-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 134 January, 2001

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"With what delight must every well informed friend of mankind look forward,
to the auspicious period, the dissolution of political government, of that
brute engine, which has been the only perennial cause of the vices of
mankind and which... has mischiefs of various sorts incorporated with its
substance, and no otherwise removable than by its utter annihilation."
--William Godwin, 'An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice'
How to assist RadTimes--> (See ** at end.)
--D.C. Police Prepare for Protests at Inauguration
--Thousands Will Protest at Bush's Inauguration in D.C.
--Voter March
--Civil rights leader calls for protest
--Liberal, Socialist Protestors to Target Bush Inauguration
--Alexander Cockburn's 12/14 column
Linked stories:
         *Cybercrime pact steps on privacy, groups say
         *Terrorism concerns may unleash CIA
         *Carnivore praised, criticized in 'independent review'
         *Resistance Grows to Holiday Buying Blitz
         *Now what?
         *Supreme Court to democracy: Drop dead
         *Planned Community Aimed at Gun Enthusiasts
         *Corporate Democracy; Civic Disrespect
         *Florida Dispatch: 36 Days in the Life of a Recount Observer
         *Public Support Grows for Drug Decriminalization
         *Internet threatened by regulation
Begin stories:
D.C. Police Prepare for Protests at Inauguration

by John Drake
Published on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 in the Washington Times

Anti-establishment activists and liberals are planning to flood the District
with massive protests on Inauguration Day, prompting city police to brace
for the deluge with an unprecedented level of security.

Many of the groups that demonstrated against the World Bank here in April
intend to return to the District with their puppets and mantras, regardless
of who takes the presidential oath of office on Jan. 20.

And supporters of Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore, led by the Rev.
Jesse Jackson, are planning a "civil rights explosion" if Republican George
W. Bush is officially named the winner.

"We're not planning civil disobedience, but we are planning to fill the
streets of Washington with thousands of people," said Brian Becker, co-

director of the New York-based International Action Center, which is
coordinating the protests.

Meanwhile, law enforcement officials said they are preparing on an even
greater scale than they did in April for the anti-World Bank/ International
Monetary Fund protests.

"What we would hope is that any demonstrations that are planned are
peaceful," said Metropolitan Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey. "We'll be as
gentle or as forceful as we need to be, and play the situation out based on
what they do."

"We have to be prepared for anything that may occur. It will not be [the
police department] that creates the problem, but we will resolve it," he

Chief Ramsey will mobilize the entire Metropolitan Police Department for the
event, and he has invoked "mutual aid" agreements with police in surrounding
counties to increase staffing.

As many as 950 officers from Fairfax, Montgomery, Arlington and Prince
George's counties and Alexandria will be federally deputized so they can
enforce D.C. laws, officials said.

Federal police agencies will be out in force, and other agencies - such as
the FBI, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms - will be on
standby for major incidents.

Publicly, law enforcement officials said they do not anticipate anything out
of the ordinary, even if anti-establishment protesters stage large

But the closest presidential race in history has produced unusually intense
partisan tensions, and the new anti-establishment movement could attract
many more demonstrators.

For those reasons, police forces are "anticipating problems" among
anti-establishment protesters and partisans disappointed at their
candidate's loss, several officials told The Washington Times.

"The uncertainty of the election process, regardless of who wins, makes us
think they will use the inauguration to show their displeasure one way or
the other," a law enforcement official told The Times.

Gore supporters have hinted they will demonstrate if the U.S. Supreme Court,
which is considering the propriety of ballot recounts in Florida, rules in
favor of Mr. Bush, essentially ensuring his victory.

"There will be nonviolent, disciplined protests if the scheme to
disenfranchise voters is successful," Mr. Jackson told The Times yesterday.

"We can afford to lose an election in democracy, but you cannot afford to
lose your franchise," he said. "And Americans will not take well, and should
not take well, to be disenfranchised because of these very sinister schemes
in Florida."

Asked if he would encourage sit-ins, Mr. Jackson said, "No, we're not there

The assortment of groups working under the International Action Center are
bipartisan protesters - they will demonstrate if Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore wins,
Mr. Becker said.

"It will be a loud protest, we think, and very visible," he said.

However, "if [Mr.] Bush wins, there will be thousands, perhaps more, of
people from unions and civil rights organizations who will want to join us,"
he added.

Mr. Becker stressed that his organization and groups working with it do not
plan to shut down the inauguration. But they will not abide by what
activists derisively call "protest pits," fenced-in areas usually far from
the official public event.

"We're not going to go for that," Mr. Becker said. "It would be very much in
the interests of police to do the right thing, and that is to allow us to
stage a spirited but legal and orderly protest close to the inaugural route,
even if it's an 'inconvenience,' rather than trying to marginalize us or
shut us down."

Local and federal law enforcement agencies have been meeting for months
about security and shared intelligence on groups that could disrupt the
inauguration, officials said.

"The law enforcement partnership is aware and cognizant of events, being
fully briefed and will be that much more aware of their duty," a federal
official said.

D.C. police had intelligence as far back as two or three months ago that
anti-establishment activists were planning Inauguration Day protests, Chief
Ramsey said.

Despite the promises by protesters not to break the law or commit violence,
Chief Ramsey has not forgotten how events played out in April, when city
police arrested hundreds of activists blocking streets.

"My experience with these folks is that they tend not to do what they say,"
he said

Thousands Will Protest at Bush's Inauguration in D.C.

PRESS CONTACT: Larry Holmes, Brian Becker
DECEMBER 13, 2000
(212) 633-6646 - New York

Thousands Will Protest at Bush's Inauguration in D.C. on January 20th
Parallel Action in San Francisco at 12 noon at the Civic Center Plaza

Bush's Election is a result of the Lynching of the
Black Vote in Florida

"Governor Death" does not have a mandate to push his
pro-rich, anti-poor, racist policies

On Saturday January 20th, tens of thousands of people
including many living in Washington, D.C. along with
many from all around the country will be protesting
the inauguration of George W. Bush.  The protest will
address what amounts to the racist conspiracy on the
part of the rightwing U.S. Supreme Court, the Bush
Dynasty and the Florida legislature to steal the
election by suppressing mainly the African American
vote in Florida.  Al Gore didn't do a thing to right
the wrong done to Florida's Black voters.

The counter-inaugural demonstration was initiated
prior to! the outcome of the election was known. Both
Bush and Gore support the death penalty, agreed on the
anti-poor destruction of welfare. They supported
NAFTA, upheld the genocidal sanctions on Iraq, the
U.S. Navy bombing of Vieques, the growing Pentagon
intervention in Colombia and Israeli repression of

Now that Bush will be President and assumes office on
the basis of a racist conspiracy to disenfranchise
thousands of African-American voters in Florida, the
January 20th demonstration will focus its demands on
the planned Bush presidency.  Currently, organizers
are planning to bring busloads of demonstrators from
over 30 states, including New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware , Maryland, Vermont, Maine
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode
Island, Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas,
West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, ! Georgia,
Florida, and Texas.

Bush, the politicians in Washington D.C., and all the
corporate interests that run the government behind the
scenes, must know that the people view this new
presidency as illegitimate and as a result, the people
are mad as hell.  This is especially true for the
anti-globalization movement, student groups, labor
unions, civil rights and community activists, women's
organizations, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender groups.

A major goal of the January 20th protest is to let
Bush know from the beginning that he does not have a
mandate to continue his pro-rich, anti-poor policies
on a national level.  Around the world, Bush is known
as "Governor Death" because more people have been
executed in Texas under his watch than in the other 49
states combined. The January protest will demand an
end to the death penalty.  The protest will also be
calling for a new trial for world-renowned political
activist and writer Mumia Abu-Jamal, currently on
death row in Pennsylvania.

The protest will demand that government polices that
have resulted in alarming numbers of African Americans
and Latinos being incarcerated be reversed. Other
issues that protesters will be raising at the
inauguration include demands to stop U.S. support for
the repression of the Palestinian people; an end to
"Plan Columbia"; the U.S. navy get out of Vieques; the
diversion of money from the Pentagon to invest in
social needs especially healthcare, drug
rehabilitation and housing; jobs and schools, not
prisons; and an end to globalization because it is
concentrating more wealth and power into fewer hands
while spreading misery, insecurity, poverty and
powerlessness across the planet.

The International Action Center, along with more than
300 other organizations, is doing grassroots
organizing that will ! make the January 20th protest
huge and effective.  Legal staff for the January 20th
protest is in negotiations with the various police
agencies in Washington D.C. to secure permits for the
protest where necessary.

Protest organizers are also insisting that they will
uphold their first amendment right to protest. They
are part of a class action lawsuit stemming from
Washington DC protests last April that charges the
Washington, D.C. police with violating the 1st and 4th
amendment rights of protesters during anti-IMF

Amongst the illegal measures that the Washington, D.C.
police are engaged in, and are currently being sued in
civil court over, are pre-demonstration raids on the
offices of organizers, preventive arrests of hundreds
of protesters for the sole purpose of interfering with
their right to demonstrate and arbitrarily using tear
gas and brutality against peaceful demonstrators.

Protesters will be gathering at 14th Street NW &
Pennsylvania Avenue at 10am.

Voter March


"Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the
winner of this year's presidential election, the identity of the loser is
perfectly clear. It is the nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial
guardian of the law." John Paul Stevens, U.S. Supreme Court Justice,
Dissent Opinion on Florida Vote Recount.

"The court, along partisan and ideological lines, voted to run out the
clock on the election," said a senior adviser who pointed out that the
court had about two weeks to give the Florida Supreme Court guidance on the
matter and never did. "It's very clear a partisan five-vote majority
constructed a way to hand the election to George Bush."

"The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government;
this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall
be by universal and equal suffrage..." Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, Article 21, Paragraph 3, adopted and proclaimed by the General
Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948.


The events in this Presidential Election and particularly in Florida are an
expose of the inadequacies of our election process. Our nation is a
republic and the model of democracy in the free world. The linchpin of a
democracy is the process by which we select our leaders. The right to vote
is one of our foremost constitutionally guaranteed rights as citizens of
this nation. It is now more clear than ever that election reform is needed.
Irrespective of the outcome of this election debacle, we urge all of you to
join the MILLION VOTER MARCH for voter rights and election reform.


The MILLION VOTER MARCHES are for voter rights and election reform. THE
platform is for the enactment of extensive and unprecedented election and
ballot reform. Foremost on the list will be the abolition or substantial
revision of the archaic electoral college. Other important issues are
ensuring that ballots are user friendly, ensuring that every vote is
counted fairly and accurately, eliminating the voter apathy that results in
half of the eligible voters not voting, providing more opportunities for
third parties, eliminating the disenfranchisement of individuals and
campaign finance reform.


The first of our National Marches, will be held on Friday, December 15,
2000, Bill of Rights Day and Human Rights Week, @ 3 pm to 5 pm, in New York
City, at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza Park, at 47th Street and First Avenue,
across from the United Nations, where the General Assembly is meeting that
day. White House Proclamation on Human Rights Day, Bill of Rights Day and
Human Rights Week. Speakers will include U.S. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
and U.S. Congressman Gerald Nadler.

Saturday, January 20, 2001, THE INAUGURAL VOTER MARCH:

On the date of the Presidential Inauguration, we will hold the Inaugural
Voter March in Washington, DC. We will join the Inauguration Parade as
voters in groups of less than 20 with our protest banners and express our
displeasure. Chartered buses will be bringing voters from various locations
throughout the United States to Washington, DC. You will be able to
purchase your confirmed round trip tickets over the internet.


The Million Voter March will be held on Sunday, May 6, 2001, in Washington,
DC. The Million Voter March is expected to be the most massive
demonstration in Washington, DC in the history of our nation. While the
primary focus of the march is to let the people be heard, the march will
also include prominent speakers and leading entertainment.

Civil rights leader calls for protest


JESSE JACKSON, the civil rights leader, called for massive non-violent
demonstrations yesterday against the US Supreme Court ruling that handed
George W. Bush the presidency.
The black leader, who spoke to Al Gore daily during the battle over Florida,
had said that if the court ruled against the Vice-President it would "create
a civil rights explosion".

"People will not surrender to this tyranny. We will fight back," he said.
Often the loudest and most incendiary voice in the dispute, Mr Jackson
provided the most vivid evidence yesterday of polarisation in the country.

"In Third World countries when democratically cast votes are not counted or
the person who most likely lost wins in a highly questionable manner, we
usually refer to that as a coup d'etat," he said.

"I see this decision as a potential threat to our democracy and potentially
destabilising to our democratic institutions. I see it as undermining the
legitimacy of a President Bush."

Mr Jackson, who had led calls for an investigation into allegations that
thousands of blacks were impeded from voting Democrat in Florida, had argued
that Mr Gore should not concede until the last legal option was exhausted. He
accused Mr Bush of stealing the election and cautioned that he would mobilise
protests against him.

"We will take to the streets, we will delegitimise Bush, discredit him, do
whatever it takes, but never accept him," he said, adding that the holiday in
honour of Martin Luther King, five days before the inauguration on January
20, should be marked by street demonstrations.

"We will not surrender our franchise," he said. Mr Jackson has also pledged
that his Rainbow/Push coalition would challenge the election by obtaining the
disputed ballots through Florida's open records law and count the votes
themselves. "We will know before January 20 that Gore got most of the
votes," he said.

Resentment looked certain to linger longest in Florida, where many will
remain convinced that Mr Gore was deprived of a rightful victory.

"I saw hundreds of votes not counted from Miami-Dade," Ion Sancho, a Leon
County election supervisor in charge of recounting ballots from Leon and
Miami-Dade counties before the count was suspended on Saturday, said. "We
examined 4,000 of those undervotes and I'm convinced we had a massive failure
in the punch-card ballot system. I believe we have not had an accurate count
of the vote in the state of Florida."

Democrat leaders refused to condemn Mr Jackson's words directly, angering
Republicans. "Anyone in a position of leadership in this country would have
to repudiate remarks like that," a spokeswoman for Dick Armey, the House
majority leader, said.

Liberal, Socialist Protestors to Target Bush Inauguration


(CNSNews.com) - More than 250 activist organizations have endorsed a
movement to protest the presidential inauguration Jan. 20, according to
documents posted on the International Action Center's Internet site.

Police in Washington, D.C. are prepared for the event, promising to
deputize nearly 1,000 officers from surrounding counties so that extra law
personnel might be on hand to quash any violent eruptions.

Metropolitan Police Chief Charles Ramsey did not return a telephone call
to comment on the specifics of the planned operation, but a department
spokesperson indicated that federal agencies such as the FBI would be on
alert as the demonstrations unfold.

"The recent election highlighted that racist disenfranchisement of voters
is a routine factor in U.S. politics. We will protest against all
manifestations of racism, racial profiling, and disenfranchisement," said
a statement from the International Action Center, a New York-based
activist organization whose members have spent the past days soliciting
the aid of interest groups for the planned inaugural protest.

Groups that have endorsed the event include numerous socialist
organizations, like the Workers World Party, whose members work to "defend
Socialist Cuba," the Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North
America, the Socialist Party of Greater Philadelphia, and the Metro D.C.
Committee of Correspondence, which claims it fights "for Democracy and

Others sanctioning the International Activist Center demonstration include
several organizations opposed to the death penalty, in favor of homosexual
rights, and in support of black civil liberties.

"We want our just inheritance," claimed one group involved in planning the
protest, the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America. "[We
want] the trillions of dollars due us for the labor of our ancestors who
worked for hundreds of years without pay. Reparations are needed to repair
the wrongs, injury, and damage done to us by the U.S. federal and state

Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson has also indicated he and his
followers will protest the election outcome during the Martin Luther King
holiday, which coincides with inaugural night events.

Never before in history, said Wendy Wright, director of communications for
Concerned Women for America, have inaugural demonstrations included such
divisive protests that are aimed more at "tainting the next four years of
the presidency" than conveying a peaceful message.

"The purpose of this protest is not to get a message across, but rather to
de-legitimize the president," Wright said. "Sometimes people can overplay
their hand. The country ... just wants to go forward. So a message like
this, that's hate-filled ... will turn most Americans away."

Wright also wondered how U.S. Park Police will react to the protestors.
During Bill Clinton's presidential inauguration, according to Wright,
pro-lifers were almost prevented from rallying near the parade route even
though they had obtained a permit to gather.

The U.S. Supreme Court intervened at the request of the anti-abortion
demonstrators, Wright said, allowing the rally to be held and ruling that
the Park Police had acted illegally by rescinding the permit.

"Will they have the same roadblocks? It will be curious to see if [Park
Police] will handle the liberal organizations the same way they handled
the conservative organizations," she said.

John Samples, director of the Center for Representative Government at the
Cato Institute said Vice President Al Gore could stop the divisive
protests, but wondered whether Gore's frustration out of losing by such a
narrow margin will allow him to intervene.

"We'll know a lot [Wednesday night] by the tone of his speech and what the
general outlook is. He basically has to go on the air and read his
obituary.  I honestly don't know ... if he can get over his general
disappointment about this" and adopt a conciliatory tone that serves to
unite the country.

Alexander Cockburn's 12/14 column


12.14.00 - On the one hand, the calls for "closure," "finality" and
national unity.  On the other, Justice John Paul Stevens' bitter summation:
"in the interests of finality, however, the majority (of the U.S. Supreme
Court) effectively orders the disenfranchisement of an unknown number of
voters whose ballots reveal their intent, and are therefore legal votes
under (Florida) state law, but were for some reason rejected by the
ballot-counting machines ... Although we may never know with complete
certainty the identity of the winner of this year's presidential election,
the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation's confidence
in the judge as an impartial guardian of the law."
Back in the 1980s, we radicals used to write about "demonstration
elections," conducted in Central American countries such as El Salvador at
the instigation of the U.S. government and micromanaged by the CIA. After
the money was appropriately spread around, the opposition's more tenacious
and principled leaders were either butchered by death squads or driven
underground, and the unruly poor thoroughly intimidated, the election
ritual would take place amid complacent orations about the democratic way
from North American commentators.
We've just had a peaceful and non-lethal version of these "demonstration
elections" in the state of Florida, and no calls for closure will erase
that national disgrace, least of all in the minds of those who were denied
their democratic rights. Don't forget, beyond those who made it to the
polls in Florida, there were those denied even the dubious benefits of that
access. Beyond the obsession about defiant punch card machines, obstacle
course ballots, and pregnant or hanging chads, there are more serious
issues that, in the miles of print written about the election in Florida,
have received barely a mention: the systematic intimidation of poor people,
blacks, Hispanics, immigrants and the disabled.
Try this story detailed by Ron Davis of Miami-Dade County. "Our family
always votes together. This year, it was my turn to drive. After work, my
wife Lisa and I borrowed a van from a friend and picked up my brother, my
parents and my uncle and aunt. About a block away from the polling place,
we were pulled over by a county sheriff. He looked in the van and asked me
if I had a chauffeur's license. I said, this is my family, and we're going
to vote. He said, 'You can't take all those people to the polling place
without a license. Go home, and I won't write you a ticket.' I was tired of
arguing. We went home, and all tried to vote later. But it was too late."
Or how about this, from Dave Crawford of Broward County: "I showed up at
the polling place with my 5-year-old daughter. I was stopped at the door by
an election official. He asked me my name. I told him. He said, 'Son, we've
got a problem. You're not allowed to vote.' I asked him what the hell he
was talking about. He said, 'Son, says here you're a convict. Convicts
can't vote.' He had this list in his hand. And I told him that I'd never
even been arrested in my life. I handed him my voter ID card. He just shook
his head, smiled and pointed at a list.  He never showed me my name. My
daughter began to cry, and I left in disgust."
On Nov. 7, across Florida, blacks and Hispanics turned out to vote in
record numbers. But tens of thousands of black voters were turned away from
the polls by hostile election workers who demanded voter ID cards, even
though those weren't required from white voters. Police set up roadblocks
in black precincts around Tallahassee. Polls in black precincts closed
early, often with dozens of voters waiting in line. Other polls were moved
from their original locations without notice. Dozen of black college
students who had registered this summer weren't permitted to vote.
In Duval County, a Republican stronghold, about 25,000 votes were tossed
out by the canvassing board. More than 17,000 of those came from black
precincts. To top it off, according to numerous accounts, election workers
regularly demeaned as being "dumb and retarded" those voters who asked for
help. Throughout Florida, more than 187,000 votes were dismissed, more than
half of them from black precincts.
There should be no closure on these outrages, even though it is hard to
imagine George W. Bush's Justice Department exerting itself in this regard.
Nor should there be closure on what Justice Stevens stigmatized as the
refusal, endorsed by the 5-4 U.S. Supreme Court majority, to recognize the
clear voting intentions of those who did managed to gain access to
Florida's dubious voting machines.
The saga of shenanigans in Florida has been a bracing civic education, not
least because we have learned to appreciate yet again that judges' politics
weigh far more strongly upon their opinion-forming faculties than a
thousand precedents in American constitutional law. A strict
constructionist on states' rights like Justice Scalia can become a
federalist overnight, when the chips are down.
It is true that little in the way of substantive issues separated Bush from
Gore.  That is surely why the Florida imbroglio has been so mostly
untroubling. Never has there been greater fuss over smaller stakes until we
come to Justice Stevens' bottom line. If this has been a constitutional
crisis, the fates gave us the right time to have one.

Linked stories:
Cybercrime pact steps on privacy, groups say
    The Global Internet Liberty Campaign, a coalition of 30
    civil-liberties groups, blasted a proposed computer-crime
    treaty, saying it favors law enforcement at the expense of
    individual privacy. (12/15/00)

Terrorism concerns may unleash CIA
    Concerns over terrorism are leading to calls for questionable new
    tactics, including restrictions that prevent the CIA from
    recruiting informants who have committed such abuses as torture.

Carnivore praised, criticized in 'independent review'
    A controversial group of government-approved researchers from the
    Illinois Institute of Technology concluded their report on the
    FBI's Carnivore e-mail snooping system with praise for the
    intrusive technology. Under fire from critics, they added
    recommendations for safeguards. (12/15/00)

Resistance Grows to Holiday Buying Blitz
What the Grinch found out the hard way, people around the country and
especially in Eugene are realizing in growing numbers. Shop 'til you drop
isn't good for yourself, society or the planet. (12-14-00)

Now what?
Bianca Jagger, Todd Gitlin, David Horowitz, Andrew Sullivan and  other
Salon panelists respond to the speeches by Vice President Al Gore and
President-elect George W. Bush.

Supreme Court to democracy: Drop dead
With a single rash, partisan act, the high court has tainted the Bush
presidency, besmirched its own reputation and soiled our nation's proudest

Planned Community Aimed at Gun Enthusiasts
A new development of one-acre home sites in Pahrump, Nev.
is being designed especially for gun enthusiasts, featuring
12 shooting ranges, a town armory and a training course.

Corporate Democracy; Civic Disrespect
by James K. Galbraith
With the events of late in the year 2000, the United States left behind
constitutional republicanism, and turned to a different form of
government. It is not, however, a new form. It is rather, a transplant,
highly familiar from a different arena of advanced capitalism.

Florida Dispatch: 36 Days in the Life of a Recount Observer
The ecstasy and agony of life as a legal strategist during the battle over
Public Support Grows for Drug Decriminalization
Public support for the U.S. anti-drug campaign is waning, as
more people put their support behind decriminalization.

Internet threatened by regulation
    The once-free online world, which operated under government radar,
    is threatened by a host of legislation on privacy, taxation and
    copyright. (12/29/00)

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."
         -Jim Dodge
"Communications without intelligence is noise;
intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
         -Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
"It is not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society."
         -J. Krishnamurti
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