-Caveat Lector-

        The War Lobby: The Israeli Lobby, under the instructions of Sharon, is urging 
the United States to make a war on Iraq in violation of the United Nations Charter and 
the principles of International Law. This Lobby is composed of AIPAC (American Israel 
Public Affairs Committee), the presidents' Conference of Major Jewish American 
Organization, and many American institutes and front organizations dominated by the 
Israeli lobby and their Christian Zionist stooges. AIPAC has a national membership of 
sixty thousand. It has controlled the U.S. Middle East policy in favor of sixty 
thousand. It has controlled the U.S. Middle East policy in favor of Israeli 
extremists. Agents of the Israeli Lobby inside the U.S. Administration include such as 
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary, Richard Perle, Chairman of the Defense 
Policy Advisory Board, and Douglas Feith, Deputy Secretary for Policy in the Defense 
Department. These three are working closely with Sharon, Netanyahu and Shatransky to 
influence President Bush to support the Israeli extremists who are against pace. They 
are aided by the advisors of Vice President Cheney to keep President Bush in support 
of Ariel Sharon. This blatantly one-sided policy is resulting in the stirring of Arab 
enmity towards the United States. (The Christian News, 12/9/02)

        The War Engine: Evangelical leaders here in the United States must be held 
accountable and responsible for exposing Americans to the possibility of a return 
nucular strike for the illegal acts demanded. A multimillion-dollar outreach program 
aimed at the nation's pro-Israel Christians has ben founded by Ralph Reed and Yechiel 
Eckstein, president of the International Fellowship of Christians &Jews. The project 
is called Stand for Israel and is trying to mobilize 100,000 churches and 250,000 
persons who are willing to call into Washington, E.C., Congressional offices in 
support of International Zionism and its goals., which include the destruction of Iraq 
and Iran. (Criminal Politics, 7/8/02)

        The largest religious Pro-Israel is the Christian Coalition, with 2 million 
members. This organization was built by campaigning against abortion but has now 
turned to Israel as the U.S., prepares for war against Iraq. Basis of this "Christian 
Zionism" is a false interpretation of Bible prophecy, which holds that modern Jews are 
God's people with a divine right to the land of Palestine, and that all who bless them 
will be blessed. Some of their leading figures are Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Tim 
LaHay, co-arthur of the"Left Behind" novels, and John Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone 
Church in San Antonio. The stars and stripes hangs on one side of the Cornerstones's 
stage. On the other side; a Star of David. Hagee says, "I'm impassioned; if you will, 
a Zionist for Israel." Wen asked about his contacts with the Israeli government Hagee 
said, "Well, If I phone Israel I can get in contact with most anyone that I want to 
talk to."

        There are millions of (braindead) of conservative church members who have 
become tools of the Zionist lobby and part of the engine that is driving the U.S. and 
Israel into an all out world conflagration that will change the world forever; for the 

        The Opposition: What is seldom, if ever, reported is the large number of 
Christians and others who are strongly opposed to military action against Iraq. In 
July some 50 Evangelical Christian Leaders presented a letter to the president in 
which they condemned the Administration's strong support for Israel, calling for a 
more "even-handed U.S. policy," and condemning "the continued Israeli military 
occupation that daily humiliates ordinary Palestinians..." In September 48 Christian 
church and church organization leaders a letter to president Bush, saying, "It is 
wrong as well as detrimental to U.S. interests" for the United States to launch 
pre-emptive military action against Iraq. "The pre-emptive use of military 
force...establishes a dangerous precedent, particularly for other nations that feel 
threatened by the weapons capabilities of their neighbors," the latter said. Another 
group calling itself "Not In Our Name" (NION) has signed a "Statement of Conscience" 
calling on people to resist the president's war. They claim to have 100,000 signers. 
The Zionist-controlled press has failed to report the many anti-war protests that have 
taken place throughout the nation. Besides these there have been demonstrations in 
France, Germany, England and numerous other nations, all protesting against a U.S. 
Military attack on Iraq.

        Luther on War: While Luther was not a pacifist and held that war was justified 
in defense of one's homeland, he was convinced that it was insanity to wage war, "If 
the children of men were sound in all other respects, would not the one lust to engage 
in war fairly prove that one and all of them are insane? How great, friend, this fury 
is! How dense the darkness of men even to rejoice at, to sign about, and to praise the 
defeat, the butcher, blood, murder , and the whole of chaos of evils which war brings 
in its train, when it would be fitting to weep about all these things with tears of 
blood, particularly when war is waged not at the command of God but because of the 
insane lust for power and possession. But thus the heathen have acted, and as they 
still act; and today, alas, Christians, the people of peace, the children of God, act 
more cruelly than all the heathen." (What Luther Says, E. Plass, Concordia Pub. House, 
excerpt from Christian News, 10/14/02)

        Bad Alternative: "I talk to men and women in college every day and I hear 
constantly from women that are miserably with the status quo...If having orgies was 
good for you, if having multiple sex partners made people happy, if being like 
Samantha on ‘Sex and the City' made people happy, I'd be telling you that's what 
you've got to do. But it could not be further fro the truth...I see Samanthas (Kim 
Cattrall's character) in my office every day. Its not a liberated existence. They are 
unhappy, they are miserable, and most of all, they are sick. Unfortunately, popular 
culture promotes a ‘Sex in the City' life as an alternative. And I am here to tell you 
that it is not a good one." (Dr. Drew Pnsky in the Women's Independent Forum, via The 
Washington Times, 12/2/02)

        Most Important Force: A TV documentary on December 25 on the Coral Ridge Hour, 
explored the question, "What if Jesus had never been born?" Vishal Mangalwadi, an 
author, intellectual, and social reformer in India, regards Jesus as the "single most 
important force behind the creation of the modern world" and points to the 19th 
century elimination of suttee; the burning of Indian widows, as one example of 
positive social change made by Christ's followers. There are many other examples. The 
rise of sciences, mass education, a high regard for human life, hospitals, charity, 
representative government, and the elevation of women can all be traced to the impart 
of Christ and His followers in the last two millennia. For more information try 

"Some people, once they adopt an idea, bury it in the ground
and go on the rest of their lives defending it, without ever
re-examining it to see whether time and the elements have
caused it to decay into a worthless handful of dust. In that
way you can be always consisten; and often wrong." (Raymond

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