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[It's startin't'get HEAVEEE, baby!  --MS]

Newspaper reports plan to attack Taiwan Threat of nuclear war,
seizing U.S. assets mentioned

By Antoaneta Bezlova
and Paul Wiseman

An obscure but official Chinese newspaper has described plans to
invade Taiwan with a fleet of 200,000 fishing boats and to
frighten the United States into staying out of the Taiwan Strait
by threatening nuclear war, selling nukes to rogue states and
seizing U.S. assets in China.

The reports, in a weekly called Cape of Good Hope, are in sharp
contrast to China's otherwise restrained response to Taiwan's
presidential election Saturday.

Taiwan's voters elected Chen Shui-bian, a candidate from the
pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). The vote
ended a half-century of rule by the Kuomintang party.

China had warned before the election that a vote for Chen might
mean war. Taiwan and China have been ruled by separate
governments since 1949. China, however, still claims the island
and has threatened to attack if it declares independence.

Since Chen was elected, however, Chinese leaders have toned down
their harsh rhetoric. They said they would take a wait-and-see
attitude toward Taiwan's president-elect and might be willing to
meet with him. Chen has promised not to declare independence
without voter approval.

A bellicose response to Chen's victory appeared on the pages of
Cape of Good Hope, which is published by the Science and
Technology Digest newspaper. Unlike other Chinese newspapers that
ran brief accounts of Chen's victory, the weekly devoted 16 pages
Sunday to the election.

It warned of dire consequences if Chen pursued a pro-independence
agenda and if the United States intervened on Taiwan's behalf.

The newspaper said:

* China might attack Taiwan with an armada of 200,000 fishing
boats, manned by 2 million soldiers and armed with bazookas. The
newspaper noted that a similar ploy worked for the Communists
during the Chinese civil war and calculated that China would lose
only 3,000 fishing boats.

* To prevent the United States from interfering on Taiwan's
behalf, China would conduct civil defense drills to scare the
United States into believing that a nuclear war was coming. If
that failed, China would turn up the heat by abandoning its
''no-first-use'' of nuclear weapons policy and test a nuclear

* In a conflict, China would consider freezing U.S. assets and
businesses in China; dispatch agents in America on ''subversive
activities;'' seek diplomatic support from friendly states such
as Russia; and sell nuclear arms to Iran, Iraq, North Korea and

* China might unilaterally declare a deadline for Taiwan to begin
talks aimed at reunifying with the mainland if the island
continues to ''procrastinate'' on reunification. In an official
position paper issued last month, China warned it might use
military force if Taiwan postponed reunification talks

The Cape of Good Hope conceded that other countries might impose
trade sanctions if China invaded Taiwan and that the sanctions
might hurt the Chinese economy. But the newspaper argued that the
sanctions wouldn't last long.

U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke, in Beijing for two days of talks,
said today that he believed China was holding a cautious attitude
toward Taiwan. ''The wait-and-see attitude we saw in our talks
here was encouraging, and we felt there was a constructive
atmosphere on the question of Taiwan,'' Holbrooke said.

It's hard to say whether the obscure Cape of Good Hope speaks for
anyone influential in the Chinese leadership. A Beijing vendor
said the newspaper was published by the military. Laurence Brahm,
whose Beijing consulting firm Naga tracks the Chinese media and
the doings of the leadership, said he's never heard of it.
Besides, he said, ''No one wants war.''

Ken Allen, a former military attaché to China, said the newspaper
reflects ''some views'' within the government but not a
consensus. ''The scenarios which are described in the article
have been bandied about for many, many years,'' said Allen, a
defense analyst at the Henry L. Stimson Center in Washington,
which researches arms control issues.

Asked about the newspaper report, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth
Bacon replied, ''All I can tell you is that on both sides of the
Taiwan Strait, the militaries seem to be calm and restrained.''

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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