-Caveat Lector-

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Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/business/longterm/y2k/y2k.htm
Published: Monday, June 28, 1999; Page A1
Author: By Eric Lipton --- Staff Writer
Posted on 06/27/1999 19:59:25 PDT by ABC123

District Prepares for Y2K System Failures

By Eric Lipton
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, June 28, 1999; Page A1

The District government, recognizing that its year 2000 repair
program likely will not be completed on time, is planning a
massive New Year's Eve mobilization of emergency personnel and
other staff to ensure that critical city services are not
interrupted if computer systems fail.

Police will be stationed at more than 120 locations across the
city, working 12-hour shifts, to take walk-in requests for
emergency services. Twenty-one "warming centers," each supplied
with food, water and cots, will open. School crossing guards will
be on call, ready to replace traffic lights at major
intersections. And D.C. General Hospital will have extra staff
members – as many as 175 – on site.

These are just a few of the 88 contingency and emergency plans
the District is feverishly working to put in place by the end of
the year. Similar efforts are underway across the United States
among governments and private companies, but in the District,
officials have acknowledged the city is so far behind on its Y2K
fix that it may have to rely on some of these "work-around"

"Because we began late, there may be things that suffer an
interruption that we did not completely get to," said D.C. Chief
Technology Officer Suzanne J. Peck. "Within our agencies ... in
some function, a handful may fail temporarily."

Officials are confident that most of these plans – even those
that will be put into effect regardless of any system failure –
will not be needed, and that even in the District, Y2K will be
one of the century's most hyped nonevents.

City officials want to convince the public that the new year will
begin in the nation's capital without chaos no matter what
happens with D.C. operations or outside services such as
telephone, gas and electricity.

"Our intent is not to alarm people, but put people at ease that
things are under control," Mayor Anthony A. Williams (D) said
yesterday. "We are going to have this city work for people."

Added Cmdr. David B. McDonald, the supervisor of police Y2K
planning: "We want to reassure the residents and visitors to the
District that even if Armageddon comes, we will assist and
protect the public."

The D.C. Council will be briefed on the public safety contingency
plans at an oversight hearing this morning.

The District's own assessment of its progress in making year 2000
fixes demonstrates the need for such planning: With six months
left in the year, only 41 percent of the District's 336 major
computer systems have been fixed. The rest are scheduled to be
repaired and tested by the end of October.

Of the city's 73 agencies, 19 – including key departments such as
Health, Housing and Community Development; Tax and Revenue; Child
and Family Services; and Public Works – are not even halfway done
with their year 2000 repairs and planning.

Williams said he is "not at all surprised" that so much work
remains, given the city's late start on addressing the Y2K
problem. But he added that he is reasonably comfortable with the
status of the city's Y2K repair efforts and has the impression
that the District is about even with other major cities, saying
the city may be understating its "readiness."

Virginia and Maryland, by comparison, say their government
systems are virtually Y2K-proof, and while they also have
contingency plans, they are more confident that they won't have
to use them.

The year 2000 computer glitch, popularly known as Y2K, stems from
the use in many computer systems of two-digit date fields,
leading many machines to interpret "00" as 1900, not 2000. This
could cause systems to transmit bad data, malfunction or crash.

The District's late start is largely to blame for its lagging
effort. While Maryland and Virginia began working on the problem
several years ago, the District waited until last summer.
Recognizing the danger of a catastrophic failure in the city,
Congress gave the District $62 million in emergency funding this
year to accelerate the work. But even with an army of more than
300 consultants at work – most under a $76 million contract with
IBM Corp. – success is far from assured.

The struggle at D.C. General Hospital illustrates the challenge.
D.C. General and its related health care divisions are about 48
percent "ready," according to ratings released Wednesday by the
District's year 2000 program.

The hospital's mainframe computer system – which handles medical
records, patient accounts, budgeting, laboratory data, patient
registration and other hospital operations – will falter at
year's end unless several million dollars in repairs are made.

The city is rushing to install a new computer system, but the
first phase is not scheduled to be operating until mid-September.
Officials are debating whether to repair the old computer in case
the new one is not ready.

And that is only the beginning.

An estimated 80 percent of the 1,000 pagers assigned to staff at
D.C. General and other divisions of the city's hospital and
health care network are not Y2K compatible. At the start of June,
the city had not issued a purchase order to buy replacements.

Each of the hospital's four ultrasound machines and 21
defibrillators – used to reestablish a regular heartbeat-is not
Y2K compliant, although replacements are on order. And the
critical-care monitoring system in the intensive-care unit also
must be replaced.

"You can't have an emergency room without a defibrillator. You
can't have an intensive-care unit without monitors," said William
D. Wild, senior vice president for compliance at D.C. General.

Given all this uncertainty – and fewer than 190 days before the
end of the year – D.C. General administrators and staff members
are spending hundreds of hours preparing backup plans.

The 250-bed hospital, which served 51,237 in its emergency room
last year and 80,000 in its hospital clinics, is arranging to
have 50 temporary workers available to hand-process records and
other tasks if computers fail. As many as 124 employees –
including nurses, doctors and financial staff members – may be
asked to stay overnight on New Year's Eve, Wild said.

An extra 30 to 60 days' worth of pharmaceuticals is being
ordered, and up to 90 days' worth of other basic supplies – from
bottled water to bandages – is being purchased. The cost to the
city just for the contingency planning, excluding the basic Y2K
repairs, is about $4 million.

Even at agencies where year 2000 repairs are farther along,
extensive contingency planning is underway. The broadest effort
involves emergency services, where the plans are largely directed
at anticipating failure of outside utilities such as electricity
and telephone – all extremely unlikely.

"The phone company says they are 98 percent certain it won't go
down. The power companies say they are 99 percent certain
everything will work," McDonald said. "But if that 2 percent and
1 percent cross, we need to be prepared."

Every officer in the city's 3,600-person police force will work
12-hour shifts during the New Year's weekend. Starting about
10:30 p.m. on New Year's Eve, the police department will deploy
two-person teams to 120 locations across the District, including
fire stations, convenience stores and fast-food restaurants.

Each officer will have a radio, and each of the 10 antenna sites
for the radio system will have a backup generator. The city's 150
school crossing guards will learn how to handle traffic if lights
go out. Staff is prepared to process crime reports and bookings
by hand.

"We can't say, 'Sorry, Mr. Burglar, we can't book you today. Why
don't you come back tomorrow?' " McDonald said.

At the Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department, leave time
is being restricted for the 1,763-member staff between Dec. 15
and Jan. 15. Crews on the 16 ladder trucks are being given the
tools and training to perform elevator rescues, supplementing the
city's three regular rescue squads.

Backup to the city's computer-aided dispatch system is ready:
thousands of 3-by-5 cards detailing which trucks to send
depending on the address of a call. Fire trucks and ambulances
already have been checked.

The city's Emergency Operations Center will be in gear before New
Year's Eve, staffed by the public-safety-related agencies,
including the Red Cross and the National Guard. All 21 warming
centers, most at city schools, will be open New Year's Eve.

"If need be, people who go to these centers will be warm. They
will have somewhere to sleep and something to eat," Emergency
Management Program Officer Barbara Childs said.

The contingency planning extends far beyond the central emergency

The D.C. Water and Sewer Authority, for example, will spend more
than $1 million to rent several locomotive-size generators to
ensure that water will flow if the electricity goes out.

The Public Works Department will ensure that the city has 87,000
gallons of vehicle fuel available, double the normal supply.
Extra truck parts, backup generators and other supplies also are
on order. Plans have even been made for trash collection crews
(they would work day and night), tree maintenance (complaints
would be taken at the Reeves Municipal Center on 14th Street NW)
and rat patrol (private exterminators would be used).

Officials are urging residents to prepare for the new year as
well, stocking up on food, fuel, bottled water and other supplies
as they would for a winter storm.

Jack L. Brock Jr., a U.S. General Accounting Office computer
expert who described the city's Y2K outlook in February as
"bleak," said last week that while he is reassured the city is
making contingency plans, it must be able to implement them.

"They can't just be paper plans," said Brock, whose office is
about to start another review of the District's Y2K status for
Congress. "They have to do enough testing and validation to be
confident that they will work."

Interim City Administrator Norman Dong said Williams is committed
to ensuring that the plans work. To date, 38 of the 88
contingency plans are in draft or final form. From July until
September, 23 mission-critical city agencies will hold mock

"Our hope and expectation is that it will be business as usual,"
Dong said. "But we are taking nothing for granted. We want to
make sure we are covered, that no matter what happens, we are

© 1999 The Washington Post Company

           Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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