-Caveat Lector-

Power Lust

by  Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.


I would rather eat my keyboard than watch the State of the Union speech,
so consider this article an act of sacrificial public service.

The most irritating thing about the State of the Union is that we are a
captive audience – in every way. This guy taxes us, spends our money on
stuff he likes, sends our kids to war on his decision, lies to us, dares to
believe that his personal will is somehow more important than yours or
mine or anyone else's solely because he managed to eke out a few more
electoral votes than Gore two years ago, and to top it off, expects that
we will watch for more than an hour as he prattles, while his minions
interrupt him only to stand and applaud.

Where to begin to criticize? George Bush is the biggest spender since
Lyndon Johnson, increasing federal spending at a rate twice that of
Clinton, and yet he stands up and demands spending restraint, seeming to
blame everyone but himself.

He talks about freedom and opportunity and then brags about his new
bureaucracies, spending programs, mandates, comprehensive plans,
regulations, and goals concerning all our lives, from how our kids are
educated to the cars we drive to the way we care for those in need.

He claims to care for life, decries partial-birth abortion, but refuses to
rule out the use of nuclear weapons in the war he is plotting. He calls on
America to feed the entire world, liberate all its women, educate all its
children, and cure all its sick, even as ghettos rife with every social
pathology languish miles from the White House.

Hypocrisy? He denounces bureaucrats and praises innovation only to
demand a huge new boondoggle program to put researchers on the dole.
Indeed, the underlying assumption behind the entire speech was that
America’s commitment is identical to his own commitment, which is
reflected in his plans for your money.

Don’t write me to say that he wants to cut taxes, and so we should like
him. Every few minutes, we heard spending numbers: tens and hundreds of
millions, tens and hundreds of billions! It is never too much, and nothing is
outside his purview. Indeed, he calls for the federal government, under his
leadership, to "transform" our "souls." He went further: he says he is
defending the "hopes of all mankind."

His entire foreign policy seems like a massive effort to incite every
terrorist in the world against this country, and otherwise encourage every
small country to arm to the teeth against the US threat. From the
government’s point of view, such would only increase the power of D.C.,
so one has to wonder whether this is the point after all. And not to
nitpick, but how can he at once say that Iraq is despotic for ignoring the
UN even as he brags that he will ignore the UN if he chooses?

"The course of this nation does not depend on the decisions of others… I
will defend the freedom and security of the American people."

Are these not the words of a dictator?

It's too much! There should be a break at the midway point, in which we
could broadcast messages like: You are our servant, not our master!
Everything you do, you do with our money! There are three branches of
government, and you only represent one! The powers not granted to you
are reserved to the states and the people! You are not king of the world!
The founders envisioned frequent impeachments!

Instead, we must sit and sit and watch a despotic display that seems like
an import from the times of Pharaohs and Caesars, or the modern world of
dictators and commissars. What does this one fellow, holed up in the
White House, living off other people's money, surrounded by sycophants
and pollsters, know about the state of the union?

The speech was particularly bad this year because we are dealing with a
man who has clearly lost perspective. He speaks about his desire for peace
even as he ignores the whole world's plea for him not to bomb and kill. He
talks about a war on terror but the words Osama Bin Laden never pass his
lips. He speaks of all the things the government will do to make us
prosperous even as a two-year track record has failed to put a dent in the
worsening recession.

Indeed, his language seems to reflect a very dangerous state of mind. He
habitually speaks about America as identical to the central state, and
seems to regard that state as incarnated in himself – the entire apparatus
of government embodied in his person. His will is the people's will, the
perfect realization of Rousseau's fantasy. But rather than the language of
the French Revolution, he uses the cadences of his evangelical
constituents, invoking God and quoting old-time hymns.

Americans have a hard time recognizing just how fascistically scary all this
is because we are surrounded by it all the time, and we read and watch a
media that rarely draws attention to it. But foreigners see it.

Hardly a day goes by when I don't receive a call from abroad, usually from
some classical liberal scholar or supporter, who asks with astonishment:
what in the world is going on over there? What is it that drives this man?
Why is your president going to war? Who does he think he is? How broadly
is he supported? Are there no mechanisms available within your system of
government to rein him in?

Well, the speech tonight illustrates the problem. Whereas Clinton was
merely a con man who seemed to revel in his ability to dupe people, Bush
is something more alarming: he may actually believe what he is saying.

Sadly, there are no mechanisms to restrain him other than public opinion.
Americans are instinctively suspicious of government, but when it is
headed by someone who seems to be a good and sincere man, they let the
head of state get away with murder, particularly the murder of foreigners.

Just in time, however, it is becoming more obvious than ever that the
economy is not improving.

For 20 months, the business punditry and the government have been
telling us that the economy is not in recession but is rather only stumbling
a bit. Recovery is perpetually underway.

The truth is that we are still in the midst of what even official data
designate as the longest recession in postwar history.

There's nothing like a prolonged recession to end a people's romance with
the head of state, and this seems to be happening. It was due to internal
polling that the speech had an unusual focus on domestic issues, at least
in minutes. But instead of recognizing an obvious truth that there is
nothing the government can do to improve our lot except get out of the
way, Bush has invoked a tired cliché: we must rally to a unified "great
cause" that involves serving the government and serving each other in ways
the government approves of.

This man has no idea what a "great cause" is. In the real world, a great
cause is doing something like meeting a payroll, getting one's kids a good
education, paying for college, doing a good job at work, helping the needy
through our churches, maintaining healthy families and peace at home.
These day-to- day details of bourgeois living constitute the great cause,
and it has nothing to do with the government. Nothing at all!

But in Bush's mind, no cause can be truly great unless it is endorsed and
generally organized by the state. If the great cause that Bush is seeking
won't actually address any real problem that the typical American may be
having, what is the point? It is to "rally the American people," as they say,
which is to say, distract them from the failures of the state in hopes that
they will view the state as the organizing center for all of society. This is
the real point of invoking a great cause.

Everyone says that Bush is a Christian man who has a strong moral sense
and a penchant for prayer. Good. But the Christian religion offers specific
spiritual guidelines for heads of state. St. Augustine writes in the City of
God (Book XIX) of the "Libido Dominandi" – the lust to dominate others. He
was speaking of a general flaw in human nature, to which heads of state
are particularly prone.

Augustine cites this impulse as the worst manifestation of the sin of pride,
since it directly seeks to ape God. It can also be shortened to a more
familiar phrase: Power Lust. By way of contrast, Augustine cites the case
of a family headed by a "just man who lives by faith and is as yet a pilgrim
journeying on to the celestial city." There, "those who rule serve those
whom they seem to command; for they rule not from a love of power, but
from a sense of the duty they owe to others – not because they are proud
of authority, but because they love mercy."

Mercy and peace are causes great enough to consume any head of state.
A just man who heads a government has enough to do to suppress the lust
to dominate, which every "great cause" proclaimed by every despot
threatens to unleash. He got the country’s name wrong, but Bush was
precisely right when he said: "Your enemy is not surrounding your
country. Your enemy is ruling your country."

January 29, 2003

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him  mail] is editor of LewRockwell.com.
Copyright © 2003 LewRockwell.com
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"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it." The Buddha on Belief,
from the Kalama Sut

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