Pastor Charges Muslims with Deception in Proselytizing US

By Rusty Pugh
Agape Press

A California pastor who has written on the Muslim indoctrination of school children controversy says in their effort to turn America into a nation of Islam, Muslim leaders are spreading deception.

AgapePress reported last week on the controversial California "Islam Indoctrination" case, in which seventh-graders are required to learn how to be a Muslim. The news has sparked outrage from across the country and brought demands for explanations.

Pastor Austin Miles of Assist Ministries says the fact that California school children are required to learn about Islam falls right into line with the Muslim goal of taking over America. But Miles says Americans are being deceived into believing Muslim lies about the nature of the false religion.

"So when they say we all worship one God, it’s very deceptive," he says. "Christians and Jews worship one God, the God of Abraham -- however, Muslims worship a man-made God named Allah. It’s very deceptive the way they’re putting this in. And you will see today on any mosque a crescent moon on the front, which shows directly about him being the ‘moon god,’ a pagan god."

Miles says Christians cannot compromise their faith by allowing their children to be taught a false religion. He stresses the need for Christians to have tolerance of Muslims -- but not tolerance for a false, pagan religion.

Miles also says he is especially disappointed with President Bush, who hosted a Muslim Ramadan dinner and brought in a Muslim leader to lead a prayer -- the same Muslim leader who had advocated the overthrow of America just nine months earlier.

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat.
Matthew 13:25
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