---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 13:44:31 -0600
From: Christopher Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Please pass this on to your "urgent alert" friends and family as
though our sacred freedoms depend on it.  It may...if enough good
people don't rally in righteous indignation and turn the tables
on the wolves in sheep's clothing among us. --CR

"If a Nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of
civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.... If
we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the
responsibility of every American to be informed." --Thomas

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires ("Ruby Fire") in
people's minds." --Samuel Adams, leading outspoken "firebrand"
for the Revolution


"We are in a cultural war, and at the center of it is a major
offensive against Christianity. Anyone who does not believe this
is in denial. It is in-your-face obvious to those who read the
paper, listen to the radio, watch television, or go to the movies
-- and think about what messages are being delivered. The
Constitution no longer protects us. It has become, in the hands
of unaccountable, power-corrupted judges, an instrument of our
oppression." --Linda Bowles


Here you have the cause and core issues linking international
crime syndicates and drug cartels to the power elite corporate
heads of America in the top IT (Information Technology)
industries.  Finally we see how the Clintonistas are just minor
spokesperson minions of these Power Elite and their power trips
to control the world economies through control of information.
The murderous malintent of these mind-control manipulators behind
the mass media can be seen here for what it is... the end of
relative freedom as we know it today if enough good people don't
do enough FAST, to expose this nefarious treachery with Ruby
Rayguns targeting key players.

      The controlled media including PBS (Propaganda Broadcast
Service) is in a full-tilt blitz to implicate guns, demonize
guns, register guns and take the guns BEFORE the Clintonistas
make their draconian move via the creation and management of
terror, population reduction and control into their NEW WORLD

      Numerous insider leaks indicate their plan and intent for a
"controlled collapse" of the economy with insider-traders
stripping the wealth of the upper middle class who have vested
their savings, faith and "worth-ship" in the "golden-calf" stock
market.  Their "crisis management dialectic" is to force our use
of "ELECTRONIC currency (E-money) via smartcards that are
implantable via "superchips". (see details below)

      Their intent is to do this by late summer/early fall BEFORE
the elections so that Clinton can justify a third term under
National Emergency prerogatives as did Roosevelt going into World
War II.  Many of Clinton' unprecedented Executive Orders have set
the stage for this suspension of the Constitution with Janet Reno
now in charge of FEMA/military round up or "the resistance"


      It's a simple matter to these power elite control-freaks
that they are losing control due to Internet FREEDOM and
OPPORTUNITY that is the judgment on power elite tyranny over the
mind and hearts of mankind.  Such tyranny begets terrorism when
push comes to shove... which begets more tyranny... compelling
the sheeple to give up a little more freedom for a little more
security until we have neither freedom nor security.

      Mature Sons & Daughters of God KNOW that the only security
is in purity of fearless faith in the name and flame/spirit of
GOD-LOVE that is the JUDGMENT on all the fear, death and hell
unreality that is only made real by those whose fear is greater
than their faith.

      Many have leave off this critical psy-ops work (between
their ears)  by failing to pray fervently for the fearlessness
flame of Almighty God and by default letting their worst fears
come upon them.

      It is the lack of Christic discernment within that begets
the spirit of anti-Christ in the world.  The "shadow" of
mankind's inhumanity to man (as Jung calls it) is this void,
absence and denial of Christic commeasurement with GOD-LOVE in
spirit and matter.  And that void is inadvertently filled by the
antiChrist "dark force" that will do anything for
self-preservation of itself via inversion, subversion and
perversion of the Christic Light/Consciousness that TAKES COMMAND
in the "foot-stool kingdom" (on earth as in heaven).

      So for all on this list who are CONSCIOUS of the "battle
lines" being drawn in the spiritual, mental and emotional realms
BEFORE IT GOES PHYSICAL... take command of this entire situation
with your fiery invocations of the name and flame of Almighty
God.  BLAZE the love of God that directs the Ruby Fire of
GOD-LOVE into the cause and core insanity of evil calling itself
"good" at the highest levels of national and global government.

      The blueprint for the divine destiny of "AMERICA" (I AM
RACE)  worldwide has been presented to this list.  The Golden
Rule/Law and Language for a Golden Age of Light (Christic
Consciousness) and LOVE (G-O-D/Geometry Of Divinity) has been
presented for your higher mental (Christic) commeasurement.

      You of all people have been given the greatest gift of
FREEDOM (to know better) and OPPORTUNITY (to do better).  God in
you can truly make a difference if not THE difference.  Give it
your best RUBY RAY shot with the fervor and passion of your
Christhood aborning.  It's your world, your life; TAKE COMMAND

      Always Victory in the White Fire Intent of GOD-LOVE on
Earth as in Heaven,


Christic coordinates of LOVE for the Victory of the Law &
Language of GOD-in-man that transforms man unto the living spirit
of GOD-LOVE;  www.TLCalliance.com/lovemax

Quotable re: original sin of laziness:

"The idea that God is actively nurturing us so that we may grow
up to be like Him brings us face to face with our laziness.
Laziness is love's opposite.  So original sin does exist; it is
our laziness.  Each of us represents the whole human race; within
each of us is the instinct for godhood and the hope of mankind,
and within each of us is the original sin of laziness."  -Dr.

----------------------- post follows:




      "We reported earlier of a secret base on the Island of
Dominica, that is a NON USA GOVERNMENT facility. Some of the
people who are aware of this base are the leaders of the octopus
companies such as: Dr Armstrong the present CEO of AT&T, Louis
Gerstner, the CEO of IBM, John Akers, a Partner in Lehmann
Brothers. All three are members of the CFR and two are members of
the Trilateral Commission. This base is a NWO secret information
center (their Project Echelon)

     "In New York City, the Head of the Octopus, that Danny
Casolero discovered was Douglas Dillon, past Secretary of the US
Treasury and past Ambassador to France ....he was intimately
related to the CFR, IMF, World Bank, knew the Warburg's quite
well, and has a very long association with the Rockefeller
Family, etc. Mr. Dillon was the tie between the USA "Power Elite"
and the European "Power Elite". He knew about Project Echelon and
the multinational relations between the respective countries. He
was the major "financial architect" for bringing this project
"private." The late Senator Church, head of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, warned the Congress about the potential
of Echelon going private, and the effect on the National Security
of the USA, namely the loss of constitutional rights.

      "The plan is to control the information flow, introduce a
global smart card for all, and control all the global finances
via the privatization of Project Echelon by its builders, these
multinational high technology corporations headed by the "Power

      "Consider the following facts:

  LMT is the largest federal contractor.  GM is the fourth
largest federal contractor.

  ATT is the 20 th largest contractor. IBM is 44th largest

      "However for Information Technology for US Government
contracts their rankings are LMT (1); GM..(3); ATT...(4);

      "Collectively these four companies control information
technology for the US government. This means the CIA, NSA, FBI,
DOJ, etc are at their mercy and they are at present.

      "Loral is a company incorporated in Bermuda with
questionable ties and holds sensitive electronic communication
technology relating NSA etc. THE INSLAW CASE-- Danny Casolaro
tied these six companies to organized crime either the Gambino or
Genevese crime family where their monies and God know who elses
monies, probably drug money was funneled into these companies;
the yukuza had ties with Lockheed well documented, and the IBM
company has been in Japan for nearly 50 years, also checks out.
Each of these companies has had their stocks have swings over
100% in the last three years; the ONLY WAY THESE STOCKS can
double and triple in sales is-- if they control the INFORMATION

     "In the NWO (or whatever you want to call this cabal), the
Power Elite... the plan is the control of information. They
realize if this could be accomplished they can rule the world and
they really believe they know what's best for all of us. Since
part of the plan are private control centers like in
Dominica...which exits today, ...and men like Douglas Dillon who
is passing on his powers to men like Louis Gerstner (IBM), Mike
Armstrong (ATT), and John Akers (LEH) who are all members of the
CFR. The latter three have their professional growth from IBM.

     "The main plan calls for E-money, smart cards, bigger and
faster supercomputers for the control and monitoring the "global"
information flow and superchips... (continued below)
      "Finally the concerns of the late Senator Church is real.
Who are watching the contractors of Project Echelon? Remember
Casolero and Standorf tried to alert the Congress and it ended in
their death via murder."

--------------------- explosive expose' follows:

"The Octopus"

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sat, 13 May 2000 18:39:42 EDT

ON a very serious side ...please read....below....regards vince

    I have walked the Casolaro walk, not by choice but because of
my sister's murder.

    Here is what I found. There are no copyrights about this
story; it is very sad, and at the age of 59 with a phd in
physics. I give these notes to the readers of RMN and all.

    Now I know why Danny Casolaro, who was a journalist, and at
the end didn't care about his book, etc etc... Please read

    The Story of the Secret base on Dominica and the murders that
followed: http://www.wine-storage.com/dominica.html ....copied
for ken

-------------------- story follows:

In the Caribbean, is the tiny Island of Dominica, not the
Dominican Republic. This small island nation was once a territory
of England, and only recently was granted soverignity.

The Question is: "Why a secret "private non USA" base in this

This tiny nature island has a small native population. It is
located near the equator and between the two continents and is
ideally and geographically positioned for satellite
communications. Since it has its own sovereignty, it is very
difficult for any law enforcement agencies to monitor and/or

But the most important reason for this base is: There is the
tremendous amount of geothermal energy. It has the only Boiling
Lake in the world. To run a secret "non USA" Project Echelon base
(see an earlier post: Sunday Nov 14,1999 on Project Echelon), it
takes allot of energy...and this is an independent renewable
energy resource that would attract minimal attention while in
continual operation.This type of energy source has been built
near an Indian Reservation for a cost of only $25,000,000...and
not used for farming, commercial, industrial or public use.

Last year this has been confirmed by a reliable source from
within Dominica the geothermal power plant exists. Also Danny
Casolaro, when alive, through a Mr. Nichols in California was
made aware of this source. He reported this observation in his
notes. Casolaro was going to expose the connections between some
unauthorized black projects involving Hughes, (an Octopus
company), and the power Elite. He was given this information by a
government employee and had hard evidence of who was the head of
the Octopus Group..(see Bill Hamilton's post under the quoted
above reported post) and shortly after his investigation he was

Dominica has off shore gambling, and off shore banking. You can
become a citizen there for a fee of $50,000.00 and enjoy a tax
haven. It is a very quite island inhabited mainly by native
Indians. In the CIA factbook it is listed as a place for farming,
relatively quite, but used on the drug routes between the
Americas. There is no mention of this geothermal power plant.
Finally on this tiny quite island...one will find the nerve
center, a secret base, for the information flow of the
world...and a "NON USA" Private Project Echelon...being powered
by this geothermal energy plant.

Right after the Grenada Crisis, ties were established between the
"Power Elite of the USA" and Dominica. This nation gained its
independence in 1978. Dominica's Defense group is divided into
two segments: the regular police between 500-700 individuals, and
a Special Service Unit (SSU) of a few hundred personnel. The SSU
was originally privately funded and entrusted with the National
Security of Dominica. From time to time these two units have
clashed. In the Late 1980's Dominica's Government passed the
State Security Act giving the SSU "Broad Powers" supposedly for
preserving National Security. The interesting part of the SSU, is
that Mr. Nichols, an American, was the first head of the SSU and
well connected with the Octopus Group. This is the same Mr.
Nichols who gave Casolaro the information about the geothermal
power plant in Dominica. As of this posting the SSU is alive and
well in Dominica, and so is the power plant.

Project Echelon is a multinational government venture between the
USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The purpose is to
be able to gather ALL information and process it via using
computers, satellites, and all telecommunication equipment.
France has tried to build their own system, and CHINA has one
now. We can understand the reason why countries desire such a
system...to protect their sovereignty. Danny Casolaro found out
that Project ECHELON was going private, and that a listening
post, an underground base, was set up on the tiny Island of
Dominica. The builders of such a system included the "OCTOPUS
COMPANIES" plus the power Elite of the world. (See an earlier
post about the Octopus companies.) In the new millennium, it is
the direction of control of information that will rule the
world...this is accomplished by the "NEW" Private (non USA)
Echelon Project, and one of the KEY locations exist on the Island
of Dominica.

This last bit of information cost him his life, and in an
indirect manner it cost the lives of Dr. Moshe Lubin of Hampshire
Instrument, and was instrumental in the murder of Joan LoDato,
the brother of one of the principals of BBE.

Danny Casolero started on Inslaw. The last thing before his
death, he was investigating the project on the Island of
Dominica, and relating it to the Octopus companies, and some
people in Colorado, California, and good old New York City -- the
financial district. Danny believed the leader lived in New York,
and was a past Treasury Secretary. Vince, you are right about
Echelon. The late Senator Church, head of the US Senate
Intelligence Committee worried about its makers (the Octopus
companies) taking it private. The Senator was right and so are

We reported earlier of a secret base on the Island of Dominica,
that is a NON USA GOVERNMENT facility. Some of the people who are
aware of this base are the leaders of the octopus companies such
as: Dr Armstrong the present ceo of AT&T, Louis Gerstner, the CEO
of IBM, John Akers, a Partner in Lehmann Brothers. All three are
members of the CFR and two are members of the Trilateral
Commission. This base is a NWO secret information center (their
Project Echelon)

In New York City, the Head of the Octopus, that Danny Casolero
discovered was Douglas Dillon, past Secretary of the US Treasury
and past Ambassador to France ....he was intimately related to
the CFR, IMF, World Bank, knew the Warboug's quite well, and has
a very long association with the Rockefeller Family, etc. Mr.
Dillon was the tie between the USA "Power Elite" and the European
"Power Elite". He knew about Project Echelon and the
multinational relations between the respective countries. He was
the major "financial architect" for bringing this project
"private." The late Senator Church, head of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, warned the Congress about the potential
of Echelon going private, and the effect on the National Security
of the USA, namely the loss of constitutional rights.

The plan is to control the information flow, introduce a global
smart card for all, and control all the global finances via the
privatization of Project Echelon by its builders, these
multinational high technology corporations headed by the "Power
Elite." In an earlier post the major Octopus companies are
identified on the RMN board. Ask Raye, for more information about
these companies. She can help you.  In concluding, this is what
lead Danny Casolaro all over the world from P2, to England, to
all the major banks, etc, etc. He started this with Inslaw and
uncovered this gigantic financial global power plan.

The NSA intercepted some messages that linked the Octopus
companies and Mr. Dillon. A whistlerblower in the NSA who saw
that the Constitution of the USA was, and still is, in grave
danger by these so called protectors of the USA way of life gave
Danny hard evidence of linking Dillon, the Octopus companies, and
the secret Dominica base. The whistleblower feared that this
information would be squelched by the small but effective Octopus
cabal agents within certain areas of the NSA and this would not
get into appropriate hands within the NSA. Hence his
communications with Danny Casolaro was to insure that the US
Congress had this hard evidence. Senator Byrd's staff was aware
of this before Danny died. Octopus agents were dispersed and you
know the rest. Finally Ambassador Dillon, I believe is still
alive, lives in NYC, and in his 90's.

IBM has sold and continues to sell supercomputers to the PRC that
are linked with the PRC's bases throughout the world. Two such
locations are the missile tracking and Echelon stations in
Kiribati and Guinea. The island nation of Kiribati is composed of
three groups; the Gilbert Islands, Line Islands and Phoenix
Island. They received their independence from the UK in 1979. On
the Gilbert Islands, the PRC has a tracking station for ICBM
monitoring. This station is located near the equator and most
likely acts as a listening post for the Chinese Echelon project.

IBM's super computer technology is critical for these stations.
In the recent past the US Government awarded a Hughes National
Laboratory supercomputer technology contract to IBM, while at the
same time IBM tired to destroy Cray Technology, an American
company--the inventors of the supercomputer. Some of this
technology was used in the super computers sold to the PRC by

In West Africa in Guinea, formerly known as French Guinea, there
is a very heavy PRC Chinese contingency at this young nation. In
the comparison of this country with the island nation of Dominica
there are striking similarities. (On Dominica there is/or was/ a
secret "private" Echelon Project --see a much lower post in early
Nov. 1999). It was confirmed by a source in the Washington DC
area, that there is a PRC monitoring base for the guidance of
ICBM and the Chinese Project Echelon. With these facts, IBM
continues to sell the latest super computers to the PRC, just for
the GREEN, and forgot about the Red, White and Blue. But IBM
takes the GREEN from the Red, White and Blue.

The lobbying efforts of IBM at NSA, the Congress, and in the
White House through Podesta Associates is extraordinary.It is
quite obvious that IBM must have made some deals to circumvent
the sale of supercomputer technology to the PRC--even in light of
these secret bases.

Just to demonstrate the foolishness of IBM/NSA scenario. If the
back door is there on these supercomputers, then the Chinese can
perform modifications whereby selected data that was spied upon
will "returns spurious information".So Echelon can become "highly
ineffective" in communicating information to the USA policy
makers. Remember this information is transferred indirectly to
the Congress and the Administration. If we go a step further,
since the DoD is using this information for tactical and
strategic planning it is devasting to the Security of the USA. If
there are back doors then the effect Echelon coupled with the
IBM's supercomputer sales is the best offensive weapon system the
PRC possesses against the USA.

The Chinese understand IBM great need to sell; IBM has a hold via
lobbying on NSA; and NSA's Echelon is an integral part of our
intelligence community; therefore the Chinese penetrated the
inner secrets of the USA via this avenue. If this is in the Cox
report then it should be PUBLIC and an open debate occur in the
Congress. This will aid immensely for world security. However if
IBM/NSA has no back door on these supercomputers, and since these
supercomputers are used directly against the USA, then at
present, and for the time being, all supercomputer of this type
(IBM's RS6000 series etc) should be banned for sale to the PRC.
We can sell the Chinese many many other commodities, develop a
great relationship with them, and over some time possibly
change---but not now.


Echelon, Casolaro & "Murder"

Posted By: vince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Sunday, 16 January 2000, at 12:56 p.m.

The death of Danny Casolaro can easily be solved. According to
Danny Casolero's notes, the information he received from a former
NSA employee, and a Robert Booth Nicholls of LA California is
that Project Echelon went private and had a secret base on the
island of Dominica with a $25,000,000 geothermal power plant to
power this complex--see a lower post on RMN. If this is true,
then the reason for his murder stems from the NSA/octopus
companies--IBM, ATT, LOR, Gm H, LMT and LEH (see another Post
below). These facts can easily be checked out and leave no room
for the simplest conjecture. Either it is, or it isn't about the
secret non USA Echelon base on the Island of Dominica.

If it is, then the Douglas Dillon connection is very real; and
the Congress should immediately start an "OPEN" investigation and
let all the cards fall publically. If this information is ignored
by any Agency, then their is fear of retaliation from this
Octopus group that also killed Moshe Lubin and Joan LoDato.

The Octopus companies use the Echelon Project by data mining and
collecting economic information about their competitors large or

As an example Rayethon and SCR-Thompson were both bidding on a
contract from Brazil. ATT with the help of Echelon intercepted
some information concerning the SCR-Thompson communication with
Brazil's government. Based on this information Rayethon had the
competive edge and it won the contract with the help of Echelon.

Remember the four companies IBM, ATT, LOR, and LMT are major
contractors for NSA. If you doubt this just write the NSA under
the FOIA and ask.  NSA is a great agency provided it works within
it's charter; but the tapping of information by these companies
is an outright scandal and illegal.

Recently on the message board the Octopus Group was mentioned.
The goal of this group is to control the transport of information
for the next century. By so doing, this group will be the most
powerful group in the world. Lehmann Bro will be their investment
banker...IBM will make the key chips and computers for the
information age...AT&T will be the leading communications
company-- fiber optics etc....Loral will be the leading satellite
company in the world...Lockheed- Martin will be the leading
defense contractor and control the information technology for
global defense...General Motors through its electronic subs and
its sheer size is the sixth company....in a previous
communication there net assets, sales and profits were reported.
There combined assets are over $0.5trillion dollars...with
profits of $21B/yr (in 1997).

These six companies overtly control the US government.

Consider the following facts:

  LMT is the largest federal contractor.  GM is the fourth
largest federal contractor.

  ATT is the 20 th largest contractor. IBM is 44th largest

However for Information Technology for US Government contracts
their rankings are LMT (1); GM..(3); ATT...(4); IBM...(18)

Collectively these four companies control information technology
for the US government. This means the CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, etc are
at their mercy and they are at present.

Loral is a company incorporated in Bermuda with questionable ties
and holds sensitive electronic communication technology relating
NSA etc. THE INSLAW CASE-- Danny Casolaro tied these six
companies to organized crime either the Gambino or Genevese crime
family where their monies and God know who elses monies, probably
drug money was funneled into these companies.... the yukuza had
ties with Lockheed well documented, and the IBM company has been
in Japan for nearly 50 years...also check out..... each of these
companies has had their stocks have swings over 100% in the last
three years..... the ONLY WAY THESE STOCKS can double and triple
in sales is-- if they control the INFORMATION AGE....

Concluding on the Octopus companies and repeating some of the

Consider LOR, it's on the NYSE. Check the company out. It is
incorporated in Bermuda. Why is a $2 billion dollar American
company that handles ultra secret projects incorporated in a
foreign country? Back in the 1970, LOR had a big scandal and mob
connections. Recently their is the problem of Bernie Schwartz,
the CEO of LOR, and his contributions to the present

LMT when it was just Lockheed back in the 1970's had ties with
the Yakuza. I know this is old information, but it shows these
companies will and have dealt with anyone.

IBM corporation is a convicted felon as of last year. Yes felon,
for selling supercomputers to Russia. I assure you if you tried
to do such a thing you would be in jail and they would throw away
the key. But IBM just got a $8.5M fine and all was hush hush.

GmH and LOR just had a big investigation for selling missile
technology to the Chinese.

So in conclusion I would not worry about the NSA per se, but I am
very concerned of the misuse of Project Echelon by these octopus
companies. This could only occur if there are some bad apples in
NSA. This may be a hard pill for some to take, but years ago when
I consulted for the GAO on certain projects I use to say, "I
found out that motherhood was prostitution. "Dominica is real.
The private Project Echelon is real. These companies are real
IBM, LOR, LMT and GmH.

Finally the concerns of the late Senator Church is real. Who are
watching the contractors of Project Echelon? Remember Casolero
and Standorf tried to alert the Congress and it ended in their
death via murder.

Alan Standorf worked for the NSA/NRO. Through geographic pictures
taken by satellites of the tiny island nation of Dominica the
construction of the secret private echelon base may have been
spotted. At first it may have been taken as a foreign base by
some government say the Chinese. But upon further investigation,
Alan Standorf found it was the Octopus alliance of USA companies.
As the hard information was collected, it had to be released
first to the Congress, and then the Congress would release it to
the public. This was based on the gravity and nature what was
found. Danny Casolaro was chosen by Alan Standorf. Unfortunately,
the boys had to stop them. and you know the rest...check lower

In the NWO (or whatever you want to call this cabal), the Power
Elite... the plan is the control of information. They realize if
this could be accomplished they can rule the world and they
really believe they know what's best for all of us. Since part of
the plan are private control centers like in Dominica...which
exits today, ...and men like Douglas Dillon who is passing on his
powers to men like Louis Gerstner (IBM), Mike Armstrong (ATT),
and John Akers (LEH) who are all members of the CFR. The latter
three have their professional growth from IBM.

The main plan calls for E- money, smart cards, bigger and faster
supercomputers for the control and monitoring the "global"
information flow, and super super chips in satellites needed for
the private Echelon Project. This all spells the need for chips
with design rules down to 0.2 to 0.05 microns, or simple put,
ultra high density chips with billion and billions of more
microelectronic components and finer interconnecting wires.

This chip manufacturing process takes of the order of 800 to 1400
manufacturing steps and a host of tools. However there is one
draw back--the "manufacturing type" lithography tool is not made.
Also the light source needed for this tool requires wavelengths
of light less than the feature size of the components..lets say
for a wire 0.05 microns in width, one must use an x-ray light
source with an alignment tool called a step and repeat tool.
Hampshire Instrument was going to solve this problem and make a

Hence Hampshire Instruments and Dr. Moshe Lubin (the founder)
came on the scene in the 1980's. Lubin built the x-ray light
source but used an old step and repeat tool. He was funded by
Harvard University for $50,000,000, Venrock $25,000,000 (the
venture capital group for the Rockefeller) and another
$25,000,000 from a group in California, and finally with a
$20,000,000 loan from NYS.

Over a ten year period Lubin built several versions of this tool.
In the final version of this tool he was promised more money from
"The Boys". When he was just about done, they pulled his funding,
bankrupt the company and allowed NYS to own the patents; all the
Boys from IBM, ATT, NSA (that's John O'Hara group...Dr O'Hara was
the number 2 man in NSA, their chief Scientist)...all effectively
stole Lubins work. Lubin tried to bring back his company by
getting other sources of funding. However before he could
accomplish this, they found him dead. They say he hung himself in
his basement.

I have known Lubin for over 30 years, not as a friend but a
colleague. He graduated from Cornell with a PHD, started the high
energy laser lab at the University of Rochester, was one of the
Rockefeller groups favorite young scientist etc...worked as a VP
for them at an oil company...and then founded Hampshire
Instruments...after much investigation I believe he did not hang
himself but was murdered.

Why was he murdered?? He was going to get funded outside the
Group, this threaten their plans. This x-ray lithography tool was
really going to go public. They would not control the tool. Hence
the chip manufacturing process, hence the control of the
information flow....and men like Dillon, Gerstner, Armstrong,
O'Hara, etc etc etc would fail. and the global economy that they
dreamed of controlling would not exist. So Lubin had to go. They
were either directly or indirectly responsible for his murder.
"The ends do not justify the means."

The next company to come on the scene is my company Bizzy Bee
Equipment (BBE)...we tried to pick up where Lubin left off...

Note on IBM's CEO:

The old guard is changing and the new ones are arriving. No
matter what one has to say about faction one, the old leaders had
"some class" but the new ones well....they're brutal.

Consider Louis Gerstner, the CEO of IBM for seven or so years:
During his tenure the following events occurred.

(1) IBM was criminally convicted of selling super computers to
the Russians for atomic weapon research. IBM received only a
$8.5M fine and it was in the news for only one day.

(2) IBM sold one the largest supercomputer in the world to China
via Hong Kong. It is reported to be used in the chinese Eschelon

(3)  IBM was caught in bribing and payoffs in a $250M contract
with Banco Nacio in Argentina. The trail lead back to IBM
Corporate in NY. IBM had a similar incidence in Mexico. IBM
bought their way out of it via the political influence and money.
Gerstner hired Podesta Associates. The owner of this firm has a
brother who is chief of staff to President Clinton. Consequently
Gerstner has an in the White House.

(4) When Companies and individuals get in the way of their
plan...they die!!!...Judge Bagnasco witness in Argentina. Other
examples the murder of Joan LoDato in Kingston NY.

(5) Under Gerstner leadership IBM set up an Institute to tell
governments how to act in the Information Age. Gerstner is a
member of the Tri Lateral Commission, the CFR...and a voice in
the Bilderbergers.

(6) Under Gerstner leadership, tens of thousands of Americans
lost their jobs at IBM. These same jobs were and are being
transferred to IBM China and IBM India.

(7) Gerstner has a modest salary of only a few million a year.
However over his tenure he made over one billion dollars from his
stock options.... A poor boy who became rich...and sold his soul
and lack of concern for the USA for money...This is an example of
the new NWO leaders.

BBE was a company that had the capabilities to make a step and
repeat tool for these ultra high density chips. When Hampshire
went under, BBE had the opportunity to purchase the patent
portfolio of Hampshire. With BBE assets and Hampshire's patent,
an American success story would have been told. But the Octopus
via IBM had something more in store for BBE. Under the leadership
of Gerstner and Akers, its present and past CEO, IBM destroyed
the company.

IBM criminally violated the Lanan Act with a government contract
that it was administering for a synchrotron stepper...IBM via a
third party tried to bribe one of the founders to stop pursuing
the Hampshire patent portfolio. When they didn't succeed, IBM
through the Wachnehut Corporation hired "contractors" and one of
the founder's homes was arsoned and his sister killed in the

One of BBE key principals had all monies tied up in BBE fight
with IBM. Consequently he had no insurance on this home; and
didn't expect arson to occur; but it occurred, the house was also
looted, BBE documents stolen, and BBE destroyed.IBM bought their
way out of this one too, just like the hanging (murder in
Argentina) with Bank Nacion.

The reason for IBM's actions is based on the fact, that they
desperately need to control this technology--the x-ray
lithography tool manufacturing. These are the printing presses
for E-money and being transferred to China.

In fact Gerstner transferred some of this technology to China.
What deals did he make? We know that Armstrong, a past IBMer,
sold out America to China (the missile crisis) when he was CEO of
Hughes now CEO of AT&T.

Yes the Casolaro Octopus is well; so is IBM its key company.
Gerstner made one billion dollars in stock options over a period
of six or so years and some murders too.

Finally my sister is dead and that is real; and she died because
of a fire and that is real, and my home was arsoned and that is
real, therefore my sister was murdered..via second degree murder
and that is real....so this is why I pursue this avenue....the
dead cry out for JUSTICE and hopefully as this story unfolds the
proper law enforcement agencies will put this all to rest and let
JUSTICE prevail..


------------- Note from Ruby Fire's editor:

A few times a day, on average, I forward messages that I consider
to be worthwhile. Occasionally I may be inspired to write an
introductory comment as above.

Please forward this post to those you know who care enough to
invoke Ruby Fire (the LOVE of GOD that begets GOD-LOVE) into
these issues of ultimate JUDGMENT of "to BE or not to BE".

--------------- Notable Quotables:

WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING (www.tlcalliance.com/alert.htm): "We
have the greatest opportunity the world has ever seen, as long as
we remain honest -- which will be as long as we can keep the
attention of our people alive. If they once become inattentive to
public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, judges
and governors would all become wolves."  --Thomas Jefferson


"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen
from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to
keep the Government from falling into error." --U.S. Supreme
Court in American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S.

------------------------- BOTTOM LINE OF HIGHEST VALUE:

"The beginning of a Golden Age is the end of the world as we've
known it"  --Christopher Goodheart

"Ruby Fire is what Ruby Fire does; filling the void with the
intense intent of GOD-LOVE." --CR

The Golden Rule/Law of the Angles of G-O-D (Geometry Of Divinity)
is In Spirit the Language of the Angels of LOVE (geometrizes at
www.TLCalliance.com/lovemax) --Christos

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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