The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

>Overview of terrorist acts and other crimes in Kosovo and Metohija - Annex
>In addition to the latest Memorandum on the implementation of UN Security
>Council Resolution 1244,  which pointed to the necessity of strict and
>constant respect of said Resolution, the government of FR Yugoslavia
>delivered to the president of the Security Council and Secretary-General of
>UN, in the form of annex, special overview of terrorist acts and other
>crimes in the region from the arrival of the international mission.
>O V E R V I E W
>of terrorist and other acts of violence and of certain violations of the
>Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 in Kosovo and
>Metohija, the autonomous province of the Yugoslav constituent Republic of
>Serbia, since the arrival of KFOR and UNMIK, in the period from 10 June
>1999 to 7 May 2000
>Number of terrorist attacks: 4,792
>4,511 committed against Serbs and Montenegrins, 109 against Albanians and
>172 against Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and members of other ethnic
>Number of killed persons: 1,010
>888 Serbs and Montenegrins, 75 Albanians and 47 members of other ethnic
>communities in Kosovo and Metohija.
>Number of abducted and missing persons: 936
>860 Serbs and Montenegrins, 42 Albanians and 34 members of other ethnic
>The fate of 786 persons is still unknown; 95 abducted persons were killed,
>7 persons escaped, while 48 were released.
>Number of wounded persons: 924
>867 Serbs and Montenegrins, 20 Albanians and 37 members of other ethnic
>(5) Ethnic cleansing: In the campaign of ethnic cleansing following the
>deployment of KFOR and UNMIK, two-thirds of the non-Albanian population,
>i.e. over 350,000 Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and
>other non-Albanians have been expelled from Kosovo and Metohija, of whom
>270,000 are Serbs.
>The following towns and villages have been ethnically cleansed of Serbs,
>Roma, Muslims, Goranci, Turks and other non-Albanians:
>- Pristina (all Serbs have been driven out of its largest suburbs of
>Ulpijana, Suncani Breg, Dardanija, Univerzitetsko Naselje. Of the 40,000
>Serbs who used to live in Pristina before KFOR and UNMIK came to Kosovo and
>Metohija, 25,000 were school and university students.
>Today, only 35 Serbian schoolchildren live in Pristina and attend classes
>in the local school in the village of Laplje;
>-Prizren (only 100 Serbian families remain);
>- Gnjilane, the situation in this town was alarming in March and April (in
>this period alone 350 houses of Serbs were sold). The number of remaining
>Serbs has been halved and today only about 1,500 Serbs remain. KFOR and
>UNMIK have warned them not to leave their homes.
>- Djakovica, Pec, Podujevo, Glogovac, as well as the areas of Kosovska
>Mitrovica (Vucitrn, Srbica), Lipljan, Kosovo Polje, from which 80 per cent
>of their Serbian residents have been expelled, i.e. 7,000 Serbs and 4,000
>other non-Albanians (their homes have been burned and looted, while shops,
>cafes and other property are being seized from their owners. In the
>presence of KFOR, ethnic Albanian terrorists brutalize and harass the Serbs
>who refuse to sell their homes and leave Kosovo and Metohija);
>- the whole area of the municipalities of Istok and Klina including the
>villages of Dzakovo, Osojane, Tucepom, Kos, Zac, Belica, Krnjine, Maticane,
>Kacanik, Stimlje, Kmetovacka Vrbica and others, where 3,440 Serbian homes
>were burned down;
>- the surroundings of Urosevac, Slivovo, Nedakovac, Nevoljane, Vrpica,
>Ljestar, Zegra (municipality of Gnjilane), Zitnje, Pozaranje, Grmovo,
>Drobes; in the village of Talinovac the two last Serbian houses whose
>owners had been forced to move out were burnt down at the beginning of
>- the surroundings of Vitina (Kabas, Binac and other villages), the areas
>of Kosovska Kamenica (villages of Bratilovce, Firiceja and others) and
>Kosovsko Pomoravlje, as well as the villages of Toplicane, Rujice, Magure,
>Slovinja, Staro Gracko, Klobukar in the municipality of Novo Brdo. (All
>Serbian houses have been burned down and all its owners forced to leave.)
>Members of the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army exert great
>pressure on ethnic Goranci, the indigenous residents of the region of Gora,
>who are not allowed to use their maternal Serbian language in schools and
>in everyday life, in an attempt to misrepresent this ethnic group as
>Expulsion of the members of the Muslim ethnic community, loyal citizens of
>the FR of Yugoslavia, has intensified particularly in the area of the
>municipality of Istok.
>In the area of Prizren and Djakovica about 65,000 Kosovo Albanian Catholics
>live in a difficult situation and under great pressure from Albanian
>terrorists who accuse them of "collaboration with Serbs".
>Albanian separatists continue their deliberate actions, aimed at preventing
>the return of Serbs to Kosovo and Metohija. They raze Serbian houses in a
>pre-planned and synchronized manner. The most drastic example has been the
>looting and bulldozing of over 250 Serbian houses in the village of Bijelo
>Polje. The area of this village was turned into a garbage dump. Serbian
>houses in the villages of Brezanik and Osojane have also been bulldozed.
>Fourteen Serbian villages in the municipality of Vitina do not exist any
>more because all the houses have been destroyed. At the end of April,
>Albanian terrorists announced that they will carry out similar organized
>actions of looting and destroying Serbian houses in the villages near Istok
>and Novo Brdo.
>(6) The latest brutal crimes:
>shelling of the Serbian village of Gorazdevac (10 March, 25 March, 22 April
>2000); killing of Gashi Sheqeri in his house in the village of Rogovo,
>municipality of Djakovica, and a Roma boy whose identity has not been
>established. This murder was committed by the members of the so-called
>Kosovo Protection Corps Bajram Gashi and Hallim Shala (30 March); bomb
>attack on the apartment of Franjo Milic, a Croat, in Obilic (3 April 2000);
>cruel murder of 87-year Metodije Haljausku, a Czech, in Pristina, who was
>shot in the back of the head (3 April 2000); mortar attack on a group of
>Serbs who played football in a field in the village of Cernice in which two
>persons were injured (5 April 2000); attack of eight terrorists on Stojan
>Petronijevic in the courtyard of his family house in the village of Babin
>Most, municipality of Obilic (5 April 2000); killing of Dobrivoje Jovanovic
>in Gnjilane (9 April 2000); mining of the Orthodox Church of Our Lady in
>Zociste for the third time (18 April 2000); mortar attack on an apartment
>building housing Serbs and Turks in downtown Pristina in which two persons
>were wounded (18 April 2000); killing of Srdjan Markovic from the village
>of Badovac, who was killed by terrorists in his car on his way to visit his
>friends (21 April 2000); murder of Stojanka Stojanovic (65) in Gnjilane, in
>mid-April, whose body was found on 26 April 2000; terrorist attack on a bus
>in Kosovska Mitrovica ferrying Serbs to church (28 April 2000); vandal
>desecration of Serbian cemeteries and tombstones in the village of
>Glavotina, municipality of Vucitrn (26 April 2000), and in the village of
>Klobukar, municipality Novo Brdo (30 April 2000); dynamiting the Orthodox
>church of St. Nicholas from 16th century in the village of Grncar,
>municipality of Vitina (28 April 2000); brutal murder of Milorad Peric (50)
>from the village of Pasjane who was working in the fields (29 April 2000);
>terrorist bomb attack on a group of residents of the village of Crkvena
>Vodica, municipality of Obilic, in which several children were wounded (2
>May 2000); bomb attack on the house belonging to Hadzija Agusi (74), a
>Roma, who died from the wounds sustained in the attack (29 April 2000);
>killing of Zivko Stolic (67) in Kosovska Vitina, who was brutally tortured
>by terrorists and later killed (6 May 2000); attack on a Serbian family in
>Kosovska Vitina in the courtyard of their house on which occasion two
>adults and two children were wounded.
>(7) New forms of terror against Serbs and other non-Albanians:
>In its security actions against Serbian and other non-Albanians, KFOR is
>increasingly demonstrating force and resorting to harassment and physical
>violence and causing damage to Serbian property. Drastic incidents occurred
>in Kosovska Mitrovica (on 20-25 February), in the villages of Mogila (on
>25-26 February), in which Serbian houses were searched by in a most brutal
>way, Draganovac (municipality of Gnjilane) and Miolice (Municipality of
>Leposavic), Mali Zvecan (27 February), Gornje Kusce (1 March) and the
>Serbian villages of Rudare and Grabovac (1 March). The searches were
>conducted by KFOR jointly with the terrorists of the so-called KLA, who
>wore international security forces uniforms, in an open display of the
>existence of co-ordination between KFOR and Albanian terrorists. In April
>violence against Serbs in the so-called security actions of KFOR has
>assumed dramatic proportions. The most drastic examples were the incidents
>which took place in the village of Dobrotin on 2 April, in the village of
>Sevce on 4 April and in the villages of Lepina and Jazine, when KFOR
>members released dogs on the Serbs who had gathered to protest the
>difficult situation and when a large number of people were seriously
>injured. Several persons were also injured in a brutal action of KFOR
>against Serbian demonstrators in Gracanica on 7 April 2000.
>(8) Latest terrorist attacks on Serbian convoys:
>Attacks on a Serbian convoys headed for Strpce, near the village of
>Radivojce (on 22 and 29 February); attack on a Serbian convoy en route to
>Koretiste, in the village of Dobricane (28 February); attack on a bus
>ferrying Serbian children home from school on the road between Gornje Kusce
>and Koretiste (29 February); Lieutenant Peter Ramstell (KFOR, Kosovska
>Mitrovica area) banned all KFOR security escorts for buses transporting
>Serbian schoolchildren and sick persons to Gracanica (1 March); attacks
>against Serbian convoys in the village of Koretin (6 and 20 March);
>repeated attacks against Serbian convoys in Gnjilane (7, 10 and 31 March);
>an attack on a Serbian convoy in the village of Dobrovce (27 March); attack
>on a Serbian convoy on the road between Bujanovac and Gracanica (11 April
>2000); attack on a convoy from Strpce in the village of Pozaranje,
>municipality of Vitina (18 April 2000).
>KFOR has not prevented these terrorist attacks. Also, it has refused to
>provide security escorts to convoys between Merdare and Kosovo Polje. In
>addition to daily terror against them, this is added pressure on Serbs to
>leave Kosovo Polje. (9) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR and
>UNMIK: 200
>Arrested Serbs are detained in prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Sojevo near
>Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Klokot Banja. They have
>been arrested without any explanation or charges, only on the ground of
>information provided by the Albanians, most frequently by the members of
>the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army. 43 Serbs arbitrarily
>arrested without legal grounds by KFOR and UNMIK have been detained in a
>prison in Kosovska Mitrovica for almost ten months. In this period no
>investigation or any court proceedings have been instituted. On 10 April
>2000, 37 detained Serbs and 5 Roma went on a hunger strike. The immediate
>cause was the release of Gjelal Ademi, an ethnic Albanian, against whom an
>investigation had been instituted because of a hand grenade attack in which
>22 Serbs and 14 French soldiers of KFOR were injured. Doctors from the
>School of Medicine of the University of Pristina found out at the last
>examination (6 May 2000) that their health condition was rapidly
>deteriorating and that eleven of them were in critical conditions. On 7 May
>2000, Arsenije Vitosevic, suffering from a chronic heart condition, was
>admitted to the City hospital. Due to exhaustion, high blood pressure and
>heart condition he has been placed in an intensive care unit. He was given
>infusion and is in a difficult psychological condition (two years ago KLA
>terrorists abducted his son and he has not heard from him since). The
>doctors who examined the strikers requested that 10 detainees be sent to
>hospital due to exhaustion and deteriorating health condition. They called
>on the competent judicial and police UNMIK authorities to release the
>strikers without delay so that they could given proper medical treatment
>and that their condition stabilized.
>(10) Prisons and labour camps run by the terrorist so-called Kosovo
>Liberation Army:
>The abducted Serbian civilians, detained by the terrorist so-called Kosovo
>Liberation Army, are kept in the labour camps located in the village of
>Maticane and in the wider area of Prizren ("Ortokal" estate, a building
>situated on the road to Djakovica) and in Drenica. 472 abducted Serbs are
>kept in the camps.
>KLA prisons for Serbs, Montenegrin and members of other ethnic communities
>who are not supportive of Albanian terrorists are situated also around the
>village of Brod, municipality of Dragas, and along the Djakovica road
>towards the village of Junik, municipality of Decani, as well as in the
>villages of Glodjane, Izbica and Strovce in the Kosovska Mitrovica
>district; and in the premises of Railroad Transport Co. in Urosevac.
>(11) Situation in Kosovska Mitrovica:
>Since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija, the security
>situation has been very serious, particularly in and around Kosovska
>Mitrovica. Some of the most salient types and instances of atrocities have
>- looting and the destruction of 2,365 homes belonging to Serbs,
>Montenegrins and other non-Albanians (1,200 in Kosovska Mitrovica; 1,060 in
>Vucitrn; and 105 in Srbica);
>- eviction of 700 Serbian families from their apartments (500 southern
>Kosovska Mitrovica; 150 in Vucitrn; and 50 in Srbica);
>- looting and the destruction of the property of the following companies:
>1. In Kosovska Mitrovica: Socially-owned companies "Kosovo-Sirovina",
>"Betonjerka", "Lux", "AMD", "Kosmet-Prevoz", "Trans-Kosovo", Duvanska,
>Minel, Zemljoradnicka zadruga (cooperative), Hortikultura, Mitrovcanka,
>DES, "Ibar-Rozaje" warehouse, water utility company "Vodovod", printing
>company "Progres", electric power generation company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT
>and a large number of bars and cafes owned by non-Albanians.
>2. In Vucitrn: Socially-owned companies "Sartid", "Vucitrn-Prevoz",
>"Ratar", Farm Cooperative, paints and coatings factory "Ekstra",
>construction company "Kosovo", utilities company "Sitnica", private company
>"Cicavica", employment bureau, local community center, Town Hall of
>Vucitrn, Construction Land Fund, local department store, Auditing Office
>building, Jugobanka, primary and secondary schools, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol,
>electric power generation company "Elektro-Kosovo", PTT.
>3. In Srbica: Hunting munitions factory, plastics factory, socially-owned
>company "Buducnost", Farm Cooperative, public utilities company,
>"Dijamant-produkt" Co., local community center, local self-managing
>community of interest, "Zitopromet" Co. and its silos.
>(12) Recent killings and terrorizing of Albanians loyal to the FR of
>The terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has stepped up the execution
>of Albanians who do support their policy and goals, particularly in the
>areas of Pristina, Podujevo and Pec. The most drastic examples are: the
>murder of Hejdi Sejdiu, a member of the Provincial Committee of the Serbian
>Socialist Party, in his home town of Urosevac in front of his wife and
>three children (on 10 February), the killing of Danush Januzi in Vitina (on
>10 February); the massacre of Tahir Bekim, abducted and later killed by the
>terrorists of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (parts of his mutilated
>body were found on 24 February).
>The terrorists of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army burnt down the house
>of Sellim Broshi, former head of the Provincial Ministry of the Interior,
>in the village of Odanovce, municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, on 20 March
>2000. They are also looking for Sinan Rexhepi, former employee of the
>Provincial Ministry of the Interior. They threaten Sadik Hajrulah from
>Vitina, Ramadan Sermaxhi, employee of the Ministry of the Interior in
>Gnjilane, Minir Krasniqi from Kosovska Kamenica, as well as other former or
>present ethnic Albanian members of the Provincial Ministry of the Interior
>in Gnjilane. In mid-March, terrorists of the so-called Kosovo Liberation
>Army abducted Noa and Nua Kajtazi, catholic Albanians, in the village of
>Zjum accusing them that they are loyal citizens of the FR of Yugoslavia.
>They requested a ransom from their family in the amount of DM 40,000. They
>also searched their houses, looted it and beat the members of their family.
>In addition to Serbs, the terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army also
>rounds up Albanians, loyal to the State of the FR of Yugoslavia, and detain
>them in their prison camps (around the village of Brod, municipality of
>(13) Destruction of churches, monasteries and cultural monuments:
>86 churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments were burned down,
>demolished or seriously damaged, among them the Church of the Entrance of
>Our Lady into the Temple at Dolac, monastery of St. Mark at Korisa from
>1467, monastery of Prophets Kosmo and Damien in Zociste from 14th century,
>the church in Kijevo from the 14th century, the Holy Trinity monastery from
>the 14th century near Musutiste, monastery Devic built in 1440, Church of
>St. Paraskeva in Drenik from the 16th century, Church of St. Demetrius near
>Pec, the Orthodox church at Grmovo near Vitina, Church of St. Elijah at
>Zegra near Gnjilane, church of Holy Mother in Musutiste from 1315, Church
>of St. Elijah at Bistrazin, Church of Apostles Peter and Paul in Suva Reka,
>monastery of St. Uros in Nerodimlje, monastery of St. Archangel Gabriel
>from the 14th century in Binac, Church of St. Mary from the 16th century in
>Belo Polje, Church of St. John the Baptist in Pecka Banja, churches in the
>villages of Naklo, Vucitrn, Petrovac, Urosevac, Podgorce, Djurakovac,
>Krusevo, Osojane, Samodreza, Dresna near Klina, Rekovac, Petric, monastery
>Binac near Vitina, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Djakovica, St. Nicholas'
>Church in Gnjilane.
>Monks and other clergy are being terrorized and persecuted. More than 150
>parish residences were destroyed or damaged. Over 10,000 icons and other
>sacral objects, most of which are part of cultural treasures under the
>special protection of the State, were stolen or destroyed. Medieval
>frescoes were destroyed in 70 per cent of Orthodox churches and
>Assaults on members of the Catholic religious community by the terrorists
>of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army have intensified in Prizren and
>Pec, particularly assaults on clergymen (The homes of two Franciscan
>priests were burned down.).
>The following cultural monuments were damaged or demolished:
>- statues of the greatest lexicographer of the Serbian language Vuk
>Karadzic and the great Montenegrin poet Petar Petrovic Njegos in downtown
>-memorials to King Uros in Urosevac and King Dusan in Prizren;
>- memorial to Prince Lazar in Gnjilane and the memorial to Serbian rulers
>from the Nemanjic dynasty in the village of Gornje Nerodimlje;
>- memorial to Milos Obilic, the symbol of the town of Obilic. KFOR removed
>the damaged statue to the compounds of the thermal electric power plant
>"Kosovo B".
>- about 400 000 books vanished in the fire set to the Pristina Library.
>Many of the destroyed monuments are outstanding examples of the Serbian
>cultural heritage and are on the list of the monuments of exceptional
>cultural value under the protection of UNESCO.
>(14) Forced and illegal taking over of public institutions:
>- Forcible and illegal takeovers of premises and buildings of post offices,
>banks, medical institutions, water and power supply systems, university,
>elementary and secondary schools, municipal and other local government
>buildings, local communes, buildings of the Ministry of the Interior and
>the Army of Yugoslavia, factories, enterprises, cooperatives, etc. in
>Pristina (premises of the Clinical Centre "Pristina" and the health station
>whose equipment has been stolen and taken by doctors in private practice,
>Federal Customs Administration, Public Housing Company, Institute for Urban
>Planning, water supply company "Vodovod", thermal electric power plant
>"Kosovo B", depots and petrol stations of "Jugopetrol", the shareholding
>companies "Kosmet-Pristina", "Kosovo-Trans", "Energoinvest",
>"Autopristina", car shock absorbers factory, "Jugotrans", etc.) as well as
>in Prizren, Dragas, Podujevo, Lipljan, Strpci, Kosovska Mitrovica, Kosovo
>Polje (with the assistance of KFOR), Djakovica (with the assistance of
>- By forced and illegal taking over of public enterprises and institutions
>tens of thousands employed Serbs, Montenegrins, Roma, Muslims, Goranci,
>Turks and other non-Albanians were sacked and left with no means to support
>- More than 190 major companies were forcibly and illegally seized, whose
>equipment was looted and most often taken to Albania.
>(15) Armed artillery attacks on villages:
>Slovinj, Maticane, Orahovac, Konjuh, Berivojce, Gornja Brnjica, the
>villages around Kosovska Kamenica: Grncar, Magila, Ajvalija, all the
>villages of the Istok-Klina region, Gorazdevac near Pec, Svinjare, Klokot,
>Novo Brdo, Zjum, Donja and Gornja Gusterica, Susica, Badavac, Bresje,
>Vrbovac, Vitina, Cernice, (municipality of Gnjilane), Dobrusa, Veliko
>Ropotovo (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Partes, Podgradje, Malisevo
>and Pasjane (municipality of Gnjilane), Ljestar, Budriga, Dobrotin
>(municipality of Lipljan), Grncar, Binac, Ranilug, Silovo, Odovce,
>Rajanovce, Bosce, Caglavica, Paravolo, Lebane, Gojbulja, Suvo Grlo and
>Banje (municipality of Srbica), in the following villages in the area of
>the municipality of Gora: Brodosavce, Belobrod, Kukavce; frequent attacks
>on houses of Goranci, Muslims and Albanians, loyal to the FR of Yugoslavia,
>and in Grabovac (municipality of Zvecan).
>All Serbian houses in the villages of Donji Livoc, Kmetova Vrbica, Lipovica
>and Cernice in the municipality of Gnjilane, and in the villages of
>Vaganes, Gradjenik and Orahovica in the municipality of Kosovska Kamenica,
>all forming part of Kosovsko Pomoravlje, were set on fire or destroyed by
>mortars or explosives.
>All this runs counter to assertions by KFOR and UNMIK that the terrorist
>so-called Kosovo Liberation Army has been disarmed.
>(16) Blockade of towns and villages:
>Gadnje, Orahovac and Velika Hoca, Koretin, villages around Gnjilane, Gornja
>Srbica, Gorazdevac, Priluzje (the village surrounded by Albanians, with no
>doctors, shops and phone lines; about 80 per cent of the villagers who
>worked for the Electric Power Industry of Serbia have remained jobless).
>About 3,500 Serbian residents of Orahovac have been living for more than
>nine months since the deployment of KFOR and UNMIK in the first
>concentration camp in Europe after the Second World War, besieged by the
>terrorist so-called Kosovo Liberation Army.
>(17) Armed threats against villages and terror committed on a daily basis
>against non-Albanians:
>Ugljari, Srpski Babus, Stimlje, Novo Selo, Bresje, Obilic, the area around
>Kosovo Polje, Milosevo (on which an armed attack was recently carried out),
>the village of Zebnice (dramatic humanitarian situation), most of the
>mainly Catholic Croatian population ofn the villages of Letinice, Vrnez,
>Vrnavo Kolo and Sasare have moved out, Drenovac (50 Serbs massacred),
>village of Cernice (a series of incidents in which US KFOR soldiers
>maltreated Serbs), Pozaranje, Gotovusa, Gatnje, Zubin Potok, Veliki Alas,
>Vrelo and Radevo, Plemetin and Slatina (municipality of Vucitrn), Crkolez
>(municipality of Istok), Ogose - municipality of Kosovska Kamenica (where
>almost all Roma families have been driven out), Banjska, Gojbulja and
>Miroce (municipality of Vucitrn), Brezanik (municipality of Pec).
>Ruthless terror is used against the remaining Serbs in the village of
>Obilic: their houses are attacked and set on fire. They cannot call fire
>emergency services or ask for KFOR and UNMIK assistance since their
>telephone lines are disconnected, while those belonging to Albanian
>households are connected. This provides further evidence of against Serb by
>KFOR and UNMIK who sit idly by.
>(18) The looted Serbian villages whose residents were forced out:
>Muzicani, Slivovo, Orlovic, Dragas, the area around Kosovo Polje, Livadice,
>Mirovac, Sirinicka Zupa, Medregovac, Grace, Zociste, Sofalija, Dragoljevac,
>Tomance, Koretin, Lestar, Donja Sipasnica, Miganovce, Laniste and Zmijarnik
>(municipality of Kosovska Kamenica).
>(19) Serbian settlements set on fire:
>Istok, Klina, Donja Lapastica, Obrandza, Velika Reka, Perane, Lause, the
>villages around Podujevo, Grace, Donja Dubica, Zociste, Orahovac, Naklo,
>Vitomirice, Belo Polje, Mojlovice, Alos-Toplicane, Krajiste, Rudnik, Donji
>Strmac, Goles (municipality of Lipljan), Orlovic (municipality of
>Pristina), Krpimej and Lausa (municipality of Podujevo), Muzicane (all
>Serbian houses burned down), Zaimovo, Denovac, Lesjane, Gornje and Donje
>Nerodimlje (all Serbian houses looted and burned down), Sinaje
>(municipality of Istok), Balovac, Mali Talinovac, Ljubizda, Klobuka and
>Oraovica (municipality of Kosovska Kamenica), Zaskok and Novi Miros
>(municipality of Urosevac).
>(20) Registered number of homes burned down: About 50,000 houses of Serbs,
>Roma, Muslims, Goranci and other non-Albanians were burned down in Kosovo
>and Metohija.
>(21) Registered number of illegal entries of foreign citizens into the FR
>of Yugoslavia (Kosovo and Metohija) without the necessary papers (visas and
>registration of stay with the competent authorities): 811
>Over 250,000 foreigners have illegally entered Kosovo and Metohija with
>approval of UNMIK and KFOR. The Government of the FR of Yugoslavia has
>officially requested their deportation on several occasions. These requests
>went unheeded, although those persons are international terrorists,
>criminals, narco-mafia members, white slave merchants, organizers of
>brothels and other forms of international crime.
>(22) Registered number of stolen vehicles: over 12,000
>As a result of open borders with Macedonia and Albania 250,000 vehicles
>were brought into Kosovo and Metohija without payment of customs duties.
>Most of these vehicles were stolen.
>UNMIK has extended the period for the registration of vehicles in Kosovo
>and Metohija until 31 May 2000. It is expected that it will register about
>200,000 vehicles thus legalizing crime and theft.
>(23) Registered number of cases of violation of the ground security zone by
>KFOR: 364.
Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

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