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"If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell,
behold, thou art there." - PSALMS 139:8

FLORIDA, MIAMI - Underground genetics-breeding facility with several mature
and young girls being held captive by grey aliens. Used to breed a "hybrid"
slave labor race that is intended to infiltrate surface society and do the
bidding of the New World Order, which is to be ultimately controlled by an
alien agenda. source: Mr. X
 FRANCE, PARIS - A young female physician tells of a terrifying experience
of being abducted from the bottom of an elevator shaft and taken into
caverns where she was, along with other human females, raped and tortured by
cannibalistic beast-men. A few months later the beast-men were suddenly
attacked and killed by pale skinned humans who wore grey metallic uniforms.
They spoke French with a strange accent, and took the women survivors to a
"medical vehicle" that was parked in a nearby tunnel. She was later taken
back to Paris, being led up through a maze of tunnels that intersected the
Parisian sewers. She learned that the pale skinned men were connected to a
space alliance which is here to observe the coming war between the surface
armies and the beast-men of the caverns who have acquired ancient
technology, which they use against those on the surface in an effort to
satisfy their twisted passions. source: THIS HOLLOW EARTH, by Warren Smith -
"The Messerschmidt Manuscript"; the Parisian Catacombs
 GEORGIA - Engineer Rex Ball came upon a network of tunnels in Georgia in
1940, which led to an underground installation manned by Oriental-looking
men in coveralls and a few American military officers. When caught in the
tunnels, an officer issued the curt command: "Make him look like a nut!" The
next thing he recalled was waking up in a field uncertain whether the
experience was real or a dream. source: THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES, by John A.
 GEORGIA, ATLANTA - A major underground Bavarian Illuminati facility
constructed in collaboration with a similar base below the Denver
International Airport. Like the D.I.A. facility, the Atlanta facility is
occupied by the cult of the serpent [human & alien collaborators] and is
"intended" to be used jointly with the Denver Airport facility as duel U.S.
headquarters for New World Order regional control, and for continued
"Montauk" or "Phoenix" Project operations. source: Mr. X
 GEORGIA, DOUGLAS - In the 1950's, Earl Meeks was drilling a well on his
property 6 miles from Douglas when he broke through to empty space. The
shaft began to suck in a constant flow of air and sounds resembling "an
underground railway" were so loud that they had to cover the "well" with
planks at night so that they could sleep. A few decades later a subscriber
to THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, "Lucky", visited the Meeks homestead 6 miles
WEST of Douglas, and learned that people from all over the state had come to
investigate the well the entire 2 weeks that it sucked in air, before the
Meeks finally had it capped off. "Lucky" told of his intention to seek
permission from the Meeks to uncap the well. source: FATE Magazine, Jan.
1957; THE HOLLOW EARTH INSIDER, Vol.1, No.4 [Spring, 1993]
 GEORGIA, MARIETTA - A planned underground Pentagon facility below Kennedaw
mountain, a few miles from Dobbins Air Force Base, to be used as a "defense"
installation for the surrounding 13 states region, was reported by Richard
Sauder. source: UNDERGROUND BASES AND TUNNELS, by Richard Sauder
 GEORGIA, THOMASVILLE - Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder
 GERMANY, TRIER - Monks at the Brunia Monastery -- in the Trier region of
ancient Prussia [now Germany] -- founded by Charlemagne's father Pepin the
Short, reportedly captured a dark-skinned dwarf in the basement of the
monastery in A.D. 1138, after they discovered several wine casks that had
been emptied onto the cellar floor. They confined the little man, who
refused to speak or eat, until he escaped back down through the cellar and
into a sloping tunnel that was accessed via a displaced stone. source: THE
UNDERPEOPLE, by Eric Norman; History of Trier, Germany; Full Story
 GUATEMALA, ALTA VERAPAZ - In or near the town of Languin in the
departamento of Alta Verapaz, and 30 miles NE of Coban, a group of young men
walked through a cave/tunnel entrance and 8 days later emerge into a large
cavern illuminated by a volcanic cone far above [possibly SW corner of
Izabal departamento - Sierra De Los Minas range?], where they see a fish
laden subterranean river, beyond which the passage continued NW, some
suspect to the Silpino Cave area near the town of Cayuga!? source: Penny
Harper; Online Guatemala Map
 GUATEMALA, CAYUGA - Cayuga-#1 or Silpini cave is reached by leaving
Guatemala City going NE on Highway CA9 en route to Port Barrios on the
Caribbean coast, passing on the way the town of Morales and continuing to
Cayuga village before the Tenedores turn off is reached. A few yards NE on
highway CA9 from Cayuga village, on the west side of the road, is the
entrance to Silpino Cave, which was discovered by highway construction crews
while carving out a hillside, although locals later built a stone doorway
set with an iron gate which at last word usually remains unlocked. A narrow
passage continues north from the main room which then turns west. One report
stated that a man from nearby Morales followed the passage, which later
widens, SW for 15 days, after which he turned around. After 30 days in the
cave his body was swollen, he was sick and had to stay in a hospital for 2
years! Locals say that the tunnel was excavated by the Mayas [or at least
parts of it extended by the Mayas!?], and that "stone idols" can be seen in
some section. source: Penny Harper; Online Guatemala Map
 GUATEMALA, CAYUGA - Cayuga-#2 cave is located one kilometer NE of Silpino
[Cayuga-#1] cave, and is another cave/tunnel that is entered on a skirt of a
hill far in from the highway, although the valley it is in CAN be seen from
the highway. Several men entered the tunnel and walked for 6 hours. It is
said to be part of the Silpino cave system [NE branch?] and has MANY
branching tunnels, "stone statues of owls", a "river with fish and a light
cold wind [that] blows... there was a place where their watches stopped dead
and all of their flashlights went out... once a "Gringo" went into that
tunnel and never came out again" [at least not out of THAT entrance].
source: Penny Harper; Online Guatemala Map
 GUATEMALA, QUICHE - Near the town of Chajul, in the state or departamento
of Quiche, locals tell of a nearby cave, in the second level of which is a
seemingly bottomless shaft. In the lower room is a huge goblet carved [by
Mayas?] out of solid stone. No comment as to whether the shaft is natural or
artificial was offered. source: Penny Harper; Online Guatemala Map
 IDAHO, BURLEY - Druggist George Haycock claimed that he had explored a
shaft that could be entered via a boulder strewn depression or sink 6 miles
west of Burley, and one mile off the main road [presumably in the opposite
direction from the river?]. Native American legends told of a demonic race
that would emerge from a cave and capture their women and children. Mr.
Haycock reported psychic attacks and impressions of evil activities taking
place underground. The shaft led to a long square-cut yet ancient horizontal
crawlspace tunnel with branch tunnels and a cave-in which he attempted to
dig through, although experiencing unusual "resistance" in doing to. He
later wrote friends that someone was trying to blast the shaft closed with
dynamite and also reported a death threat he had received in the mail
telling him to cease and desist his explorations. Shortly after this, he was
found strangled to death in his home. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, Oct.
1947 & Jan. 1948; Map of west Burley area; a SatView of a much more
'cultivated' Burley suburb -- in relation to the mid 1940's when this report
first appeared.
 ILLINOIS, CHICAGO - Allegations that the Bahai Temple near Chicago -- which
has foundation "pillars" reaching over 200 feet to the bedrock below --
contains an enterance to a deep underground system where slave labor is
allegedly being used to expand underground systems beneath this ediface of
the New World Order's one-world religion movement. source: Kenneth Van Hoof;
Bahai Temple of Chicago
 INDIA, BENARES - Sheshna's well, a stone stairwell leading down to a sealed
"door" engraven with serpents. The site of many 'channeled' Yoga texts and
the traditional portal to Patala akd Snakeworld aka Nagaloka, a 7-leveled
reptilian cavern world with its capital Bhoga-Vita. source: VENOMOUS
REPTILES, by Shirman A. Minton, Jr.
 INDIA, KASMIRA - Traditional entrance to the underworld of Patalas, which
is divided into 7 realms: Rasatala, Mahatala, Alala, Sutala, Vitala,
Talatala, & Patala. Some legends say that it is the abode of reptilian
humanoids, although human "appearing" beings have also traditionally been
encountered within Patalas. King Bhunandana allegedly entered this domain of
"forbidden pleasures" via a portal in the peak of Pradyumna [or Hill of
Sarika]. The underground journey to Patalas took 5 days and nights. Upon
arriving, the king and his knights encountered an underground plain with
trees from which hung human corpses, and also large vats of liquid in which
human flesh and blood was mixed. A "woman" appeared and offered the king a
cup of the "vile" liquid, stating that unless he drank it he would not
prosper. He took the cup and threw its substance in disgust at the feet of
the so-called "goddess", who in anger told him to take his men and leave
that realm, and King Bhunandana obliged. The capital city of Patalas [also
known among Hindus as Nagaloka or Snakeworld] is Bhoga-vita. source:
Adventures of King Bhunandana
 IRELAND, MAYO COUNTY - There is a "feeder" to the Aille river, which
gathers on the foothills of the Partry Mts., being blocked as it reaches the
lower slopes by a transverse outcrop of limestone cliff, beneath which it
burrows for about half a mile before emerging into a large pool which feeds
the main stream, 12 miles east of Westport on the way to Lake Carra. In dry
seasons some have entered the cavern once the sump/maelstrom has
disappeared, and have reportedly seen large buildings with illuminated
windows and other things "too dreadful to describe". source: FOLKLORE - A
QUARTERLY REVIEW, issue #28, pp.92-93; Westport, Ireland; Map of Clew Bay -
Westport, Mayo Co., Ireland
 IRELAND, STATION ISLAND. An old legend tells how the knight Owen visited a
cave on Station island in County Donegal in the year 1153, leading to an
underground plain and a "cloister" where he met monks who warned him of the
temptations ahead. The knight travels to a black, icy realm and also
sulfurous pits of molten metal in which the wicked suffer, finally arriving
at the earthly paradise below the earth. source: FLORES HISTORIARUM, by
Roger Wendover; LEGENDA AUREA; Vincent of Beauvais's SPECULUM HISTORIALE;
SOUTH ENGLISH LEGENDARY; Donegal Co.-Station Isl., Ireland; Saint -
Patricks - Purgatory

Enter The NEXUS

"And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the
earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying,
Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon
the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever." - REVELATION 5:13

KASHMERE-KABAKORAM - An ex-Army Captain, A.C., tells how during WWII he was
shot down near Cheduba island and, once rescued, requested leave at Kashmir.
He and another man left Srinagar and went to Rudok and then through the
Khesa pass to the northern foothills of Kabakorum. They found a cavern that
they were looking for... "My companion and I fought our way out of a cave
with submachine guns. I have two 9" scars on my left arm that came from
wounds given me in the cave when I was 50 feet from a moving object of any
kind and in perfect silence. The muscles were ripped out. How? I don't know.
My friend had a hole the size of a dime in his right bicep. It was seared
inside. How we don't know." source: Letter from A.C. in AMAZING STORIES
magazine, June, 1946; Links Page for Srinagar, Kashmir
 KENTUCKY, PIKEVILLE - Strange disappearances in the Truck Coal Mine 3 miles
east of town. Two boys seen entering the mine disappear even though their
lamp is found abandoned at the entrance. A full scale search of the mine
fails to turn up any evidence of the missing boys. source: FATE magazine,
Nov. 1950; Map of Pikeville, Kentucky
 KENTUCKY, PINEVILLE - On Dec. 26, 1945, a mine explosion in the Belva Mine
trapped several men. When they were rescued some of the men insisted that
they saw a "door" in one of the walls open, and a man dressed as a
"lumberjack" emerge from a well-lighted room. After assuring the men that
they would be rescued, the strange visitor returned to the room and closed
the door. Other similar accounts have been reported during similar mine
disasters, such as the one at a Shipton, Pennsylvania mine, where similar
"lumberjack" or "telephone linemen" type of men have been seen, suggesting
that they exist in another time-dimension, possibly explaining why they
"knew" the outcome of the disasters. In some cases the strange "workmen", as
if taking the role of guardian angels, had offered trapped men unusual
"lighting" to keep them out of the dark, and in other cases as with the
Shipton disaster, "astral visions" accompanied the visits of these fourth
dimensional [?] visitors. source: Pineville Kentucky newspapers, circa Dec.
26, 1981 - Jan. 1982; Map of Pineville, Kentucky
 KENTUCKY, RIVERTON - Patsey Wingate, a victim of UFO encounters, missing
time, MIB limo's, harassment, black helicopters, police-like cars in a
temporal mist, death threats, the works... spoke of a mountain near Riverton
where a certain UFO was seen on numerous occasions. While on the mountain
she would hear humming sounds coming from underground, then at home later
that night she experienced frightening vivid "dreams" of "children
underground on the mountain [who] were begging for help. They were in glass
cages. Some of the children looked human, but some looked like aliens."
source: UFO UNIVERSE, Vol.3, No.2, [Summer 1993]; no "Riverton, Kentucky"
could be found in a MapQuest search
 KENTUCKY, SALEM - SE of Salem is Hodges cave [near Doan Spring? or in that
general area from what I recall], which some believe is the cavern that is
mentioned in John Uri Lloyd's book ETIDORHPA, which was illustrated by a
veteran Mason. Witnesses have stated that they have seen Masons wandering
about the area. One report tells of a nearby stone staircase leading deep
into the gloomy darkness of the earth, which witnesses failed to fully
investigate as they were hit with an overpowering sense of terror. source:
Lloyd; Map of Salem - Doan Spring region, Kentucky
 KENTUCKY, STOVEN'S CAVE [SITE UNSPECIFIED] - Unusual sounds emanating from
the cavern. source: TECH TROGLODYTE [NSS affiliate newsletter for the VPI
Cave Club], Vol.12, No.2
 KENTUCKY, TAZEWELL COUNTY - Higgingbottom #1 or Devil's Slide cave is
avoided by local residents because they are convinced that some loathsome
creature lives at the bottom. source: CAVE LEGENDS OF THE APPALACHIANS,
article by Janice Goad; Tazewell Co., Kentucky
 KENYA, KIRIMUKUYA - The African village of Kirimukuya, according to Brad
Steiger, sat at the base of the so-called "sacred" peak of Mt. Kenya, over
which numerous UFO's have been sighted over the years. Laili Thindu and his
shepherd companions listened for several nights to the pounding of the drums
in the distant village announcing an upcoming wedding, but were startled
when bright beams flashed from the soaring lights that were particularly
evident in the sky that night, and concerned when the drums fell silent. The
next morning Laili learned that "all the dancers, all the children, all the
livestock - the entire population of the village had been seared to death by
terrible streams of light from glowing objects." source: FLYING SAUCERS ARE
HOSTILE, by Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour; Report by Larry E. Arnold
 LOUISIANA, FORT POLK - Reports of over 19,000 war-ready United Nations
Organization troops, French, Pakistani & Russian, along with massive
underground facilities for storage of military and other supplies. source: a
former anonymous serviceman who interacted with the base; Fort Polk,
Louisiana; video footage of Ft. Polk U.N. maneuvers
 MALTA, VALETTA - Tradition holds that before the British govt. sealed up
several tunnels, one could walk from one end of Malta to the other
underground. One of the labyrinths, discovered by excavators, is the
Hypogeum of Sal Saflieni, in which excavators discovered the bones of over
33,000 people who had been sacrificed by an ancient pagan neolithic cult.
National Geographic, Aug. 1940 issue, told of several school children who
had disappeared without a trace in the Hypogeum. British embassy worker Miss
Lois Jessup convinced a guide to allow her to explore a 3-ft. square "burial
chamber" next to the floor of the lowest room in the last [3rd] sub-level of
the catacombs. He reluctantly agreed and she crawled through the passage
until emerging on a cavern ledge overlooking a deep chasm. In total shock
she saw a procession of TALL humanoids with white hair covering their bodies
walking along another ledge about 50 feet down on the opposite wall of the
chasm. Sensing her they collectively lifted their palms in her direction at
which a strong "wind" began to blow through the cavern and something big,
"slippery and wet" moved past her before she left in terror to the lower
room, where the guide gave her a "knowing" look. Later she returned after
the 30 school children and their teacher[s] had disappeared in the same
passage that she had explored, only to find a new guide who denied any
knowledge of the former guides' employment there. She heard reports however
that after the last child had passed through the "burial chamber" and out
onto the ledge, a "cave-in" collapsed the burial chamber and the rope
connecting them to the lower chamber was later found to be "cut clean".
Grieving Mothers of several of the children swore that for a week or more
following the disappearance they could hear their children crying and
screaming "as if from underground". Other sources state that an underground
connection exists or did exist between Malta and reaches hundreds of miles
and intersects the catacombs below the hill Vaticanus in Rome. source: THE
GEOGRAPHIC magazine, Aug. 1940; Hypogeum excavations
 MARYLAND, CROFTON - An ancient network of tunnels and crawlways discovered
beneath a parking lot in Crofton during excavations. The artificial tunnels
were reportedly covered by subsequent construction. source: THE WASHINGTON
STAR NEWS, July 25, 1973 & Aug. 15, 1973; Map of Crofton, Maryland
 MARYLAND, FORT MEADE - "Cavernous subterranean expanses" existing beneath
the National Security Agency's headquarters, filled with over 10 acres of
the most sophisticated supercomputers money can buy, which monitor global
telephone, telegraph, telex, fax, radio, TV, microwave, internet and other
forms of communication. source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder
 MARYLAND, BETWEEN OLNEY & LAYTONSVILLE - Located on Riggs Road, off of Rt.
108, this underground facility is maintained by FEMA [Federal Emergency
Management Agency]. Long lines of cars have been seen heading through the
gate at shift change, in spite of the surface illusion of vacancy and
disrepair, vehicles which pass through an electronic surveillance area and
disappear behind a knoll in the near distance. At least 10 levels deep, and
several electronic surveillance facilities, with possible NSA connections.
source: UFO Magazine, Vol.7, No.6; Richard Sauder; Map of
Olney-Laytonsville, Maryland
 MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON - Ervin M. Scott claimed to have intercepted an
electronically augmented telepathic transmission from a woman, a
cavern-dweller under the Salt Lake flats of Utah, whose people were under
siege by the "evil ones". She urgently warned about a woman who was abducted
into tunnels/caverns beneath an abby in the north section of Boston 3 weeks
earlier [the 1st church of Roxbury is located in the north section of the
city and is by far the oldest "abby" in Boston]. Another "voice" breaks in
on the "transmission" and tells Ervin not to believe the former woman's
voice, stating, "Don't you know this is a lie? a trick?", and then
warningly, "keep quiet about this!". source: SEARCH magazine, July 1964
 MASSACHUSETTS, MAYNARD - Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder
 MEXICO, "INTERIOR" - Frank J. Mezta of Calexico, California tells of his
visit to the "enchanted caves" in Mexico's interior. The first attempt to
enter the cave was halted by his premonition of disaster, the second attempt
succeeded, however they gave up when they labyrinth became too complex to
navigate with the supplies they had. On the way out they found another
tunnel that seemed to appear from nowhere, however after hours of downward
winding travel with no end in sight they gave up and returned to the
surface. Mezta later heard of an American man who had hired about 2 dozen
locals to investigate the cave, 10 or 15 years before. They saw deep inside
the cavern "a man with a bulls head" standing next to a "naked midget".
Several of the men tried to fire their guns but they all jammed, and the
lights went out. Several men were killed or disappeared in the ensuing
confusion and only a few made it back to the surface alive. source: THE
 MEXICO, ACAMBARO - "Prof. Hapgood" discovered a stone staircase leading
into the earth in central Mexico, now filled with hard=packed volcanic
material. He concluded that it is very ancient and must lead somewhere. The
site is located on the "Mizquiz" property. source: I.N.F.O. JOURNAL, Vol. 2,
No.2; Suppressed archaeological finds in Acambaro and elsewhere
 MEXICO, MEXICO CITY - An anonymous writer, claiming the power to induce a
deep trance in most hypnotic subjects, instructed one woman while in a
trance to remote-project from her body and visit a mountain outside of
Mexico City. When asked if there was a cave in the mountain she said: "I'm
inside. Oh! It's walls glow... there's a shaft going down... its walls are
smooth like the inside of a piston shaft of a car... I'm there [at the
bottom of the shaft]. There is evil down here!" When bringing her back into
her body [difficult] she said, "I've been somewhere I shouldn't", shaking
and crying, and she also stated that a battle was taking place in her mind,
which she eventually won. [Others who have reportedly remote-viewed
underground facilities like Dulce, Pine Gap, Cheyenne Mountain and others
state that many of the bases - especially the alien interaction ones -
simultaneously exist in the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions and are equipped
with "magnetic traps" designed to capture "astral spies" who might try to
probe their secrets]. source: AMAZING STORIES magazine, July 1947; Map of
Mexico City
 MEXICO, MITLA - Ancient city SE of Oaxaco, once containing a temple with
three sub-basements, the lowest containing a stone door leading to an
ancient underground concourse, wherein "sacrifices" would be made to the
"gods" of the underworld by sealing the victims behind the stone door. After
some priests entered the cavern centuries ago, they emerged convinced that
it was the gate to Hades, and ordered the natives to fill-in all 3
sub-basements. source: Charles Marcoux; Map of Mitla Ruins; Explanation of
Mitla Ruins; Roman "church" built ON TOP OF Mitla temple ruins
 MEXICO, OJINAGO - A cave in a mountain 5 miles south of Ojinago is believed
to be the abode of devil-men who control the minds of witches in the area,
who make frequent pilgrimages to the site. source: "Pilgrimage to the
Devil", article by Walley George in FATE Magazine, Aug. 1957 issue.
 MEXICO, SONORA - A canyon near the old city allegedly holds a cave that
leads to the ancient underground city of Chihuatlan. source: THE HIDDEN CITY
OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux; Sonora, Mexico
 MICHIGAN, BATTLE CREEK - Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder
 MINNESOTA, REDWOOD FALLS - A WWII trainee claimed to have discovered a
small underground passage near [west of?] Redwood Falls, which led to an
ancient tiled subterranean concourse and to an underground alien realm. He
spoke of the "deros" and "teros" and stated that he emerged 6 months later
with a "tero" woman who became his wife, with no intention of ever
returning, although both lived in fear as if they were constantly being
watched or stalked. source: letter sent to Richard Shaver [circa 1950's];
Map of Redwood Falls, Minnessota
 MISSOURI, CAMERON - Rumors of a "haunted" cave or mine in the area[?].
source: unspecified; Map of Cameron, Missouri
 MISSOURI/KANSAS, KANSAS CITY - Somewhere on the Missouri river near Kansas
city a man exploring a cave or grotto in the side of a steep embankment had
a terrifying encounter somewhere on the rivers edge. He allegedly
encountered a tall creature with cat or lizard like eyes, who had apparently
been living in the cave or possibly had come from the river itself. source:
Charles Marcoux; Map of Kansas City
 NEVADA-ARIZONA - Hoover Dam. Lake Mead's Hoover Dam SE of Las Vegas. Rumors
that the dam construction workers penetrated extensive caverns near the base
of the cliffs, that Lake Mead is a hot spot of alien activity, and that the
floor of one level of the dam contains a "wild tile inlay on the floor, with
signs of the zodiac and all sorts of stuff suggesting an entrance." source:
Letter from Vaughn M. Green in SHAVERTRON newsletter, No. 14
 NEVADA, BOULDER DAME - Reports of underground tunnels and UFO activity
between the base of Boulder Dam and Jumbo Peak. source: Lew Tery
 NEVADA, EUREKA - A mysterious maze of underground tunnels and rooms
discovered beneath the immediate area of Eureka. source: "An Underground
Cathedral", article by Charles Hillinger in THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, Mar. 2,
1975; L.A. Times On-Line Archives
 NEVADA, MERCURY - An electrician at the Mercury base camp on the Nevada
Test Site claimed to have seen "aliens" in "stainless steel caverns" about
3000 feet below the surface of the Mercury Site. The "Mercury Workers"
contracted through Reynolds Electric [a division of E.G.&G.], and several of
them told terrifying stories of harassment and death threats from base
personnel in an effort to keep them from talking. Also Las Vegan Stayce
Borland and her brother were killed by "burglars" during a time when they
were trying to help some of the Mercury Workers who had been apprehended and
were being held captive underground. Many insisted that Borland's murder was
part of a conspiracy, similar to the 5 people killed in a "helicopter crash"
some years ago who, according to former Wackenhut employee Michael
Riconosciuto, were trying to escape with documentation of genetic research
atrocities, alien interaction, and antigravity craft technology in the
underground facilities there. This conspiracy of concealment is reportedly
being run by the aliens themselves to maintain control of those
military-industrial-intelligence agencies which have been infiltrated and
assimilated through advanced mind control technology. source: "The Billy
Goodman Happening" - KVEG Radia 840 AM, Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov. 19, 1989,


"They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee,
saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake
kingdoms; That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities
thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?" - ISAIAH 14:16-17

sea floor breaks through to massive cavities under the ocean bedrock. The
opening grew in size and is now sucking a massive and constant flow of ocean
water into the crust beneath the ocean floor. source: FAR OUT Magazine; Map
of Galapagos Islands April, 1982 issue
 PENNSYLVANIA, ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS - About 50 miles south of Pittsburgh in
the first range of the Allegheny mountains, George A. Lehew reportedly found
a cavern which he penetrated for over a mile, the passages becoming
increasingly wider. He descended at about a 45 degree angle until reaching a
room in which he found a 6-ft.-wide thermol bore, a perfectly circular shaft
with smooth glazed walls that had apparently been melted through the
rock/earth in some ancient time. Old timers in the area alleged that six
"survivors" in 1915 took gear and equipment and spent a month exploring the
cave, going 18 miles from the entrance and down almost 5 miles below sea
level, where they distinctly heard the "rumble of machinery" off in the
distance. source: Letter from George A. Lehew in AMAZING STORIES Magazine,
Dec. 1946
 PENNSYLVANIA, BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT - The location of the so-called
"underground Pentagon" maintained by nearby Ft. Ritchie, and used as a major
electronic nerve center for the U.S. military. A massive installation that
is also known as "Raven Rock" or "Site R" that was blasted out of greenstone
granite 650 feet below. A 260,000 sq. ft. facility sprawling beneath 716
acres composed of five different "buildings" in specially excavated separate
caverns, literally forming an underground "pentagon". Also contains
fluorescent lights, convenience store, barbershop, medical and dining
facilities, an underground reservoir containing millions of gallons of
water, a chapel, 35 miles of telephone lines, and six 1,000-watt generators.
It is a supercomputing and electronic command post linked with several
military communications networks around the globe, and is reportedly
connected via tunnel to Camp David several miles to the north near the town
of Thurmont. source: Richard Sauder; SITE R
 PENNSYLVANIA, DIXONVILLE - Mine inspector Glenn E. Berger reported in 1944
to his superiors that the Dixonville mine disaster which "killed" 15 men was
not the result of a cave-in, but rather an attack by underground creatures
capable of manipulating the earth [partial cave-ins], whose domain the
miners had apparently penetrated. Most of the dead miners were not injured
by falling rocks but showed signs of large claw marks, others were missing,
and one survivor spoke of seeing a vicious humanoid creature that was 'not
of this world' within an ancient passage that the miners had broke into. The
creature somehow created a "cave-in", blocking himself and another inspector
[who closed his eyes when he felt the creatures 'hot breath' on his neck]
from the main passage until another rescue party began to dig through the
collapse, scaring the "creature" away. source: Article by Stoney Brakefield
in NEWS EXTRA, July 14, 1974
 PENNSYLVANIA, NEW KENSINGTON - A creature, about 4 ft. tall, walking on two
feet and "half humanoid - half dinosaur" was seen by grownups and children.
One boy attempted to grab the creature from behind, which let out a
squealing or screeching sound and escaped. Also, children attempted to pour
gasoline on the creature and light it, unsuccessfully, before it escaped
into a "sewer tunnel" nearby. source: "Green Thing Sparks Rumors", article
by Michael Burke, in THE VALLEY NEWS DISPATCH, New Kensington-Terentum &
Vandergraft, PA., March 5, 1981 issue; New Kensington Chamber of Commerce
 PENNSYLVANIA, PITTSBURGH - Two boys enter a cave in a Pittsburgh suburb
that was uncovered by road excavation work, only to find a partially buried
thermol-bore [a perfectly round fused polished shaft apparently melted
through the rock], partially concealed by dirt, and which they uncover and
explore. Their dog runs down the sloping shaft, which is about 4 ft. in
diameter, ahead of them until a deep, vibrating sound is heard, following
which the dog came running back out of the shaft, clawing its way over them
and in total terror, running back home. The cave was then subsequently
covered by further road excavation. Also rumors of old robber gangs in
frontier times who would rob banks and escape to hide away in ancient
caverns underground, via an "automatic door" they had discovered in the
cliffs. source: THE SHAVER MYSTERY Magazine
 PERU, [NOT SPECIFIED] - The Kon-Tiki expedition, while in Peru searching
for bamboo, discovered a cavern in which an ancient cuniform inscription was
found engraved on the wall. The inscription was later translated and told in
poetic form the tragic story of a knight who entered the cave at some
ancient time to rescue his maiden, who was seduced and abducted by a satyrus
like creature, whose tracks the knight followed to the cavern. The knight,
before descending to take revenge on the demonic beings below and in the
event that he did not return, inscribed a warning on the cavern wall to
those who might discover the cave in the future. source: Cossette Willoughby
of Fairacres, New Mexico; The Kon-Tiki Expedition
 PUERTO RICO - Carlos Manuel Mencado tells of being abducted by grey aliens
and flown into a base under the Sierra Benmeja via a hole which "appeared"
in a depression in the side of El Cayul mountain, which followed a long
tunnel emerging into a massive underground cavern. source: ALIEN UPDATE, by
Timothy Good; UFOMIND Website for Puerto Rico
 PUERTO RICO - Near the SW tip of Puerto Rico, under the waters of the Mona
Passage, Mona island, and south of the Cobo Rojo lighthouse in the ocean
pass separating Puerto Rico from the Dominican Republic, there reportedly
exists an active UFO base. U.S. Navy forces, investigating a massive UFO
wave, sent out two F-14 Tomcat fighter jets to circle a massive UFO that had
been sighted in May, 1988. One of the fighters from the BCF "starfighter"
squadron aboard the USS Roosevelt was vaporised by a beam from the UFO, and
photos of the incident were taken by Amaury Rivera. Some months later
missile-laden fighters attempted to intercept a delta shapes UFO but the UFO
vaporised or captured one of the jets in front of thousands of witnesses.
source: INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY Magazine; UFOMIND Website for Puerto Rico
 RUSSIA, OLEKMINSK - The central Siberian uplands north of Olekminsk have
been the source of numerous UFO reports, including a massive "wave" or scare
that erupted in early 1970, involving disappearances of animals and humans,
including one entire village. A Soviet supersonic bomber disappeared without
a trace in the area on April 24, 1970, provoking a 150 plane rescue search
[many of these reported gigantic space craft hovering so high that they were
out of range]. Soviet reconnaissance planes appeared in the skies,
relentlessly photographing every inch of the terrain. Chinese citizens were
terrorized by UFOnauts disguised as Russian cosmonauts and Russian citizens
reported landings of Chinese or Oriental appearing UFO pilots. This
confusion might have led [intentionally on the part of the "aliens"?] to
World War III between China and Russia since the phenomena did result in
some border clashes between the two superpowers. "On April 29th [1970]
inhabitants of these areas were awe struck as a gigantic Soviet aerial
armada consisting if bombers and fighter planes passed overhead en route to
a rendezvous near the desert region. This area was bombarded for hours and
literally blasted from the face of the earth... reliable sources report that
a secret flying saucer base was systematically liquidated... consisting of
hundreds of miles of underground tunnels and dozens of 'pyramid-like
structures' throughout the area." source: photocopy of magazine article,
source not given; Branton's "War In Heaven" File
 RUSSIA, RAMENKI - A huge underground bunker designed for the countries
leaders and their families, 6 miles outside of Moscow and linked to the
Kremlin and other buildings via underground rails. An actual underground
city 500 acres in size built at several levels from 230 to 395 feet down and
capable of holding 120,000 people. source: ALIEN MAGIC, by William F.
Hamilton II; The Moscow Times
 RUSSIA, URAL MOUNTAINS - A mammoth underground military complex within
Yamantau mountain in the Beloretsk area of the southern Urals. Also used for
mining, repository for Russian treasures, food storage area, and a nuclear
bunker for military officials. source: NEW YORK TIMES, April 16, 1996;
Underground Russian Bases
 SCANDINAVIA - "A 13th century historian, Saxo-Gammaticus, wrote down the
folklore and myths of Scandinavia. He recorded the ancient Viking belief in
'Hadding Land', a subterranean world where giants, superhumans, tribes of
black dwarfs, and 'snake people' lived. These strange beings, and even
stranger animals, were said to occasionally surface in the outer world and
create chaos." source: THE UNDERPEOPLE, by Eric Norman; Nordic Mythology
 SOUTH CAROLINA, COLUMBIA - The alleged discovery of an underground tunnel
by a family picknicking in the suburban town of Irmo, 4 miles NW of
Columbia, Irmo having been suspected in the past of harboring U.N.
fugitives. John Don Cooper and his son Wayne Dwayne discovered the opening
while out foraging for branches for their makeshift lean-to. The passage led
to a man-made cave. According to police spokesman Ralph Hightower the tunnel
was located in a wooded area next to the parking lot of the Irmo K-Mart,
which was not heavily visited due to competition from a nearby Wal-Mart and
Sams Club. Cooper immediately called (-1-1 and the Irmo SWAT Team responded
by storming K-Mart and the tunnel. Caught by surprise, the U.N. infiltrators
lost the battle, which lasted about 4 hours, however it was fount that the
tunnel branched out to many different and still unknown locations. The
tunnel at the town limits of Irmo was sealed by the SWAT Team. Hightower
said: "...I don't think they'll be back 'cause we kicked their butts real
good." source: local newspaper article from Columbia, S.C., Nov. 23, 1997
 SOUTH CAROLINA, GAFFNEY - In the mid-1960's, a woman in Gaffney complained
to the local police that someone was digging tunnels under her house, as she
was plagued by eerie hums and strange mechanical sounds emanating from under
her house. source: THE 8TH TOWER, by John A. Keel; Map of Gaffney, South
 TENNESSEE, GALLATIN - On Sept. 23, 1880 at about 3:30 in the afternoon
farmer David Lang dematerialized in front of 5 witnesses while walking
across a field. Mrs. Lang ran and pounded the ground where he had vanished.
Seven months later Lang's children insisted that they had heard their father
crying distantly from UNDERNEATH the field. He seemed desperate and
tortured, and was begging for help, until his voice faded away and was not
heard again. Where he was last seen there was a circle of WITHERED yellow
grass 20 feet in diameter. source: MAJESTIC, by Whitley Streiber
 TEXAS, ALPINE - The 'haunted' Refugio mine in the Chispa Mts. 60 miles SW
of Alpine, which had been abandoned in spite of a large amount of silver ore
still remaining within. As one investigator attempted to enter a 'drift', a
thunderous noise and a rush of air came from the tunnel, throwing him
against the opposite wall, bruised and dazed, as the air subsided "one of
the post piercing and plaintive cries I ever heard" emerged, the terrorized
Henry Boyd said. The phenomena was repeated as he left the mine, and later
attempts to work the mine ended in injury and terror, some of the men who
later attempted to enter the enigmatic tunnel were thrown repeatedly broken
and bruised against the tunnel walls as if by an invisible force. source:
NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 4, 1903; Haunted Places
 TEXAS, ATHENS - Joint alien-military underground facility. source: UFO
Magazine, Vol.7, No.6, 1992; Map of Athens, Texas
 TEXAS, BETWEEN FREDRICKSBURG & MASON - Kiser cave, reportedly pours out a
steady stream of carbon dioxide from its mouth, a phenomena which has not
yet been explained. source: EXPLORING AMERICAN CAVES, by Franklin Folsom;
Map of Mason[red star], Fredericksburgh, & Austin Texas
 TEXAS, DALLAS - The Texas Instruments plant, near the main gate of the
Dallas facility, allegedly conceals an underground entrance leading to large
caverns below. Allegations that certain "Shaver Mystery" experts were asked
to enter the caverns where small green-skinned humanoids were being
contained in cages, in order to offer their opinions as to who or what the
beings were. source: Henry M. Steele; Texas Instruments Website
 TEXAS, DENTON - Underground FEMA facility. source: Richard Sauder
 TEXAS, EL PASO - Tunnel in the Franklin Mts. No further details. source:
THE HIDDEN CITY OF CHIHUATLAN, by Charles A. Marcoux; Franklin Mountains
State Park
 TEXAS, FORT WORTH - On the afternoon of Friday, July 13th, 1984, a 20 foot
long, 2-foot-high bulge stretched the surface of a street in Fort Worth, as
if a giant earthworm was trying to come up from under the road. It seemed
alive, swaying back and forth, said Charlie McCafferty of the fire dept.
"What spooked me was there wasn't even a crack in the road." Jackhammers
were used to break through the asphalt & concrete, where they found silt
layers intact and no evidence of gas buildup. Shortly after the above event
a similar mound was seen on Calvin Lang's homestead at the outskirts of Ft.
Worth, and after prodding it with a rake it disappeared yet it had left some
buildings torn apart, fences torn down, and shrubs and trees uprooted. Later
Jeremy Boiter spotted what appeared to be a giant tentacle erupting from the
ground in a shower of gravel and dirt about 2 miles away. It seized a can
and her kittens, devouring them in seconds as well as two growling dog which
it swallowed in its "slick dripping mouth". His friend Phil Dewar also found
scraps of birds, rabbits and other while animals among the rubble of a
destroyed hut. source: THE WORLD'S MOST INCREDIBLE STORIES, by Adam Sisman;
THE GAZETTE, Schenectady, N.Y., 16 July 1984; NATIONAL EXAMINER, 12 Feb.
1985; Map of Fort Worth Texas area
 TIBET, LAKE MANOSAROWAR - Huge underground facilities under mountains
surrounding the lake, maintained by the Nagas, reptilian humanoids with
little regard for human life and possessing space travel technology. source:
 TIBET, SANPO VALLEY - Theodore Illion, a play-writer, finds an underground
city over 14 levels deep, built around a "bottomless shaft" which leads to a
secret deep below that is protected with deadly force. The city is run like
an ant colony, its inhabitants being little more than emotionless drones who
serve under the absolute dictatorship of the ruler-sorcerer Prince Mani
Rimpotche, and aged white bearded Tibetan who spoke 6 languages including
English. Feigning as benevolent, the malevolent cult is connected to a
secret society with agents throughout the entire world. When Illion
discovers the true nature of the cult, he makes an escape but is subjected
to massive psychic attacks and sorcery on his way out of the valley, from
which he barely escapes alive. source: DARKNESS OVER TIBET, by Theodore
 TURKEY, DERINKUYU - In 1968 archaeologists exploring burial chambers,
tunnels, and catacomb-cities [several of which are linked together at the
lower levels] near Derinkuya Turkey, had reached a depth of about 900 feet
when they were suddenly attacked by a group of 7 ft. tall albino-haired
troglodydes. One team member was killed and another was hospitalized for
several months, and all had serious wounds. source: article by Raymond Bond
in UFO ANNUAL '80 magazine; article by Kurt Braun in BEYOND REALITY
magazine, Dec. 1968; the Derynkuyu Catacombs
 TURKEY, PAMUKKALE - A cavern adjacent to the ruins of the "temple of
Apollo" in Pamukkale [formerly Hierapolis], built when the ancient Grecian
empire held sway in the area. Several strange disappearances have surrounded
the cavern as for back as ancient Grecian times. The Greek philosopher
Strabe [circa 63 BC - 24 AD] recorded that many animals who entered the
cavern never emerged, and also many people who went past the mouth of the
cave never returned. Only sorcerers in ancient times, who had apparently
made an alliance with the "gods of the underworld", would be able to enter
and would emerge glowing with a reddish aura. Sheldon Aaronson, a professor
of Microbiology at Queens College, N.Y., told OMNI magazine that several
Australian students had entered the cavern and disappeared just a few days
before his visit in 1987. Sheldon stated: "the Turkish government put iron
bars over the opening to prevent other people from every going in. As far as
we know, the Australians were never seen again." source: OMNI Magazine, Jan.
1987; More about Pamukkale

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