
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Alex Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Operation Paperclip & Psychochemical Warfare
Date: Friday, August 04, 2000 4:24 PM

 "Edgewood's L. Wilson Greene seized the idea of conducting 'psychochemical
warfare.' He listed sixty-one compounds, ranging from alcohol to mescaline,
and speculated that if a small percentage of the enemy's troops or civilian
population was exposed to those compounds they would suffer from symptoms of
hysteria, panic, seizures, and hallucinations. 'There can be no doubt that
their will to resist would be weakened greatly, if not entirely destroyed,
by the mass hysteria and panic which would ensue,' Greene noted in his
report. He then suggested that $50,000 be set aside in the 1950 budget to
study psychochemicals."
Linda Hunt:

pp.125-129 - "The cold war led to a major expansion of the German scientist
operation. Heretofore, Paperclip was limited to German and Austrian
scientists who worked for the U.S. military. But beginning in the summer of
1947, a new JIOA project lifted those constraints. Code-named 'National
Interest,' the individuals brought to the United States under this program
ran the gamut from Nazi scientists, including a convicted Nazi war criminal,
to East Europeans involved in CIA covert operations overseas. The sole
standard for these transfers was that they be deemed in the national

"National Interest operated on two levels. The more visible level included
the cases of German or Austrian scientists employed by universities, defense
contractors, or private industry. Their entry was considered to be in the
national interest simply because it kept them from going to work for the

"The second level was heavily cloaked in secrecy, and for good reason. The
CIA and military intelligence used the project to bring intelligence sources
or other assets to the United States, where they were given a safe haven in
exchange for their services. In 1948 many of these individuals were of
interest to the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), the early covert action
arm of the CIA, given the authority by Truman to conduct what is known in
the intelligence trade as 'dirty tricks.' To put it bluntly, Project
National Interest provided the escape mechanism to a haven in the United
States that OSS chief William Donovan had wanted President Roosevelt to
approve in 1944.

"National Interest policy assumed that all of these persons normally would
have been barred from entry under U.S. immigration laws because of past Nazi
or Communist party membership. Therefore, their entry was facilitated by the
ninth proviso of the U.S. immigration law, which gave the attorney general
the authority to admit cases with military implications or those affecting
national security. The CIA cases were covered by a section in the CIA Act of
1949, which allowed U.S. entry of up to one hundred individuals a year
'without regard to their inadmissibility under the immigration or any other
laws...' The JIOA Governing Committee approved the entry in the CIA cases
and passed the names on to the attorney general for approval.

"The aliens in National Interest, like those in Paperclip, were sent to
Canada and reentered the United States as resident aliens. Numerous
historians and journalists have told the now-famous story of how Wernher von
Braun and other Paperclip scientists were sent to Canada or Mexico and then
reentered America. Yet not one has so much as mentioned the illegality of
this or that Canadian officials were furious about it, since entry into
Canada of these Nazis violated their own immigration laws."

"...the Canadians suspected that U.S. and British intelligence falsified
background checks sent to the RCMP of Nazi scientists and 'defectors' who
were resettled in Canada in the 1950's. Following a 1981 investigation,
Canadian officials uncovered evidence that some of these men were Nazi war
criminals. As a result the Canadians thoroughly distrusted background checks
conducted by the CIA and British intelligence."

"Prevailing myth has it that the first group in National Interest, the
German scientists, were employed solely because of their scientific
expertise. But there were other reasons as well. First, defense contractors
and universities could hire German scientists for substantially less money
then they could hire American employees."

"Second, because of the Joint Chiefs of Staff connection with the National
Interest project, German scientists could obtain necessary security
clearances more easily than could American scientists. Defense contractors
looking for new employees to work on classified <!> projects found this
aspect of National Interest to be particularly advantageous. By 1957, more
than sixty companies were listed on JIOA's rosters, including Lockheed, W.
R. Grace and Company, CBS Laboratories, and Martin Marietta.

"Originally the JIOA was concerned that National Interest would compete with
Paperclip. This problem was solved by offering the military the first option
to hire a German scientist on the JIOA's list. If the military was not
interested in the individual, his name was added to the JIOA's National
Interest roster and his services were offered to universities or
corporations. The JIOA figured that it would be easy to keep private
employers from hiring Paperclip scientists away from the military, since the
JIOA could pull their federally funded research or defense contracts if they
got out of line.

"The scientists who worked for universities or corporations were originally
'sponsored' by either the Department of Commerce or the Department of
Defense (Army, Air Force, or Navy). The Department of Commerce even sent its
own recruiters to Germany...the sponsor provided a convenient cover to
conceal the CIA-OPC connection.

"National Interest placed German scientists at major universities in
research or teaching positions, regardless of their Nazi pasts. Even the
U.S. Office of Education helped the JIOA send fliers to universities all
over the country touting the advantages of hiring the Germans on federally
financed researched projects, since they could obtain security clearances
more easily than Americans. The University of Texas, Washington University
School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, and Boston University were among
the participants.

"The universities never even questioned whether Nazi professors might impart
a skewed view of democracy or otherwise harm young students. And university
officials certainly were aware that these men were Nazis, since their Nazi
affiliations were noted on their resumes. In 1948, a representative of the
University of North Carolina told the JIOA how pleased he was to hve three
Germans, including engineer Adolf von Hoermann, working at the university
and thanked the JIOA for its representations that the Germans had been
screened. The JIOA's screening had revealed that von Hoermann was 'a
convinced adherent of the National Socialistic ideology' and had been a
member of the Nazi party and four other Nazi organizations during the war."

pp. 130-132 - "In addition to hard-core Nazis, National Interest cases
included former members of the Communist party and the Italian Fascist

"Even convicted Nazi war criminals were accepted under the project. Otto
Ambros's case is by far the most brazen example of how National Interest
circumvented U.S. immigration laws. The fact that W. R. Grace and Company,
headed by J. Peter Grace, employed Ambros as a consultant for decades is
well known. But newly declassified JIOA and U.S. Army documents shed new
light on this sordid affair.

"During the war, Ambros was a director of I. G. Farben, the chemical company
that owned a firm that manufactured Zyklon B, the gas used to kill millions
of Jews in the camps. Ambros took part in the decision to use Zyklon B in
the gas chambers and personally selected Auschwitz as the site of an I. G.
Farben factory, which he later managed..."

"I. G. Farben also manufactured nerve gas that was used in poison gas
experiments on Auschwitz prisoners. These experiments, conducted in secret
laboratories at I. G. Farben factories, were used to determine how fast
nerve gas would kill Allied soldiers."

"Ambros was found guilty of slavery and mass murder at Nuremburg, but he was
sentenced to a mere eight years' imprisonment...the JIOA kept Ambros's name
on JIOA hiring lists -- even during his imprisonment. These lists were
significant, since they contained the names of German scientists who had
been cleared for employment under various JIOA and British projects. In
addition, these Germans' families received benefits, including food
supplements, not available to average German citizens.

"In 1951, General Clay's successor, the High Commissioner of Germany
(HICOG), John McCloy, released from prison many convicted Nazi war
criminals, including Ambros. The Nazi chemist immediately was hired as a
consultant by Grace, Dow Chemical, and other American companies, as well as
the U.S. Army Chemical Corps under a consultancy project that was run
administratively in Germany by HICOG -- conveniently the same agency whose
chief had just set Ambros free. The full details of Ambros's consultancy
with the U.S. military are unknown. The effect of the work, however, is
abundantly clear. During the time that Ambros was a consultant, the chemical
corps, using Auschwitz documents as a guide, conducted the same type of
poison gas experiments that had been done in the secret I. G. Farben
laboratories. This time, however, the experiments were conducted at Edgewood
Arsenal, Maryland, and the unfortunate guinea pigs were more than seven
thousand American soldiers."

"The CIA's tremendous influence on National Interest and Paperclip has been
ignored prior to this book. The CIA was formed as a separate intelligence
agency as a result of the National Security Act of 1947. A year later, the
Office of Policy Coordination began operating as the CIA's covert action
arm, headed by Frank Wisner, formerly chief of OSS operations in the Balkans
during World War II."

p. 137-140 - "The next case on the National Interest covert action roster
involved an Italian immigrant, Angelica Balabanoff, who helped the CIA
secretly instigate a major upheaval in the Italian government that laid the
groundwork for the successful election of CIA-backed candidates in 1948.
Here the CIA, with the help of Wisner and other individuals, conducted
full-scale clandestine political warfare. The CIA's dirty tricks were
financed by $10 million in cash obtained from the U.S. Treasury's Exchange
Stabilization Fund, which consisted of captured Nazi assets, including money
and valuables that the Nazis had stolen from the Jews. Ironically, Samuel
Klaus originally had helped locate this loot while working on the Safe-haven
project, designed to stop Nazis from smuggling their assets out of Germany.
The CIA funneled millions of dollars to Italian centrist political
candidates. Circumstantial evidence indicates that CIA money backed Italy's
Premier Alcide de Gasperi and a group of right-wing Socialists headed by
Giuseppe Saraget. The CIA also financed media blitzes in the Italian press,
supported armed goon squads used to intimidate the voters, and published
leaflets that smeared Communist candidates as being Fascists and sex
perverts. The money was funneled through various fronts, including the
Vatican, which is known to have helped smuggle numerous Nazi war criminals,
including Klaus Barbie, to South America.

"...The National Interest project not only provided <Balabanoff's> reentry
with no questions asked but allowed her to come and go between the United
States and Italy at will in order to participate in the scheme."

p. 143-144 - "Argentina was a hotbed of fascism in exile. Nazi fugitives on
the run arrived by the boatloads in Buenos Aires, carrying false papers
provided by pro-Nazi Catholic priests who helped them travel Vatican escape
routes to freedom in South America. Croatian Nazis, Italian Fascists, and a
Norwegian Nazi doctor charged with conducting experiments on humans all
arrived in Buenos Aires carrying their "irregular" documentation."

"America's changing views included a policy to allow German scientists hired
by 'friendly nations' -- including Argentina -- to legally leave the U.S.
zone of Germany and relocate in South America."

pp. 162-166 - "In 1949 the direction of Edgewood's work abruptly changed. A
consultant to the Chemical Division at EUCOM sent information about an
amazing drug, LSD, that caused hallucinations and suicidal tendencies in
humans. As a result, Edgewood's L. Wilson Greene seized the idea of
conducting 'psychochemical warfare.' He listed sixty-one compounds, ranging
from alcohol to mescaline, and speculated that if a small percentage of the
enemy's troops or civilian population was exposed to those compounds they
would suffer from symptoms of hysteria, panic, seizures, and hallucinations.
'There can be no doubt that their will to resist would be weakened greatly,
if not entirely destroyed, by the mass hysteria and panic which would
ensue,' Greene noted in his report. He then suggested that $50,000 be set
aside in the 1950 budget to study psychochemicals.

"Ironically, Greene was trying to find a more humane way to wage war -- one
that would disable an enemy rather than kill him. But the CIA and military
intelligence had a more sinister idea. They thought psychochemicals could be
used as a cold war weapon to control the mind of an individual being

"The intelligence agencies' key sources of information on anything related
to chemical warfare were German or Austrian scientists who had worked for I.
G. Farben..."

"...the big question that preoccupied both Army intelligence and the CIA:
could drugs or hypnosis, or a combination of both, serve as the ultimate
mind-control weapon, sufficient to turn a man into a 'Manchurian

"A combined CIA-military intelligence project code-named 'Bluebird' and
later renamed 'Artichoke' was set up to find the answers to those questions.
Significantly, the key military intelligence agency involved with this
project -- the Joint Intelligence Committee -- had been involved in
Paperclip from the beginning. The JIC members included U.S. Army Director of
Intelligence Alexander Bolling and Brigadier General John Alexander Samford,
the chief of Air Force intelligence who later headed the National Security

"In addition to Bluebird, the CIA also began several mind-control projects
of its own, including project MK-ULTRA, which involved LSD and other

"The link between Edgewood and the CIA was close. Many scientists who worked
at Edgewood or under Edgewood contracts were on the CIA's payroll. Paperclip
chemist Friedrich Hoffman was a CIA consultant on psychochemicals. Dr. Ray
Treichler was simultaneously assistant to the director of Edgewood's Medical
Laboratories, the division in charge of human experimentation at the base,
and a member of the CIA's Technical Services Staff (TSS), which was involved
in the covert use of chemicals and germs against specific people.
Psychiatrist Harold Abramson was a CIA consultant involved in the Olson case
who also worked for Edgewood."

"By 1951, in the midst of the Korean War, the Paperclip scientists' primary
job was to locate plants and poisons that could be turned into new
hallucinogenic mind-control drugs. To find them <Seymour> Silver established
an industrian liaison operation that was in contact with every major
pharmaceutical company in the world."

"Paperclip scientist Hoffmann's skills as a chemist and his facility in
several languages quickly were put to use...Hoffmann's search led him all
over the world. He traveled to foreign universities and visited marine labs
and attended conferences in Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Germany, England,
Australia, Japan, and other countries."

"Hoffman often used the University of Delaware as a cover at international
symposiums to hide his connection to Edgewood and the CIA. In fact, Hoffman
had collaborated with William Mosher, the chairman of the unversity's
chemistry department, and another scientist, on an article about marijuana
for the "Journal of the American Chemical Society." But Mosher's chemistry
department itself may have been a CIA front. Mosher had been on the CIA's
payroll for years, and another University of Delaware professor, James
Moore, was heavily involved in the CIA's MK-ULTRA project as well as being
funded openly by the Army Chemical Corps. 'We were all being paid by the
CIA,' Moore said recently."

"Bluebird made full use of Hoffmann's discoveries with psychochemicals in
experiments conducted at Edgewood or the Army intelligence base at Fort
Holabird, Maryland. The participation of the CIA and JIC in the project was
kept hidden by using a University of Maryland contract with Edgewood as a
cover. At least a thousand soldiers, including James Stanley, were given up
to twenty doses of LSD to test the drug as a possible interrogation weapon
-- even though Edgewood scientists already knew it could cause serious
physical reactions in humans."

pp. 170- - "The legacy of Paperclip...was set now that Edgewood had made its
pact with the devil. The drug experimentation project quickly expanded to
include psychiatric patients, who were drugged, shocked, and hypnotized in
psychochemical experiments conducted under Army contracts with numerous
universities and other institutions.

"Some of the experiments duplicated those conducted by the Nazi doctors in
the concentration camps. American psychiatrist Paul Hoch's experiments on
mental patients at the New York Psychiatric Institute, where he was working
under Edgewood contracts as a CIA consultant, killed one patient and
seriously injured another...even after <one of the patients'> death, the
Army approved additional experiments on patients that included the use of
hypnosis, drugs, and a polygraph exam to determine if 'a particular
personality type might 'break' more rapidly under a drug stress than another
type' during military interrogations.

"In short, experiments on our own soldiers at Edgewood mirrored the horror
stories that had unfolded in the dock at Nuremberg. Thousands of American
soldiers, seven thousand of them between 1955 and 1975 alone, were used as
unwitting guinea pigs in the tests. They were gassed, maced, and drugged in
the search for the ultimate mind-control weapon."

"...a 1975 investigation by the Army's inspector general determined that 'in
spite of clear guidelines concerning the necessity for 'informed consent,'
there was a willingness to dilute and in some cases negate the intent of the
policy.' The inspector general's report noted that soldiers who were duped
into volunteering to test chemical warfare clothing and gas masks were then
secretly given nerve gas, psychochemicals, incapacitating agents, and
hundreds of other experimental and dangerous drugs. They were given no
information about the chemicals used on them in the experiments, no warning
that those chemicals might harm them, and no follow-up medical exam to
determine whether they had been hurt by the tests."

"Twenty years would pass before Stanley <one of the soldiers> finally
learned the truth. And when he did, his observation about what had happened
at Edgewood was chillingly close to the mark. 'It was just like nazism to do
me that way,' he said.

"He didn't know how right he was."

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