-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Open Borders and Dead Souls
by J.P. Zmirak

FrontPageMagazine.com |February 7, 2002

In principle, any immigrant who arrives in America can embrace her ideas,
join her institutions, assimilate to her Anglo-European culture, and
contribute to the economy — just as many Gauls, Goths, and even some Huns
settled down and became good Roman citizens. Speaking abstractly, the entire
population of the world could move here and become good Americans.
Theoretically, everyone on earth today could live in his own comfy house,
situated inside Texas, with room for a backyard.

So should we just bring everyone here? Invite the world’s rich and poor to
swell our tax rolls and salute our flag? It would simplify foreign policy,
render the U.N. superfluous, and get all those “diplomatic” license plates
off the streets of New York City.

If you answer “No,” then you already understand the difference between
theory and practice, ideology and institutions. You’re halfway towards being
a Burkean conservative. You realize that even if every individual you meet on
the Greyhound Bus is your moral equal, made in the image of God, possessing
indefinite potential — that doesn’t mean you’re going to room with him.
Every soul was made for heaven, but not every person is qualified to babysit
your kids.

Just because something good could happen theoretically, that doesn’t mean it
will happen, statistically. That’s why most policy arguments are about
probabilities, rather than moral certainties. The whole world could come here
and become as classically American as George Gershwin and Irving Berlin. Hey,
it could happen. But it isn’t a very good bet.

Since America isn’t Heaven, but simply a country — albeit one with a pretty
good ideology — we can’t be as generous as almighty God about throwing open
the gates to our many mansions. We must establish some criteria — some of
them functional, some civic, some seemingly arbitrary — for choosing how many
immigrants and which we wish to admit each year.

If you agree that there ought to be some limit, that some people applying for
entry should be turned away, if only because of sheer numbers —
congratulations, you’re an immigration restrictionist! Now all we have to do
is dither about the numbers we wish to admit, the criteria for welcoming
them, and the means for assimilating them.

Do you feel uncomfortable yet? Is that some acrid taint you sniff in the air,
like old cigarette smoke at the OTB, suggesting there’s something faintly
unclean about being “anti-immigration”? Something nasty, something
unsophisticated, something (worst of all) blue-collar? Don’t mention it on a
first date, let me tell you right now. (Maybe don’t mention it ever.)

There’s a good reason you might feel antsy, just now.  Major media have spent
the past 30 years drumming that feeling into your head, and now you sense it
in your gut. But there’s more to it than that. Most of your encounters with
individual immigrants were probably positive (as virtually all of mine have
been). You’re generally relieved to see ethnic bistros open up instead of
McDonald’s; like mine, your heart may warm when you see large, intact
immigrant families filling the aisles in church and the desks at school.

But you acknowledge that there must be a limit to how many immigrants America
can assimilate at once — a limit not imposed by our ideals (which
theoretically apply to anyone) but by some other constraint. What is it?
Well, first there are the resources of our environment. The “carrying
capacity” of our country is very much open to debate, so we’ll leave that
one aside for the moment. There’s another factor which makes us uncomfortable
at the idea of, say, 20 million newcomers arriving each year from Asia or
Africa — or Poland, for that matter. We know that our institutions have a
limited capacity as well.

As Alexis de Tocqueville observed in Democracy in America, American
republican government does not function so well because of our Constitution,
or the abstract ideals that underlie it; similar constitutions, based on
those very ideals, have been tried throughout South America, and failed.
American attempts at nation-building typically founder. Russian efforts to
build democracy and capitalism have been a tragic failure. Even France has a
hard time maintaining a Republic worthy of the name — reverting periodically
to elective dictatorship, between gory revolutions and craven surrenders.
(Just now, France is hurrying to hand over its sovereignty to the European
Union, a bloated bureaucratic German empire in the making.) Let’s not even
talk about poor, tragic Mexico, which just got its first really freely
elected president — this, in a country whose first university was founded
before the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock!

No, the vitality of American democratic government derives from its
institutions, most of them non-governmental, through which individuals
cooperate to promote the common good — school boards, churches, charities,
Boy Scouts — and through the traditionally intense involvement of Americans
in their local governments. The concentration of power in America, from the
Founding up through the New Deal, was at the local level—close to the people,
open to private influence. This fact encouraged the development of
civic-minded citizens; as immigrants trickled in, they gradually made their
way into these local elites or (if excluded) formed their own, bringing their
own particularities to bear through local institutions. Thus Catholics who
felt their children’s faith imperiled founded their own school system; they
generally did not attempt to sabotage or subvert the existing, de facto
Protestant public schools.

Most immigrants have respected these institutions, recognizing that they are
what make freedom possible. And these institutions are of fundamentally
Anglo-Saxon and Celtic origin, deriving as they do from English Common Law
and the customs of decentralized, Protestant churches. That doesn’t mean that
only WASPs can be good Americans; it does mean that immigrants are called to
renounce the political heritage of their homelands, in favor of the system
created by the Scots-Irish who fought and won the Revolutionary War. (Hey, we
Zmiraks had to sacrifice our allegiance to the Habsburgs. How much did you

But when large numbers of immigrants begin to endanger the delicate balance
of our institutions, when their elites engage in identity politics that
undermine civic unity, invoking the bureaucratic power of the Federal
government to override the vital privileges of local communities, then the
system has begun to break down. This is what has happened in California and
many other immigrant-receiving communities. Bilingual education, affirmative
action, Chicano separatism—and the very ideology of multiculturalism—all
these are symptoms of a more fundamental disease, which if unchecked is fatal
to freedom. It is the loss of spontaneous, orderly community, without which
only tyrannies can function.

Just as our governing class has lost faith in Western culture and American
institutions, we have invited an historically unprecedented number and
variety of immigrants into our country. As our capacity and our will to
assimilate newcomers break down, their numbers continue to increase. If I
could use a very Manhattan metaphor, it’s as if America had the flu, and we
decided to go out for sushi. Our feeble immune system isn’t ready just now
for this exotic diet.

As local governments attack the Boy Scouts, the Catholic Church struggles
with the numbers and morals of her clergy, the “mainline” Protestant
churches continue to hemorrhage adherents, divorce afflicts one marriage in
three, and illegitimate births outnumber births in wedlock among many
minority groups — one might safely say that the building blocks of civic
order are a little shaky. Perhaps this is not the time for bold social
experiments — such as importing large segments of the developing world, and
hoping that they transubstantiate into civic-minded Americans. To whom would
they look for example?

Some say that virtuous, family-loving immigrants will turn the tide, by
replacing the decadent stock which populates America. A perversely appealing
idea — but a naive one. People who come to America hoping to join its
prosperous mainstream are exquisitely vulnerable to the very social
pathologies that afflict us. Detached from their old communal ties and
uprooted from church and village — frequently transported, as one Mexican
immigrant wrote, from the 16th century to the 21st — these peasants and
laborers are in no position to redeem American culture. They work too hard
just trying to survive. Their children, as they prosper, are more likely to
abandon their parents’ social mores for the hyperactive hedonism proffered
them in the media. What’s to dissuade them?

For better and worse, we are not the vigorous, self-confident, moralistic
WASP America of 1900; our elites no longer produce leaders like Teddy
Roosevelt, who will insist on “unhyphenated Americans.” Instead, too many
elite Americans stumble in Spanish and fawn over foreign leaders who openly
disdain our sovereignty — while insisting on their own country’s dignity and
laws. Even as our schools decline in quality, and our children spend ever
less time with their mothers, growing ever less civil, we expand each year
the sheer variety of bewildering diversity which teachers must accommodate —
then soothe ourselves that it’s okay, because all the kids use cell phones
and watch MTV. As if America boiled down to nothing more than capitalism and
sex, a corporate menage of Hustler and Enron.

If we go on breaking up the family, undermining the basis for national unity,
and dissolving the institutions that make liberty possible, soon America may
mean no more than that. That will be the ultimate betrayal of our children,
and of our immigrants too.


Dr. Zmirak is author of Wilhelm Röpke: Swiss Localist, Global Economist. He
writes frequently on economics, politics, popular culture and theology.

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