
Key to Truth About Oklahoma City Bombing May Be Enigmatic West German

A federal undercover informant, Andreas Strassmeir, was operating alongside
Timothy McVeigh for a long time prior to the Oklahoma bombing. That's the big
secret the major media and the government are keeping under wraps. Slowly but
surely the truth is emerging.

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

By Michael Collins Piper

While the media devoted endless coverage to Timothy McVeigh's execution, the
media censored the fact that growing numbers of bombing survivors and
families of victims doubt that McVeigh acted alone.

Those who doubt McVeigh and the FBI base their suspicions on solid evidence
that continues to emerge-in particular, long-suppressed FBI documents just re
cently uncovered.

Instead of reporting all of this, the me dia provided vast attention to
advocates of the "lone bomber" theory-such as the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) of Morris Dees-allowing ADL
and SPLC spokesmen to speculate about other potential terrorists who might
bomb another building in the future. The ADL and the SPLC agree with McVeigh
and the FBI that McVeigh was a "lone bomber."

While the media shifts attention to the grief of those who suffered, the
media ignores devastating evidence that federal undercover agents operated
alongside McVeigh in the bombing, having had him under close surveillance for
probably several years.

The SPOTLIGHT determined long ago that the key to uncovering the truth about
the tragedy lay in unmasking the enigmatic German national Andreas Strass
meir. This, in fact, now seems to be a consensus among a diverse group of
independent investigators including, among others:

o Ex-Oklahoma State Rep. Charles Key;

o Former London Telegraph correspondent Ambrose Evans-Pritchard;

o Journalist J.D. Cash;

o New American editor William Jasper;

o The late Glenn Wilburn and his wife Kathy (who lost two grandchildren in
the bombing); and

o Ex-Marine Colonel Roger Charles (a former producer for ABC's 20/20).
In addition, McVeigh's former attorney, Stephen Jones, as well as his most
recent attorneys, Rob Nigh, Richard Burr, Na than Chambers and Christopher
Tritico, have charged that Strassmeir was a key player in the scenario.

Well-known media figures such as Robert Novak and Sam Francis also raised
questions about Strassmeir.

The evidence indicates that Strassmeir, if not a participant in the bombing
conspiracy, was certainly a longtime deep-cover informant for some federal
agency, whether the FBI, the CIA or the BATF.


For its own part, The SPOTLIGHT has documented that the aforementioned ADL
had early, inside knowledge of McVeigh's activities, possibly provided by its
contacts in one or more federal agencies, based on data probably provided by
Strassmeir and his close associates.

That Strassmeir was an undercover in formant also suggests that his close
friend and sponsor (and attorney) Kirk Lyons was aware of Strassmeir's status
and was, in fact, his "handler."

Since, for the past eight years, Lyons has been engaged in intelligence
agency-orchestrated efforts to destroy The SPOTLIGHT-predating public reports
of his in volvement with Strassmeir-this adds further fuel to the belief that
Lyons is a deep cover operative with a hidden agenda.

Lyons sounds like McVeigh prosecutor Beth Wilkinson claiming that allegations
about Strassmeir are an "Elvis Presley" theory (referring to the claim that
the singer is still alive).

Along with Lyons, the FBI, the ADL and Morris Dees, it has been elite media
voices such as The New York Times, The Wash ington Post and Newsweek that
have dismissed allegations regarding Strass meir.

Yet, while the Strassmeir connection has been suppressed in the American me
dia, foreign news sources have been more forthcoming.

The June 8 issue of The Times of Lon don featured a revealing story about
Strassmeir, saying that he could be "the missing piece in the puzzle." The
authors clearly believe Strassmeir knows more than he is telling and that
Strassmeir probably was an undercover intelligence operative.

The Times comments that "the syringe that executes McVeigh will also drain
Strassmeir of significance; give him the status of a footnote"-in other
words, eliminate forever the one confessed conspirator who could finger

The London newspaper adds revelations pointing toward Strassmeir's strange
connections. For example, it turns out that Strassmeir can read
Hebrew-Israel's state language-as a consequence of having had an Israeli army
girlfriend, "not exactly the typical choice of a neo-Nazi," the Times adds

In addition, the Times notes that when Strassmeir first arrived in this
country that this so-called neo-Nazi extremist "found friends easily-retired
Army officers, CIA veterans, history buffs-and became part of a network"
which the Times said "is powerful in the U.S., a web of influence that
stretches into the Pen tagon and the federal agencies, in churches and
boardrooms, on the oil rigs and building sites."

Again, hardly the profile of your average grass-roots "extremist" but
certainly the profile of an intelligence operative.

The Times concludes its remarkable re port saying that "we don't believe
Strass meir is John Doe II"-few people do-but adds, "there is a feeling,
though, that in the huge cast of characters, all the losers, and fanatics
that make up the opera bouffe of the Oklahoma investigation, only Strassmeir
has the brain to be the brains."

Strassmeir claimed he is "really glad" that the missing FBI papers were
uncovered, saying, "maybe they will show what garbage people have been
talking about me."

However, when McVeigh's attorneys appealed to block McVeigh's execution, they
cited newly-released FBI documents which suggested that, in the attorneys'
words, "There was . . . evidence, withheld by the government, that another
person could well have been the mastermind be hind the bombing."

The attorneys specifically named Strass meir and one of his friends, Dennis
Ma hon of Oklahoma, as possible co-conspirators and charged that the FBI had
engaged in a "scheme to suppress evidence" of their roles in the bombing.
While the names of Strassmeir and Ly ons were revealed by the European-based
Reuters News Agency on June 7, their names were totally suppressed by elite
United States news sources despite a media frenzy over the midnight hour
effort to block McVeigh's execution.

The Ameri can press continued to hype Mc Veigh's claim of having acted alone,
censoring evidence that others were in volved.

Also telling is that McVeigh's attorneys said information in the FBI
documents "suggested that one of the other participants in the bombing was an
informant for federal law enforcement officers."

Not only do most investigators seem to have concluded Strassmeir (more so
than Mahon) was the likely candidate but Mahon's own statements suggest that
Mahon-involved in the bombing or not-now believes Strassmeir was a government
man all along.

Another strike against Strassmeir has also been leveled by an ex-Marine
officer, Roger Charles, a former producer of ABC's 20/20 who resigned in
disgust when 20/20 canceled his scheduled report on Strass meir some years
In the July 2001 issue of Soldier of For tune, Charles says that there is
"compelling evidence" that Strassmeir had "ac cess to prior knowledge
regarding the bombing."

Noting that Strassmeir, in several interviews, while proclaiming his own in
nocence of any involvement, had claimed knowledge (after the bombing) that 1)
there were actually two yellow trucks connected to the bombing; and 2) that
federal authorities had placed a tracking device on one of those yellow
trucks approaching Oklahoma City on the day of the bombing.

Charles reports three different sets of witnesses told of seeing SWAT-dressed
per sonnel with what were described as "hoops" near the Murrah building in
the pre-dawn hours prior to the bombing, and on the interstate near Oklahoma

Noting that these so-called "hoops" are direction-finding devices used to
triangulate the location from which an electronic emitter was active, Charles
concludes authorities were tracking the bombers-having foreknowledge of their
plans-and this was the activity seen by witnesses.

Charles avers that while the authorities were following a "decoy" truck, the
truck used to deliver a bomb to the Murrah building made it to the site.

Charles points out that even The Denver Post conducted a six-month
investigation of its own-never referred to in national news accounts-which
concluded that not one, but two yellow trucks were involved in the bombing,
and that the extra truck (that the government says never existed) "could hold
the key to unlocking one of the most enduring mysteries of the case-how many
people were involved in the bombing."

Where, asks Charles, did Strassmeir get inside information about a
vehicle-tracking device used by federal officials?

That the ADL and Morris Dees of the SPLC are adamant in discounting the
involvement of purported "neo-Nazis" such as Strassmeir in the bombing raises
the question as to why these professional "nazi-hunters" are determined to
discount the Strassmeir connection.

The only logical explanation is that Strassmeir was not really a "neo-Nazi"
but instead, a classic "snitch" reporting back to federal intelligence
agencies allied with the ADL-or that Strassmeir was an ADL asset all along.

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