Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 22:17:15 EST
Subject: More evidence of our very peculiar American coup d'etat

Two more stories indicating the United States is now under a military-corporate dictatorship
If we don't think a right-wing creeping militaristic coup is taking place in this country, yesterday Bush named as his Surgeon General Richard Carmona, a damned Arizona SWAT cop and former "weapons specialist" with the Green Berets. Among the "weapons" used by US Special Forces are chemical and biological weapons like anthrax. How convenient: the anthrax spore trail leads to Fort Detrick and then the dauphin Dubya appoints a Special Operations Forces weapons specialist.

And for Director of the National Institutes of Health, Bush names Dr. Elias Zerhouni, an Algerian-born professor at Johns Hopkins University and notorious Pentagon yes-man. Zerhouni has had an interesting involvement with anthrax -- as a member of the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine, he and his colleagues gave a green light to the Pentagon's use of a questionable anthrax vaccine on uniformed (and uninformed) military personnel.

The best man for the NIH Director would have been Dr. Don Wiley of Harvard. But the world's top immuno-biophysicist "accidentally" fell over the side of the Interstate 55 bridge into the Mississippi River last November 15. At first, authorities said he committed suicide. Then his body was found on Dec. 21 300 miles to the south in Vidalia, Louisiana. The Memphis coroner ruled Wiley's fall over a 6 foot fence an "accident." A few weeks ago a bomb was found planted at the Memphis coroner's office where Wiley's body had been autopsied. Wiley was the world's expert on Ebola, smallpox, HIV-AIDS and last October was part of a joint Harvard-NIH team that discovered a genetic cure for anthrax after isolating the anthrax gene in a mouse. Just a few days after the announcement of the scientific find, we heard about the first fatal anthrax case in Florida.

This is what Meryl Nass, MD reported on the Institute's flawed and totally pro-Pentagon report:

The Institute of Medicine Weighs in on Anthrax Vaccine; DOD Scores A Knockout

Mar. 10, 2002

(But read the report, and the Institute doesn't have a leg to stand on)

Meryl Nass, MD

"Nearly two years ago, Congress asked the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to review the existing data on safety and efficacy of the anthrax vaccine (AVA). A committee was created by the NAS Institute of Medicine (IOM) to do this, and the group met over the last seventeen months to review this complex and controversial issue.

I attended several of the open meetings, made an invited presentation, and supplied nearly 300 pages of supporting information to the committee.

The National Academy of Science's report 'The Anthrax Vaccine: Is it safe? Does it work?' was released March 6. It claimed to be a thorough compilation of all the existing data, weighted by reliability, and included a number of recommendations and ideas for further research.

What did the report conclude? Here is where it gets interesting.

The report's conclusions rely on ignoring many pieces of crucial information, and its recommendations give the Department of Defense everything it could have wanted. The report appears to be “spun” to support a number of DOD initiatives, and it provides the needed justification for restarting mandatory anthrax vaccinations over the objections of many in Congress."

Read the rest of this interesting report and Dr. Nass's congressional testimony at <>


So there we have it. A Green Beret for Surgeon General and a Pentagon yes man for NIH Director. The Senate must reject these two nominations as decisively as it rejected that pro-cross burning Judge Charles Pickering for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Congress must act now to stop America's creeping coup d'etat!!!


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