[Here are two good articles from the Wall Street Journal
regarding pirated MP3 music available over the net versus
copyright controversy. --MS]

March 15, 2000

Program for Sharing MP3 Files Has Been Pulled From AOL Site


SAN FRANCISCO -- A new program that would have allowed Internet
users to freely share MP3 music files has been pulled from the
America Online Inc.-owned Web site where it was announced
Tuesday, putting the product's future in jeopardy.

The program, Gnutella, mimicked the working of Napster, an
Internet service that regularly makes available hundreds of
thousands of pirated MP3 songs.  Gnutella had been developed in
recent months by the team of software programmers that wrote
Winamp, a popular MP3 player bought by AOL, Dulles, Va., last

Gnutella was announced on the Web site for Nullsoft, the
AOL-owned, San Francisco company behind Winamp, with the
announcement making frequent references to AOL.  But that posed a
public-relations problem for AOL, which is in the process of
merging with Time Warner Inc., the entertainment company that
gets much of its profits from records and that likely will suffer
from the continuing spread of MP3s.

A Nullsoft spokeswoman said the pages announcing the project had
been taken down because the software had been an "unauthorized
free-lance project" of the Winamp team.  She declined to comment
on whether AOL-Time Warner relationship played any role in the

Programmers responsible for Gnutella didn't return calls seeking


March 27, 2000

---Wall Street Journal Maverick Programmers Prepare To Unleash
Anarchy on the Web

IF YOU THINK the Internet is an untamed frontier now, just wait.

A new technology sweeping through cyberspace promises to unleash
an entirely new wave of anarchy onto the Web, making it
impossible for anyone to protect intellectual property online or
shut down a rogue Web service.

The early warning came March 14 from a tiny computer program
called Gnutella.  Created by renegade programmers at a unit of
America Online, Gnutella lets people share computer files --
mainly music -- over the Net.

AOL yanked the Gnutella Web site within a day, but it was too
late. Gnutella is humming with hundreds of people swapping Pink
Floyd cuts, and no one can stop them.

The technology that makes Gnutella thrive is popping up all over
the Net, and it goes way beyond just music.  Known as a
"distributed" or "peer-to-peer" approach, it's pretty much the
opposite of the way the World Wide Web works.  On the Web, people
get information from central repositories, or servers.  Shutting
down a server cripples a Web site, as demonstrated in last
month's hacker attacks.

ON A DISTRIBUTED system there is no central brain to attack.  So
there's almost no way to turn it off short of finding and
unplugging every single machine connected to it.  Shutting down
one of these networks would be like trying to stop every phone
conversation on the planet.

"This will make censorship impossible," says Ian Clarke, a young
programmer in London with grand plans for peer-to-peer
technology.  For the past 18 months, he and a handful of
collaborators have spent their spare time creating a peer-to-peer
alternative to the Web.  They call their system FreeNet, and
they're getting ready to unleash their prototype in a matter of

FreeNet abandons the concept of the Web "site." Anyone would be
able to make their computer a node on FreeNet by installing a
piece of software.

Information posted on FreeNet would be automatically replicated
and stored on multiple member nodes.  If someone wanted to search
for something -- an academic paper, say, or a photograph -- the
request would move from one computer to the next until it
encountered and accessed the desired information.  The approach
would foil tracking efforts and make it nearly impossible for
someone to remove information from the network.

Mr.  Clarke thinks those capabilities add up to a bold new age
for the Internet.  He envisions FreeNet as a way for political
dissidents to publish their views without fear of being found
out.  Read his fiery manifesto at http://freenet.sourceforge.net.
But he admits there's a dark side, too.  If FreeNet works as
advertised, it could easily be adapted for unsavory purposes,
such as distributing child pornography.  "This system is, in a
sense, above the law," he says.

FreeNet may be new, but the concept of distributed networks has a
long history.  The Internet itself was constructed as a
distributed network.  Look deep inside the Net and you'll find
tiny packets of digital information finding their way from one
computer to the next, largely without any central control. But
then the user-friendly Web came along and created a new layer on
top of the Net, centered around the servers that host Web sites.
In a sense, FreeNet and Gnutella are a return to the Net's roots.

THESE FLEDGLING networks are now mutating at warp speed, driven
by the explosion in online music.  A controversial program called
Napster was designed for college students to trade songs in the
popular MP3 file format.  But last week Napster buffs branched
out into everything from full-length feature films to copies of
Microsoft Word thanks to Wrapster, an underground program written
to turn the music-trading community into an all-purpose bazaar.

Napster, though largely peer-to-peer, relies on a central server
to act as a directory.  That means someone can pull the plug --
say, a court ruling in favor of the music companies now suing
Napster.  But Gnutella is practically invulnerable because it's
diffuse.  You have to find one other computer running the
software, then you're automatically hooked to all of the other
Gnutella machines that computer knows about.  And by installing
the program on your PC, you turn your own machine into part of
the network's library, too.

Strangers can tap into your computer at a furious clip.  A few
nights ago I watched as anonymous Gnutella users scanned my
laptop for the computer game Quake, songs by Fleetwood Mac, and a
variety of X-rated images. (For the record, they found none of
the above.) The program lets you decide which portions of your
hard drive can be searched and which are off-limits, but it's
disconcerting nonetheless.  If you want to give it a try, visit
http://gnutella.nerdherd.net, one of the growing number of Web
sites offering Gnutella downloads and information.

Computer-security expert Avi Rubin warns Net users to be wary.  A
strange file-sharing program might become a hacker's tool for
looting your entire hard drive.  But Mr.  Rubin, a researcher at
AT&T Labs, is working on another distributed network.  Called
Publius, after the pseudonym used in the Federalist Papers, it's
designed to defeat censorship.

And Gnutella fans like Bryan Mayland, 26, of Tampa, Fla., are
already developing new versions aimed at supporting thousands,
not hundreds, of users.  "This is unstoppable," Mr.  Mayland


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  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 08:20:07 -0400
From: Alexandra H. Mulkern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Allan Favish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Clinton Administration Scandals List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: CAS: OT: MSNBC: Software ignites porn, pirate worries.htm

Here are two articles from the WSJ. I don't know if they will help or not.

March 15, 2000

               Program for Sharing MP3 Files
               Has Been Pulled From AOL Site

               By a WALL STREET JOURNAL Staff Reporter

               SAN FRANCISCO -- A new program that would have allowed Internet
               users to freely share MP3 music files has been pulled from the America
               Online Inc.-owned Web site where it was announced Tuesday, putting the
               product's future in jeopardy.

               The program, Gnutella, mimicked the working
               of Napster, an Internet service that regularly
               makes available hundreds of thousands of
               pirated MP3 songs. Gnutella had been
               developed in recent months by the team of
               software programmers that wrote Winamp, a popular MP3 player bought by
               AOL, Dulles, Va., last year.

               Gnutella was announced on the Web site for Nullsoft, the AOL-owned, San
               Francisco company behind Winamp, with the announcement making frequent
               references to AOL. But that posed a public-relations problem for AOL,
               which is in the process of merging with Time Warner Inc., the 
               company that gets much of its profits from records and that likely will 
               from the continuing spread of MP3s.

               A Nullsoft spokeswoman said the pages announcing the project had been
               taken down because the software had been an "unauthorized free-lance
               project" of the Winamp team. She declined to comment on whether
               AOL-Time Warner relationship played any role in the decision.

               Programmers responsible for Gnutella didn't return calls seeking 

March 27, 2000---Wall Street Journal

               Maverick Programmers Prepare
               To Unleash Anarchy on the Web

               IF YOU THINK the Internet is an untamed frontier now, just wait. A new
               technology sweeping through cyberspace promises to unleash an entirely
               new wave of anarchy onto the Web, making it impossible for anyone to
               protect intellectual property online or shut down a rogue Web service.

               The early warning came March 14 from a tiny computer program called
               Gnutella. Created by renegade programmers at a unit of America Online,
               Gnutella lets people share computer files -- mainly music -- over the 
               AOL yanked the Gnutella Web site within a day, but it was too late.
               Gnutella is humming with hundreds of people swapping Pink Floyd cuts,
               and no one can stop them.

               The technology that makes Gnutella thrive is popping up all over the 
               and it goes way beyond just music. Known as a "distributed" or
               "peer-to-peer" approach, it's pretty much the opposite of the way the 
               Wide Web works. On the Web, people get information from central
               repositories, or servers. Shutting down a server cripples a Web site, as
               demonstrated in last month's hacker attacks.

               ON A DISTRIBUTED system there is no central brain to attack. So
               there's almost no way to turn it off short of finding and unplugging 
               single machine connected to it. Shutting down one of these networks 
               be like trying to stop every phone conversation on the planet.

               "This will make censorship impossible," says Ian Clarke, a young
               programmer in London with grand plans for peer-to-peer technology. For 
               past 18 months, he and a handful of collaborators have spent their 
spare time
               creating a peer-to-peer alternative to the Web. They call their system
               FreeNet, and they're getting ready to unleash their prototype in a 
matter of

               FreeNet abandons the concept of the Web "site." Anyone would be able to
               make their computer a node on FreeNet by installing a piece of software.
               Information posted on FreeNet would be automatically replicated and 
               on multiple member nodes. If someone wanted to search for something -- 
               academic paper, say, or a photograph -- the request would move from one
               computer to the next until it encountered and accessed the desired
               information. The approach would foil tracking efforts and make it nearly
               impossible for someone to remove information from the network.

               Mr. Clarke thinks those capabilities add up to a
               bold new age for the Internet. He envisions
               FreeNet as a way for political dissidents to
               publish their views without fear of being found
               out. Read his fiery manifesto at
               http://freenet.sourceforge.net. But he admits there's a dark side, too. 
               FreeNet works as advertised, it could easily be adapted for unsavory
               purposes, such as distributing child pornography. "This system is, in a 
               above the law," he says.

               FreeNet may be new, but the concept of distributed networks has a long
               history. The Internet itself was constructed as a distributed network. 
               deep inside the Net and you'll find tiny packets of digital information 
               their way from one computer to the next, largely without any central 
               But then the user-friendly Web came along and created a new layer on top
               of the Net, centered around the servers that host Web sites. In a sense,
               FreeNet and Gnutella are a return to the Net's roots.

               THESE FLEDGLING networks are now mutating at warp speed, driven
               by the explosion in online music. A controversial program called Napster
               was designed for college students to trade songs in the popular MP3 file
               format. But last week Napster buffs branched out into everything from
               full-length feature films to copies of Microsoft Word thanks to 
Wrapster, an
               underground program written to turn the music-trading community into an
               all-purpose bazaar.

                                Napster, though largely peer-to-peer, relies on a
                                central server to act as a directory. That means
                                someone can pull the plug -- say, a court ruling
                                in favor of the music companies now suing
               Napster. But Gnutella is practically invulnerable because it's diffuse. 
               have to find one other computer running the software, then you're
               automatically hooked to all of the other Gnutella machines that computer
               knows about. And by installing the program on your PC, you turn your own
               machine into part of the network's library, too.

               Strangers can tap into your computer at a furious clip. A few nights 
ago I
               watched as anonymous Gnutella users scanned my laptop for the computer
               game Quake, songs by Fleetwood Mac, and a variety of X-rated images.
               (For the record, they found none of the above.) The program lets you 
               which portions of your hard drive can be searched and which are 
               but it's disconcerting nonetheless. If you want to give it a try, visit
               http://gnutella.nerdherd.net, one of the growing number of Web sites 
               Gnutella downloads and information.

               Computer-security expert Avi Rubin warns Net
               users to be wary. A strange file-sharing
               program might become a hacker's tool for
               looting your entire hard drive. But Mr. Rubin, a
               researcher at AT&T Labs, is working on
               another distributed network. Called Publius,
               after the pseudonym used in the Federalist Papers, it's designed to 

               And Gnutella fans like Bryan Mayland, 26, of Tampa, Fla., are already
               developing new versions aimed at supporting thousands, not hundreds, of
               users. "This is unstoppable," Mr. Mayland says.

Allan Favish wrote:

> Software ignites porn, pirate worries[Maybe somebody on CAS can explain this
> a little better than the article does. --ajf]

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