-Caveat Lector-

Terrorism is only what U.S. deems it to be.

Israel & Sharon can freely do what they want as long as they have the
politicians and media under control in the Washington. - And they know
how to play the game, unlike Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.

Never mind that what Ariel Sharon & Israel are now doing, is more
or less exactly what Saddam Hussein is accused of, and why George
Bush and Tony Blair are determined to kill him for. (This will nicely
guarantee that both these men will likely win their next elections.
(Not that winning the election matters any more in the U.S.))

The significant difference is that Saddam didn't have U.S. political
and economical backing, like Sharon has for his actions.

So the actual _effective and operative definition of terrorism_
is: anything that acts to harm US economic interests. - That is how
people should read it if they want to know how the "US words" will
translate to acts effecting events in the real world.

If I've ever witnessed a country practice racist foreign politics,
it is the United States of America, right now. I would never have
believed to be witnessing a racial ethnic cleansing taking place
with US weapons, and with such strong US economic and political
backing in the Washington. - And most Americans in Washington, as
I read it, are proud of it.

The Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat, could easily use the same
justifications against Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, that the
U.S president George Bush and (his lapdog - the U.K. prime minister)
Tony Blair are using to justify the killing and attacks against Iraq's
president Saddam Hussein. - Sharon and Saddam aren't really any different
when you view them in the light of International law and U.N.
resolutions, and crimes against humanity that they've committed.

The only difference is the U.S. politics and the U.S. economic interest
in the region.

This is a fact that we have to live with. It will not change no matter
what people do.

So, in effect, Sharon has a green light to purify the state of Israel
of all the arabs as he likes. - Sure, Blair and Bush may have to bark
some to save their faces, and do lots of media control, but they might
as well save their faces later by great show of bombing "Saddam the
Horrible", and with strong backing from Israel, just in time for their
next elections.

The Arab leaders actually chose not to use their only effective weapon
in this conflict - oil. - It goes against their leader's political and
economical interests.

Money, politics and power determine history, and the *effective*
definitions for political justifications, such as the word "terrorism".

It is in this brutal framework of economic interests and political power
that human rights activists have to work - how and what they can possibly
accomplish, and who they should try to influence to have any hope of being
effective at all?


10 April 2002 / 27 Muharram 1423

Time for a definition of terms
By Abeer Mishkhas, Arab News Staff

What does the word 'terror' mean? In recent months it seems that the word
has acquired new meanings depending upon whom you speak to. The meanings
seem to vary and to encompass a number of mutually exclusive things. What do
the words retaliation, civilian casualties and 'peace' - above all 'peace'
- mean?

What makes someone like George W. Bush and his supporters define the 'war
against terror' so differently from the Arab, or even the European,
definition? What makes such countries as Denmark and Belgium see Israeli
actions on the West Bank as gross violations of human rights while the US
calls those same actions self-defense?

Sharon says he wants a responsible Palestinian leadership. But do the words
'leadership' and 'responsible' have the same old dictionary meanings? Or is
there a new Sharonite meaning which we must adopt and adhere to? In a speech
on Monday, Sharon accused the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, of having
created a 'regime of terror,' against Israel. Does that sound familiar? What
is 'a regime of terror' anyway? Would it include suicide bombers and Israeli
tanks destroying homes in Nablus and West Bank? A besieged leader is a
terrorist while a prime minister who is demolishing homes and killing
innocent civilians is not. Who is the terrorist? What does the word mean?

Instead of coming together, the world today seems to be moving in the
opposite direction. Nobody seems to agree on simple facts or even on what we
used to believe in and accept as established facts. Suddenly Sharon, Bush,
Blair and company have a certain way of putting things into words. On the
other side of the globe most of the world is boiling with anger, frustration
and despair. They too have their own definitions of what the words
'terrorist' 'peace' and 'justice' mean. How can it be just and fair to ask
the world to attack Iraq because it is violating international laws while
Israel makes it a habit to ignore UN resolutions?

A teenage girl, a mother, a child of six, a desperate suicide bomber, a
politician or a church-bell ringer? How can all these people be terrorists,
according to the US definition? And what about that other infamous
expression: 'collateral damage'? What does human life mean? What is it
worth? If it is not the same in the US and Palestine, then we must agree
that we have a basic misunderstanding which ultimately breaks the world into
small pieces. And in this chaotic world, neither the US nor any other
country has the right to decide what is right or wrong. If it is right for
the US to kill Afghan civilians in its battle against terrorism and if
Sharon can kill children and stop ambulances from collecting the wounded and
the dead on the West Bank, then it is certainly just as right for a
Palestinian suicide bomber to kill as many civilians as he can. After all,
the suicide bomber is fighting in his way what he would define as terrorism!

Until the world agrees on what is called what, things will remain the same,
people will be reduced to numbers in news bulletins and games for power will
erode more of what is left of basic human rights and values.

If this state of confusion is what the world's only superpower wants, then
surely Colin Powell should save both his time and his breath. No matter what
he says, there is already the deepest possible gulf between what is right
and what is merely politically expedient. The Americans want the Arab to
stop donations to the Palestinian families, because this is an endorsement
of terrorism. What is the difference between the families of Palestinian
bombers and those of McVeigh and the UnaBomber?

By ignoring and refusing to see the other side of the conflict, the US
cannot reasonably be surprised at the depth and increase of anti-American
feeling in the region.


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