-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 119 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
" We understand that true liberty is not a matter of changing kings or
rulers. We know that the whole system of master and slave must go, that the
entire social scheme is wrong, that government and compulsion must be
abolished, that the very foundations of authority and monopoly must be
--Alexander Berkman, 'What Is Communist Anarchism'
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)
--Call For a United Revolutionary Presence at the Presidential Inauguration
--Mob Rule Wins for W
--When the government caves in to mob rule
--Election problem for big business
--Lessons from the Miami-Dade Rebellion
Linked stories:
        *Democrats, liberals retreat in the face of Republican provocations
        *The Napster Master Plan
        *There's an antidote to this family feud: secession
        *Carnivore review called 'whitewash'
        *Dems' tactics create cynicism in the heartland
        *Bitter fruit from seeds of hate [US war crimes]
        *Bush supporters rally schedule
Begin stories:
Call For a United Revolutionary Presence at the Presidential Inauguration


Take to the Streets of Washington Against Capitalism, Against the State, and
Against the Death Machine of Globalization


On Saturday, January 20th, 2001 thousands of people
from all over the United States will converge on the
streets of Washington, D.C to protest against the
dictatorship of the corporate class, the circus of US
representative "democracy", and the international
death machine that is the US government.

         The demonstration in Washington the day of the
presidential inauguration is a great opportunity to
demonstrate our opposition, not only to whomever it is
that may eventually win the presidency, but to the
entire state system, from the dictatorship of capital,
to the sham of representative democracy, by making
Washington ours during inauguration day and disrupting
the ceremony of the ruling class. In the spirit of
the mobilizations of the past year, from Seattle, to
Washington, to Cincinnati, and everywhere in between,
we are calling for revolutionaries to stand together
as a bloc and refuse to serve as mere numbers for
reformist and authoritarian organizations that don't
represent our desires, aims, or aspirations.  Instead,
we propose a demonstration that not only highlights
our opposition to the present order, but also puts
forth revolutionary anti-authoritarian alternatives.

         Therefore, we are calling for anti-authoritarian
revolutionaries to bring their banners and flags, be
they black, red, red and black, black and green, or
whatever else and gather in Washington at 10 am on
Saturday, January 20th, 2001* under the slogan "Class
War Now...For a Classless, Stateless Society." We are
not calling for any particular tactics, simply for
revolutionary anti-authoritarians to come prepared to
march on the Presidential Inauguration and for a
festival of resistance, struggle, and revolutionary
alternatives to the capitalist system.

         It will take a lot of work to make this mobilization
a success and a show of force for the North American
revolutionary movement.  If you wish to help make the
January 20th initiative succeed, spread the word,
organize caravans to Washington, copy and distribute
this call,  make banners and flags, keep in touch as
details of the mobilization become available, contact
us to endorse the call, and come to Washington on
January 20th ready for a festival of resistance.

The Barricada Collective <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sabate Anarchist Collective (NEFAC)

*Location to be announced

Mob Rule Wins for W


November 24, 2000

Texas Gov. George W. Bush appears to have sealed his claim to the White
House through a premeditated mob action that influenced the Dade County
decision to halt a crucial recount.
Egged on by Republican phone banks and heated rhetoric over Cuban-American
radio, a pro-Bush mob of about 150 people descended on the Dade County
canvassing board Wednesday as it was preparing to evaluate 10,750 disputed
"Republican volunteers shouted into megaphones urging protest," The New
York Times reported in today's editions. "A lawyer for the Republican Party
helped stir ethnic passions by contending that the recount was biased
against Hispanic voters."
The protestors carried anti-Gore signs, including one that read: "Rotten to
the Gore." The demonstration then turned violent as the canvassing board
sought to go into closed session to begin examining the ballots.
Dade County's Democratic chairman, Joe Geller, was chased by the crowd and
required police protection. The mob also charged the offices of the
supervisor of elections and began pounding on the doors. Several people
were roughed up before sheriff deputies blocked the demonstrators' path and
restored some order.
The shaken three-member canvassing board promptly reversed its decision to
count the ballots that many observers believed contained a large number of
uncounted votes for Vice President Al Gore.
One canvassing board member, David Leahy, admitted that the board's
decision to bail out on the recount was affected by the presence of the
angry demonstrators. "This was perceived as not being an open and fair
process," Leahy said. "That weighed heavy on our minds."
When the canvassing board halted the recount, the Bush supporters cheered.
The Gore camp saw no recourse but to appeal again to the courts. On
Thursday, however, the Florida Supreme Court rejected a motion to compel
Dade County to resume the recount, although the canvassing board previously
had judged the recount necessary to correct errors in the voting-machine
By stopping the Dade County recount, the Republicans appear to have
guaranteed that Bush's 930-vote lead will survive any Gore gains in Broward
and Palm Beach counties. That, in turn, means that on Sunday night, Bush
almost certainly will be declared the winner of Florida's 25 electoral
votes and thus the presidency.
Gore's lawyers indicated that they might contest the Dade County results
after the certification of a Bush victory on Sunday. But pressure already
is mounting on Gore to drop any further legal challenges and accept Bush's
Gore is coming under that pressure despite having won the national popular
vote and apparently having been the choice of a plurality of Florida
voters, though many of their ballots apparently were discarded for a
variety of reasons.
Typical of this Democratic desire to submit to angry Republicans, The
Washington Post's liberal columnist Richard Cohen wrote today that "Given
the present bitterness, given the angry irresponsible charges being hurled
by both camps, the nation will be in dire need of a conciliator, a likable
guy who will make things better and not worse. That man is not Al Gore.
That man is George W. Bush."
Cohen reached his conclusion although Gore has been the one to temper his
rhetoric while Bush and the Republicans have escalated their public
denunciations of Gore and the Florida Supreme Court.
The mob assault on the Dade County canvassing board came amid this angry
Republican rhetoric. Bush's top recount adviser, James Baker, denounced the
Supreme Court on Tuesday night and threatened to seek redress from the
Republican-controlled Florida legislature.
Bush blasted the Supreme Court on Wednesday as the Miami mob action was in
motion. Bush accused the court of using "the bench to change Florida's
election laws and usurp the authority of Florida's election officials."
In lockstep with the Bush campaign's verbal assaults, Republicans in Miami
unleashed the violent assault on the Dade County canvassing board. Rather
than a state Supreme Court order "usurping" the authority of election
officials, the Republicans opted for mob action.
The strong-arm tactics carried the day.
Bush now appears likely to ascend to the presidency not only as the first
popular-vote loser to do so in more than a century, but as the first
presidential candidate in modern U.S. history to benefit from a mob
intimidating an election board, which then threw away thousands of ballots
cast by American citizens.

When the government caves in to mob rule,
it is the death knell for freedom

By Celeste Harrison Whitlow
November 24, 2000
Online Journal - <http://www.onlinejournal.com>

The actions of the GOP rioters in the election offices
in Miami, and the Miami-Dade election officials' decision to cave in to
the GOP mob rule, strikes the death knell for democracy in America.

Clearly, if violence and mob rule can stop the honest counting of
Americans' votes, we have no hope for freedom for America in the future.
The majority of America's law-abiding citizens will now always be at
threat of having their votes ignored if that is what the angry mob demands.

Now this Republican Party mob has bused to Broward to try their violent
intimidation tactics there.  Since in the last few days right-winger
websites such as NewsMax (which advertises anti-Gore banner ads on
newspaper websites, such as  the LA Times and Washington Post) carried
appeals to Bush supporters to flood Miami and Palm Beach, it is clear to
all that this was no spontaneous violent mob that assembled outside the
election offices at Miamia-Dade.  No, it was, indeed -- like the word or
not -- a conspiracy to use violence and intimidation to change the outcome
of an American presidential election.

The very Republican Party members who decried the African-American mob
action after the Rodney King verdict in Los Angeles are now holding
triumphant fists skyward and claiming the backing of God in their violent
assault on the election offices.

Where would we be today if the city of Los Angeles had caved in to the
rioters after the Rodney King verdict and flipped their decision?  And can
anybody tell me how this violent mob of white GOP males in Miami is any
different from the angry mob of African-Americans in Los Angeles?

And why did this violent group of GOP thugs get their way in stopping the
honest counting of votes; why were they not handcuffed and arrested?
Because they were white males.  If that group of GOP thugs who stormed the
Miami-Dade election offices would have been African-American males they
would have been shot where they stood pounding on the doors, and any still
alive would have been hauled to jail.

If this angry violent group of GOP men in Miami would have been
African-Americans, we also would have seen a tremendous outpouring of spin
and outrage from the hypocritical right and Bush supporters, claiming
victimhood and fraud.

But instead, we see the Bush supporters and the GOP party members who
demand "the rule of law" at their convenience strutting and bragging that
mob rule, violence and intimidation, and stopping an honest counting of a
presidential election ballots was a victory for God and GWBush.

Election problem for big business

Look 'Fair' Or End It Quick?

By Fred Goldstein
Nov. 30, 2000
Workers World newspaper

The producers of public opinion are staging a demonstration
of stern impartiality focused on the Supreme Court of

The judges are seen in their majestic robes, sharply
questioning both sides. No impeachment-style mud slinging or
partisan ranting is allowed in court.

The way the capitalist media spin it, this cutthroat knife
fight between the two camps of unprincipled political
fortune seekers is being arbitrated with dignity. There is
only polite argumentation back and forth as both sides get
their day in court. When it is all over, judicial wisdom
will reconcile the conflicting statutes and decide on
deadlines versus inclusion.

The federal statutory deadline when electors are supposed to
be chosen is Dec. 12, the date passed in 1876 after the
Tilden-Hayes betrayal marked the end of Reconstruction.

Should this date have superior legal status over the right
of the canvassing boards to petition for voting recounts?
Should the authority of the Florida secretary of state be
upheld against the state attorney general? Should the
statute allowing manual recounts, which may take more than
one week, override the statutory one-week post-election
deadline for certification of votes? Is it fair to all the
voters in Florida to have recounts in only three counties,
which happen to have Democratic Party majorities?

Etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam.

Stripping away all the legalese, here's the real issue: Will
the Bush legal and public-relations team have enough
political muscle and disinformation to overcome Gore's
lawyers and spin doctors, who have turned heaven and earth
in a desperate, massive fishing expedition for votes?

The struggle keeps heating up, despite all appeals for
restraint. The Bush forces accused the Gore camp of being
"anti-military" because Democratic officials threw out a
slew of absentee ballots lacking the proper postmark that
came from military bases. The Bush team put forward Gen.
Norman Schwarzkopf, that so-called great defender of
democracy who waged a genocidal aerial and ground war
against the Iraqi people. Schwarzkopf declared the exclusion
of soldiers' ballots "a shame."

This was the Democrats' opportunity to raise the exclusion
of thousands of African American voters who had been turned
away from the polls or whose ballots were thrown out. But
instead of addressing this ever-widening scandal, which
includes the exclusion of 400,000 Floridians, many of them
Black, under the so-called felon laws, the Gore camp
responded with the flag of surrender. Joseph Lieberman
agreed with the Republicans and came out for special
consideration for military absentee voters.


The capitalist class and its advisors are becoming
increasingly concerned over how far the warring parties will
go in the struggle. They are afraid to cut off the recount
because it will look like Bush stole the election. They are
afraid to do the recount because if Bush loses he may then
escalate the confrontation.

The pundits are all advising caution and moderation, calling
for both sides to rein in their attacks. Each side is being
told it must contemplate giving in. And each side is being
given advice on how to mend the situation once the question
of the presidency is resolved.

Business Week in its Nov. 20 on-line edition even went so
far as to script reconciliation for whoever wins. "Whatever
happens now," they wrote, "nearly half the country will
believe this presidential election was stolen."

To overcome the inevitable alienation of the electorate,
Bush and Gore were both advised to appoint ranking members
of the opposite party to the cabinet. Business Week advised
a summit meeting between the rivals and bipartisanship on
Capitol Hill.

But moderation is much easier for the pundits and advisors
than for the two gangs of pirates at odds over the richest
prize in the world-the White House-and a budget close to $2

The Electoral College system, by which the winning party in
a given state gets all the state's electors, was designed to
keep the masses from gaining any influence in national
elections. It is the most restrictive system of elections
among the imperialist countries for the working class and

But it is precisely this winner-take-all Electoral College
system of choosing the president that has conditioned each
of the parties over the last 200 years to regard it as their
sacred right to find a way to win the national election so
they can get all the positions of authority and all of the
loot. Sharing the spoils has been an alien concept in U.S.
capitalist politics and has been practiced only on rare

Bill Clinton, as part of his strategy of moving the
Democrats to the right, appointed Republican William Cohen
as defense secretary. John F. Kennedy, having won by only
the slightest margin over Richard Nixon in 1960, appointed
Republicans Robert McNamara of Ford Motors and Dean Rusk of
the Rockefeller Foundation to his cabinet. But these are

Now, with such a close vote, the system has come back to
haunt big business. The parties they have created are
undermining Washington's image on the world arena and making
the masses at home increasingly cynical about bourgeois
politics. Furthermore, the struggle is laying the basis for
long-term, intensified political warfare between the parties
at a time when industrial production in the U.S. is slowing
down and the bosses are fearful of an economic downturn.

So the bosses are looking to the least democratic of all
institutions, the courts, to rescue capitalist democracy
from itself. The warring parties are being pressured to
submit to the Florida Supreme Court. It remains to be seen
if they can be constrained by a court decision at the state
level. There will be intense pressure from the ruling class
for one or the other to submit, depending upon the outcome.

Thus the media campaign to imbue the Florida Supreme Court
decision with great importance and treat it with such
gravity that the masses feel they have a great democratic
stake in the outcome.


No one in the major media contrasted the rhetoric on
democracy with the fact that on Nov. 19, 1,700 people were
detained at Fort Benning in Columbus, Ga. They had been
demonstrating against the School of the Americas, which
trains death-squad commanders for all of Latin America.
These commanders have been responsible for hundreds of
thousands of deaths in El Salvador, Guatemala, Argentina,
Uruguay and other countries.

On Nov. 16, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that the
"Seattle police are prepared to make mass arrests during the
upcoming anniversary of the World Trade Organization
protests." Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has drawn up
a plan that includes "demonstration management platoons,"
"prisoner processing teams," "chemical agent response teams"
and uniformed and plainclothes arrest teams, according to
the newspaper.

While the media are trying to convince the masses that the
great system of democracy works because the voters will
ultimately choose a president, the military in Fort Benning
and the police in Seattle are tearing up the democratic
right to protest against the global crimes committed by the
Pentagon and the transnational corporations.

In fact, this is a textbook example of how capitalist
democracy works. The big-business parties fight each other
every four years to capture the reins of government, calling
it democracy. Behind them are all the financial and
corporate capitalists gobbling up contracts, writing the
laws and fighting for influence. Meanwhile, the slightest
rebellion against the tyranny of capital is met with

In Seattle last year the WTO protesters were met with tear
gas, rubber bullets, clubs and arrests. In the April 2000
protests in Washington against the International Monetary
Fund and World Bank, police raided the headquarters of the
organizers, carried out preventive arrests of 700
demonstrators against the prison-industrial complex, and
jailed and beat other demonstrators. All because the
protesters opposed massive economic strangulation of the
oppressed countries by the transnational corporations.

The same type of repression was visited on demonstrators at
the Republican and Democratic conventions this year. Police
beatings, jailings, high bails, rubber bullets, mace and
clubs were ordered for demonstrators by the two big-business
parties. And now these parties are fighting each other in
the name of defending what they call the sacred democratic
right to have an accurate vote count.

Two years ago, when African American organizers tried to
hold the Million Youth March in Harlem, the New York
authorities, under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, carried out a
massive campaign of police intimidation, filling the streets
with battalions of cops, flying helicopters menacingly
overhead and finally attacking the rally.

In 1992, when the Black community of Los Angeles rebelled
against the racist verdict that had freed the cops who were
videotaped beating Rodney King for all the world to see, the
racist Los Angeles Police Department backed by the National
Guard killed close to 40 people and arrested thousands.

Two million people are incarcerated in prison in a permanent
campaign of intimidation and punishment against a generation
of African American and Latino youths, as well as poor

During the bitter Newspaper Guild strike in Detroit in the
mid-1990s, when the Knight-Ridder corporation launched a
campaign to break the union, the courts issued injunctions
severely limiting picketers and opening up the way for scabs
to break the strike. Police used violence to enforce the
court ruling against the workers.

Similar tactics were employed against the Caterpillar
strike, the Bridgestone/Firestone strike and other strikes
during that period.


Strikebreaking, racist police brutality, suppression of
protest, and endless forms of social, economic and political
oppression exist 365 days a year under capitalism. The vote
every four years for the presidential candidates of big
business is the capitalists' way of seeking from the masses
the validation of their rule over the masses.

No matter who wins the presidency, Gore or Bush, the bosses
will still control the cops, the courts, the military, the
media and the entire economy. No majority vote for a
bourgeois candidate is a victory for the workers and the

The fact that Bush may win by a minority or Gore by a
majority is of little consequence. Many presidents in this
century, from Herbert Hoover to Lyndon Johnson to Ronald
Reagan, have won the presidency by a majority. But after
every election they have committed crimes against the people
at home and abroad.

The first step to putting an end to this situation is to
break with the two capitalist parties and open up a mass
struggle against the reactionary policies of both of them.

Lessons from the Miami-Dade Rebellion


by Dale Steinreich
November 25, 2000

The recent citizen rebellion in Miami-Dade county is a good lesson for
America's gun owners, that is, if they're willing to learn how to
effectively neutralize the steadily encroaching tyranny of the American
central state.
Some background: Miami-Dade's canvassing board refused to manually recount
its ballots but reversed itself on November 17 because of threats of legal
action by the Gore campaign. The Miami-Dade manual recount began on
November 20. The following night (November 21) the Florida Supreme Court
issued a deadline of 5:00 p.m. Sunday, November 26, for all manual recounts
to be finished. The next morning, Wednesday November 22, the Miami-Dade
canvassing board decided that it did not have enough time to meet the 5-day
Thanksgiving-weekend deadline for hand counting 654,000 ballots. Instead,
it decided it would hand count only 10,750 votes that had been rejected by
voting-counting machines.
Keep in mind, there had been controversy about these 10,000 votes. One
Miami-Dade poll worker insisted that these ballots had been discarded by
voters who had been at first confused by the notorious "butterfly" ballot.
These confused voters asked for another ballot, punched the new ballot
correctly, and then left. Meanwhile, the old ballots were kept, and they
accumulated into this pool of 10,000. Hence counting these double-punched
and hanging-chad ballots was not an enfranchisement of confused voters but
a double-counting intended to favor Al Gore.
Reinforcing this perception of a rigged process was the further decision by
the Miami-Dade canvassing board to close the manual recount to the public.
In an uncharacteristically courageous fashion, the county Republican party
swung its phone bank into action, calling all their voters to swarm the
Stephen C. Clark Government Center to protest the venal ruling. The
staunchly anti-communist Radio Mambi drummed up an additional few hundred
The last straw for the inchoate junta came when Joe Geller, the chairman of
the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, left one of the counting rooms with a
disputed ballot in his pocket and proceeded to move behind closed doors. He
was quickly surrounded by protesters and ordered to surrender the ballot.
Police had to intervene to escort him to safety.
Upstairs the real revolution began. The protesters stormed the office of
the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. It took several minutes for
sheriff's deputies to restore order, but even they couldn't stop the
deafening pounding and chanting on the election supervisor's doors: "Cheat,
Cheat, Cheat, Cheat,..."
The three members of the canvassing board were then led under heavy police
guard back to the original public recount room from the room where they
were conducting their secret tally for the minions of Al Gore. They then
voted unanimously to stop all further hand counts. Although the Gore
campaign tried to force the Miami-Dade board to resume a hand count, on
Thanksgiving the Florida Supreme Court denied it. It was a tremendous blow
from which the incipient junta could never recover.
This local uprising by ordinary citizens backed into a corner by an
insatiably corrupt establishment could be a valuable lesson for America's
gun owners, the group most loathed and despised by the establishment's
elite. Particularly backed into a corner are California gun owners. Under
the recently passed law SB23, by December 31, 2000, if Californians own an
"assault weapon," they have to do one of three things: register the gun
with the California Department of Justice as an "assault weapon," sell the
gun(s) to out-of-state buyer(s), or physically remove the gun(s) from the
State of California. For "assault weapon" owners, failure to pursue one of
these options is a felony offense.
Of course SB23 is just another chapter in the campaign against
semi-automatic rifles. It was begun in January 1989 by George Bush Sr. who
banned imports of semi-automatics after a school shooting in Stockton,
California. The second major chapter was written under Bill Clinton in
Title XI of the Omnibus Crime Act of 1994, banning further production of
"assault weapons." Gun producers found a way around the law by
manufacturing guns with American-made receivers and imported parts sets.
The price of semi-automatic rifles dropped precipitously, with AK-47s
selling for just $286.00, down from $800-$1,200 in 1994. On August 18,
2000, a legal committee at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms put
an end to this by forbidding further importation of parts sets.
The next chapter in the war on the semi-automatic rifle will likely be
written by either George W. Bush or Al Gore since neither of them has an
ounce of respect for the Second Amendment. George W. Bush is in favor of
banning importation of foreign-made, high-capacity magazines. Al Gore,
while mouthing a phony respect for hunters' rights, would nationalize SB23.
SB23 is only Title XI of the 1994 Crime Act in much more despotic garb. It
even bans guns with thumbhole stocks (an artifact of the 1989 George Bush
Sr. ban) and the capability of accepting detachable magazines. Even banned
are rifles with fixed magazines that happen to be less than 30 inches in
In the most crime-ridden urban areas, semi-automatic rifles have never been
involved in more than 2% of shooting deaths. Study after study has shown
that the recent drop in violent crime has no correlation with recent gun
control efforts, yet the campaign against semi-automatic rifles continues
unabated and at a fanatical pace.
The ultimate intellectual origin of this push to completely ban the
semi-automatic rifle is federal law enforcement agencies, most notably the
US Marshalls, FBI, BATF, and DEA.  The continued push to ban semi-automatic
rifles by these agencies signifies a very sinister future they (and the
elite they represent) have in mind for the rest of us.
Which brings us back to the Miami-Dade rebellion. California gun owners
shouldn't obey the registration requirements of SB23. Who owns which
particular guns is none of the government's business and registration is
only a prelude to confiscation. In deference to states' rights, California
gun owners should vote with their feet, not just storing their guns at
warehouses in Nevada or Arizona, but moving there as well.
The real problem is when the complete ban on semi-automatic rifles moves to
the federal level. A George W. Bush presidency would help the process along
while a Gore presidency would quickly complete it. Like the Miami-Dade
rebellion showed, the solution is at the local level. Local officials must
be made to understand that if they genuflect to the totalitarian agendas of
outsiders they will pay a price.
Freedom-loving Americans in local communities must form a united front in
large numbers to consistently impart this lesson to local officials.
Even citizens of other local communities could help out a community under
siege. Quick mobilization efforts could take place over cell phones, faxes,
e-mail, and local talk radio as happened in Miami-Dade. It's doubtful that
the 1993 federal massacre of 86 people at Waco or the wanton murder of
Randy Weaver's wife and son could have occurred with such impunity in an
environment of quick and heavy local mobilization. Indeed, the feds and
their propaganda arm in the national media could have been handily run out
of town.
Three cheers to the patriots of Miami-Dade. Hopefully their model will
inspire the rest of us.
Dale Steinreich, PhD, is a consulting economist.

Linked stories:
Democrats, liberals retreat in the face of Republican provocations

  The Napster Master Plan
  Bertelsmann's media publishing empire wants to take over the world --
one distribution system at a time. With Napster and their Digital World
Services division, they might do just that.

There's an antidote to this family feud: secession
    The author points to the national ideological and cultural split
    revealed by the presidential election, and half-seriously
    suggests dividing the country in two. (11/27/00)

Carnivore review called 'whitewash'
    House Republican leader Dick Armey joined those accusing an outside
    review panel of putting a pro-government spin on a controversial
    FBI e-mail snooping tool. (11/27/00)

Dems' tactics create cynicism in the heartland
    Referring to underreported fears in the heartland that Al Gore and
    the Democrats are trying to steal the election, the author
    points to the potential for an unprecedented eruption of rage in
    middle America. (11/25/00)

Bitter fruit from seeds of hate

    Under the radar of most Americans, U.S. officials are conducting
    military operations around the world not just against
    "legitimate" targets, but against water supplies and sewer
    systems. (11/25/00)

    A public sense of the legitimacy of the political system is what
    props up governments; that legitimacy appears to be eroding in
    the United States. (11/25/00)

Bush supporters rally schedule

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
        -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
        -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
        -J. Krishnamurti
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