I have this book, it is very good.

Pawns In The Game
by William Guy Carr
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/pawns.htm#The Events Leading up to World
War Two

The Events Leading up to World War Two
It has been told how the international bankers enabled Germany to secretly
re-arm, with the aid of Stalin, in spite of the restrictions imposed by the
Treaty of Versailles. In order to understand what happened in Germany to
bring Hitler into power, it is necessary to be familiar with the political
intrigue which went on between 1924 and 1934. 'The Secret Powers' always
have had their agents divide the population of countries. They plan to
subjugate into many religious, economic, political, social, and labour
groups. Their agents then divide the various groups into as many factions as
possible. Their motto is 'United we stand. Divided they fall.'

Most German citizens, excepting only Communists, were agreed upon the
following issues: That Germany had been winning the war when had she had
first been betrayed and afterwards victimized. That the national
money-lenders had used the so-called democracies of Britain, France, and the
United States, to defeat Germany's armed forces. That the Jewish-led
Communist Party assisted the international bankers by bringing about the
chaotic conditions that preceded the signing of the Armistice and the
revolution that followed. They agree that every patriotic German male and
female, should do his or her uttermost to build up post-war Germany, and
break the economic and military stranglehold placed on their nation by the
Treaty of Versailles.

Most political leaders, except Communists, were also agreed that in order to
free themselves of the economic sanctions imposed upon the nation, it was
necessary to break away from their dependence on the international bankers
for financial assistance in the form of interest bearing loans. In other
words, most German politicians, except Communists, were agreed that Germany
should depart from the practice of financing the nation's business by
incurring debts, a practice which had been imposed upon England In 1694,
France in 1790, and the United States in 1791, by the International bankers.
They realized that this system had resulted in astronomical National Debts,
the principal and interest payments on which were guaranteed and secured by
Direct Taxation of the people. The Fascist leaders in Germany decided they
were going to create their own money and use their national assets, such as
the value of their real estate, their industrial potentials, their
agricultural production, natural resources, and the nation's capacity to
produce, as collateral.

The people of Germany found that, generally speaking, their views regarding
future political and economic policy were shared by the people of Italy,
Spain, and Japan, and thus came into being THE AXIS POWERS, and the Fascist
Movement. Because of their dynamic personalities, Hitler, Mussolini and
Franco became the chosen leaders. History proves that these three men did a
great deal to help their countries recover from the effects of the preceding
revolutions and wars. The industrial and agricultural developments were
little short of miraculous. Their military rearmament was made possible by
the secret assistance given by the agentur of the Illuminati who planned to
bring the Fascist and Capitalistic countries into another World War.

When Hitler and Mussolini first rose to power they advocated the moderate
Fascist policy which demanded that the wrongs done their countries be
rectified; that they contain communism; and curb the powers of the
Illuminati who controlled finance and industry. But as time went on, both
Hitler and Mussolini came under the influence of the leaders of the hard
core of Nazi War Lords who claimed the only way to establish a permanent
peace in the world was by military conquest. The Nazi leaders sold the
top-military leaders in Italy and Japan solidly on the theories and plans
advocated by Karl Ritter in 1849. Franco in Spain refused to go along with
their totalitarian plans. His religious beliefs convinced him that an
ideology which denied the existence of an Almighty God was doing the work of
the Devil.

The Totalitarian minded leaders in Germany, Italy, and Japan were determined
to use Fascism to further their secret Long Range Plans in exactly the same
way as their opponents, the international bankers, used Communism. The
immediate plans of the War Lords were to first, defeat the Stalin-controlled
Empire; second, wipe out Communism in Europe; third, consolidate the control
of the Axis Powers on Continental Europe; fourth, invade Britain and France
and subjugate the people, and fifth, to invade and conquer the United States
by using two vast pincer movements. Japan was to land invading forces on the
west coast of Mexico in the south and in the Northwest Territories in the
north. Germany was to invade Canada by air in the North and the
German-Italian forces were to jump the Atlantic from Africa, and attack the
U.S.A. from South America and the Gulf of Mexico.

The Northern invading forces were scheduled to join together at a point in
the vicinity of Chicago and push on down the Mississippi while the
South-West and South-East invasion forces were to meet at New Orleans and
push north up the Mississippi, thus dividing the country into two halves.
(This military plan had been in existence since before 1914 and was reported
to the Allied Governments fighting World War One by intelligence officers of
both the British and American armed forces. The plan is explained in detail
in 'Hell's Angels of the Deep' and 'Check Mate in the North' by W.G. Carr).

With the conquest of Britain and the United States the Nazis planned to
exterminate the Jews living in these two countries as they had exterminated
those they located in Europe. The international bankers, and big capitalists
controlled by them, were listed for immediate liquidation, together with
confiscation of all their assets and estates.

While Hitler suffered imprisonment prior to 1934 because he was considered
the personal enemy of the Nazi War Lords and the international bankers, he
wrote "Mein Kampf." On the very last page he stated: "The party
(National-Socialist) as such stands for positive Christianity but does not
bind itself in the matter of creed to any profession. It combats the Jewish
materialistic spirit within and without us."

In 1933 Hitler also announced his policy in regard to Britain. He pointed
out that Marx, Lenin, and Stalin had all repeatedly reiterated that before
International communism could reach its final objectives, Britain and her
Empire had to be destroyed. Under these circumstances Hitler said: "I am
willing to help defend the British Empire by force if called upon."

Of the Treaty of Versailles Hitler wrote: "It was not a British interest
(intention) but, in the first place, a Jewish one to destroy Germany." He
also wrote: "Even in England there is a continual struggle going on between
the representatives of British States' interests and the Jewish World
dictatorship. Whilst England is exhausting herself in maintaining her
position in the world, the Jew to-day is a rebel in England and the struggle
against the Jewish world menace will be started there also."

Hitler never wavered from his personal opinion that the survival of Germany
as a great power depended upon an alliance with the British Empire. In 1936
he instituted proceedings to try to bring about this alliance. He arranged
for unofficial conversations to take place between German and British
diplomats, and after the meetings failed to produce the alliance he so
greatly desired, he said: "No sacrifice would have been too great in order
to gain England's alliance. It would have meant renunciation of our
colonies; and importance as a sea power; and refraining from interference
with British industry by competition." (This statement and others of a
similar nature prove that Hitler never had accepted or agreed with the
extreme Nazi War-Lords' Long Range Plan for World domination by Military
conquest). He considered all these German concessions would have been
worthwhile if only he had been able to bring about the German-British
alliance. His failure to bring about the British Alliance caused him to
weaken in his opposition to the totalitarian ideology as advocated by the
extreme Nazi War Lords. The failure of the conference convinced Hitler that
no moderate policy would ever break the control the international bankers
had over British Foreign policy. He reluctantly began to concede that Karl
Ritter had been right when he said: "The power the Jewish financiers hold
over Communism must be destroyed, as well as of those who are members of the
world revolutionary movement, before peace and economic freedom can be
restored to the world."

The purpose of this book is to record the events in history which provided
the 'Causes' which produced the 'Effects' we experience to-day. We are not
concerned with the 'Rights' or 'Wrongs' of the decisions made by
individuals, except to judge for ourselves whether the decisions furthered
the Devil's Plan or were in accordance with the Plan of God. The only value
of historical research is to obtain knowledge of how, and why, mistakes were
made in the past so we can try to avoid making similar mistakes in the

The momentous meeting regarding the possibility of an alliance between Great
Britain and Germany took place in January 1936. Lord Londonderry represented
the British government and Goering, Herr Ribbentrop, and Hitler, Germany.

An authority on this phase of history informed me that Herr Goering and Herr
Von Ribbentrop outlined the history of the World Revolutionary Movement to
Lord Londonderry, explaining the detailed research work done by Professor
Karl Ritter and others. They reasoned that the only successful way to fight
a totalitarian-minded conspiracy was to use Total War. They explained to
Lord Londonderry their plan was to attack all Communist-controlled
countries; liberate the people, and execute all Communist traitors. They
claimed the only way to wipe out Communism was the extermination of the
whole Jewish Race. (Once again rabid antiSemitism shows itself and yet
history proves that the International conspirators have used every race and
creed to serve their own secret and selfish ambitions). They produced masses
of documented evidence which, they claimed, was authentic, to prove
Communism was organized, financed, and directed by powerful,wealthy and
influential Jews, who also organized, financed and directed secret ambitions
to bring about the Messianic Age. (Most of this evidence is reproduced in
'The Palestine Plot' by B. Jensen, printed by John McKinley, 11-15 King
Street, Perth, Scotland).

Hitler is said to have promised that he would continue to oppose the extreme
totalitarian plans of the Nazi War Lords and confine his activities against
Communism to Europe, providing the British government would enter into an
alliance with Germany. When Lord Londonderry said he doubted if the British
government would take part in a plan to abolish Communism, which called for
'Genocide,' Hitler compromised. He said Germany would undertake the task
alone provided England would enter into an agreement that the two countries
would under no circumstances war against each other for ten years. Hitler
argued that the only way Britain, France, and Russia could shake off the
unbearable and ruinous burden of ever-increasing national debts was to
repudiate them and restore the issuing of money to the government where it
originally and rightfully belonged.

Hitler is said to have pointed out that the purpose of his
National-Socialist party... call it Fascism... was to put an end at once,
and all time, to the power and influence the international money-lenders
exerted on national and international affairs by reason of the fact that
they were forcing every nation that still claimed to be independent, further
and further into their debt. He is said to have quoted what Benjamin
Disraeli made one of his characters say in his famous book "Coningsby," "So
you see, dear Coningsby, the world is governed by very different personages
from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." (The book was
published in 1844 just before Karl Marx published "The Communist Manifesto".
At that time several revolutions were being planned and took place
immediately after Karl Marx's book appeared in print).

Goering is said to have backed up the Fuehrer by pointing out that history
had proved that the wealthy and influential Jews had obtained economic and
political control of every country into which they had infiltrated by using
illegal methods and corrupt practices.

Herr Von Ribbentrop is reported to have supported Goering's arguments by
reminding Lord Londonderry that as recently as 1927-28 when he was in
Canada, the Stevens Royal Commission into the Canadian Customs Service
proved that the country was being robbed annually of over ONE HUNDRED
MILLION DOLLARS by smuggling and other kinds of illegal traffic and trade
organized and directed from an International Headquarters. He pointed out
that evidence placed before the Royal Commissioner had proved that in order
to get away with gangsterism and licentiousness to 'Fix' thousands of public
servants and hundreds of government officials, even as high as cabinet
level. He pointed out that what had been absolutely proved to exist in
Canada was ten times as bad in the United States of America. Ribbentrop
reasoned that the only way to clean up the mess was to 'Get' the three
hundred men at the top who were 'The Secret Power' master-minding the
negative forces whose various evil influences, and criminal activities, all
furthered the Long Range Plan of those who directed the World Revolutionary
Movement. (Ribbentrop was evidently quoting from an article 'Weiner Freie
Presse' published December 14th, 1912 by the late Walter Rathenau in which
he said, "Three hundred men, each of whom is known to all the others, govern
the fate of the European Continent and they elect their successors from
their own entourage." These are the Illuminati).

Goering is said to have reviewed once more the part the international
bankers had played in bringing about, directing, and financing the Russian
revolution in 1917, which had enabled them to bring into existence the
adverse conditions being experienced throughout the world at that time.
(Most countries of the world were mired deep in economic depression).

Hitler reminded Lord Londonderry of the millions of Christians who had been
ruthlessly slaughtered in the Communized countries since October, 1917, and
argued that the men responsible could not be considered as anything else
than international gangsters. The final item of discussion was the manner in
which Stalin had been instructed to turn Spain into a Communist
dictatorship. The whole pattern of international intrigue was laid bare. The
manner in which Germany had been enabled to secretly re-arm: The way French
politics were controlled by Grand Orient Freemasonry. (Hitler closed all
Grand Orient Lodges in Germany). The manner in which Britain had been
persuaded to disarm, while her potential enemies were being re-armed.

According to the Germans, it would be impossible for the world to enjoy
peace and prosperity as long as those who directed the World Revolutionary
Movement insisted on fomenting wars in order to create conditions favourable
for revolutionary action. They argued both international Communism and
political Zionism had to be stopped and the movements ended at once, or
another war was inevitable, because the Secret Powers, pulling the strings,
were determined they were going to reach their ultimate objectives. Hitler
was a great orator, and my informant claimed he ended the discussions with a
plea that Lord Londonderry return to England and persuade the British
government to join in the suggested alliance with Germany "Because I am
convinced that the British Empire and the Roman Catholic Church are both
universal institutions, the continuance of which is absolutely essential as
bulwarks for the preservation of law and order throughout the world in the

What has been said here of Hitler is so absolutely foreign to the general
idea that the following historical facts and documents are quoted to support
what has been said: Lord Londonderry returned to London following the
conference and made his report to the British cabinet. On February 21st,
1936, he wrote Herr Von Ribbentrop. He referred to the conversations he had
had. The letter reads in part: "They (Hitler and Goering) forget that here
(in England) we have not experienced the devastation of a revolution for
several centuries...In relation to the Jews... we do not like persecution,
but in addition to this, there is the material feeling that you are taking
on a tremendous force which is capable of having repercussions all over the
world... it is possible to trace their participation in most of these
international disturbances which have created so much havoc in different
countries, but on the other hand, one can find many Jews strongly ranged on
the other side who have done their best, with the wealth at their disposal,
and also by their influence, to counteract those malevolent and mischievous
activities of fellow Jews." (Quoted from the Evening Standard, London, dated
April 28, 1936. For further particulars regarding Lord Londonderry's
conversations with Hitler, Goering, and Von Rlbbentrop read 'Ourselves and
Germany' published by Lord Londonderry).

After Hitler realized his hopes to bring about an alliance between Germany
and Britain had failed, he leaned further and further to the 'Right.' He
became convinced that it was impossible for an individual, groups of
individuals, or even a single nation to break the power and influence the
international bankers exercised over the so-called democratic nations by
reason of their financial control and the encumbrance of their national

In July, 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out and Hitler, Mussolini and
Franco were drawn closer together. It was the fact that Franco had had to
start a Civil War in Spain to prevent Spain being Communized without a
struggle, that caused Hitler to round out his boundaries and concentrate
military power on his borders. He was determined to make sure that Stalin,
who he knew was only the agent of the international bankers appointed to
rule over Russia, would not extend his dictatorship over other European
countries. Every step Hitler took in the direction was termed 'Acts of
aggression' by the anti-Fascist press. Hitler explained such moves as
'preventive' wars or occupations. He stated that he was primarily concerned
in 'preventing' Stalin establishing his sphere of influence on or about the
40th parallel of latitude in Europe. If he was allowed to, Germany, Britain,
and other northern European countries would be entrapped like flies in a
spider's web.

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