Democratic Presidential Candidate Anne Harder's position on UFOs and ET Life:

 >>UFO's and Extra Terrestrial Life
 "UFO's exist and have always existed. You must only view the Nazca
 Lines in Peru as proof. No amount of Government denial will change my
 beliefs." Dr. Heather Anne Harder

 As the Federal Government continues to deny the existence of other
 worldly life forms, the American people only lose trust in the Federal
 government. The truth is, the knowledge that we are not alone is
 buried deep within our cellular memory. We already know the truth.
 This alone accounts for the deep fascination with all things which
 deal with this topic. I believe we are not alone. The family of God is
 much larger than most of us, including Steven Spielberg, can even
 imagine. Daily hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of contacts are being
 made which prepare us to meet our cosmic neighbors. How many more need
 to occur before we acknowledge them as real? Some of these contacts
 and ET's are friendly and others are not. As in all things,
 discernment is critical. These visitors from space are helping us
 prepare for a new day on Earth. Instead of trying to deny their
 existence. We must begin now to prepare for open and direct contact
 with many extra terrestrial beings. We need to learn how to discern
 which ET's acts unselfishly for greatest good and which only serve
 themselves. Americans can best prepare themselves for this contact by
 learning to respect diversity. If we can't get along with our fellow
 humans because their skin is a different color, they worship
 differently, speak a different language, or believe a different
 ideology, how can we hope to exist in a world filled with beings that
 look like giant praying mantises? Now, more than ever, we must begin
 to look inside a person's heart to determine whether this is a friend
 or foe. We must learn to trust our own findings and not some
 governmental report. According to one poll, more people believed in
 the existence of ET's than believed they would every see a social
 security check. But, be careful what you wish for---most ET's that
 have time for joy rides are not the ones with which you want to play.
 The ET's that work on behalf of this planet are busy trying to save
 humanity from destroying itself. To hasten this open contact with
 these heavenly helpers, learn to stand in your own power and respect
 yourself. They do not want to induce fear, or to be worshipped as
 gods! Meanwhile if you have a close encounter of any kind, stay in
 your power. They are guests on this planet and only you have the true
 power to determine your destiny. If the contact feels unpleasant, send
 them away. Your thoughts can do the job. Demand they leave you alone.
 Moving into fear only gives them power over you. Call on God, Jesus or
 other Divinity to help you, these names have power in all worlds. # #
 # Dr. Heather Anne Harder is seeking the Democratic nomination for
 President of the United States of America in the year 2000. Heather
 Harder can lead and guide this country, not only because she is a
 woman, but also because she has the expertise, dedication and desire
 to get the job done. Her plain talking, down to earth, radical common
 sense sometimes surprises and always impresses. She has proven her
 tenacity and determination, her compassion, and ability to lead. She
 began this massive undertaking in 1990 and first ran for this office
 in 1996. Dr. Harder holds a Ph.D. in education and is a former
 university professor. She is an entrepreneur and businesswoman, author
 and mother of two daughters. To learn more about Dr. Harder or her
 campaign call 219-663-7340,, or e-mail

 Permission is granted to use part or all of this position statement
 for publication and distribution with proper citation. Dr. Heather
 Harder is available nationwide for telephone interviews or by
 arrangement. CONTACT: Lori Lennen for scheduling 219-663-7340

 Her many position statements on the following topics are listed in
 their entirety for your reading pleasure.  The American people deserve
 more than 10 second sound bites!

 Abortion, Not a Federal Issue
 Gay, Lesbian, and Other Sexual Preference
 Alternative Drugs,  Its time to Decriminalize
 Religion, Spirituality, and Politics
 Native Americans
 Health Care
 Why am I running?
 Death Penalty

UFO's and Extra Terrestrial Life
"UFO's exist and have always existed. You must only view the Nazca
Lines in Peru as proof. No amount of Government denial will change my
beliefs." Dr. Heather Anne Harder

As the Federal Government continues to deny the existence of other
worldly life forms, the American people only lose trust in the Federal
government. The truth is, the knowledge that we are not alone is
buried deep within our cellular memory. We already know the truth.
This alone accounts for the deep fascination with all things which
deal with this topic. I believe we are not alone. The family of God is
much larger than most of us, including Steven Spielberg, can even
imagine. Daily hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of contacts are being
made which prepare us to meet our cosmic neighbors. How many more need
to occur before we acknowledge them as real? Some of these contacts
and ET's are friendly and others are not. As in all things,
discernment is critical. These visitors from space are helping us
prepare for a new day on Earth. Instead of trying to deny their
existence. We must begin now to prepare for open and direct contact
with many extra terrestrial beings. We need to learn how to discern
which ET's acts unselfishly for greatest good and which only serve
themselves. Americans can best prepare themselves for this contact by
learning to respect diversity. If we can't get along with our fellow
humans because their skin is a different color, they worship
differently, speak a different language, or believe a different
ideology, how can we hope to exist in a world filled with beings that
look like giant praying mantises? Now, more than ever, we must begin
to look inside a person's heart to determine whether this is a friend
or foe. We must learn to trust our own findings and not some
governmental report. According to one poll, more people believed in
the existence of ET's than believed they would every see a social
security check. But, be careful what you wish for---most ET's that
have time for joy rides are not the ones with which you want to play.
The ET's that work on behalf of this planet are busy trying to save
humanity from destroying itself. To hasten this open contact with
these heavenly helpers, learn to stand in your own power and respect
yourself. They do not want to induce fear, or to be worshipped as
gods! Meanwhile if you have a close encounter of any kind, stay in
your power. They are guests on this planet and only you have the true
power to determine your destiny. If the contact feels unpleasant, send
them away. Your thoughts can do the job. Demand they leave you alone.
Moving into fear only gives them power over you. Call on God, Jesus or
other Divinity to help you, these names have power in all worlds. # #
# Dr. Heather Anne Harder is seeking the Democratic nomination for
President of the United States of America in the year 2000. Heather
Harder can lead and guide this country, not only because she is a
woman, but also because she has the expertise, dedication and desire
to get the job done. Her plain talking, down to earth, radical common
sense sometimes surprises and always impresses. She has proven her
tenacity and determination, her compassion, and ability to lead. She
began this massive undertaking in 1990 and first ran for this office
in 1996. Dr. Harder holds a Ph.D. in education and is a former
university professor. She is an entrepreneur and businesswoman, author
and mother of two daughters. To learn more about Dr. Harder or her
campaign call 219-663-7340,, or e-mail

Permission is granted to use part or all of this position statement
for publication and distribution with proper citation. Dr. Heather
Harder is available nationwide for telephone interviews or by
arrangement. CONTACT: Lori Lennen for scheduling 219-663-7340

Her many position statements on the following topics are listed in
their entirety for your reading pleasure.  The American people deserve
more than 10 second sound bites!

Abortion, Not a Federal Issue
Gay, Lesbian, and Other Sexual Preference
Alternative Drugs,  Its time to Decriminalize
Religion, Spirituality, and Politics
Native Americans
Health Care
Why am I running?
Death Penalty

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