Prophecy or Blueprint?
For thousands of years humanity has been fascinated by the study of
"prophecy" or predictions of the future. Politically and in religious
circles, it has always been believed that the one who can divine the future
holds tremendous power, and even the "little people" have desired to know
what the future would hold for them, whether they would be rich or poor, who
they would marry, if they would live long and how they would die.

Ascertaining the future has been a pursuit of millions around the globe, from
extraordinary diviners and seers such as Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce to the
more mundane astrologers who compose general forecasts for the newspapers.
Thus, considering such widespread interest in the future, whenever any
prognostication has been accurate, to whatever degree, mankind is held
spellbound by the diviner or prediction itself.

The Bible
Such has been the case with the so-called Word of God, the Judeo-Christian
bible. Ever since this tome was compiled, people have been attempting to
associate its "predictions" or "prophecies" with events occurring in their
own lifetimes. Particular individuals who are especially powerful and may
find their way into history - such as politicians or noted religious figures
- have often studied the Judeo-Christian bible in order to discern if there
is any allusion to their own existence and deeds. Even those who do not
follow the Western bible are so impressed by its supposed importance and
purportedly accurate prophecy that they too will determine themselves as
characters in the biblical play. As an example of this, Iraqi despot Sadam
Hussein reportedly proudly declared himself to be King Nebuchadnezzar, thus
confirming for biblical enthusiasts that the Persian Gulf affair of 1990
would be at least the preliminary to Armageddon if not the actual endtime
battle itself. Obviously, even though the location was ideal and the
characters involved seemed to be playing out biblical "prophecy," Armageddon
did not occur.

Nevertheless, curious humans continue to pore over the Judeo-Christian bible
in order to ascertain the future, and when something happens that can in some
way be construed to validate "predictions" from the Bible, its adherents
cheer the incident as a great sign of the legitimacy of "God's Word" and the
omniscience of its alleged author. In other words, it is the duty of the
biblical prophecy scholar to take any global occurrence he can and make it
fit as proof of the "fulfillment of prophecy," thus proving to himself and
others that their "religion" and "holy scriptures" are accurate, correct and
infallible. If believers are able to convince themselves that something has
been "predicted" by their "sacred book," they can confirm that they hold the
correct belief system, as opposed to their neighbors, who may not be of the
same faith. Whenever such an event has been interpreted to conform to the
"prophecies" found in so-called sacred scriptures, it proves to the believers
and fanatics that their way is the only right one. Thus, it behooves these
fanatics and proselytizers to interpret the world's affairs to agree with any
perceived prognostication they may be able to find within their chosen book
of faith.

Every culture around the world has prophecies and predictions for the future.
Each generation will take such a prognostication and determine that it has
occurred or will occur within its lifetime. Armageddon and the Second Coming
of Christ have been "just around the corner" in every era since the current
bible has existed. The supposed prophecies in Revelation, for example, have
been constantly referred to and misinterpreted throughout the centuries.
Unbeknownst to the masses, many a ruler has consulted Revelation, as well as
the Book of Daniel, to discover whether he was mentioned in it. These leaders
also wanted to figure out where their reign would go according to "God's
Word." Few powerful potentates in the Western world have been without a
biblical scholar who would check the Book and interpret its findings to apply
to said ruler. It was the duty of just such an expert to find where in the
Bible such a leader was referred to, and this obviously would lead to a great
deal of skewing of the information found in the Bible.

The questions relevant to us today are: Are biblical prophecies, such as the
"Mark of the Beast," coming true today? Have they ever come true? Does this
prove that the Bible is the omniscient "Word of God?" Well, yes and no, with
the accent on "no". That is not to say that such a thing as the so-called
Mark of the Beast is not a reality that is occurring today - the computer
chip is real; however, such an occurrence is NOT a fulfillment of prophecy
that proves to believers or nonbelievers that the Judeo-Christian bible is
the accurate and infallible "Word of God." This NO also does not mean that
certain happenings in the past have not somewhat concurred with statements
found within the pages of the Bible. Most of the pronouncements people point
to in the Bible as "prophecies" have been so obscure and difficult to
understand - because they are frequently not prophecy at all - that they can
be and have been twisted to apply to anything that zealots wish, just so the
proselytizers can prove that their scriptures are the only sacred texts in
the world, the only books actually written by God "Himself."

A Blueprint for Destruction
The reason why incidents that sometimes resemble biblical predictions are
neither fulfillment of prophecy nor proof that the "sacred scriptures" are
the Word of God is because, in the first place, such events have habitually
been misconstrued and fudged to fit the so-called scripture and, in the
second place, the rulers who lived when a particular "prophecy-fulfilling"
instance has happened were avid students of biblical predictions and would
actually cause events to come to pass so that they, the leaders, could be
considered to have been mentioned in the Book. What this means is that those
who have held the power to create on this planet have used the Bible as a
BLUEPRINT that they would cause to pass. By adhering to biblical edict, not
only could these rulers gain entrance into history but they could also then
smugly and self-righteously sit back and pronounce that their religion and
their God were correct. This "validation" of their faith would then give them
leeway to destroy other cultures around the globe in the "Name of God."
According to these fanatics, since certain biblical predictions had come to
pass, this proved their inherent right to rule as upholders of the faith and
gods upon Earth.

Israel - God Gets His Favorite Vacation Spot Back
Modern biblical scholars point to the formation of Israel as a fulfillment of
prophecy that signifies the beginning of the "endtimes" and the Second Coming
of Christ. They claim that the re-establishment of Israel was preordained by
"God's infallible Word." To say that this is a fulfillment of prophecy as
opposed to a contrived following of a blueprint is to presume that those who
contributed to the establishment of the modern Israel had never read the
Bible or heard about its "prophecies." Obviously, considering the import
given this book, which is the world's best-selling tome, it is a preposterous
notion to presume that these powerful world leaders had never heard of the
passages relating to the re-creation of Israel. Those who had a hand in
forming Israel - Hitler and the numerous international industrialists, many
of whom were Bible-reading Jews and Christians - were well aware of the
passages in the Bible regarding Israel. As have the leaders in the past
adhered to the blueprint of the Bible in order to prove its assumed
truthfulness, these modern determiners of destiny deliberately created Israel
for a number of reasons, including to "fulfill prophecy" according to their
chosen scriptures. There was nothing supernatural or divinely ordained about
it. And, by the way, how come there's no mention in the "inerrant word of
God" about HOW Israel would be formed, at the point of Hitler's pitchfork?
Such a monumental oversight for a book that contains everything that ever has
been and ever will be!

Was Chernobyl a Can of Worms?
Likewise, it would be safe to assume that those who named "Chernobyl," which
apparently means "Wormwood" in Russian and which has thus been designated as
fulfillment of the passage in the Bible regarding the disastrous advent of
"Wormwood," were also well aware of this excerpt from Revelation. Since the
ruling parties upon this planet have always heavily practiced the occult,
which includes biblical prophecy, it was most likely with tremendous irony
that they contrived to name a poorly constructed nuclear reactor after
Revelation. However, the wormwood plant purportedly surrounds the Chernobyl
plant, and was supposedly the reason it was so named. This "coincidence"
would actually be rather humorous, except that the event is a toxic
nightmare. So, if it was an act of God - and we may as well blame it on him
as his followers are claiming he ordained it - it would reflect more sadism
than humor.

The Mark of the Beast & 666 - an Evil Conspiracy?
Today we hear a tremendous amount about the "Mark of the Beast" as it is
being applied in computer technology and bar codes that are, according to
"insiders," destined to be placed in or upon the hands or foreheads of every
man, woman and child on the planet. Biblical prophecy nuts claim that the bar
codes have within them the number "666" (a number, by the way, that was held
sacred by Goddess-worshipping cultures before it was demonized by the
patriarchy) and that they are designed to eventually be placed somewhere in
the human body in order to track everyone on the planet and provide a new
monetary system. The fact that this is already being done with animals, who
are being implanted with an electronic chip containing an access number that
can be raised on a computer to reveal the owner's name and address, and is
reportedly being done with criminals, is being raised by prophecy experts to
conclude that their faith and scriptures are not only correct but wondrously
omniscient, proof of their divine origin.

What these "experts" always fail to acknowledge is that the originators of
these various systems and technologies are often also well enough versed in
biblical "prophecy" and are consciously bringing it to fulfillment. It is
quite possible that when this chip technology began to take shape these
designers decided the relevant passages in Revelation were a terrific idea
for its application. This is not a fulfillment of prophecy but the completion
of a BLUEPRINT that has been widely available to all in power for thousands
of years. The keepers of this blueprint - the texts that make up the Bible -
have always been members of secret societies and brotherhoods that make it
their business to follow the Bible and its "predictions." There is nothing
mysterious or mystical about it. And their man-made achievements in bringing
these plans to fruition do not prove the accuracy of the blueprint.

Since When is Building a Building "Fulfillment of Prophecy?"
If a building is constructed according to a blueprint, is it a great
fulfillment of prophecy? No, it is merely a mechanical action taken by those
who have the power to build it. To construct a building according to a
blueprint implies no supernatural or godly intervention at all. It simply
signifies that some person or persons have complied with a blueprint. In the
case of biblical "prophecy," what is the vast temptation for the political
and clerical power-mongers to deceive themselves and others by subsequently
proclaiming their various deliberate constructions a "fulfillment of
prophecy?" They can then claim for themselves a place in history as has been
"predicted" by what is held by millions around the world to be "God's Word"
but which is in reality just another book.

The Bible is not the Word of God, nor is it a marvelous prognosticator that
we should all heed. The Book of Revelation, which is so often pointed to as a
prognostication of the future, is not even a Judeo-Christian text but has its
origins in Egypt, Persia and India, as long as 4,000 years ago. During this
long span its "prophecies" have been perceived to have come true many times
over, even though the book itself was never meant to be a prophecy but is an
astronomical and astrological record.

Peace on Earth Requires Clarity of Perception, Not Belief
It is time for the world to wake up to the manipulations of both the
history-hungry political leaders and the zealous religionists on this planet.
When it comes to politics and religion, the fanatics in either arena will
always interpret incidents in a light favorable to themselves, at the expense
of the defenseless and uneducated. It is easy for a person in hindsight to
construe a world event in a manner to fit his or her belief system, and it is
even easier for politicos, priests or government agencies to create history
in order to suit themselves or prove their chosen faith, creed or party.
Whatever the case, the world suffers for it, because such fabricated and
puffed-up renditions of reality are exploitative and repeatedly lead to
discord and warfare. There can be no peace on Earth if everything is
constantly being viewed through the muddy glasses of belief systems, and
belief systems as they apply to "religion" are no different. It is our
destiny to become more universal in our perspectives and behavior, perceiving
the cosmos as one yet filled with utterly unique and marvelous creatures. And
this prophecy must come true!

© 1998 Acharya S. The Gospel According to Acharya S

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