leading
to a Minsk subway station after a rock concert, according to a first
official toll Monday.
Nearly all the victims were teenagers under 18 who had been to the
concert on Sunday evening, Belarus government radio said .

The death toll could rise as some of the injured were in serious
condition, said Interior Minister Yuri Sivakov in a statement early
Monday over Belarus television.

The accident occurred during a sudden storm at around 9 p.m. (1800 GMT).
The crowd of around 2,500 who had been at the open-air concert rushed
for cover into a nearby passageway leading to an underground station,
crushing those who had fallen underfoot in the stampede.

Two policemen and a few adults who had been on their way out of the
subway station also died after getting caught in the crowd.

The interior minister said of the 54 dead, 42 were girls wearing
high-heeled shoes that had apparently caused them to stumble and fall in
the rush.

He said many of the people at the show, billed as a "beer concert," had
been drunk.

Most of the victims had died of suffocation, the report said.

The Belarus government was to hold an emergency meeting Monday as
investigators tried to sort out how the tragedy occurred.

Belarus television and radio had stopped regular programming and played
classical music on Monday.

Russia Today, June 1, 1999

Hacking for Jesus

Hackers Threaten to Take Down All Government Web Sites

Gee, wouldn't that be a tragedy...

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Computer hackers vandalized two more government sites
on the Internet today and left a taunting note promising to attack more
federal computers because of a related FBI investigation.
Hackers from different organizations defaced a Web page early Monday
within the Interior Department and a site run by a federal supercomputer
laboratory in Idaho Falls, Idaho, claiming ``it's our turn to hit them
where it hurts.''

``These are the perils of open government,'' said Stephanie Hanna, an
Interior spokeswoman. ``We try to make as much of the materials of the
Interior Department as open and available as possible. The consequence
of that is, those who choose to do damaging things can do that.''

Last week, hackers claiming to be from another group defaced the Web
site for the U.S. Senate, causing it to be taken offline until the

The FBI also was forced to take down its own Internet site last week
after hackers launched an electronic attack against it. It remained
inaccessible Monday, along with the Web site for its National
Infrastructure Protection Center, which helps investigate computer

Messages left at the attacked sites suggest they were vandalized to
retaliate against what was said to be the FBI's harassment of specific
hacker groups, including the group that boasted of breaking into the
White House site last month.

The FBI confirmed it executed four search warrants last week in Texas
related to an investigation into allegations of computer intrusion,
including one search at the home of a prominent hacker in Houston.

On the Interior's Web page, the hackers left this message: ``Now, it's
our turn to hit them where it hurts by going after every computer on the
Net with a .gov (suffix).... We'll keep hitting them until they get down
on their knees and beg.''

At the site maintained by the Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory, a note threatened the electronic destruction
of the powerful computers that ``serve'' pages on the Internet ``if the
FBI doesn't stop.''

``We could have done worse, like destroying completely all servers,''
the note said. ``We can do it if we want, but hackers are waiting for

In an online interview, the hacker claiming responsibility for the
laboratory attack warned The Associated Press that further FBI
investigation would result in more severe damage.

The hacker identified himself only as M1crochip, living in Portugal and
part of a group calling themselves F0rpaxe. The interview was arranged
through a mutually trusted third party.

``If FBI doesn't do anything and doesn't stop arresting people and
making our life miserable, each member of F0rpaxe will discuss an
eventual destruction of every single server,'' he said. ``If that
happens, everything goes down.''

He added, ``We don't want to proceed that way,'' and called the
electronic attacks the ``only resource'' of the hacker community.

The FBI in Washington declined comment Monday.

Earlier this month, a grand jury in northern Virginia indicted Eric
Burns, 19, on three counts of computer intrusion. Burns is reportedly
known on the Internet as ``Zyklon'' and is believed to be a member of
the group that claimed responsibility for the attacks on the White House
and Senate sites.

``Zyklon'' was one of a dozen names listed on the hacked version of the
White House Web site, which was altered overnight Sunday for a few
minutes before government computers automatically detected the

Burns was accused of breaking into a computer used by the U.S.
Information Agency between August 1998 and January 1999. The grand jury
also said Burns broke into two other computers, one owned by LaserNet of
Fairfax, Va., and the other by Issue Dynamics Inc. of Washington.

Associated Press, May 31, 1999

Nuclear Spying

Nuke Data on the Internet, China Says

Who sold China that laptop?

BEIJING - With lights ablaze and news cameras rolling, a professional
web surfer, Fang Nan, sat before his Chinese government-issue Compaq
Presario computer on Monday afternoon, pointed his Microsoft Explorer
browser to a U.S. internet address and began downloading sophisticated
technical details about America's most advanced nuclear warheads.
The demonstration, put on by China's State Council, or cabinet, was part
of the government's most aggressive attempt to date to discredit a
congressional report, made public last week, that accuses China of
stealing secret nuclear data from the United States over the last two

The State Council's Minister of Information, Zhao Qizheng, repeated
China's long-standing denial that it has ever stolen American nuclear
technology. He also accused a bipartisan select committee, particularly
Representative Christopher Cox, Republican of California, of racism and
arrogance, saying their report was an effort to diminish the outstanding
work of Chinese bomb and missile makers, who need no help from the
United States.

But in a new approach, Mr. Zhao told Chinese and foreign reporters that
the information China is accused of stealing - including critical design
information on America's top-of-the-line W-88 warhead and six others -
has long been openly available in the United States.

''Moreover, in recent years, performance data about various types of
nuclear warheads, ranging from the early MK-1 to the latest W-88, can
easily be found on the Internet,'' he said. ''They are no longer
secrets, so there is nothing to 'steal.'''

Mr. Zhao relinquished the stage to Mr. Fang of the China Internet
Information Center, a government body that tracks on-line developments
in China.

Mr. Fang logged on to the Internet and quickly linked to the web page of
the Federation of Atomic Scientists, a Washington-based group concerned
with weapons proliferation and other issues.

The results of Mr. Fang's efforts, including a list of every U.S.
nuclear weapon and its specifications, were projected on a large screen.
He then searched for ''W-88.'' Up popped the explosive yield, weight,
length, and diameter of the warhead, as well as a description of the
specific materials used and its key design features.

''There's no need to go all the way to America to think of a way to get
this data,'' Mr. Fang said. ''It's there on the net, and it's easy to

Charles Ferguson, a senior research analyst at the Federation and a
nuclear expert, said the information on his organization's site could be
useful to China. But he disputed the Chinese suggestion that there is no
difference between what is available in public and secret information,
such as test data.

The site provides ''a wealth of information on nuclear weapons, but we
don't have a manual for how to produce them or anything like that,'' Mr.
Ferguson said.

''There are thousands of parts in the most advanced nuclear weapons,''
he added. Just knowing ''the basic components, what goes into the
primary part of it, what goes into the secondary part of it, is not
enough to give someone the blueprint to develop these things,'' he said.

International Herald Tribune, June 1, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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