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Subject: Oil: When Drill Holes Become Rat Holes
Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2000 5:18 PM
Message-id: <8klm7r$avs$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

       Oil: When Drill Holes Become Rat Holes
       Author: Mark Graffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
       Date: 2000/06/20

    from <A HREF="">


When Drill Holes
Become Rat Holes
By Stuart H. Rodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[1]<A HREF="">


  Did you think there was a practically endless supply of crude oil
 in the world and that we would be knee deep in cheap
 gasoline for generations to come?

  Forget everything you thought you knew about oil!

  Gas prices have been reaching record highs nearly every day this
 year but newly emerging studies suggest the recent run-up
 in gasoline prices may just be a shot across the bow. The
 mother of all oil shocks could be just 5 or 6 years away!

  Experts now say that regardless of how much crude remains in the
 ground, what really matters the most is when oil
 production passes its peak. That could happen soon
 worldwide. The marketplace could then treat oil as a
 scarcity driving prices skyward -forever.

  What's more, the amount of energy produced per barrel of oil may
 soon be just equal to the amount used to obtain it
 leaving nothing left to run the engines of commerce.


By Stuart H. Rodman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  You're probably thinking that there is plenty of cheap gas to go
 around. Why worry? Let's hope so, because our current
 lifestyles are dependent on oil for everything from
 manufacturing to transportation to agriculture. Despite
 this and even in the face of the recurrent oil shocks of
 the last decades, very little has been done worldwide to
 lessen our addiction to the "black gold" from within.
 Consider this though. Regardless of how much petroleum
 resides in the bowels of the earth, when the production
 of a given amount of fuel requires the industry to first
 consume the equivalent amount to discover, extract,
 refine, and deliver it, its all over. You might as well
 be out of gas. And guess what? Despite advances in
 technology, that day may be much closer than you think.

  Picture this. Suppose you wanted to drive to the nearby filling
 station to buy some gas and you only had a gallon in your
 tank. What if you suddenly remembered that you would have
 to use all your gas to get there though and that you had
 been told that the station would only allow you to buy
 just one gallon. You would have enough gas then to get
 from the station back to where you started from but no
 more. If you have to use all your fuel just to get an
 equivalent amount there would be no point leaving home in
 the first place.

  The issue is known as "net energy" and it may be more important
 to understanding our future than worrying about all the
 tea in China or for that matter, all the oil available
 for future extraction from our planet. Here's why.

  "The Best Kept Secret in Washington"

  Speaking of net energy, oil industry watcher Jay Hanson states,
 citing the laws of thermodynamics,
 [2]<A HREF="">
ge175.htm#_edn5</A> "By
 definition, energy 'sources' must generate more energy
 than they consume; otherwise, they are 'sinks'."

  But net-energy analysis first reached public attention in 1974.
 At that time, Business Week reported that oil scientist
 Howard Odum had developed a "New Math for Figuring Energy
 Costs." To the surprise of many, Odum's new math
 indicated that stripper oil well operations were energy
 sinks and not energy sources.

  According to this analysis, these operations could be profitable
 only when "subsidized" by cheap, regulated oil, which was
 used to produce deregulated oil. Because the industry is
 subsidized in this way in terms of net energy and also
 from direct taxpayer "allowances", the industry can
 continue to produce oil at a monetary profit, at least
 for a while. Hanson observes, "Even without direct and
 indirect subsidies of $650 billion a year it's
 conceivable that energy companies could make money but
 lose energy by burning one $10-barrel of oil today in
 order to pump one-half of a $50-barrel tomorrow."

  But how much longer can they keep this up? Hanson says, "Based on
 the best information we have at hand today, sometime
 during the coming century [the 21st] the global economy
 will 'run out of gas', as fossil energy sources become
 sinks. One can argue about the exact date this will
 occur, but the end of fossil energy and the dependent
 global economy is inevitable."

  But major oil companies may have private reserves of fuel which
 can be used to underwrite the energy costs of future
 production. However, if the energy produced for
 distribution to society is not sufficient to also pay
 back the overhead, the reserves themselves will
 eventually evaporate.

  And some might think that oil supplies will last forever. In
 reality though of course, the oil supply is finite. Jim
 Bell, author of<<A HREF="">
.htm</A> "Achieving
 Economic Survival on Spaceship Earth", compares oil
 exploration with picking apples from a tree, "We tend to
 pick the ones that have fallen from the tree and those
 that are closest to the ground first. Later though we may
 need a ladder as we expend more effort to find the ones
 that are harder to reach. The oil companies have to try
 harder and harder each year to find extractable oil. They
 have already harvested the easiest pickings."

  Jim Bell points out, "We are always told that there is plenty of
 ultimately recoverable oil left in the ground and so we
 naturally assume the supply will last practically
 forever, certainly through our lifetimes. What really
 matters though is not the amount of petroleum that lies
 within the earth planet, but the price we pay for it, in
 terms of our wallets and the consequences for our planet.
 And higher fuel prices will raise the price of everything
 else. As the production of petroleum begins to decline,
 market forces will push the price of hydrocarbon based
 products, if you can find them at all, higher and

  So then, as the oil companies expend more and more energy to
 extract and refine petroleum, they eventually reach the
 point of diminishing returns, as proven reserves are
 depleted. Although there may be more ultimately
 recoverable crude in the ground, the new sources tend
 most often to be smaller or technologically
 unexploitable. At that point, production "peaks", then
 declines rapidly.

  And when oil production peaks worldwide, most experts agree it
 will be a whole new ballgame. That day of reckoning is
 inevitable. But when? It is a known fact that oil
 production peaked in this country in the 1970s,
 catastrophe being averted only by the at times
 undependable availability of imports upon which we rely
 for over 50% of our oil use. However, impressive evidence
 suggests that oil production worldwide will peak during
 the next twenty five years or sooner, some say as early
 as 2010. And , based on private documents, Hanson states
 that "the petroleum industry itself has announced that
 global oil production will 'peak' in less than ten

  You wouldn't know that from the official reports however.
 According to petroleum industry's own spokespersons,
 there is at least another 93 years of known petroleum
 reserves worldwide to keep us in gas, at the current rate
 of consumption. That's not much time really though in
 geological terms considering the earth is several
 billions of years old. The U.S. government though is even
 more optimistic. Government studies cite advances in
 technology and the promise of synthetic fuels and
 methodologies as being cause to expect the continued
 availability of petroleum based fuels for generations to

  However, when the peak comes, whenever it does, all bets are off.
 And, it could be preceded by serious production
 shortages, which could occur even sooner. But Hanson
 warns the peak will come sooner and not later. When it
 does, Hanson states, "The price of oil is expected to
 rise sharply and permanently."

  And he has good reason to say so. In another paper, "The Best
 Kept Secret in Washington", Hanson discusses a private
 study that was conducted by worldwide industry expert,
 "Petroconsultants" (now known as IHS Group). The study
 suggests that when the peak comes, the markets will treat
 petroleum as a scarcity and that the days of "cheap"
 petroleum will then be gone forever. The study is
 available for sale and can be purchased directly from the
 IHS Group (the world's leading provider of data and
 analysis for oil exploration and production). Its cost-
 $32,000 a copy. He adds, "In 1995, Petroconsultants
 published a report for oil industry insiders titled WORLD
 OIL SUPPLY 1930-2050 which concluded that world oil
 production could peak as soon as the year 2000 and
 decline to half that level by 2025. Large and permanent
 increases in oil prices were predicted after the year

  And they are not the only experts sounding the alarm. In a
 recently published report from The New Republic,
 (<A HREF=",">http://www.tnr.
com/051500/easterbrook051500.html),</A> Gregg
 Easterbrook reports that highly respected industry
 analyst Colin Campbell holds similar views: "Campbell
 bases his thinking on something called the Hubbert Curve,
 perfected by M. King Hubbert, patron saint of petroleum
 geologists. Hubbert found that production tends to peak
 almost exactly when a petroleum reservoir hits its
 halfway point--meaning that once a well's output begins
 to decline, the amount left in the ground is roughly
 equal to what has been pumped out. In 1956, when oil
 optimism was universal, Hubbert used his curve to
 forecast that U.S. petroleum production would peak in
 1969. The actual peak came in 1970; this dead-on
 prediction has given Hubbert legendary status."

  Easterbrook goes on to say: "The evidence is legion. In the
 United States, which contains 75 percent of the world's
 oil wells, petroleum production has been in decline since
 the 1970 peak. Prudhoe Bay, the last "elephant" oil find
 in the United States, peaked in 1988. Production in the
 former Soviet states also peaked that year."

  Some experts say in fact that there are nearly 500,000 wells
 sites in the U.S. that produce less than a single barrel
 of oil per day. An added exclamation comes from
 Campbell's own work with Laherrer,
 <A HREF=",">,</A>

  "By 2002 or so the world will rely on Middle East nations,
 particularly five near the Persian Gulf (Iran, Iraq,
 Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates), to
 fill in the gap between dwindling supply and growing
 demand. But once approximately 900 gbo (900 thousand
 billion barrels of oil) have been consumed, production
 must soon begin to fall. Barring a global recession, it
 seems most likely that world production of conventional
 oil will peak during the first decade of the 21st

  And after the peak? Campbell says, "From an economic perspective,
 when the world runs completely out of oil is thus not
 directly relevant: what matters is when production begins
 to taper off. Beyond that point, prices will rise unless
 demand declines commensurately."

  Sinking Ship

  A non renewable resource, the end of cheap oil is inevitable,
 although some may choose to argue the timeline. Debate
 aside, the next great oil shock however, may have nothing
 to do with money or supply and everything to do with that
 other problem, the one no one wants to talk about, net
 energy. Hanson notes,

  "The key to understanding energy issues is to look at the 'energy
 price' of energy. Energy resources that consume more
 energy than they produce are worthless as sources of
 energy. This thermodynamic law applies no matter how high
 the 'money price' of energy goes. For example, if it
 takes more energy to search for and mine a barrel of oil
 than the energy recovered, then it makes no energy sense
 to look for that barrel no matter how high the money
 price of oil goes."

  Consider this illustration from University of Wisconsin at
 Stevens Point professor Thomas Detwyler [3]link

  "The useful energy to be obtained from nonrenewable resources,
 such as fossil fuels (mainly crude oil, coal and natural
 gas) and uranium, is subject to diminishing returns
 through time. It takes energy to get energy. And because
 we exploit the easiest-to-get energy resources first,
 each subsequent unit of gross energy (e.g., oil in the
 ground) requires greater energy subsidy to obtain than
 did the previous unit, thus leaving less net energy:"

  No doubt. Energy costs in the oil industry are on the rise and
 are reflected in the increasing depth of wells: 300 feet
 in 1870, 1,000 feet in 1900, 3,000 feet in the 1920s and
 more than 6,000 feet by 1980. Campbell notes,

  "The cost of drilling oil and gas wells (which is largely a
 function of energy subsidy) rises exponentially with
 increasing depth. By the mid-1970s, about half the
 petroleum produced in Texas was also consumed there as
 production-related subsidies, so that at best net energy
 was only half of gross energy ".

  It is for this reason perhaps that net energy returns have been
 falling consistently despite improved technology.
 Campbell adds, "The dynamic of shrinking net energy means
 that the usefulness of gross energy reserves may be
 vastly overrated. In fact, a large portion of any given
 gross reserve will be energetically unexploitable, though
 perhaps technically extractable. The following diagram
 illustrates this consequence. Beyond the resource cutoff
 line, the system is an energy sink requiring more energy
 as subsidy than is returned as net energy."

  Just how bad is it? Citing recent work by analyst Richard Duncan,
 <A HREF=",">,</A>
Hanson states that in the
 '50s the industry could produce 50 barrels of energy for
 every barrel consumed producing finished products for the
 market. By the nineties, the ration had fallen to 5
 barrels to 1. By the year 2005, the industry will just
 break even-it will be necessary to use as much energy to
 produce any given quantity.

  Hanson adds, "Under that latter scenario, even if the price of
 oil reaches $500 a barrel, it wouldn't be logical to look
 for new oil in the US because it would consume more
 energy than it would recover."

  Good Money After Bad

  It takes energy to make energy. As supplies shrink and prices
 rise, market forces may drive us towards other fuel
 sources. But we will need to have an infrastructure in
 place capable of assuring an uninterruptible supply.
 Professor Robert Costanza of the University of Maryland
 (1984) cautioned though that there is an "embodied cost"
 of energy, whereby manufactured goods, like machinery,
 power cable, relays, switchboxes, or any finished goods,
 exist only after a given amount of energy was consumed by
 industry in their manufacture.

  And Jim Bell explains, "When the amount of net energy available
 in society begins to shrink it is harder to harness the
 resources necessary to manufacture the solar panels, the
 wind mills, and the other equipment needed when we begin
 the inevitable task of creating a large scale alternative

  But if energy efficient replacements are not developed soon we
 will find ourselves to be living in an "energy limited
 economy". Hanson offers this bleak view,
 <A HREF=""></A>

  "An 'energy-limited economy' is one where more energy cannot be
 had at any price. The global economy will become
 'energy-limited' once global oil production peaks in less
 than ten years (perhaps much less)."

  That could mean more trouble than just lining up at the filling
 station. Consider the problem facing agriculture. Hanson
 points out, <A HREF="">

  "Food grains produced with modern, high-yield methods (including
 packaging and delivery) now contain between four and ten
 calories of fossil fuel for every calorie of solar
 energy." Hanson adds,

  "It has been estimated that about four percent of the nation's
 energy budget is used to grow food, while about 10 to 13
 percent is needed to put it on our plates. In other
 words, a staggering total of 17 percent of America's
 energy budget is consumed by agriculture!" Again citing
 other sources, Hanson states,

  "By 2040, we would need to triple the global food supply in order
 to meet the basic food needs of the eleven billion people
 who are expected to be alive. But doing so would require
 a 1,000 percent increase in the total energy expended in
 food production."

  Following the peak of oil production, absent an alternative,
 Hanson notes: "It will be physically impossible -- thus
 economically impossible -- to provide enough net energy
 to agriculture: "

  Hanson adds grimly, "Obviously the death sentence for billions of
 people has already been issued".

  So what can be done? Observers, like Bell and others suggest that
 unless industry recognizes the need to shift now from a
 mind set that views energy resources in terms only of
 dollars instead of in terms of diminishing returns in
 real energy units, they will be planting the seeds of
 their own destruction, simply throwing good money after
 bad. Hanson notes, "To have more energy in the future
 means that energy must be diverted now from non-energy
 sectors of the economy into future energy generation."

  In reality, because there is an ever-dwindling supply of energy
 that can be sucked from the well, absent an alternative,
 without a successor infrastructure built today with what
 remains useful, there will be no way to "pass the torch".
 The pilot light in the furnace of industry will flicker
 into darkness and we will be "out of gas", forever!

  But what about the so called "unconventional oil" the oil found
 in shale deposits and sand tars? Sinks, all. In just a
 few short years then, the net energy value of oil could
 be zero and its fate as the world's dominant energy
 source will be sealed. Light's out! When civilization can
 only produce the amount of energy needed to cover the
 energy expended to produce itself, nothing is left to
 power your car, run your business, or even grow you food.
 At that point, the price of gas and the size of the
 worlds crude reserves will be irrelevant. Oil would then
 become of greater interest to historians than to
 consumers as the Age of Petroleum joins the Bronze Age
 and the Stone Age as footnotes in the chronicling of
 civilizations. _____

  About Stuart H. Rodman

  Stuart is the Director of Communications for the Ecological Life
 Systems Institute, a twenty two year old California
 non-profit corporation advocating for sustainable living.

  Stuart's reports on power and related issues have been broadcast
 on national radio, on TV, and in other media.

  He has served as a featured panelist for the White House Council
 for Year 2000 Conversion and recently at George
 Washington University as a guest of The Research Program
 in Social and Organizational Learning.

  Stuart's book about how the electric power industry prepared
 itself for the Year 2000, The Last Days of Power? The
 True Story is available from

[5]<A HREF=""></A>


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Before you buy.

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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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