-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

Hi !

Below please find an article I wrote a couple of months ago. It is at :

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Propaganda & Mind Control
Please use caution while reading this article. It may be triggering.

After seeing a variety of articles and letters on and off the web that I
believed either knowingly or unknowingly used propaganda and/or mind control
techniques, I thought it would be a good idea to print an article about this,
so that survivors would be able to recognize these techniques and protect
themselves against them or avoid them.

Please note: I haven't listed all techniques below. Please refer to the
articles listed following the article for additional techniques.

Name Calling
This can include being called negative names (used inappropriately) like
liar, psychotic, paranoid, crazy, communist, etc. The purpose, intentional or
unintentional, of the usage of these names is to discredit the person they
are being used on, without discussing the facts of the debate or topic.
Sometimes names are used to shock the listener, which may put the listener
into a more susceptible mind state and not critically think about the topic
but simply accept the negative name or opinion subliminally.

Glittering Generalities
Democracy, capitalism or other ideas are often discussed in these terms.
These terms may be described positively without a critical analysis of all
sides of the issue.
The important thing is to look at the ideas behind the terms and analyze them
critically.   A group may also only discuss the positives of the
organization,  ignoring any negative criticism about the group. The important
thing is to check out any group or organization as completely as possible
before joining. But I believe it is also important to trust people when they
are safe, so that we can recover by sharing and connecting.

A user of propaganda may use terms like "many," "a lot," "numerous,"  or "a
few" without backing up these numbers or statistics. The usage of these words
may make a person or organization look better or worse without data or
substantial proof.

Emotional Manipulation
Sometimes it is important to look at the argument(s) with as little emotion
as possible, and try to see the facts only.
    From http://carmen.artsci. washington.edu/propaganda/fear.htm, "...there
are four elements to a successful fear appeal: 1) a threat, 2) a specific
recommendation about how the audience should behave, 3) audience perception
that the recommendation will be effective in addressing the threat, and 4)
audience perception that they are capable of performing the recommended
behavior." Groups may also use these techniques on their members.  They may
say, "If you don't do this, then the world will end, we will close our doors,
etc." For members that are very needy or attached to the organization or
person making the statement, this threat may be very difficult to ignore.

In E-mail, this may be caused by the use of numerous brackets in bold or the
use of capital letters.  The writer may say things like,  "apples are always
red," and then, "apples are always blue," to cause confusion in the reader
and make them more susceptible to the ideas in the E-mail. While the mind is
trying to figure out which statement is true, the reader's mind may become
more susceptible to  the suggestion or idea.

Sutphen in his article talks about "Shock and Confusion," how people go into
a meditative state when scared and are more likely to be compliant to the
second suggestion. If people are made to feel guilty that they were given
something, they are more likely to follow the next command, like give money,
For survivors, I think the important thing is to realize when these
techniques are being used on us. To fight the second suggestion and not
follow it blindly. This may entail leaving the area immediately and going to
a safe spot. Online this may mean reading certain E-mails with support people
present. And to avoid those that may use these suggestions on us whenever
possible. Learning how to develop safe support systems and safe resources can
help with this. I believe it is dangerous to believe that we can't be MC'ed.

Guilt may also be used as a technique, especially on survivors.  Making
people feel like they haven't done enough for a particular group or
organization, asking people to do things without considering all sides of the
issue or their own needs.

Neediness can also be used. Survivors may be looking for approval, acceptance
and a place to  discuss their feelings. So they may not be able to critically
decide what support systems may be the safest for them. Groups will first be
very nice or overly nice to them (love bombing), but this will often
disappear later and emotional manipulation and threats or guilt may be used
to try to cause the desired behavior. Abusers will often apologize after
their behavior, but I believe a sincere apology would be to try and change
the behavior.

Subliminal Commands
The techniques used to create subliminal commands can vary. I believe they
usually create a meditative state in the individual. I have heard that TV can
cause these states. "Glassy eyed stares" or "being spaced out" are often used
to describe this state. Shock or fear or other extreme emotional states may
also be used to create meditative states. These commands may help the writer
bypass the reader's conscious mind.

Specific triggers may be used on survivors. These may sound like the ideas of
those that do not believe in the existence of recovered memory or ritual
abuse. These can include calling a person paranoid, psychotic or crazy (see
"name calling") and allude to the fact that a person's paranoia is connected
to a psychotic disorder, which, I believe, usually isn't the case. This can
be used to try and get the survivor to doubt their own reality and the
reality of their memories.

Subliminal triggers may also be used intentionally or unintentionally to
remind a survivor of a specific ritual or past program. Repeated use (or the
one time use) of the terms, "ass_ss_n_tion" or "c_t thr_at" in terms of
describing another's actions may qualify as triggers. The writer may be using
these terms to scare or trigger the reader.

A colleague of mine wrote me and told me that she uses three criterion to
determine online if a person may be a perpetrator of MC.

1) If the person uses guilt.
2) If the person tells them to "f_ off." (Could be considered a technique to
shock the reader.)
3) Using lots of triggers to control their actions.

I think the one thing that all 3 above have in common is they entail some
sort of emotional manipulation and/or trigger.

Changing the Topic
Rather than deal with the specific topic, a group or person may try to change
the topic, or discredit the other side, rather than deal with the criticisms
or arguments in the debate. A variety of propaganda techniques may be used to
try and do this. This technique has  occasionally been used by politicians
and others.

One way of remembering something is to constantly repeat it. This is one way
we learn to remember new words and songs. Rather than debating the points of
the debate, a debater may simply continue calling a person a liar or crazy or
a traitor, etc. (see "name calling") without backing up their statements. How
often is an idea in an argument presented without a source or logical
backing. This is one place in a debate or argument where a debater may show
their "true colors." Are they interested in debating the points of the
argument or are they using propaganda and mind control techniques?

Individuals that are not qualified to discuss the particulars (the specific
facts) of a debate or product may join the debate or ad campaign and make
statements that may have little or no logical backing or factual basis.
Organizations and companies may use a variety of techniques to encourage such

Band Wagon
The user of propaganda may encourage people  to join the cause without asking
them to think about the facts and other side of the argument. This may
include a kind of hero worship, including fancy clothes, high expenditures,
claims of a large following, etc. I think the most important thing is to
follow your instincts and recovery, not someone else. Other people may have
valid and helpful things to say, but I believe our recovery has to be our own.

Logical Fallacies
These will be intentionally used by the user of propaganda to manipulate

Example: John likes apples.
        Hitler liked apples.
        John likes Hitler.

This can be used in politics. Equating communism to fascism because one or
several communist governments may have been fascist is an example of this. A
person may agree with someone on one topic and disagree with the same person
on another topic. The user of propaganda may try to lump the two people or a
group of people together that disagree with them, suggesting a conspiracy,
when it may only be people agreeing on a certain topic.

You might hear that we can't trust anyone if certain people aren't safe. This
is a logical fallacy and isn't true. It may take time for the survivor to
trust again, but I think we need to keep trying to trust safe people, so we
can heal.

Unwarranted Extrapolation
This is another logical fallacy. A person receiving a criticism may claim
that a critique of themselves or their group may cause divisiveness in
society or their movement. ("Love it or leave" is an example of this.) The
repetition of this idea may reinforce the idea in the reader's mind. An
alternative way of looking at this is that the same critique could also make
the movement stronger, by encouraging people to think about their choices and
use caution before making those choices. It may encourage all those in the
movement to become healthier, making the movement even stronger.

In all logical fallacies, and in terms of propaganda in general, try to see
the other possible conclusions of the argument, not simply those presented by
the user  of  propaganda.

How to Avoid Blindly Accepting Propaganda and Being Mind Controlled
(Please note: these are only suggestions. You may want to analyze each of
them to see if they have any value to you and if necessary, add some of your

>From FactNet (about Coercive Persuasion listed under sources):
"The subjects easiest to influence are usually young, trusting, gullible, and
non-critical people from protective backgrounds or people who may be
particularly vulnerable because of some recent unsettled transition (my note:
 survivors may also fit in this category)...the rejects are likely to be
individuals who have easy access to accurate, critical, or counterbalancing
information. Insolent, self-centered, street-wise, highly critical or
recalcitrant individuals are generally culled out..." Though everyone is
susceptible to some degree.

1) Try to find out both sides of the story.

2)Learn about propaganda and mind control techniques and learn how to
recognize them. If necessary, learn to avoid those using these techniques
(this may be online or offline.) The media and advertisements may be a good
place to start either learning about these techniques or avoiding them. At
times, advertisements  don't even discuss the product or its attributes at

3) When in a potential situation where you can be MC'ed or propagandized,
learn how to recognize the feelings of going into a meditative state and
learn some of the techniques for getting out of these states. (Details are at
"Conference trigger management and safety" are available via E-mail at
http://members.aol.com/ smartnews/page5/NBpresentation99.htm) I believe that
avoidance of these situations is usually the best way to keep from being
MC'ed or propagandized.

4) The user of propaganda or mind control techniques may exhibit a "lack of
morals," lying and/or disregarding the rules of the debate, list, group or
society. This is similar to the "us vs them" or may be justified by "the ends
justify the means" arguments organizations may use, see SMART #29 (Cult
Information Article.)

5) Try to use your gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right, step back
or remove yourself from the situation. I believe that a legitimate group or
organization will give an individual the time and room to make their own
choices (see "Emotional Manipulation" above).

I believe the following statement also applies to being MC'ed and/or fooled
by propaganda. From FactNet, "No one "joins a cult." People recruited into
destructive groups think they are doing something else, something beneficial
and worthwhile. Anyone can be recruited given the right sales pitch and the
right conditions in one's life. We are all potential victims." While I
believe it is necessary to learn from our mistakes, I think that feeling too
much guilt doesn't help. It may be necessary to make an amends when safe.
This may be simply by getting healthy and possibly educating others.

As always, please use your own judgement and try to research everything as
fully as possible. Don't accept anything anyone says simply because they say
it or claim to be an expert or whatever. Try to check it out for yourself. I
am not an expert, and I am continually learning new things about myself and
the above topics.

Please note: These sources are listed for educational information only. We
are not necessarily recommending them as resources for survivors.

"The Battle for Your Mind," by Dick Sutphen, "Persuasion and Brainwashing
Techniques Being Used on the Public Today," is at

"Propaganda Techniques," by Aaron Delwiche and linked pages at
http://carmen.artsci. washington.edu/propaganda/contents.htm (pictures may be

"Q & A on mind control," FactNet, Inc., http://www.factnet.org/
rancho2.htm#one (Please note: at http://www.factnet.org/cris_xpt.htm (which
may be triggering) FactNet lists names on their cult experts page, SMART has
heard allegations about a couple of these people and several may not be

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soap-boxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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