-Caveat Lector-


Image: Gens. "Black Jack" Pershing & Pancho Villa

(Conspiracy Nation, 06/18/06) -- "Ha ha ha, Pancho," seems to say U.S. General "Black Jack" Pershing to Pancho Villa. "We'll renew the fun on a later occasion." (image: left)

On March 9, 1916, Villa had led his Mexican troops north and attacked a detachment of the U.S. Cavalry near Columbus, New Mexico. It was an invasion! Pershing and U.S. troops thereafter hunted Villa and his force.

But as the photo at the left seems to show, apparently there was some sort of later amnesty.

What is now called "Israel" once did not exist as such. Then, in the late 1800s, Zionist immigrants began arriving in Palestine. "Don't mind us, we are only immigrants," was implied.

Then, when it was too late, the Palestinians realized the "mere immigrants" were a Trojan Horse. Next thing they knew, gone was their land! (http://www.shout.net/~bigred/StartOfIsrael.html)

Taking a tip from the Israeli tactic, descendants of the Pancho Villa army disguised themselves as immigrants and began infiltrating the United States. They bided their time, waiting for their numbers to grow.

Glad to welcome the invading army was the Catholic Church, whose primary allegiance is to the Vatican. "We must welcome the stranger," piously intoned the priests. ("We must welcome millions of new Catholics into America," they privately agreed among themselves.)

Around March 2004, a new book by Samuel Huntington appeared. Reportedly, Huntington argued that the huge influx of Mexican and Latino immigrants in the past 10-or-so years is unprecedented. The vastness of their numbers, he proposed, has caused the normal immigrant-assimilation process to break down.

Suggested by Huntington is a Reconquista aspect of the phenomena. Because Mexico lost portions of her territory following the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), there is a feeling among Latino immigrants in the American Southwest that they are reclaiming their "turf." (http://www.shout.net/~bigred/Huntington.htm)

Reaction to Huntington was furious. For example, Lyndon LaRouche and his group called Huntington's views "an anti-Hispanic barrage" and called Huntington himself "disgusting." This, in spite of Huntington's relative prestige as author of a previous book, Clash Of Civilizations.

However LaRouche, a perennial Chicken Little, besides appears to be a secret Vatican agent. As such, he would obey Rome and serve the Catholic invasion.

One of the LaRouchies, Gretchen Small, wrote that Huntington's book prepares "the ground for new wars, this time throughout the Americas, and within the United States itself." (qtd. in http://www.shout.net/~bigred/Huntington.htm)

On April 28 of this year, Rayelan Allan eerily corroborated Ms. Small's forecast. At her Rumor Mill News web site, Ms. Allan's report, "CORPORATE ARMIES & CORPORATE MEXICAN SLAVES VERSUS AMERICAN WORKERS," offered a framework for the situation. (http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=88148)

"I spoke with an informed Source last night," she writes, "who told me what is really behind the Mexican demonstrations. The corporations will use their hired guns... aka hired Armies... to fight Americans. Once Americans are on the run... the corporations can exploit their Mexican workers any way they want."

The "movement to take back the South Western United States is exactly the same manuever that the NWO [New World Order] used to break up Yugoslavia."

Yugoslavia had been a testing ground for what was to happen to the United States. It would be the old "Divide and Conquer." But enough Americans saw through the plan that a "Plan B" had to be implemented, if Ms. Allan is correct. "When the NWO discovered that Americans are innately loyal to America, no matter how much they criticize and condemn her, they realized that they had to put plan B into play. Plan B is a revolution/war that will be instigated by the ALA - Atzlan Liberation Army," warns Ms. Allan.

This "Pancho Villa Reborn" Army has been in training throughout the 1990s in the Mexican state of Chiapas. They are supposedly under the leadership of some "Sub-Commandante Marcos," who American dupes have romanticized.

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