-Caveat Lector-
ISSUE #15              A LITERARY, POLITICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL ONLINE MAGAZINE                         JUNE 11, 2001
Reviewed: Antony C. Sutton's "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler reviewed by Victor Thorn
Published by: '76 Press - copyright 1976
Have you ever seen news reports on TV that cover remote wars in Afghanistan or Sudan or Bumfuck Egypt, and the scenery is desolate - either sparsely-vegetative mountains or barren deserts? Then you see the residents who live in these areas, and they're gaunt, barely clothed, and look on the brink of starvation because the only thing they have to eat are rats or cactus or dogs or sand. But then the war footage begins, and these people who can barely clothe and feed themselves are sporting bazookas, anti-aircraft missiles, tanks, and hand-grenades. It makes ya wonder - where does the money come from? Sure, some of it is funneled through terrorist groups, but not all of it.
With the above foundation in mind, let's hearken back to Germany in the 1920's. The country had been decimated by World War I, unemployment was rampant, and hyper-inflation virtually made the Deutschmark worthless. Then all of a sudden, an impoverished flophouse artist named Adolf Hitler emerged on the scene and built one of the most imposing war machines in history. By the time he rose to power, the Stock Market had crashed in '29 and the world was in the midst of The Great Depression. So, framed within this context, one has to ask themselves, where did the money come from?
Antony Sutton's "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" answers this question in a startling fashion. On the inside dust jacket, the following overview is provided:
"Professor Antony C. Sutton proves that World War I was not only inevitable, it was extremely profitable - for a select group of financial insiders ... Sutton conclusively establishes his thesis: "The contribution made by American capitalism to German war preparations can only be described as phenomenal. It was certainly crucial to German military capabilities."
It continues, "Not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism whenever possible (and profitable) - with full knowledge that the probable outcome would be war involving Europe and the United States.
Here is the thoroughly documented account of the role played by J. P. Morgan, T. W. Lamont, the Rockefeller interests, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan Banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, and scores of other business elitists in helping to finance the bloodiest, most destructive war in history."
With the above introduction in mind, I'd like to begin this essay by reinforcing the main point of a review that appeared in Babel # 14 (see "Adolf Hitler and Black Magic"). In that piece, Trevor Ravenscroft argued that the core of Naziism was founded on occultism and ritual magic. Well, in Professor Sutton's book, he confirms that the roots of Naziism were indeed based upon "neo-pagan societies, the Bavarian Illuminati, and the Thule Society."
Another point that must be made perfectly clear is one involving the responsibility for the Holocaust, and how blame is often shifted away from American and European interests by passing the buck and claiming ignorance. Such claims are simply not true, as can be seen from item 4 of the "Program of the National Socialist German Workers Party":
# 4 - "None but members of the Nation may be citizens of the state. None but those of German blood, whatever their creed, may be members of the nation. No Jews, therefore, may be a member of the nation."
The above document was published in 1920, more than two decades before the Final Solution began. Also, Mein Kampf is littered with anti-Jewish rhetoric. So, if you research this subject and come across individuals who say that they were unaware of Hitler's anti-semitism, it simply isn't the case. Those in control were well-aware of his leanings, intentions, and inclinations.
With these two points of clarification in mind, I'm going to proceed by breaking this review into six sections:
1) The Financial Octopus
2) The Dawes and Young Plan
3) I. G. Farben
4) American Industrialists
5) Henry Ford
6) Finale
I) The Financial Octopus
The first point that Professor Sutton wants to make clear is that wide-scale wars and "movements" don't just happen. It takes a tremendous amount of preparation, planning, and behind-the-scenes string-pulling to get them underway. In this vein, he'd like his readers to know that the same group of financiers who funneled money to the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and also bankrolled FDR's "New Deal" campaign in the early 1930's were also the same one's to bankroll the Nazi's rise to power. Take a moment and think about the ramifications of this statement. A shadowy cabal of bankers were simultaneously financing a Communist regime; a Fascist dictatorship; and the beginning of American Socialism. I hate to break the news to you folks, but these are the same people who are still running your world today.
At this point, the first question I would be asking is this - what institutions precisely were responsible for financing the Nazi's? Mr. Sutton provides the answer:
1) New York Federal Reserve Bank
2) Bank of England
3) Reichsbank
4) Banque de France
You must remember, when you control the money supply, you're able to control the political machine, and once you control The Machine, you call the shots on which political parties and movements are supported or denied. Thus, these men who ran the above financial centers were the one's pulling the strings on a worldwide basis. But just because they had money didn't allow them to assume total control. No - they needed to pull one more slick maneuver - although they were 'for-profit' bankers, these individuals resorted to donning the uniform of "statesmen" and thus introduced themselves into domestic and foreign policy. As you'll soon see, these people are ingenious in their ability to undermine the System without anyone being the wiser to their shenanigans.
II) The Dawes and Young Plan
After World War I, the Treaty of Versailles was formulated to force Germany into making reparations for their destruction. The Treaty of Versailles was implemented by a host of international bankers for their OWN benefit, and was ultimately approved and sponsored by the United States government. Out of this treaty, J. P. Morgan orchestrated the Dawes Plan, which was a series of loans made from American banks that ultimately resulted in the formation of I. G. Farben. This super-powerful company came about because Germany diverted some of the money that was intended to pay off their loans into the merger of two chemical and steel companies, thus creating the notorious I. G. Farben Company.
After the Dawes Plan failed, the Young Plan (1928) was implemented. But all this program did was create hyperinflation, send unemployment through the roof, and fill the German people with such abject disgust that it paved the way for Hitler's rise to power. Thus, these treaties and plans that were supposed to return peace to the world instead accomplished the exact opposite. The international bankers turned into manipulative statesmen and reaped huge profits through interest payments, while Germany's war machine and I. G. Farben were created in the process.
III) I. G. Farben
As money was diverted from loan payments into Germany's re-armament, I. G. Farben, an immense chemical empire, stood at center stage and acted hand-in-hand with the Nazi's. Created in 1925 (three years before the Young Plan was enacted), I. G. Farben became THE powerhouse industrial force in Germany. Now here's where it gets interesting. A man named Max Warburg was on the Board of Supervisors at I. G. Farben; and his brother Paul, founder of the Federal Reserve, was also a member of Farben's American subsidiary.
So, do you see what's going on? American bankers in the guise of statesmen created treaties and plans to loan money to the Germans, who siphoned off the money and formed I. G. Farben. Then - and here's the kicker - Farben set up a slush fund and funneled money to finance Hitler's rise to power. It's all starting to make sense now, huh?
So, after establishing himself as the Fuhrer, Hitler told I. G. Farben that Germany needed to be self-sufficient in regard to rubber production, gasoline, oils, minerals, and explosives. Within a short time, Farben owned coal mines, electric power plants, iron & steel factories, banks, research units, and chemical refineries.
Farben's monopolistic control of Germany was so vast that Professor Sutton provides these statistics to show their stronghold:
1942 I. G. Farben Production
Synthetic rubber - 100% Plastics - 90% Explosives - 84% Jet Fuel - 46% Oil - 100% Gunpowder - 70% Gasoline - 33% Zyklon B - 95%
Yes, you saw that last item correctly - Zyklon B - the poison used to gas the Jews in the concentration camps! Did you ever wonder where it came from? Now you know. I. G. Farben, the company that extorted reparation money and financed Hitler, were the ones who produced it!!
Since I mentioned the American arm of I. G. Farben, I figure it'll be useful to mention which companies had representatives on their Board of Directors:
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York - Bank of Manhattan - Standard Oil of New Jersey - Ford Motor Company
Now, do you know who owned Standard Oil of New Jersey? The Rockefeller Family! And, would you like to know a little tidbit of information? In 1939, when World War II was kicking in full-bore, Standard Oil of New Jersey sold 20 million dollars worth of aviation gasoline to a German company. Who do you think this company was? I. G. Farben! When news reports chronicled Germany's blitzkrieg across Europe and their fighter pilots were decimating cities, a Rockefeller-owned American company was selling them fuel! It makes ya wonder, huh?
IV) American Industrialists
In this section, I'm going to quickly present a few examples that will show one of Mr. Sutton's main contentions in his book - that a variety of American businesses were well-aware of the nature of Naziism, and that they knew a war would result from their preparations. Knowing all this, they still went ahead and profited from their aid to the Nazi's.
So, I'll simply start reeling off a few points from Professor Sutton's book:
The two largest German tank producers were Opel, which was a subsidiary of General Motors and controlled by J. P. Morgan, and Ford A.G.
A few of the industrialists who helped Germany build its War Machine were:
Dupont - armaments Standard Oil - synthetic fuel products International Harvester - arms manufacturing
The Kepler Circle was a group of German businessmen who supported Hitler's rise to power before the outbreak of World War II. This Inner Core, as it was called, had representatives on its Board from Wall Street, Standard Oil of New Jersey, and I.T.T. from 1933 to as late as 1944!
Finally, there is strong evidence that after the United States government got into World War II and began mass bombings of Germany, every time the Air Force targeted an area, if an I. G. Farben plant was present, they were instructed BY NO MEANS to destroy it! As you remember, I. G. Farben WAS the German war machine.
V) Henry Ford
The strangest and most unsettling information that Professor Sutton presents in his book revolves around Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company. The author states that not only did the Ford family profit from both the Allied and Axis war efforts, but that Henry Ford was actually decorated by the Nazi's for his service to Naziism!
To back his assessment, Sutton begins by saying that Henry Ford once claimed that there were two classes of financiers:
a) those who profit from war and use their influence to bring about war for profit b) "constructive" financiers
Now re-read statement a) and absorb the full impact of these words. There are men who PROFIT from war and use their influence to bring about war for profit. That's some heavy shit! The ramifications of this point are mind-boggling, and point directly to evidence of PURE EVIL existing in this world. Think about it - the atrocities of war created to pad somebody's pocket. How sick!
Sutton then tracked down a 1938 interview with Henry Ford that appeared in The New York Times. Ford is quoted as saying, "Somebody once said that sixty families have directed the destinies of the nation. It might well be said that if somebody would focus the spotlight on twenty-five persons who handle the nation's finances, the world's real war-makers would be brought into bold relief."
Here's a man in the know confirming the existence of a shadowy, conspiratorial, octopus-like group that controls the world from behind the scenes. He continues, "...if these financiers had their way, we'd be in a war now. They want war because they make money out of such conflict - out of the human misery that wars bring."
Now this isn't Joe Schmo drinking beer in some bar and spouting off his mouth. It's fucking Henry Ford, the man who invented the assembly line concept to mass-produce automobiles, and a man who was certainly gifted with inside knowledge of how the System operates.
But Ford was no saint, either, as can be seen from the following details. He was the man who built the Soviet Union's first modern automobile plant in Gorki in late 1930. He also knowingly profited from both sides of the war, for his French and German affiliated plants produced vehicles for the Axis, while his American factories profited from the United States Army. In 1928, Ford merged his German assets with I. G. Farben, while in 1942, Edsel Ford urged his associates at French Ford to arm the German Wehrmacht. In essence, then, Sutton claims that Ford produced vehicles that were used against American soldiers that landed in France in 1944.
If this is all there was to the story, someone could dismiss the above information as being coincidental, or circumstantial. But regrettably, there is more. In The New York Times dated December 20, 1922, a headline read: "BERLIN HEARS FORD IS BACKING HITLER," while the subsequent article states, "A rumor is current here that Henry Ford, the American automobile manufacturer, is financing Adolf Hitler's Nationalist and anti-semitic movement in Munich. Indeed, the Berlin Tageblatt has made an appeal to the American Ambassador in Berlin to investigate and interfere."
As I said earlier, there were many people who were either directly or indirectly associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's who said that they had no idea about their anti-semitic underpinnings. But just remember - this New York Times article ran in 1922, over a decade BEFORE World War II even began!
This same New York Times article continues, "The wall behind his desk in Hitler's private office is decorated with a large picture of Henry Ford. In the antechamber there is a large table covered with books, nearly all of which are a translation of a book written and published by Henry Ford."
The book that this article referred to is Henry Ford's "The International Jew" which was widely circulated by the Nazi's and translated into a dozen different languages. Adolf Hitler even went so far as to quote sections of this book VERBATIM in "Mein Kampf"!
Doesn't this scare the shit out of you?
Sutton also takes a quote from Jonathan Leonard's "The Tragedy of Henry Ford" that was relayed by vice president Auer of the Bavarian Diet at a 1923 trial: "Herr Hitler openly boasts of Mr. Ford's support and praises Mr. Ford as a great individualist and a great anti-semite. A photograph of Mr. Ford hangs in Herr Hitler's quarters ..."
Now, if this were the end of the story, it would be damaging enough. But it doesn't end there. The final damning blow to Henry Ford comes from him not only being the most famous of Hitler's foreign backers, but on August 1, 1938, a disturbing photograph appeared in The New York Times where Henry Ford is receiving the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from Fritz Heiler and Karl Kapp. Now think of the year - 1938. World War was about to begin (Germany had already begun its expansion), and its impact would be felt worldwide. But what is Henry Ford doing? He's receiving the highest Nazi decoration that can be given to a foreigner - the first time it was ever awarded in the United States!
VI) Finale
The implications of Professor Sutton's book are so profound that world events can never be seen in the same light again. Rather than unfolding independently and accidentally, it now becomes clear that wars, business transactions, monetary dealings, and back door deals are the order of the day. Instead of things "just happening," this book makes it evident that strings are certainly being pulled from behind the scenes by a cabal of shadowy figures who are more interested in world power and profits than they are about human lives or our best interests.
What we have in effect, then, is an entrenched group of international bankers who worked in unison with big business to create a series of political upheavals that eventually lead to World War I. After this global catastrophe, these very same figures implemented treaties and plans that padded the banker's pockets with huge loan profits while resulting in German hyper-inflation and unemployment. After the Stock Market Crash in 1929, these hidden Controllers eventually backed two world leaders - Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Adolf Hitler.
And what was the motivation for these manipulative machinations? Quite simply, the Controllers wanted another war in Europe. As sickening and repulsive as this is, it's true. THESE ARE THE TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS WHO RUN THE WORLD! This is the truth once you peek behind the veil of illusion.
The infamous Carroll Quigley, author of "Tragedy and Hope" and a professor of International Relations at Georgetown University, summarized the situation very succinctly when saying, "...the powers of financial capitalism had enough far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
So, what is the end result of this fiasco? Essentially, the Federal Reserve Bank now has a virtual monopoly over the American economy, while groups like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission determine our foreign policy. The international bankers, controlling all of the above groups, then set the tone by acquiring markets and establishing an economic market base that is run by a tight-knit cadre of individuals who continue to increase taxation, perpetuate wars, manipulate our money, and keep us under their thumbs.
But remember, all of this stuff "just happens," and there's nobody behind the scenes calling the shots.
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