-Caveat Lector-

People Perish for Lack of Knowledge
by April Shenandoah

"Just the facts ma'am, just the facts," as Jack Webb on Dragnet used to say. News 
Flash - People don't know the facts and people can't handle the facts! Most folks are 
busy battling morning rush hour traffic and the cares of the day. They don't have time 
to process information and decipher fact from fiction. Is it any wonder? Our learning 
institutions did not [and still do not] encourage us to pay attention to political 
affairs or to keep government accountable. We were not educated about the privilege 
and responsibility of voting or the consequences of not voting. We watched the evening 
news and thought we were being informed, not realizing that we were being 

We the people have been scammed! But the biggest scam of all is the two party system - 
the Democrats vs. the Republicans. And because of ignorance most of us bought into it, 
choosing sides. I Did! Republicans were the 'good' guys and anyone else was the enemy. 
Democrats hate Republicans with a vengeance [but Alex Baldwin hasn't left the country 
yet.] Bubba's best buddy Barbara is singing the praises of the Clinton years and 
crying the blues over the present day troubles under Bush's watch [Babs, get your head 
out of that Malibu sand.] If these Celebes and the public at large would do their 
homework they would soon learn that there is 'no difference' between the parties. They 
only spew their rhetoric for our benefit, pitting us against each other to keep us 
riled and distracted while they walk all over our 'freedoms.'

Most die-hard 'loyal' Republicans and Democrats stick with the 'party' no matter what. 
California Republicans are sticking by Bill Simon even though he is bought and paid 
for by the insiders. Nothing will change if he gets in office, but so what, he is the 
lesser of the two evils - so they think. Haven't you figured out that the two parties 
choose their puppet and the constituents are not given any other choice? By voting 
along party lines you are voting for 'business as usual.'

Speaking of ignorance, the other night I spoke at a prayer meeting in a private home. 
When I began to tell the ladies about Islam and perverted sex education being taught 
in our public schools, these women sat on the edge of their chairs in disbelief. They 
could not comprehend that these horrendous things were taking place in America, and 
that they did not know about it. Actress Terry Moore was about the only one there that 
had some knowledge of what I was saying. It was baffling because the lady who heads 
the meetings is a beautiful actress and businesswoman, yet so uninformed. Most 
Americans fit the same scenario.

Those that say, 'we can turn things around' I want to know how, show me some evidence. 
The last 15 years I have been studying and researching the heritage of our country and 
the 'changing times we live in' - America as we knew it is gone! All the different 
organizations spouting words of our forefathers and displaying the Constitution has 
not made a difference. The United States of America is perishing, along with its 
people. Those of us that oppose the takeover are not spending every waking hour 
counteracting their measures, however, THEY are eating and sleeping their 'end goal.' 
The ringleader is planning her move back into the White House this very moment. Get 
off the 'party politics' and check some Internet sites for information. Most of all do 
NOT believe what you read in the conglomerate newspapers or the controlled television 

Churches won't inform their congregations of the political suicide that is taking 
place because they do not want to offend people and take the risk of losing them - and 
- they are in fear of the American Civil Liberties Union suing to remove their tax 
exempt status. Hey preacher, God said, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." God 
is looking for one good man/woman to take a stand! Listen up! America is on a 
rollercoaster to Hell, but with God's wisdom and knowledge and prayer, that ride can 
do a U-turn towards Heaven. Join me in prayer everyday at 12 noon - collective prayer 
= power. Let's call this prayer movement HIGH NOON. Prayer is the answer!

April Shenandoah is a long-time writer and activst. Vistit her website at 
http://www.politicsandreligion.tv/ April may be reached for comment at 
-end article-
Hey Bubba.
Yeah, Billy Joe Bob?
The Bibul sez we shud pray fur are gubmint.
Whuts the diffurns b'tween the Demucrats and the Republicuns?
Wal, the Demucrats steal 45 parcent of yor wealth, and the Republicuns steal 35 
parcent of yor wealth.
Gotcha Bubba, so wot yor sayin is that thar both low down lyin stealin' crimnal 
Ya gonna pray fur em, Bubba?
Yep. Gonna pray the scoundrals leave the country or git extree long jal tame.
Amen, Bubba.
Yep. Amen.

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