-Caveat Lector-

The heart is deceitfull above all things-Jeremiah

>All About Evil
>A moral philosopher makes the case that the 20th century
>was even worse than we thought.
>Barbarism was by no means unique
>to the past 100 years, Jonathan
>Glover tells us, but ''it is still right that
>much of 20th-century history has been a
>very unpleasant surprise.'' This was the
>century of Passchendaele, Dresden,
>Nanking, Nagasaki and Rwanda; of the
>Final Solution, the gulag, the Great Leap
>Forward, Year Zero and ethnic cleansing
>-- names that stand for killings in the six
>and seven figures and for suffering
>beyond comprehension. The
>technological progress that inspired the
>optimism of the Victorians turned out
>also to multiply the effects of
>old-fashioned evil and criminal stupidity.
>Glover is a moral philosopher, whose
>stock in trade is the hypothetical moral
>dilemma. (A trolley is hurtling out of control. Five workers down the
>track don't see it and will be killed if it continues. You can throw the
>switch and save them, but it will cause the death of one person standing
>on a spur. What should you do?) In this ''moral history of the 20th
>century,'' Glover deftly analyzes some of its real and terrible moral
>dilemmas. Is the bombing of civilians ever justified if it would shorten
>dreadful war? Should the Allies have accepted Adolf Eichmann's offer to
>trade a million Jews for 10,000 trucks? What kind of risk to self and
>family should a moral person be expected to take in opposing a
>But when it comes to the choices made by Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot,
>Milosevic and their henchmen, moral dilemmas are beside the point.
>Glover wants his profession to help us understand how great evils can
>happen and how they might be prevented. That requires not just
>philosophy but history and psychology.
>Most of ''Humanity'' is history: an account of the major atrocities of
>century. In novelistic detail, Glover describes the wrenching realities
>behind the just wars and the utopian social projects. The descriptions
>heartbreaking, enraging, at times unbearable. No matter how bad you
>thought the century was for human rights, Glover will convince you that
>was even worse. The following vignette, though lacking the death and
>gore of the others, encapsulates for me how the century's political
>movements could obliterate all that we value in life:
>''A French ethnologist captured by the Khmer Rouge . . . befriended a
>girl of about 3 whose father was marched away to probable death. He
>played with her and grew fond of her, but she was forced to attend
>indoctrination classes. Her smiling response to him was replaced by
>sullenness. One evening, looking him in the face, she tried to insert
>finger between his ankle and the rope that bound him. Finding that she
>could, she called the guard to tighten the ropes.''
>Glover's history is not original, of course, but his psychology is,
>dramatically so. The prevailing wisdom among many intellectuals has
>been that evil has nothing to do with human nature and must be
>to political institutions. The anthropologist Ashley Montagu, at a time
>when the ashes of 35 million victims of World War II were still warm (or
>radioactive), urged Unesco to declare that ''biological studies lend
>support to the ethic of universal brotherhood.'' In 1986, Unesco and
>several scholarly societies resolved that ''it is scientifically
>incorrect to say
>that war or any other violent behavior is genetically programmed into
>human nature.'' Scientists who have dissented from this saccharine view
>have been picketed, smeared and likened to Nazis.
>Glover does not let our species off so lightly. He shows that
>patterns of cruelty and callousness pop up repeatedly in history,
>across times, places and political systems. He insists that ''we need to
>look hard and clearly at some monsters inside us,'' not to make us
>pessimists but as ''part of the project of caging and taming them.'' For
>Glover argues that human nature encompasses not just destructive
>impulses but ''moral resources'': humane impulses that sometimes recoil
>from the intentions of the monsters. The course of history, and our
>for the future, are shaped by struggles among these impulses inside
>countless minds.
>The great contribution of ''Humanity'' is a dissection of these motives.
>This is not, as some might fear, an attempt to reduce history to
>psychology. Glover makes it clear that the motives are responses to the
>larger community and manifest themselves in different ways in different
>social and political contexts.
>Here are some of the monsters. Pure, amoral self-interest. Sadism and
>the thrill of the battlefield. Tribalism, which elevates the group above
>individual and turns personal enmity into feuding, war and genocide.
>Ideology, which can convince people that a struggle between groups --
>races for the Nazis, classes for the Marxists -- is inevitable and
>for progress. The ''Hobbesian trap,'' in which a nation is tempted to
>attack a neighbor out of fear that it would otherwise attack first, like
>armed homeowner who surprises an armed burglar, tempting each to
>shoot first to avoid being shot.
>Glover sees two countervailing moral resources. Human responses --
>sympathy, empathy and respect -- occasionally break through in people
>committing vicious acts. Sometimes they are triggered by the intellect.
>British World War II navigator, safely home after a bombing raid, says
>the pilot, ''What about those poor sods under those fires?'' Entrenched
>soldiers say, ''We don't want to kill you, and you don't want to kill
>us, so
>why shoot?'' At other times they are triggered by tangible signs of a
>target's humanity. A soldier sees a fleeing man holding up his trousers.
>The mundane detail turns him from ''fascist'' to ''person,'' and the
>loses the will to fire. An Afrikaner policeman chases a South African
>demonstrator, club in hand. She loses her shoe, and chivalry makes him
>hand it back. Their eyes meet, and he finds it impossible to club her.
>The other resource is moral identity, or self-respect -- the answer to
>question ''Am I the kind of person who could do this?'' People
>sometimes resist the pressure to harm others when it conflicts with how
>they want to see themselves. A moral identity can come from a religion,
>culture, professional mores (like the Hippocratic oath), a cosmopolitan
>humanism or sometimes just an insistent voice inside us.
>In Glover's analysis, the horrors of the century took place when the
>resources were deliberately or accidentally disabled. Again and again he
>finds that atrocities are accompanied by tactics of humiliation and
>dehumanization: pejorative nicknames, degrading conditions, humiliating
>dress. They flip a mental switch and reclassify another individual from
>''person'' to ''nonperson,'' making it as easy to torture or kill him as
>it is
>for us to boil a lobster alive. Some of the most indelible images in
>''Humanity'' are of the ''cold jokes'' that brutes all over the world
>used to strip their victims of dignity and make cruelty come easier.
>who poke fun at ''politically correct'' names for ethnic minorities will
>reminded that they originally had a humane rationale.
>Sympathy can be turned off by physical distance from the victims, as in
>aerial bombardment and remote-control warfare. It can also be
>suppressed by sheer willpower. It is frightening to think that our
>ability to subdue emotional urges through the force of intellect and
>conscience (allowing us to defer gratification and resist temptation)
>allowed Nazi guards to overcome their visceral horror at what they were
>doing and to persevere with distasteful acts that they thought served a
>higher purpose.
>Like sympathy, the moral resource of identity can be insidiously eroded.
>No one is a saint, and most people calibrate their conscience against a
>level of minimum decency expected of people in their peer group or
>culture. When the level drifts downward, people can commit horrible
>crimes with the confidence that comes from knowing that ''everyone does
>it.'' Euphemisms like ''resettlement to work camps,'' phased decisions
>which bombing targets might shift from isolated factories to factories
>neighborhoods to the neighborhoods themselves) and the diffusion of
>responsibility within a bureaucracy can lead conscientious people to
>cause appalling outcomes that no one would ever willingly choose on his
>GLOVER draws hope from the recurring breakthroughs of moral
>resources and from the happy episodes in which they conspired to avert
>disaster. During the Cuban missile crisis, Nikita Khrushchev and John F.
>Kennedy were reminded of the human cost of the nuclear brink they
>were approaching, Khrushchev by memories of two world wars fought
>on his soil, Kennedy by a graphic briefing of the aftermath of an atomic
>bomb. And each understood they were in a Hobbesian trap. Kennedy
>had just read Barbara Tuchman's ''Guns of August'' and saw how the
>leaders of great nations could sleepwalk into a pointless and awful war.
>Khrushchev, thinking like a game theorist, wrote to Kennedy:
>''You and I should not now pull on the ends of the rope in which you
>have tied a knot of war, because the harder you and I pull, the tighter
>knot will become. And a time may come when this knot is tied so tight
>that the person who tied it is no longer capable of untying it, and then
>knot will have to be cut.''
>By identifying the trap, they could set the shared goal of escaping it.
>the teeth of opposition from many of their advisers, both made
>concessions that may have literally saved the world.
>In discussing topics of such gravity many authors would be tempted to
>flaunt a moral superiority, but Glover does not. Though ''Humanity'' is
>passionate book, the voice is measured and elegant, the arguments fair
>and carefully reasoned. There are also moments of dark wit. Glover tells
>how the Bolshevik leaders cultivated a reputation for hardness, down to
>their assumed names: Kamenev (man of stone), Molotov (the hammer),
>Stalin (man of steel). He notes, ''A democratic politician who changed
>name to 'Man of Steel' would, one hopes, have his political career
>finished by the laughter.'' A mordant portrait of the Nazi philosopher
>Martin Heidegger should be required reading for the many academics
>who continue to treat him seriously.
>Glover took on a fearsome subject, and at times it got the better of
>Topics come and go unpredictably; arguments sometimes dribble off
>without resolution. Relevant literatures in moral and political
>and social and evolutionary psychology are barely touched. No matter.
>This is an extraordinary book: brilliant, haunting and uniquely
>Almost 40 years ago a president read a best seller, and the world
>avoided a holocaust. I like to think that some of the leaders and
>of tomorrow will read ''Humanity.''
>Steven Pinker is the Peter de Florez professor of psychology at the
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the author of ''How the
>Mind Works'' and ''Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language.''

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