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Today's Lesson From The Laundreymen

by Jeffrey Robinson

The so-called "South African method" is a brazen approach concocted by a
Johannesburg businessman who beat currency export controls by faking a
badly sprained ankle. Booked on a flight to London, he asked the airline
to supply a wheelchair to help him get to the gate because he had a cast
on his leg. Departure scrutiny in those days was very strict, and on the
day of his flight an anonymous call came into South African customs
warning them that a man with a cast on his leg was using it to smuggle a
large sum of money out of the country. When he wheeled up to the Customs
and Immigration checkpoint, he was stopped. Officers opened his baggage,
went through it, found nothing, then announced they wanted to search
him. He refused. They insisted. He demanded he be permitted to call his
attorney. Senior officials were summoned and the argument continued. By
the time his lawyer arrived, the man's flight had taken off without him.
The man threatened to sue. His lawyer managed to calm him down and
explain that the officers were acting well within their rights.
Protesting to the very end, the fellow had no choice but to sit there
while his cast was sawn off.

It was empty.

Now the man raised hell. He started calling everyone he knew in
government. Red-faced apologies, though plentiful, were inadequate. He
ordered his lawyer to file law suits against the government and the
airlines for allowing this to happen. He said he not only wanted
retribution, w cast plastered over
his ankel--and cash packed firmly inside--Customs and Immigration
officials personally helped him onto the plane.
Barbecued Children

Special Operations Command at Waco

We told the Secretary of Defense. We told the Join Chiefs of Staff.

WASHINGTON -- The Pentagon's elite Special Operations Command sent
observers to the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Texas more
than a month before the final assault on the compound, suggesting that
military commandos had a far longer and closer involvement in the
disastrous 1993 operation than previously divulged, according to
declassified Government documents.
The documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act also show
for the first time that officials at the highest levels of the Defense
Department, including Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, were briefed by the Special Operations Command about
the events near Waco.

The command, which is based at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida,
oversees the military's most secretive commando squads, including the
Army's Delta Force and the Navy Seals, and the documents suggest that
the command was monitoring the situation virtually from the start of the
51-day siege. The command's spokesmen did not return calls for comment
on the documents.

The exact relationship between the military and law-enforcement agencies
in the planning of the raid on April 19, 1993, which ended in the fiery
destruction of the compound and the deaths of about 80 people, has long
been a mystery. It is expected to be a topic of Congressional hearings
this fall into the siege, especially given the new disclosure that
possibly incendiary military-issue tear-gas canisters were fired near
the compound. Congressional officials say they want to know where the
canisters came from, and who gave approval for their use.

Clinton Administration officials, aware of the severe legal restrictions
on the use of American troops in the United States, have long said that
the military's role in the siege was purely advisory to law-enforcement
agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

The heavily censored documents do not show that the military took an
active part in the siege and F.B.I. officials have long acknowledged
that the military assisted the law enforcement agency. Today, John
Collingwood, an F.B.I. spokesman said "The Department of Defense played
no operational role at Waco."

A report issued last month by the General Accounting Office, the
accounting arm of Congress, which examined the military's role in Waco,
did not contradict the F.B.I. account, but did find that the military
had provided about $1 million in equipment, supplies and electronic
surveillance gear to the F.B.I. and the A.T.F., which had launched an
ill-fated arrest raid on the compound in February 1993.

Although Administration officials have previously acknowledged that
three soldiers assigned to Delta Force were at the cult compound on the
day of the fiery raid as observers, the documents show that the first
Special Operations monitors actually went there more than a month
earlier, and that their findings were reported to Washington and to the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The documents were provided to The New York Times by the National
Security News Agency, a nonprofit research group in Washington that has
often unearthed Government documents and other information embarrassing
to the Pentagon.

In a report to the Joint Chiefs and the F.B.I. in Washington that was
dated March 2, 1993, commanders of the Special Operations Command said
they had carried out "observation of operations in Waco, Tex."

The one-page document was heavily edited by military censors but appears
to outline the deteriorating situation found by the monitors at the site
near Waco, where the Davidians had barricaded themselves in their

The siege began on Feb. 28, when agents of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms conducted a failed raid on the compound, resulting
in a firefight in which four Federal officers and two of the cult
members were killed.

The report is stamped "secret specat," or special category, which would
have limited its distribution to a select group of Government officials
with security clearances. The identity of the monitors sent to Texas and
their ranks were not revealed.

In a report dated March 30, nearly three weeks before the final assault
on the compound, the Special Operations Command responded to an "F.B.I.
request for assistance" at the site.

The exact nature of the request is not clear in the heavily censored
copy of the document that was released by the Defense Department. But
the request clearly was important because the report prepared by the
Special Operations Command was forwarded to the highest levels of the
Pentagon, including Defense Secretary Aspin, and to the Joint Chiefs,
then led by Gen. Colin Powell.

Federal law-enforcement agencies at the compound requested help from the
Pentagon, including heavy weapons and military training, almost
immediately after the raid on Feb. 28. Over the next weeks, the F.B.I.
was provided with military helicopters, tanks, armored personnel
carriers and weapons.

The New York Times, September 5, 1999

Financial Scams

Financier Martin Frankel Captured

Who is next? Maurice Greenberg of AIG, maybe?

Martin R. Frankel, the Connecticut money manager suspected of defrauding
insurance companies of hundreds of millions of dollars before fleeing
overseas, has been captured and is now in Federal custody, an official
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Saturday.
The circumstances of his capture were unclear Saturday evening, as
F.B.I. officials withheld details of his arrest. But the official
confirmed that Frankel had been arrested four months to the day after
fleeing his Greenwich, Conn., mansion for Italy, where he relied on
business associates, a cache of diamonds and a streak of good luck to
stay a step ahead of law enforcement officials.

It seemed likely that Frankel had been apprehended while on the run.
When reached early Saturday evening, Hugh F. Keefe, a lawyer who
represents Frankel, said he was unaware that his client had been
apprehended When asked if Frankel might have turned himself in as part
of a negotiated deal, Keefe laughed.

The Connecticut lawyer added that he had spoken to a Federal prosecutor
in the case as recently as Saturday morning. "He asked me if Frankel was
still alive," Keefe said. "I have a feeling he knew more than he was
letting on."

The arrest appeared to mark a concluding chapter in what authorities
have described as one of America's largest and most bizarre cases of
insurance fraud.

For eight years, Frankel, Federal law enforcement officials and
prosecutors charged, lived a sybaritic life on the money he claimed to
be managing for a string of Southern insurance companies.

His operation grew to depend on scores of other people, including
prominent lawyers, insurance industry executives, private detectives, a
coterie of women, and priests with ties to the Vatican, all of whom say
that they were innocent dupes of a man that they thought was a brilliant
speculator in stocks and bonds.

If official accounts are accurate, Frankel, 44, also had remarkable
success in fooling state insurance regulators. His strategy was to buy
small, troubled insurance companies through intermediaries, then manage
the sometimes considerable investment assets those companies held
against future policy claims.

For years Frankel claimed to be earning returns that were well above
industry norms, but he was not exposed as a fraud until after he fled
the country, leaving behind smoldering documents in one of his several
houses in Greenwich, a wealthy enclave outside New York City.

A native of Toledo, Ohio, Frankel first ran afoul of financial
regulators in the early 1990's, when a small investment fund he ran
generated steep losses for retirees who entrusted their savings to
Frankel. After an investigation, the Securities and Exchange Commission
reached an out-of-court settlement with Frankel in early 1992. He agreed
to a lifetime ban from the securities business.

Even before that agreement was final, however, Frankel had begun a new
operation in Tennessee. Using the names of several friends and
acquaintances in Ohio, Frankel set up a Tennessee trust and began buying
insurance companies, first in Tennessee and later in Mississippi,
Missouri and Oklahoma.

He also moved his base of operations to Greenwich. He rented and later
bought a multimillion-dollar, four-acre estate on Lake Avenue,
surrounding the area with elaborate security. He later rented other
upscale homes in the area, using one as his office and another to house
some of the women he recruited through the Internet and help-wanted ads
as personal assistants and full-time companions.

By early 1998, Frankel began to fear that insurance regulators would
sooner or later catch on, he told friends and associates. It was then
that he apparently decided to rapidly expand his insurance holdings in
hopes of growing big enough and involving enough well-known people that
authorities would consider his business unassailable.

He hired many insurance consultants and retained several prominent law
firms, including Robert Strauss and his well-known firm, Akin, Gump.
Frankel persuaded a high-level retired priest at the Vatican to back a
charity that Frankel used as a holding company for his insurance assets.
Friends and associates said Frankel also sought help from people with
long criminal records, all in a pell-mell effort to expand his holdings.

Though he tried to buy new insurance companies in Colorado, Washington,
Nicaragua and Britain, his expansion program failed.

By spring of this year, insurance regulators were asking pointed
questions about his investment strategy and about the structure of his
companies. Frankel, who liberally used aliases and disguised his control
of companies, was not suspected of a crime. But by late April he
prepared to flee the country.

Like his operation, his flight to safety abroad was highly disorganized.
A last-minute purchase of diamonds turned into a fiasco when Frankel
decided to leave early and security officers fought over control of some
diamonds that remained behind. He also proved to be a novice at
international intrigue, growing depressed on the run and several times
coming close to exposure after making mistakes.

He spent time on the run with at least two women who had worked for him,
and flew a third to join him when those two grew bored and homesick.

Frankel spent most of his exile in Italy. But by July scattered reports
had him traveling in France and later Brazil.

The New York Times, September 5, 1999

Land of Mochtar Riady

East Timor Votes for Freedom

But Abraham Lincoln intervenes to "preserve the union".

EAST TIMOR made history yesterday by voting to become a free nation and
end 24 years of Indonesian rule, only for the violence that has plagued
its past to flare again and threaten its future.
The United Nations mission in the territory, which organised a
referendum last week on self determination and is mandated to oversee
the transition to independence, faced an immediate challenge to its
mandate when an American officer was wounded by a gunshot to the stomach
after militiamen ambushed his car and opened fire in Liquica, a town 30
miles from Dili. He was taken to Dili and then on to Darwin in Northern
Australia, in a serious condition. Four East Timorese UN staff have been
murdered since the vote on Monday, after months of violence towards
suspected supporters of independence.

Within hours of the 9am announcement of the result, pro-Indonesian
militias rampaged through several towns burning houses and firing
wildly, forcing the evacuation of 103 UN staff to the capital, where the
journalists' hotel was shot at in the afternoon. With the militias bent
on forcing all foreigners to leave, the case for a UN security force may
soon become irresistible.

A majority of nearly 80 per cent of 451,792 voters opted for
independence rather than autonomy within Indonesia and Xanana Guzmao,
the separatist leader under house arrest in Jakarta, said August 30
would be "remembered eternally as the day of national liberation."
Yesterday the government announced he would be freed on Wednesday, after
serving nearly seven years of a 20-year prison sentence, and flown
immediately to Dili, 1,200 miles east of Jakarta, to seek reconciliation
among the region's warring factions. He called on the UN to take
immediate steps to send a peace-keeping force to East Timor.

Several hundred refugees sought shelter in the compound of the house of
Bishop Carlos Belo, the spiritual leader and Nobel Peace Laureate,
fearing reprisals. One woman, who asked not to be named, said: "I walked
here this morning with three nephews because we were so afraid. I heard
the news on the radio and I feel happy, but we can't show our

>From mid-morning, there was shooting outside the UN compound, where
hundreds of staff were holed up. Militiamen made three attacks on the
Hotel Mahkota, where most of the international press is staying, in full
view of around 30 armed soldiers and police supposedly protecting the
building. A gunman arriving from around the corner on a motorcycle first
menaced guests standing outside with a home-made pistol, and soon
returned, smashing the glass of the front door with an iron bar. In the
early afternoon, two shots from home-made weapons were fired into the
lobby and one at the roof, sending reporters scattering.

If confirmation were needed that sections of the army back the militias,
the main perpetrator, a gunman with a mane of frizzy hair under a brown
beret, was patted on the back by an army officer as he walked away from
firing at the hotel. After a brief conference in the shade of a tree, he
sped off.

Given that a UN force would take months to arrange, the only hope for a
swift end to the violence is that the militias will be called off by
those elements of the armed forces that created them in their
determination not to relinquish what Indonesia called its 27th province,
but which the rest of the world considered a colony.

The London Telegraph, September 5, 1999

Scumbag Politicians

Hey, Terry! Can I Get a House, Too?

The Clintons celebrate a welfare Christmas.

PRESIDENT Clinton was engulfed in a fresh financial controversy
yesterday over the mortgage arrangements for the $1.7 million (£1.1
million) house which will provide the base for his wife's Senate
election challenge.
The Clintons, who have legal debts of more than £3 million, were able to
buy the 11-room colonial-style house in Chappaqua, north of New York
city, only after the President's chief fund-raiser, Terry McAuliffe,
personally secured the £840,000 loan.

Mr McAuliffe, 42, who rose to prominence raising cash for President
Jimmy Carter's 1980 re-election campaign, is seen by many as the
personification of the campaign finance system, which critics say is in
danger of corrupting United States politics. Although the financier has
never been the target of any criminal inquiry, several of his business
dealings have come under legal scrutiny.

Pressure groups seeking higher ethical standards in public office
pounced on the Clintons' arrangement yesterday, referring to Mr
McAuliffe as the US First Family's "First Friend".

Chuck Lewis, of the Centre for Public Integrity, said the deal meant Mr
McAuliffe had become the Clintons' "personal financial backer". He
added: "I've never seen a president so personally dependent financially
on one person."

Ellen Miller, of Public Campaign, said: "Probably no one has more and
longer tentacles into the worlds of money and politics than Terry
McAuliffe. It's an unhealthy relationship for anyone to have to the
President and the First Lady." A spokesman for Democracy 21 said: "It's

The Clintons' mortgage, which is on an interest-only basis and which
must be repaid in full after five years, comes from a bank with which
three Clinton administration aides or friends have ties. Although the
interest rate will be adjustable, it is currently expected to be set at
6.52 per cent when it is fixed for the first six months on November 1,
the closing date for the purchase. Monthly payments will be £4,500,
which can be offset against tax.

Under the unusual arrangement made with the bank, Bankers' Trust Private
Banking, Mr McAuliffe will deposit the full amount he is guaranteeing
for the lifetime of the mortgage. By doing so, say mortgage experts, he
enables the Clintons to avoid having to endure the full financial
scrutiny of the bank.

If the Clintons default on the mortgage, the bank will seize Mr
McAuliffe's cash. Otherwise he will receive it back, with interest, when
the mortgage is repaid. The deal is set up in such a way that, under US
government rules, Mr McAuliffe's loan does not constitute a gift.

Vernon Jordan, a Washington lawyer and another close friend, is one of
three people connected to Mr Clinton with links to the bank, although it
is not known whether he played any part in setting up the loan. He is a
former director. The bank's current vice-chairman and its former chief
executive both previously held junior positions within the

A White House spokesman dismissed the criticism, saying: "Terry
McAuliffe is a close friend of the President and he's happy to be of
some help here."

Meanwhile in Chappaqua, Westchester County, there were murmurings of
discontent at the prospect of the 11,200-strong community facing large
bills for the extra policing required to deal with the traffic and
parking problems caused by the Clinton entourage and sightseers. The
town supervisor, Clinton Smith, said: "We'd have no qualms about
suggesting that it should be the responsibility of the federal

The London Telegraph, September 5, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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