If you are interested in the right to make your own decisions about your healthcare options, this might be a good time to begin to take a stand. It's time that the large number of Americans who are disenchanted with government malfeasance in favor of large pharmaceutical firms make themselves heard. We cannot afford to remain silent while alternative medical researchers are rounded up and jailed, and while herbs and other simple, inexpensive and safe alternatives are suppressed or even criminalized in order to safeguard the profits of Monsanto, Searle, Ciba, Novartis, and other purveyors of poisons & biotech/biowar.
Pressure is being brought to bear in many arenas of government.
Speak now - or....

Dave Hartley

-----Original Message-----
From: Tangerine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 1999 7:31 PM
Subject: <no subject>
Importance: High

Options In Health Care -- Emergency Alert!  PLEASE HELP

What constitutes healing? Who is deciding what constitutes healing and what are they basing their decisions on?

70 year old Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D. has been arrested and is being held in a facility in San Diego, CA, awaiting extradition to Brown County, Indiana.  She has been charged with practicing medicine without a license by the District Attorney's office of her former place of residence.
 Dr. Clark, best known for her books The Cure For All Cancers and The Cure For All Diseases, as well as for her invention of the "Zapper," has been a public figure intently dedicated to spreading knowledge of healing techniques, and going against conventional medicine's monopoly on health care.  

Her arrest is an example and a warning to all Americans of the problem we collectively face: a health care system with few real options for treatment, fueled by greed, and fraught with criminality.  There is substantial indication of possible systematic suppression of alternative therapies that threaten the interests of conventional medicine.

There is an underground railroad of people in this country who have dedicated their lives to health and healing, and to the fight for freedom for real options in health care.  Increasingly, these people who are in truth trying to help people, are being persecuted by a system which arbitrarily decides what is effective and legal treatment.  These decisions often seem to be based on what is clearly profitable, as in pharmaceutical companies and their drugs, rather than what may be the most beneficial.
(*Indiana law states effectiveness of treatments is not a defense. Does this help the public?*)
More and more people in this country are becoming highly disillusioned with our health care system, and for very valid reasons.  It is not enough to await slow and cumbersome legislation on the national level, which is unlikely to address the real issues.  Dr. Clark's troubles represent but a small part of a gross problem in this country, and bring us to a higher platform.  It is time to ask the most pertinent questions.

What constitutes healing? Who is deciding what constitutes healing and what are they basing their decisions on?  Why do we have so few real options in health care?  Why are people who are going against the grain, and trying to establish footing in alternative rather than conventional medicine, more and more often finding themselves in trouble?  Why are herbal supplement companies faced with regulation by the FDA that puts a stranglehold on their industry?  Why are people who are selling health products on the Internet increasingly being investigated?

What organizations are being formed by our government to enforce strict, impossible and arbitrary regulations, and to ensure a monopoly on health care? (If you have any information regarding this issue please write ASAP).

 If you are familiar with Dr. Clark's work, and would like to support us in her defense, the following are ways in which you can help.

1) We will need as many letters and phone calls as possible.  If her research has benefited your health, please help us by sharing this information.  Addresses and phone numbers to follow in second post.

2) There is going to be a hearing for her on Monday morning in San Diego.  We are asking everyone who wants to support Dr. Clark, and is able, to come to the courthouse at 220 W. Broadway, downtown San Diego, 2nd floor, Department 12, 8:35am Monday October 4.

Please join in the fight for freedom in health care!
If you feel you are being unfairly attacked or investigated for your work in health care, and are willing to share your story, please write.  If you have any information or evidence suggesting unethical connections between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies, please write.  If you work in the health care or herbal supplement industry, and are facing regulations that would effectively stifle your work, please write.  

If you have stories, regarding successful treatment by suppressed therapies, please write. If you can contribute in any way possible to a collective fight to increase our freedom in health care, please do!

This is a very complex and difficult situation we find ourselves in.  Clearly regulation is needed in the medical field; patient's rights include not only the right to options in health care, but also the right to safe and effective treatments.  However, our medical system appears to be based on PROFIT, not on HEALING.  It is not profitable (for drug companies, HMO's and hospitals) to endorse and develop therapies which support healthy bodies and immune systems.

If we are to see FUNDAMENTAL changes in this system, we must address these fundamental issues.

It is time to end years of silence, and to stand up for our right to options in health care, and for our right to an ethical, sensible system geared toward true healing.

It is time to be organized, to work together to share information, and to effect the changes we would like to see happen. Please join us now, in whatever capacity you can.

For more information please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am a consultant for a company called JuriMed, (Jurisprudence In Medicine), formed to help in the defense of practitioners and others in legal trouble across this country.

Thank you,


Please pass this message on to any relevant persons or organizations.  Thank you!

If possible, please come to the
Monday October 4, 1999 hearing for Dr. Hulda Clark
At the courthouse at 220 W. Broadway, downtown San Diego, 2nd floor, Department 12, 8:35am

For information email Tim Bolen at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To support Hulda Clark, please write, fax, or phone the following:

letters to Geoff Clark at 619-409-9501

Call Mary Wyatt, the editor of the Brown County Democrat, Brown County Indianašs local paper: 812-988-2221

Write letters to the Brown County Council:

The County Council consists of seven people: Don
White, Beverly Kelp, David Rudd, Cynthia Rose, Glenda
Stogsdill, David Critzer and Steve Gore.  Their
mailing address is:  P.O. Box 37, Nashville, Indiana,
47448   (812) 988-5510.

Or write letters to the Brown County Commissioners:

The three County Commissioners are: Amy Kelso Couch,
James Grady and Randy Snyder
Their mailing address is:  P.O. Box 37, Nashville,
Indiana, 47448.   (812) 988-5510.

We thank you in advance for your help!

For more information on this case, or organizing for health freedom, please email Tangerine at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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