-Caveat Lector-
Forwarded with Compliments of Government of the USA in Exile (GUSAE):  Free Americans Resisting the Fourth Reich on Behalf of All Species.     NOTE:  I want to get this out quickly because there's so little time remaining to build the 11/27 demos in NYC and KC; so apologies for any typos.   --  kl, pp

From: www dot hello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 27, 2004 7:52:17 AM GMT+07:00
Subject: [911TruthAction] Forward: Important Organizing Information from Cheryl Guttman!!!

Nov 26, 2004  1:57 am

Subject:  Important Organizing Information from Cheryl Guttman!!!

     --Please Forward To Those Interested In Having Every Vote Counted--

Happy Thanksgiving! This is really exciting--there are going to be vote fraud
demos all around the country starting this weekend until the 18th (so far) and
there is a call for a National Demo on the 11th (see below). If you don't see
your city on this list you might consider organizing something yourself, you can
use these guidelines

In addition, If anyone is either interested in going to Ohio to volunteer for
the recount if transportation is subsidized or has frequent flyer miles that
they would donate, let me know. And please don't forget to do the latest urgent
Ohio action

Saturday, November 27th, Protest Rally, NYC
Where: NYC: Times Square, south side of island at 44th
between Broadway and 7th Ave.
When: Saturday, November 27 at 1:00 (I'd like
volunteers to start arriving around 12:30 to make sure
we're set up).
Please RSVP and Need volunteers to help design the flyers, make signs, and help
with  PR (There is some possibility she might do this again next week on the 4th.
Let her know if you would be interested in that)
contact :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (646)369-0492

Saturday, November 27th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.
1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.
No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally.

Monday, November 29th, Demonstration, San Francisco, CA.
11:00 a.m. : 900 Front St. KGO TV.
12:00 noon : 1700 Montgomery St. Sen. Boxer's office.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]. Cheryl Lilienstein, Donald Goldmacher,
650-856-0624, 510-527-1761,

Thursday, December 2nd, No Stolen Elections KC Meeting, Kansas City, MO
7:00 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Location to be announced.

Saturday, December 4th, Rally, Columbus,  OH.
1:00 p.m. High & Broad Sts., Ohio Statehouse.
(Contact www.caseohio.org)

Saturday, December 4th, Protest Rally, Kansas City, MO.
1:00 p.m. 47th & Main, Mill Creek Park by Fountain.
No Stolen Elections. Bring signs. Distribute flyers after rally.

December 11, 2004, NATIONAL DEMO CALLED: Washington D.C.
Call (561) - 889 - 2165 or email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to participate with the "March on
Washington D.C." on Dec.11, 2004. This is the day before the
Electoral College votes to decide who will be representing the United
States as either the 43rd or 44th  President of the United States.
Saturday, December 18th Protest, New York, NY.
2:00 p.m. Washington Square Park, Manhattan.

Ray Beckerman

And please don't forget to do urgent actions to facilitate recounts --especially
the latest Ohio action--and investigate fraud on this page, and please check for

updates-- thanks, Cheryl

http://stolenelection2004.com/alerts.html .


From: www dot hello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: November 23, 2004 2:09:32 PM GMT+07:00

Subject: MPEG See&Hear Bush Asked By Reporter if HeKnewAbout 9/11
Beforehand ?

MPEG See&Hear Bush Asked By Reporter if HeKnewAbout 9/11 Beforehand ?

Then from his hesitation and answer, Determine if you think he knew
beforehand or not ? !

A little slow to load
 Pass it on - Especially to News Media




From: No Stolen Elections! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of murgatroyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

Date: December 2, 2004 7:44:54 AM GMT+07:00

Subject: ALERT -
Defend the Recount, Support the Voter Bill of Rights!

Please Read, Act, and Circulate
FROM: No Stolen Elections!  www.Nov3.US

     "We have been following developments very closely
and are deeply disturbed by the extensive and credible
reports of fraud in the election.  We call for a full
review of the conduct of the election and the tallying
of election results . . . . We cannot accept this
result as legitimate because it does not meet
international standards and because there has not been
an investigation of the numerous and credible reports
of fraud and abuse."  U.S. Secretary of State Colin
Powell, 11/23/2004. [re Ukraine]

    Support: OHIO RECOUNT: http://www.VoteCobb.org

Dear Sisters & Brothers,

    Success.  Your efforts spurred fourteen members of
Congress, led by Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, to
request a Goverment Accountability Office (GAO)
investigation of the 2004 presidential election. 
Earlier this week, the GAO announced that it will
investigate "the security and accuracy of voting
technologies, distribution and allocation of voting
machines and counting of provisional ballots."

    More success.  Thanks to the contributions of
thousands of Americans, and the leadership of the
Green and Libertarian presidential nominees, David
Cobb and Michael Badnarik, the pivotal state of Ohio
will begin an election recount in the next several

    We hope these successes are only wetting your
appetite for more democracy.  As tens of thousands
have taken to the streets of the Ukraine, the great
powers of the East and West have intervened to back
their candidates.  Secretary of State Powell has
demanded an investigation of that election.  We know
that it is not lost on any of you that here in the
United States, there are no contesting outside powers,
but only the two internal forces of popular democracy
and the political establishment.  It is up to us.

    As participants in the movement for democracy,
your work continues to be vital.  We urge you to
prepare for the major events of the coming weeks.
Please go to our newly updated website at www.Nov3.US,
note the changes we are making there, and read the
newly released report, "Obstacles to Democracy" at
www.Nov3.US/obstacles.   And please act now to demand
election reform, and to support the Ohio recount:

1. VOTER BILL OF RIGHTS - Please see the new 11-point
"Voter Bill of Rights" at www.Nov3.US/billofrights. 
Initially drafted in the aftermath of the stolen
election of 2000, we have updated and improved the
Voter Bill of Rights in response to the failures of of
the 2004 election.  We ask you to circulate this
important document.  We also encourage you to approach
your members of Congress to ask them to sign on to the
Voter Bill of Rights.  Because Monday, December 13th,
is the day on which the members of the Electoral
College will meet in the capitals of every state, we
suggest that you organize delegations to visit
congressional offices on that day.

2. SUPPORT THE RECOUNT - The Ohio recount is moving
ahead, fueled by volunteer power, money, media
coverage, and determination.  Determination is not in

short supply, and sufficient funds have been raised to
cover the initial costs of the recount, but more
volunteers, money, and above all, media coverage, are
needed.  To contribute time and/or money, please visit

      Media coverage is also key. You may have read
the headlines declaring "Judge denies request for Ohio
recount."  You probably read further, and discovered
that in fact the judge only denied the request for a
timely start to the recount, and that the recount
itself is still scheduled for early next month.  It's
essential that our fellow Americans learn that an Ohio
recount is in the works, and that the presidential
election is far from over.  It's vital that public
attention is focused on Ohio as the recount brings to
light the systemic flaws which disenfranchised
thousands of Ohioans, and potentially millions of

      You can help shine more light on the Ohio
recount by keeping the heat on the media to report it.
 Write more letters to the editor.  Call and email
newspaper, cable, web, radio, and tv outlets.  Tell
them that Ohio, not the Ukraine, is THE story.

3. DEFEND THE OHIO RECOUNT - Bush 2004 Ohio chairman,
and erstwhile Ohio Secretary of State, Kenneth
Blackwell, has already demonstrated some resistance to
conducting a full, timely, and accurate recount of the
Ohio election.  Other Ohio election officials have
denounced the initiation of the recount process as
"insulting" and "frivolous."   Insulting?  As of now,
only they can know.  Frivolous?  With voting rights
and 21 electoral votes in the balance, hardly.

      The current recount timeline looks something
like this:  December 6th is the deadline for Ohio
Secretary of State Blackwell to complete certification
of the Ohio vote.  On the next day, December 7th, the
"winning" ticket must certify its slate of electors.
On December 13th, the members of the Electoral College
will meet in the capitals of every state to cast their
votes.  On January 7th, 2005, Congress must decide
whether to ratify the decision of the Electoral

      Look at those dates, and consider how long a
full recount is likely to take: Five to ten days by
most estimates.  You are right to be concerned.  And
you're not alone.  In the course of the next two weeks
we expect thousands of Ohioans to gather in churches,
campuses, and at their state capitol to rally to the
defense of their recount.  We'll let you know where
and when.  And we may ask you to organize a protest in
your own community.

                   Thank you.


"This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a
physical one, and it may be both moral and physical,
but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing
without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find
out just what any people will quietly submit to and
you have found out the exact measure of injustice and
wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will
continue till they are resisted with either words or
blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are
prescribed by the endurance of those whom they
oppress." ~ Frederick Douglass, 1857

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