
The Conspiracy of Dunces
Diane Alden
July 12, 2000 The second of two parts.

It is difficult to think of Bill Clinton as part of the elite, but he is. Most
people in government, academia, foundations and large corporations are. They
move easily in and out of the agencies and institutions that rule us or shape
policy or opinion. They believe they have the answers to everything. Young Bill
Clinton had a college teacher who is given credit or blame for his view of
history, his mind-set as to the purpose of government, the function of the
citizen and the place of the elite in society. Professor Carroll Quigley was
considered to be a macrohistorian, a historian of the big picture, one who
theorizes how civilizations rise and fall and man's place in that process.
Quigley also seems to be someone conspiracy buffs love, and they offer his
writings as proof that conspiracies exist. Receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard at
age 23, Quigley taught for 28 years at one of the education factories for upper
echelon leaders of the elite, i.e. Georgetown University.

>From 1967 to 1968 Bill Clinton was one of his students. Clinton often quotes
Quigley's remarking that his influence was profound. After reading Quigley's
basic philosophy I can see why Bill Clinton thinks and believes the way he

Just like conspiracy buffs, Quigley and Clinton share the view that history is
decided by a series of interrelated events and decisions made by a particular
"them." This "them" are the elite groups that bend and form history to some

In this worldview there is room for invention and expansion but very little for
variables such as personal responsibility, faith in God, individual excellence,
creativity, imagination or the built-in desire for man to decide his own fate.
The Quigley and Clinton outlook is at its core a statist and an interventionist
belief system. It does allow lots of room for "saving" things for future
generations. This is an important aspect because it seems to propose that the
future has greater worth than any cost to the present and those who live in it.
It makes Clinton and his policies more understandable. It is why
environmentalism is attractive to people who hold this particular worldview. It
is no wonder that its proponents have an obsessive need to interfere at all
levels of society - for they are creating the future.

Of course they would maintain that this is not interference but rather the
desire to "guide" society into whatever agenda they have conjured. This mind-
set is profoundly elitist, statist and collectivist. There is a pervasive
belief that the privileged "them" should spend money and government resources
in "guiding" others. Quigley believed in the state's function as savior of the
great unwashed.

The worldview of the fringe conspiracy types and those who share Clinton's view
have several things in common. The two theories give little credit to
individual decision-making, to responsibility and accountability as well as
adaptability and creativity. Neither group has much respect for the Founding

The dunce factor in both the fringe conspiracists and those who would follow
the mind-set of Bill Clinton is the fact that they demonize and name-call
anyone who does not agree with them. They are both elitist in that they exclude
just about everybody from their particular elite. Everything that happens is
blamed on something outside oneself or one’s groupthink. An individual has
absolutely no control over any of it because everything is being manipulated
and decided by "them." This offers a huge and convenient reason not to do
anything or make needed changes to one’s mind-set or behavior. It also explains
Bill Clinton. Common Ground As standard practice both the far-out fringe
conspiracy buffs and the controlling elite demonize groups or individuals who
do not accept their historical overview. It is a system that would impose
tyranny over others, only they would call it governing. The fringe folks
believe in something called the Illuminati.This Illuminati is a "them," and it
includes just about everyone and everything that doesn't buy into their theory.

Most web sites dedicated to uncovering of the Illuminati conspiracy are firmly
grounded in anti-Semitism and anti-Catholicism. Nearly every known group from
banking to the Boy Scouts is involved in a "plot." With these guys you either
agree with them, or you are the devil and part of the plot, or you are a
"useful idiot." When you don't agree with them the vitriol and name-calling
reaches epic proportions. Ask anyone who has ever challenged their belief
system. It is on its face irrational.

The proofs they offer to justify their beliefs and subsequent demonization of
just about everyone since Adam and Eve are not based on logic but rather on a
hatred and prejudice. They take some historical facts and extrapolate them into
the most mind-boggling lunacy. One well-known conspiracy author's web site was
filled with virulent anti-Semiticism and anti-Catholicism. A proof this "Dr."
offered that Catholics were in league with the controlling Illuminati was the
shape of the papal cross that Pope John Paul II carries. This "expert" on the
Illuminati maintains that Protestant Christians would never accept such a
cross. It is an artsy rendition of the cross on which Christ died. It looks
like two bent tree limbs joined at the top. Silly me - here I thought that was
exactly how Christ was crucified. Nonetheless, the shape of that cross is
offered as a prime example to show that the pope is one of "them." There is no
documentation or opposing opinion, just the "doctor’s" version of what the
cross means.

They back up their claims using the writings of those who would agree with
them. They point to events such as the Great Depression or the World Wars as
part of a plot of international Jewish bankers and Catholics, and even Anglo-
Saxon Protestants come in for a hit. The conspiracy buffs use Quigley's writing
and views on the elite as proof.

(It is most interesting to note that the founder of the Illuminati, Adam
Weishaupt, and the conspiracists have one thing in common - they hate Jesuits.
Weishaupt began his "enlightened" group back in the 1700s to counter the
Jesuits and their influence.)

These are just a few examples of the twisted kind of speculation that plays on
prejudices and hatreds as old as mankind and predictable as Cain and Abel. And
you don't want to know what the fringe conspiracy thinks about modern-day Jews
and the Chase Manhattan Bank.

The Clinton view of the world also blames outside forces for the problem of
resistance to Clintonian programs and historical agenda. It blames “vast right-
wing conspiracies” and outside "enemies" for problems of policy and problems of
personal ethics and morality. Rather than taking responsibility, the Clinton
worldview considers that the elite ARE in control of history. Only it's Bill
Clinton's Baby Boomer 1960s elite that has the chance to shape the future in
their image.

His tendency to rule by executive order, to subvert the Constitution and Bill
of Rights and to demonize his enemies and use government agencies against them
is a profound elitist view. Like Quigley, Bill Clinton believes in a statist
solution to life's problems.

In 1965 historian Arthur Schlessinger described "them" as the "American
Establishment." To be anti-establishment was the hallmark of the ’60s
generation. Since that time the ’60s generation have become the establishment.

The Source

Professor Quigley wrote a 1,348-page tome called “Tragedy and Hope.” In it he
maintained that the left and the Communists and fellow travelers during the
1930s were financed by an international financial coterie. The congressional
investigations in the ’50s traced the relationship and interlocking network of
tax-exempt foundations to the international bankers and Wall Street. With the
1964 election, Quigley maintains, the financial struggle was between old wealth
and the foundations and new wealth rising out of profits of government-
dependent corporations in the Southwest and West, mostly oil and defense.
Quigley was associated with most of the elite. His other book on the Anglo-
American establishment appeared only after his death. It had disappeared for
years, with his publisher claiming it had accidentally destroyed the plates.
The book has its debunkers and its apologists.

Conspiracy buffs look at it as proof of conspiracies. However, the left says
the book was hidden because Quigley was absolutely incensed and disappointed
that the fringe right used it as a weapon. The right says the book was
suppressed because it uncovers conspiracy. Round and round we go and where it
stops is when some semblance of common sense arises out of the morass of
speculation and prejudice and folly.

In regard to modern times, Quigley theorizes that a financial struggle between
old wealth including the foundations and new wealth rising out of profits of
government-dependent corporations in the Southwest and West, mostly oil and
defense, was the split between old money and new money - the Yankee and the
Cowboy. Former Harvard professor and Clinton administration Cabinet member
Robert Reich grabbed onto the Yankee versus Cowboy theory of economics and
political power and dealt with them in his book “The Next American Frontier.”
The notion of "Cowboy" economics versus "Yankee" economics is a war that might
be seen between the Ronald Reagan-wing supply siders and the old elite
Rockefeller wing. According to Quigley it is no longer the old Yankee WASP
elite that run things but various uneasy combinations of the two elites.
However, the left denies it is a part of it even though its policies and
actions have been a controlling factor in elite policy-making for years.
Writer and historian Daniel Brandt says that the counterculture movements of
the 1960s were a reaction against the Yankee and the Cowboy elite. Carl
Oglesby, an intellectual and leader of the New Left, had a pretty good handle
on the war between the elite, says Brandt. Oglesby analysis was an emphasis on
struggles within elite circles and a valuable context for making sense of the
few existing attempts to investigate organized philanthropy, i.e., the

The rise of foundations and think tanks on the right, however, threw a monkey
wrench into the entire cozy worldview and agenda. Today those think tanks rival
the think tanks on the left, but their policy development is not as readily
acceptable to politicians of either party because they involve less government
and more private endeavor.

The Ten-Headed Horned Beast

The foreign policy club for the elite is the dreaded Council on Foreign
Relations. Quigley traced the CFR to the British Royal Institute, which grew
out of the Rhodes Trust. (Cecil Rhodes instituted the Rhodes Scholarships in
the early part of the 20th century.) He says that the CFR originally was a
front for J.P. Morgan and Co. It was a $2.5 million grant in the 1950s that
made the CFR the dominant private agency in foreign relations and policy
development. Which is one reason it attracts those who would be kings or

J.P. Morgan did indeed contribute to such elite bodies, but so did Carnegie and
Rockefeller. Being a philanthropist in those days was part of the American view
that wealth should be returned in some fashion for the improvement of society.
Today's leftist billionaires don't build libraries, hospitals or think tanks.
Rather, like Ted Turner and Bill Gates, they give billions to the United
Nations or AIDS research. In any event, over the years there have been
investigations of the foundations. But most of the investigation had to do with
tax issues rather than foundation interaction, and their tendency to run policy
and have more than reasonable influence on law making and lawmakers.
Tax Reform Act of 1969 curtailed many of the questionable practices by adding
regulations, restrictions, and reporting requirements. The foundations
immediately began organizing in opposition to these new measures. While
Congress did some backtracking with the Revenue Act of 1976 and the Economic
Recovery Act of 1981, most of the 1969 reforms remain in place today.

Congress first investigated foundations such as Carnegie and Rockefeller during
the Walsh Combustion hearings in 1915. Years later Texan Wright Patman never
missed an opportunity to look into the Byzantine world of the movers and the
shakers. Teddy Roosevelt's anti-trust government activism was a great deal in
response to the accumulation of wealth in a few hands and the class warfare
generated because of opposition to what appeared as unfairness. We are still
fighting this war today.

The Soldiers of the Elite

Historian Brandt says, "Easterners had scrambled for cover by backing first
Jimmy Carter and then Bill Clinton - both Easterners in southern costume, who
obediently stacked the White House with Trilateralists and Rhodes scholars."
However, the stacking of government by the elite has gone on since the
founding. The Founders were not a bunch of crazed pitchfork-wielding yahoos.
They were educated men steeped in Enlightenment thinking. Alexander Hamilton
had a most definite view that government should be composed of elite and that
it was a “natural” form of aristocracy.

More often than not, Secretaries of State such as Dean Rusk and Henry Kissinger
and McGeorge Bundy and many other high officials move easily between
foundations, think tanks or government and back again. The foundation and
Secretary of State connection may also be illustrated by the back and forth of
such notables as Edward Stettinius, Henry Stimson, Frank Kellogg and Charles
Evans Hughes.

As part of the elite and a foundation mainstay, McGeorge Bundy oversaw the
early Ford Foundation funding for multiculturalism. Bundy said in a interview
"that everything the foundation did could be regarded as making the world safe
for capitalism … by reducing social tensions … and improve the functioning of

But what has happened is that social tensions got worse as government
interference skewed culture and the course of human events with big spending
programs and inflicting bureaucracy and the foolish policy of social
engineering on the citizenry. The various "wars on poverty" that came out of
the elite policy-making centers ended up creating an even worse cultural and
political phenomenon. The rise of a dependent culture and the trashing of
minority family life may be traced directly to policy coming out of these
organizations and institutions.

Is this really conspiracy, or a bad case of dumb and arrogant human beings
trying to have their way by manipulating policy and attempting to run our

In the same vein, elite interference with American capitalism has meant that it
is institutionally secure but not really free. Over the years the government
and the elite have sought control of business and economics by creating laws
that regulate large and small business alike. Corporations respond by buying
government favor or colluding with government and vice versa.

Meanwhile, the hapless small business attempts to adjust and create its own
markets and growth and more or less has to do it underneath the radar.
Lawmakers pay lip service to the notion of small business, the ranch the farm,
etc., but tax policies make them pay dearly for the privilege of doing

Because large corporations can afford to buy influence they have been given an
edge. Additionally, it is one more reason why the elite moves so easily between
foundations, government, and academia and back again into large corporations.

However, theorists, central planners and clubby good old boys are constantly
creating their own demise by their interference in the market. They cannot
respond fast enough to changes in technology or interaction between people so
there is no way they can maintain control forever. By formulating bad policy
and thrusting it on everyone using academia, the media, and corporate America
as well as government, they force the creators of ideas and wealth to go
outside their control and institutions. Thus, central planning in the form of
social engineering or economic engineering creates its own destruction. The
creative chaos that makes up life is not to be denied. Creativity and
individual brilliance will make their own river channel if they have to.

It is a fact that foundations have a history of funding really bad social
engineering projects. For instance the Ford Foundation has supported women's
and gender studies, spending large sums on the National Organization for Women
and groups like it. A former financial officer of the Ford Foundation reports
that the foundation passed out millions to fund politically correct efforts.
Rockefeller Foundation has done the same, only most of the money they spend
goes into the arts. The big three foundations gave grants to groups working
against the ballot measure that would bar race preferences in California.
Additionally, the Pew Trust and the big three foundations are prime
contributors to environmental measures that promote government ownership of
half the American landmass.

Overcoming the Elite ‘Mafia’

With leftist Democrats and "moderate" Republicans in control of Congress for
decades, it is not surprising that the elite "Mafia" of central planners in the
foundations and other such groups have managed to fend off any oversight. Rep.
Helen Chenoweth-Hage, R-Idaho, tried to open an investigation into the unholy
alliance between foundations and government but found little interest in the
project. Recently, she made a statement regarding the amount of control and
influence these groups have in the establishment of environmental policy and
indeed the general law and policy-making of the United States and Congress.

She maintains that their status influences the growing move by the elite toward
one-size-fits-all globalization and single-world government. But because many
congressman and senators have been on the boards of these foundations and other
elite bodies, or eventually go to work for them, the lawmakers are loathe to
pursue any serious investigation.

Throughout mankind's history the elite eventually destroys itself. That is one
of the main components of Quigley's theory of history. The Industrial
Revolution and the invention of labor-saving machinery and the need for oil and
other natural resources created the new millionaires and funded the American
elite foundations such as the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Vanderbilts and the
Fords. So too the new revolution in technology and information are creating a
new elite. Along those lines the mainstream elite press is undergoing a shift
the size of the New Madrid fault. Between talk radio, the Internet, and upstart
cable operations such as Fox News Channel, the elite media Mafia is no longer
in total control.

Manipulating and spoon-feeding the populace is getting harder all the time.
Even when independent American news operations drop the ball, the news is being
written through information vehicles all over the globe. The truth cannot be
hidden forever. Granted there is a lot of garbage and misinformation on the
Net, but there is also enough information for people to come to their own

Tomorrow the World

Recently, Walter Cronkite came out of the closet and exposed his unabashed bias
for all things statist and collectivist. His elitist worldview of one-world
government and the creation of an international rule of law should not be
surprising. While our own system and rule of law is near chaos, Cronkite
actually believes that the only answer is one-world government. Like all elites
he would deny the fact that the farther away government gets from those it
purports to lead and serve the more it doesn't work.

More importantly, government is ignored by the people when it is far away and
out of touch. The elite might eventually have to round everyone up and put them
in urban rabbit hutches with electronic ankle bracelets or chips under the
skin, but as long as people are not concentrated behind concertina wire they
skip outside governments’ best efforts to control them.

Which proves people may be asleep, but not everyone is a sheep.
The new elite, Bill Gates for instance, will create its own history and
paradigm. In turn as future inventions, creations and discoveries come about
the new elite will be replaced as well. This is history and the way things
happen - not a conspiracy. This is the adaptability of human beings to
prevailing conditions and the historical catalyst that imagination and
creativity spawn.

Freedom and the rise of free markets may be slowed down for a while because of
government control of corporations and the incestuous relationship between
them. But the bastard child they produce will have a short life span. The
bigger it is the less it is able to respond - just like the Russians in
Afghanistan found out and the British during the unpleasantness of 1776. It is
hard for big business to defend itself against the creativity of a Bill Gates,
as IBM found out.

A big anything usually collapses of its own weight. It cannot sustain itself
for too long without destroying its environment, and it cannot move fast enough
to keep up with change.

Groups forming out of think tanks, foundations and gatherings of the elite such
as the CFR and the IMF will also fail. Like all organizations they have a life
span. Not even trees live forever, and neither do elite organizations. Life
changes, and so do institutions. When they manipulate events on the short term
the unintended consequences are much like wage and price controls - a short-
term solution to a long-term problem, but the results are skewed and eventually
the correction takes place. They will continue only as long as people are
willing to pay attention to them and fund them. Policy in this brave new world
will have to be developed in new ways using new people and new concepts.

Historical Variables

One of the remarkable historical variables of the last 40 years was the
appearance of a man like Ronald Reagan. Had he followed the advice of the crew
from the CFR, the statue of Lenin would still be standing in Red Square and the
Berlin Wall would still be in place and the world in Eastern Europe would still
be praying for freedom. His term as president and his ideas were the triumph
over elitism.

History is too full of creative chaos and too many variables to be so easily
manipulated indefinitely. "Them" can’t control everything or everyone forever.
They are not God or the devil. They are not omniscient. They may be dumb, evil
or, even worse, well intentioned - but they are not masters of the universe.
Most importantly, they are not in charge of God-given creativity and

The computer and the Internet may indeed be this generation's gift from God.
How individuals use it may be selfish at times, but it also allows the natural
formation and association of like-minded people all over the world. This places
people out of the control of the elite, and that is one reason they hate the
Internet. They can no longer control information that think tanks, foundations,
media and government have always attempted to control.

It is difficult to see all the ramifications, as the Internet becomes a
worldwide phenomenon. But the interconnected aspects of it will unite people in
a natural rather than a forced way. One expert on computer systems, Bob Lewis,
said recently: "The future is a Markov process ... a random walk. Every step is
random; every step starts where the last one stopped."

Badly conceived attempts by government or the elite to create its own system
will make government less relevant to mankind. It is happening as I write this.
People vote less and are involved less because government means less to them.
It is hardly relevant to their lives. When government becomes too oppressive
they will defeat it by noncompliance, by rebellion or, worse, by working
outside the system. This is one reason the Soviet system failed. Reality, the
creative dynamic, economic and political change was happening outside the
system. The Reagan common-sense approach to the Soviets merely pushed it over
the edge.

Conspiracy of Dunces

Government will always be a necessary evil, but it seldom is the main player in
history. In the end mankind removes the chains, which bind his imagination and
inhibits his freedom. Man is always creating his own reality free from control
by any single elite. Foundations, government or elite central planning will not
survive for long because they deny the basic need for men to be at liberty.
Globalists such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Strobe Talbot and Walter Cronkite
notwithstanding, the forces of creativity and freedom are loose in our day and
age. Genius cannot be put back into the bottle. Imagination and individual's
sense of purpose do not follow a plan. In the end the natural desire for
freedom will over come control by "special" groups and their elitist
prescriptions to heal what ails mankind.

Does this make me unrealistic? Perhaps it does. Of course there is evil in the
world, and there are those who consciously or unconsciously seek to control

But those who profess to believe in thousands of years of conspiracy theories
to explain history have absolutely no faith in God, in themselves, or in the
basic goodness and creativity of others. Billions of people live very well
outside the control of control freaks - they just don't pay attention. When
things get too oppressive they respond and fight back.

In the end the high school theory of history survives. The oddballs and
creative types outside the “in” group accomplish wonderful things and change
the world.

The nerds become Bill Gates or Jonas Salk. The outsiders become Ronald Reagan
and Colin Powell. The shy ones become actors and actresses like Charlton
Heston, Ingrid Bergman, Tom Selleck, or Harrison Ford. The unknown writers,
artists and class clowns become Tom Wolfe, Andrew Wyeth or Rush Limbaugh.
Excellence almost always survives prejudice and lack of support. Excellence
always wins in the end, and nothing the "in" group does can stop it.

High school reunions are where my theory of history is proved out. More often
than not these events show that those who belonged to the in crowd rarely got
beyond the limits of their experience and status in high school. They can't
escape their mind-set or the paralyzing factor of having life come too easily.
They cannot suppress the creativity of others. They may succeed in small ways,
but for the most part members of the in crowd are stuck in place, doing the
same things the same way and wondering why and how they are no longer in

Seldom reaching beyond themselves and their prejudices and self-limitations,
they achieve neither greatness nor goodness. Rather they remain in the
backwaters and dustbin of events convinced they are still very "special."

(Researching and writing about the elite and the theory of conspiracy has been
an eye opener. I have never received so much hate mail. The folks who sent it
did nothing to prove their theories, but they did a lot of name-calling. The
web sites they suggested I go to in order to "learn" the truth and find the
"evidence" of this conspiracy is so hate filled as to boggle the mind. The
theory takes some historical details and morphs them into the most outrageous
lunacy that makes the “X-Files” seem like a historical documentary. Most of
them have some money-making scam going as well, so it’s the same old story -
follow the money. I will bow to them on one issue because I did make a mistake.
Adam Weishaupt the Bavarian invented the Illuminati, not Adam Westhempt, who
might have sat behind me in high school history class. I must have confused
them both with Hitler, who was part of the conspiracy, or was he a variable, I
can't remember. But then I probably made the mistake of thinking the hateful
were people who have a modicum of intelligence or at the very least are capable
making a case without resorting to name-calling. I shall not make that mistake
Diane Alden is a research analyst, writer, historian and political economist.
She writes a column for NewsMax.com, Etherzone, Enterstageright, American
Partisan and many other online publications. She also does occasional radio
commentaries for Georgia Radio Inc. Reach her at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifest, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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